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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

William Was pleased to see the fish. "That will be tasty."

William shrugged at the mention of his injury, he ignored the pain as best as he could but still winced a little. "You would be suprised at what I can do still." William twirled his sword staff one handed and just as he was going to stick the pole end in the ground it flew out of his hand and landed blade end first in the ground a couple feet away. William looked down sighed and went over to grab it. "That usually does not happen." He retrieved his blade and returned to Leo. "Really though I think we can have a good spare I'm trying to improve my one handed attack anyway."

Sunny made herself right at home in the phoenix lodge! She had forgone her armor and was laying about in her dayclothes, lounging and playing her lute and singing and generally just being a big noisy burden. This time she was laying beneath a tree and singing something about the butterflies that fluttered about her. She wasn't even practicing with her sword or anything. Kyou said something about 'missions' that they had to be ready for. She didn't know what that meant, but she'd listen to anything Kyou said, he was a friend!

(open to interaction from anybody)


Perala had spent much of her day studying as per usual. She...really just had to accept that she couldn't fight. But she had to prove herself useful in some aspects! So she had been brewing up some potions in the kettle usually used for cooking, using Ruru as a test subject. Maybe it was inhumane, but Ruru didn't seem to mind it too much.

LOOK! LOOK! YOU GIVE RURU...POINTY HEAD HORN! the horse was practically screaming in Perala's head as she pranced around, swishing and stabbing her unicorn horn in the air. NOW RURU FIGHTS!

"Calm down!" Perala sighed with exasperation, grabbing Ruru by the horn and looking her right in the eyes. "This potion's a dud. What use would anyone need a horn fooooorrr OOOHH MY GOSH!" she screeched in surprise when she heard the shout from the lodge, and then a second yell of pain, and then an angry whinny when she squeezed and jerked Ruru's horn much too hard. "Ah, don't bite!"

Ruru snapped her teeth at Perala, deciding that this was enough experimenting for the day, and galloped back towards the stables to show Lin her fancy new horn. Perala could only sigh and bottle up her potions, looking back to the lodge. People yelled a lot here, it was kind of hard to get a moment for herself to think quietly. Maybe she could tell these people to be a little more quieter.

She tracked down the sound of the second shout, finding Aedan at the bottom of the stairs with a very impressive bruise starting to form on his forehead.

"Excuse me," she said in a small but obviously irritated and kind of snooty voice. "Do you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to study."

She looked at the bottle of unicorn horn potion in her hand, then looked back at Aedan. With a little bit of a smirk, she tossed it towards him. "This will help the pain."

Cursing and spitting while stars twinkled about in his eyes, the overgrown man took a minute to collapse heavily on the bottom stair with his face planted in his hands. He would palm at the great goose egg of a bruise slowly forming there while squinting about for the source of the scream.

"Son of a ... "

Whoever screamed BETTER be dying or I swear to Doreem they're going to be!

Augh ..."

He shook his head blearily and blinked twice more. When he opened them the second time, he found himself staring into the unamused expression of the short little fey he had teased back in Halmast. She looked as austere and no-nonsense as he'd ever seen her.

Do you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to study!"

He looked at her slowly and then glanced to the set up she had going on at the table with vials, scrolls, and all kinds of shit that gave him a headache ( on top of the one he already had) just looking at it. He looked back at her with a seething expression and rubbed his head hard as he stood up and finally ducked underneath the door.

Who ... who screamed?"

He looked around but didn't really see anyone other than them. His expression darkened a little as he looked back and observed the settings she had going on with the little pony over in the corner.

You really spend all this time up in here ... studying?"

Jeez, he didn't envy her in the slightest. The thought of spending all day cooped up indoors without even touching a sword once made him antsy as all get out.

As she handed him a funny-smelling concoction and told him it would help with the pain, he gave it an awkward sniff as if to say 'what in the actual fuck is this shit?'. He did consider her overall smarter than himself, however, and after a hesitant moment downed the mixture she offered. He regretted this almost instantly and wretched as if trying to spit it back out almost as soon as he took it.

Gods ... what IS this? Are you trying to poison me?!"

Oooooh dear~
< @Whisker @Witchy >

[if you want, feel free to finish what you were doing ^_^ ]

< @Kirito Kei @Whisker @ChristinaXIV @Daimao @LeSoraAmari @Fezzes @snowy raven @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @bourgeoisiemustache @Macbeth @Calibutcher @Yonsisac >

The next day, about seven in the morning, Vala came out from a meeting with Kyou, looking a bit scared.Nevertheless, she calls the Phoenixes again to convince in the hall, now with a round table, library, and other amenities. "We have our next contract. To tell you, I now give the floor to our leader, Kyou." Vala says, nowhere near as bubbly as she should be.She doesn't even blush when saying Kyou's name.

[ @Kirito Kei ]
While Kyou waited for Vala to gather the others, he rested his head in his hands. He was slightly tired from the date he had with Vala yesterday. First, they went clothe shopping. Kyou was not prepared for the immense amount of time that it took Vala to choose what she was going to buy. He spent most of the time giving his opinion of whether or not she would look good in the clothes or not. Eventually, he just said yes to everything she asked. She ended up buying a assortment of things.

After that little shopping trip, the two went to the festival of Yunich. The two bought food, played games, it was lots of fun. Though Vala eventually got drunk and passed out so Kyou had to carry her back home. All in all, it was a fun night.

As people started to pour into the room, Kyou yawned as he composed himself. He was wearing his normal black cloak with a interesting set of ringmail armor on. Both of his swords clattered at his side as he prepared to speak.

"Ok so, here's the deal. A few days ago, I took a little trip into Yunich to see if the good ol' Mayor George had any work for us. Turns out, he did indeed run into some trouble. As most of you probably know, after we conquered the Bloody Hounds' hideout, I decided to give the leader, a man by the name of Xzavier Curze, to the town of Yunich so he could account for his crimes. The town decided that he should serve as a penal soldier and sent him to guard caravans under supervision. The last caravan he guarded, was found in shambles. Everything was plundered, and all the soldiers dead. Xzavier however, was nowhere to be found."

Kyou leaned forward in his seat as he said the next part.
"This part however, it the thing that interests me the most. Apparently, George has reason to believe that Xzavier wasn't the reason behind this. Curze was a loyal warrior and did everything he was told. I find this considerably hard to believe, considering that 'Pirel' was found written on the side of the wagon. Sounds to me like Pirel freed his little buddy."

Kyou gave a few seconds to wait for everything to sink in. He looked around at everyone before he spoke again.
"As for who'll be working on this job, I specially request that Lin and Nyvrell accompany us on this endeavor. Nyvrell, so I can see what she's capable of, and Lin, for a special reason. As most of you will probably have guessed, we have been tasked with finding Xzavier and unraveling the mystery as to who attacked the caravan. For this, we'll use Kalryn's dogs to sniff out Curze. This is where Lin comes in. He is our local animal handler and could aid the wolfs in their search."

Kyou looked at Vala with a worried look on his face. It was evident that she wasn't feeling herself. Perhaps she was scared that the guild was pursuing Pirel? Regardless, Kyou wasn't going to let Pirel get his evil fingers on her again.

"Vala, I would like for you to stay here with Keira and hold down the fort. Speaking of Keira, I advise that you all get a bite to eat before we leave, considering that the caravan was destroyed on the southern road. It'll take us five hours to get there and I have no intention of stopping for food brakes. Everyone understand? Oh and by the way, the compensation will involve a bigger shipment of supplies than before."

< @Whisker @ChristinaXIV @Daimao @LeSoraAmari @Fezzes @snowy raven @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @bourgeoisiemustache @Macbeth @Calibutcher @Yonsisac >
Before the Meeting

Kalryn was on the roof of the lodge, his legs dangling over the edge as he watched over the landscape. It was an interesting thing, watching like this. He got used to the patterns of the area; the swaying of the trees, the movements of the animals, the feel of the wind, the songs of birds, and any of the other tiny intricacies of nature. When Vala had come out and called for a meeting, Kalryn had been startled, jerking in surprise and almost falling off the ledge. Instead he managed to stay on, and made his fall dignified. Once everyone had assembled, he entered with the rest.

During the Meeting

After Kyou had finished speaking, Kalryn was irritated at Kyou's conclusion. "Cruze said he was tortured by Pirel and his actions were not his own. He was being controlled. Pirel and Cruze would not be friends, and I doubt Cruze would want to return to him. Pirel is an evil person, I'd say it is just Pirel being an arsehole to Cruze. Sounds in character for him." That was the most words he'd spoken in a month.

@Kirito Kei
Durzol sighed in relief as the warrior fell to the ground. He had put up quite a fight and for a second there, he began to climb off the roof until he noticed the scene going on below. The warrior introduced herself as Sunshine! Durzol felt embarrassed for identifying her as a him but, to him Drakes only had two sizes, large and extra large. It was only due to his half human heritage that he was so teeny. In fact, his mother towered almost two feet over his father. He guessed the man just loved big women.

He scampered down from the roof and put his gear away. He then went inside with Nyvrell and sat. They chatted for a bit about the guild. He wanted to bring her shopping, but after all that excitement he wasn't sure if he wanted to ask. He decided he'd save it for a later date. She'd had a bit of a rough time coming here as well and he wanted her to feel welcome in her new home. He left her to her own devices for a while, knowing that she probably didn't like him hovering around her. He went into the woods, this time not encountering anyone. He picked a few mushrooms that he knew could cause irritability on the skin and in the eyes. He wanted to start working on a new type of poison, a poison that could be dispensed through an object. He wanted to be able to spray it on his opponent's eyes and have them not be able to see. It would almost be like a perfume dispenser, in effect. Although he needed it to have more range to get the desired effect.

He went back to the lodge and secluded himself in a corner. The mushrooms would be easiest to get right. He mashed them down on a piece of bark using a rock he had found. He ground them all down until they were viscous and almost had a consistency of snot. Then he poured it into a bowl, added a drip of his scale juice and stirred it, trying not to get it on his clothes or the floor. Then, he put it into a small vial that he kept in his bag for safekeeping. The next part was harder. Many people didn't know this about him, but Durzol was very fond of science. He loved to make experiments and test things out. Of course, that was all limited to poisons. But nonetheless, the feeling that experimentation and trials gave him could be parred with no other.

What he needed was a nozzle that allowed him to create a stream of fast moving air that would probably come from a hand pump of some kind. When air was blown into the nozzle, it would have to follow the path that he had laid out for it. It would curve upward and then downward around. This would then create a difference in pressure from the top of the tube and the bottom of the tube that would allow liquid from the bottle to be pushed upward into the stream of air. Durzol couldn't explain why this worked, but he knew after numerous times of doing experiments that this was the best way to make a spray nozzle.

The problem was that he needed the nozzle to be made of metal and Durzol had no metalworking abilities. He crossed his arms over his chest, sullenly. He didn't know who was a metal smith in this guild. He didn't want to go into town because he was a cheapskate and he didn't want to spend the precious gold he had earned. But this would make it so much easier... Well, he'd just have to wait then. He had dug out a little hole in the wall where he stored all his poisons and put the small vial inside. He'd ask around....


The next morning Durzol awoke before dawn and bathed in the river. He then went back inside the lodge. There, Kyou and Vala had everyone gathered around. He found Nyvrell in the crowd and bid her a good morning. As Kyou described the situation, his expression darkened. He thought Pirel had died, but the more pessimistic side to him acknowledged that that was just wishful thinking.

"Cruze said he was tortured by Pirel and his actions were not his own," said Kalryn. "He was being controlled. Pirel and Cruze would not be friends, and I doubt Cruze would want to return to him. Pirel is an evil person, I'd say it is just Pirel being an arsehole to Cruze. Sounds in character for him."

"I would like to think that," Durzol said quietly. "But we have no idea. I've killed men who were probably under spells, but that doesn't undo the bad things they've done. Whatever his case is, we should find him..."


-Durzol is looking for a metal worker

-Durzol is conversing with Kyou and Kalryn

@Fezzes @Kirito Kei
Kyou folded his hands as he listened to Kalryn and Durzol converse. "Yes, Curze was under Pirel's control. Under Pirel's control, him and his guild plundered this land and prospered. There is one fact that is undeniable, though Curze may not have like it, he is extremely effective at what he does. I don't know about you, but if I were Pirel, I wouldn't let one of my most useful tools get away that easily."

Aedan said nothing as the facts were presented and continued brooding into his mug of ale. It should be noted among the others that he had chosen a seat as far away from Perala as he possibly could but was looking like his usual stoic self. His bandages from the first fight against Curze had finally been allowed to come off and normally he would be looking happy about the fact. Now he was just eerily calm in the face of this new threat towards his Guild.

After Kyou had finished talking, the blonde-haired warrior tipped his ale back and drained the whole cup before finally spitting out what was on his mind.

"Isn't it all a bit too convenient, though? First Bloody Hounds show up on our lands, then William gets attacked, and now that bastard Curze has gone missing? Something about the whole thing makes my nose twitch ..."

Either this Pirel guy suddenly grew a whole lot of balls and confidence in the two weeks since his Guild was destroyed, or the whole damn thing was some kind of trap. Didn't really matter which it turned out to be because Aedan wasn't enthused about either.

Why even go around carving your name into stuff and announce what you're doing? Either this Pirel guy is a special kind of narcissist, stupid, or he's trying to get a reaction."

He was sure of it ... and it kind of made him unsettled. He was glad to have a purpose to be wielding his sword again, but walking into some kind of obvious plot was making him grimace. That wasn't to say he wouldn't go, of course. He'd managed to bring Curze down the first time and he'd sure as HELL do it again if the guy turned out to be every bit the rat he'd thought he was when he tried to lop his head off back in the cave.
Durzol nodded at Aedan's explanation of the situation. "Aedan is right. Although we need to find Curze, we should be careful about where we step. Finding ourselves between a rock and a hard place is not what we want to do. We need to catch Curze, that fact is undeniable, but we need to be cautious. Sending out the entire Guild might be playing right into his hands. We should send out a scout team... Just for safety's sake. You never know what could be out there, Kyou. It can report back to you and tell you about the scene."

Durzol folded his arms. Pirel was a smart man, well versed in magic and trickery. If he wanted them to walk into a pit filled with lions, they' probably do it. His perverse illusions could be his main weapons against them.

@Whisker @Fezzes @Kirito Kei
Before the meeting.

William had become quite frustrated at his fail earlier of being unable to spin his staff one handed, so he had stayed down by the lake practicing that and some other moves he could do one handed. Luckily he did not have any more slip ups and wa content to head back to Phoenix rest. Once there he spent some time working on his blade it had not been sharpened recently so he took some time to make sure the blade was as it should be he also checked to make sure all the moving parts on it were still moving smoothly.

During the meeting.

William did not really have anything to add he already new Pirel was out causing trouble his arm was a testament to that. William simply sat and listened until scouting was brought up. Then he perked up in his chair.

"I will volunteer to scout this op out. I agree with Durzol as well we need to see what we can learn first, also I do not think I will be joining this fight as I am not in the condition to do so..." William looked down he wanted to go but being one handed would make him more of a burden then anything. " I will volunteer to stay behind and keep an eye on Phoenix rest though" William already knew waht he would do if he stayed behind he would do everything he could to be ready next time, Also he would be spending some time upgrading his gear, That was all however if he was actually staying. He would let Kyou decide for the good of the team.

@Kirito Kei
Kalryn nodded; Durzol's suggestion made sense. "It's a gamble. Every second we waste gives Pirel time. However, that's nothing when there's the possibility of a trap on the table." He inclined his head towards Durzol, indicating an agreement with him. "I still refuse to believe Cruze is willfully in alignment with Pirel. He's under Pirel's control again." The man may have done bad things, but magical control had a habit of compelling people to do things they didn't really want to do. Cruze seemed genuinely repentant when he snapped out of being controlled. There was always the possibility of Cruze being a very good actor, but that seemed very distant in the face of his monumental skill in other areas. Few people could do that.

@Calibutcher @Kirito Kei @bourgeoisiemustache @Whisker
@bourgeoisiemustache @Kirito Kei

"Not that simple."

He was thinking more now and the strategic mind was whirring with thoughts as he tried to work his way into Pirel's head. It was a difficult task given how little he actually knew of the guy but he continued to announce his thoughts just in case something rang true.

I told you yesterday what I would do if I were in Pirel's shoes, did I not?"

This was aimed towards Durzol though he wouldn't be surprised if the man didn't remember. There had been a lot going at the time what with the two Drake-kin showing up along with some of the Hounds.

If I were in his shoes, I'd want to stretch the Guild as thin as possible. Pick the members off one by one (I'm sure some he'd love to enslave) as the whole group has proven dangerous. Leave Kyou and Vala for last. Torturing them and humiliating them as failures would be just the thing people like him would want to do."

It differed from Aedan who would just have wanted to kill Kyou and watch the Guild fall apart. No, such thinking was not in the books for people like Pirel, however.

But then again, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong. I still suggest keeping the scout party to only a few who are able to track and remain undetected. Maybe make some signals in case someone is compromised. Have a back up squad ready to go here at the Rest. The more of us we can keep together the better our chances."

Kyou simple rubbed his eyes as he listened to everyone's suggestions and theories as to what Pirel was up to. Maybe it was the lack of sleep causing his mind to become cloudy. In a calm tone, he addressed everyone.

"Listen, from what I've seen, Pirel is absolutely ruthless. No matter how we look at the situation, that will never change. I could sent one person, or I could send us all; that doesn't change the simple fact that Pirel will find a way to turn the situation bad. We know next to nothing about this man. We don't know what he's capable of, what his goals are, or even how many people he has on his side. We simply don't have enough information, and without information, it's impossible to plan. For example, if I send a scouting party to the location and Pirel is there, then what? He might just kill them, or he might mind control them as well and send them back here to kill us! Oh, he could even capture them and use them as bait! Now, I'm not saying that this is not a trap, because it probably is, but by me sending most of us, I am ensuring that we have the highest chance of survival. And as for Curze, I could care less about him, he's just another tool in Pirel's tool box whether he likes it or not."

Kyou leaned back in his chair, waiting for what his guild members had to say next.

@Calibutcher @Fezzes @bourgeoisiemustache @Whisker
Aedan stopped talking as the leader addressed them all again. He listened vaguely with empty mug in hand and finally nodded because the plan sounded acceptable. He generally agreed with the premise that keeping as much of the Guild together as they possibly could was the highest chance they had of surviving the encounters. After all, would Pirel be so foolish as to try to attack them all head on after losing to them that way the first time?

"Very well. As long as most of us stay together we should be alright."

There was no denying that point. It was time for them to start coming together as a team and war band and act like it.

And Vala and Keira? You feel comfortable leaving them here alone while we are gone? Probably be better off sending them to town where people can look after them."

They were after all known by Pirel. All of them would be familiar except for perhaps ...that new big one that had arrived the day before.

@Kirito Kei
Durzol scowled but Kyou and Aedan had a point... Going together would mean safety in numbers.

"I guess you're right," he said. "But you know the feeling that you get when you know something just isn't right? That's what I'm getting here... But, whatever we do I guess we'll end up fighting with Pirel anyways and that doesn't worry me. We beat him once, we can beat him again!"

He puffed out his chest and clapped Aedan on the back, jollily.

@Whisker @Kirito Kei @Fezzes
Kyou looked over to Aedan. "I suppose you are correct, however this leads back to what I just said. If I send Vala and Keira to the town, what's stopping Pirel from coming here? He could booby-trap this entire place and we wouldn't even know, or he could send some of his forces to the caravan and have them tire use out. By time we get back here, Pirel would have no problems with killing all of us while we aren't at full strength. Now I know what your thinking: 'But Kyou, what's stopping Pirel from coming here and killing Vala and Keira?'. My answer for that is: nothing. You have to understand that no matter which choice we make, there will always be a downside. The only thing we can do is hope."
William put his face in his hands for a moment he was trying to think, everyone hear had a good point they were all right in one way or another the issue was not there plan the issue was Pirel he was so unknown so unpredictable trying to think like him was probably not even good for one's health. William had an idea though but not one he wanted to say out loud. He did however think he wanted to stay. However he did have one thing to say. "Kyou I am staying behind on this one, That way none of you will have to worry about Base or the others I can take care of that much."

@Kirito Kei
The others had points. "I'm not so sure of our chances..." Kalryn trailed off his head swiveled slightly towards Kyou. Under the hood was a thoughtful, contemplative look in his eyes. "I didn't see what happened in the fight. Pirel was beating Kyou easily, then Pirel was 'dead'." Of course, Kyou was right. Pirel would be outmaneuvering them at every turn if their last encounter was anything to go by. There wasn't much they could really do but walk into the trap. "Sending everyone into the trap doesn't sit right, but it is seemingly the best choice. Ants. Apart, nothing. Together, unstoppable." That was a nice bit of wisdom. He almost hoped that someone would note that down. It sounded like a proverb of old.

At William's suggestion, Kalryn was shaking his head immediately. "You will accomplish nothing. One of us could not hope to keep the noncombatants safe from Pirel, nor Cruze."

@Calibutcher @Kirito Kei @Whisker @bourgeoisiemustache
Aedan glanced over at Durzol as the man clapped a hand on his back.

"I agree with you. The whole thing has a bad air around it. But then again, what job have we undertaken thus far that has not had that same stink? If it wasn't for everyone working together we probably wouldn't be sitting around even having this conversation to begin with."

He turned back to Kyou and studied him intently for a moment with a searching look.

You're willing to risk them to take that chance? Knowing that this is the part that could fail?"

Tactics was simply but another fancy word for minimizing risk. Aedan wasn't quite sure he was willing to risk Vala and Kiera on a theory he might booby trap the place given that Pirel could probably just kill them and do so anyway if he so chose. Of course, he was also not in charge ... and knew this by eventually bowing his head.

As you say. It is hard to know what to do with those who will remain behind."

He looked over at William with an uneasy grimace.

I don't fancy being in your boots. Sounds like you'd have a harder time than any of us."

The branded warrior stroked his chin as he studied William from across the table while waiting for Kyou to speak. He nodded at Kalryn when he spoke but did not dismiss the idea completely. After all, it was largely up to Kyou who would be going and staying.

You know that there are other ways for you to be useful than just fighting? Your tracking skills are superior to most of us ... and there will be non-combatants among us who will require assistance and protection just as well. Why not come?"

@Calibutcher @Kirito Kei @Fezzes @bourgeoisiemustache

Kyou grimaced slightly at Aedan's words. He hoped that he wouldn't have to say it, but it seems that he had no choice.

"This might seem cruel and selfish, but just hear me out. As the leader, I have to look at the bigger picture. In other words, I have to worrie about the needs of the many before I worry about the needs of the few."

Kyou began to choke on his words as he continued to speak. "It... is true that Pirel could kill Vala and Keira and still booby-trap this place... but if he did that... we would at least know something was up when we didn't see Vala or Keira. If... I were to send them somewhere else... we would have absolutely no clue what Pirel did to this place. I would be... excessively endangering ALL of our lives simply because I decided to make sure that the other two were safe. Now let me ask you a question: if you had to choose between Vala and Keira's lives, and lives of the rest of us, who would you pick?"
William thought for a moment Aedan was right he could still come along and be of use, Not exactly the ideal situation but he would be helpful still, and seeing as Kyou would rather leave the base unattended he decided it would be better to come along after all. "Your right Aedan, I will come along still as a scout and support for the noncombatants. I'll do the best I can at least."

@Whisker @Kirito Kei
< @Kirito Kei @Whisker @ChristinaXIV @Daimao @LeSoraAmari @Fezzes @snowy raven @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @bourgeoisiemustache @Macbeth @Calibutcher @Yonsisac >

Lin, who had been shaking as soon as his role had been stated, shook his head. "L-l-l-lord K-kyou? You have said I am g-going, a-and so I w-will... b-but I r-really don't want to die!" Nyvrell, standing beside him, nodded. "I do not believe that either of us would be of much use in combat. And if we go, might we present more of a liability than an asset? I can defend myself however, and probably the boy as well, but only from a few men." She then sighs, and moves around to each phoenix, giving them a small ceramic jar."This is a simple healing paste I can make. It won't be as effective as when you submit to a full healing, but it should keep you in the fight."

[ACQUIRED (ALL) - Nyvrell healing pot I x1 - Lowers all wounds by one level. Usable once only.]

When she finished, she lingered around Durzol. "And to answer your question... I find it applaudable how you would sacrifice your love for the good of the group." At that, Vala stepped in, while Keira just left, happy to go about her cooking. "Kyou... is looking out for everyone's best interests in the best way he can. And... being Pirel's love slave for so long... gave me an insight of how he works. He... won't strike. Not yet. He thinks he's a cat at a mousehole. He will toy with us for as long as he can, before making any large move." She says, shrinking into her chair. "He did that to me... he toyed with me, 'stoking my fires', he called it... until I was begging for..." She stopped talking, shaking heavily now.
Kyou simply listened as Lin and Nyvrell spoke. However, it was when Vala began to speak that his expression completely changed.

'Love Slave'

Was there really such a thing? If someone really loved someone, would they call that person their slave? Kyou was angered to no end and he felt as if he could go to caravan himself. He felt as if he could fight Pirel and whatever army he had and kill them all. Alas, Kyou knew that that couldn't possibly happen.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Don't worry Vala. I'll make sure he pays for what he did..."

@The Mythic Dragon
William was affected by Vala's shudder he could only imagine what she had been through, He could see the cold look in Kyou's eye's as he promised he would make Pirel pay. William saw that the mood was darkening here it almost made him want to shudder. He thought for a moment before deciding what to say. He adressed Kyou specifically but spoke so all could heat. "First off I will be able to watch over Linn and Nyvrell to make sure they are unharmed I can do that much at least, Also have we considered that this might not all be as bad as we think? Yes it sounds like a trap and maybe it is. But so what if we spring it expecting a trap is it really a trap? plus we have made it through some tough battles now. with some good preparation we should be able to come out on top. we are the Ascending Phoenixes after all we have that name for a reason." William stopped he felt like he was talking maybe a little too much he looked around for everyone's reaction and hoped something positive would pop up.

@Kirito Kei

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