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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)


Five Thousand Club

Character List

< @snowy raven - Amaya Delphindra >

@Kirito Kei - Kyou Kei >

@bourgeoisiemustache - Durzol Naghat >

@LeSoraAmari - Leo Davies >

@Whisker - Aedan Galtero >

@Calibutcher - William Radick >

@Yonsisac - Markov Solotov Voichek >

@Fezzes - Kalryn Porlege >

@FlawlezFalcon - Sky Malekikoera >

@Witchy - Perala Polypora & Sunny >

@Daimao - Aias Herwraek >

@Macbeth - Reith >

@ChristinaXIV - Christina Vanguard >

@JishinAkuma - Axel Crow >

Hall of Lost Souls

< @Skull Knight - Alexander Corvo > - Left after the battle of Halmast

Halmast, a large town in the kingdom of Virnon, near the southern border, along the eastern coast. Home to a large crafting guild run be the Tiamas family, one that specializes in building boats of all kinds. In the center lies the mansion of the Tiamas family, and outside its gate stands a pair of large, burly guards. They were told to expect some possibly odd and unsavory characters, but they did not know exactly what to expect. So when wannabes and mercenaries from all over showed up, they barred the gate.

Eventually, The heir of the Tiamas family came to the gate. She was a beautiful youth, tall and thin, sparkling blue eyes and burgundy hair that reached to the middle of her back. She looked over the crowd with a faint air of amusement, and made an announcement. "I welcome you all to my home! We have a special job for you, but first, a small tournament. Those who I deem worthy will enter, the rest will leave!" She yelled, making the crowd both groan and cheer, some even leaving before the fights begin.

[Okay guys and gals, make your introduction posts. Once everyone (Except perhaps @Whisker) posts, I will move forward]
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"I just *Hic*....Know that my Bro...is out there...Kicking ass like me.....do he su-*Hic*...Sucks....i beat him more that 20 times at the age of 16 *Hic*...I just...Gota- *BUMP*"

Once again...Markov the great Draconian Pure Blood has turn to the Pure Drunk once again but this time i the town of Halmast,he was holding a Mug of ale o his hand as he would go limp and slam his face on the wooden table as he sits on the stool,there were people around laughing and drinking like ussualy at a in,markov was here to take some free time after goig out and geting in a fight with a few small beast,his masive blade was leaning beside him on the table,he was not THAT drunk but this is the Minimal belive it or not,wen he is REALLY drink his cheeks turn blue and he acts like a old man being Young again,do there was no time for that now as he needed to get in the Turnament that he heard and aswell saw on his way here as that was the reson he was here,after spending a few Minues laying his head on the table he would raise it up land rub his head as he had a little headache,as he rub his head he would sigh as he needs to stop drinking a little,looking around he would look down at his neck and see the white snake Coild around it,he smiled seeing Pixy was fine and asleep oddly,"well...better not waste any more time..."he said to himself befor standing up from the stool,Grabing the large blade he would holster it on his back,giving a sigh he would cross his arms as a seriuse face from earlier would returne,his masive wings would wrap around him like a cloak covering his body only his head,neck and half of his legs were visible,with a sigh he would walk out of teh Inn little dizzy from the drinking,looking to his left not far was Tiamas family Mansion were he needed to go,rolling his eyes and seriuse face coming he would begine his walk towards the mansion,as he did he would feel Pixy Moving,seeing the snake hang from his neck as it looks around,he gave a weak smile and said "You sleep alot Pixy....just stay awake for now got that?"he said as the snake would look up and give a not,soon looking foward as he walk making his way towards the mansion.

As he made it towards he gate he would see 2 guards at it,giving a seriuse narrow look in his eyes he would aproche them and say in a rather deep voice "
Excuse me....but im here for the Tiamas family Tournament...this is the place correct?"he ask the guards as the tall draconian stand there.as he alredy had done everything needed as he dint walk Miles yes WALK all the way here for nothing.

(Like this? Im not sure if we control the guards
:/ and sorry for grammar in a Hurry)
“Are you lost, young lass?” questioned a sweet roll vendor. Irritated, Amaya lifted her gray cloak away from her face and scowled. A detriment of being short statured, being mistaken as a child. The human vendor was taken aback once he saw a glimpse of her canines and started to anxiously perspire. Then Amaya maintained her composure once more and cleared her throat. Facing the vendor, she replied, “No, I am not. Thank you for your concern. Two sweet rolls please.” He responded with “That will be four iron.” Amaya scavenged her messenger bag for her coin purse. By the time she found it and handed him the coin, a short line had already formed. She took two from the display and sat on a nearby bench.

She needed a large amount of coin in a short amount of time, and new daggers, badly. She would be at a disadvantage with chipped and rusted weapons. Diving straight into the competition would be foolish, so Amaya planned to enter when the weak were weeded out, and she could analyze the amount of skill needed to be hired for that high paying job. Tournaments in Virnon were highly uncommon, instead people participated in art or crafting competitions. Battle prowess in Kimel was to artistic (or functional) sensitivity in Virnon. Amaya snarfed down the first sweet roll, and slowly savored the second. A masked man in purple robes enthusiastically shouted “For those who wish to participate go to the red booth for your number!” Amaya thought damn, no late registrations allowed.
'Hmm, lots of interesting people here...'

Kyou walked around the courtyard. 'Who'll be my next target? I probably could get a decent amount from anyone here.'

Kyou had came here simply because he heard a job was proposed, and gold was involved. After all, he couldn't make a living of pick-pocketing forever.

Kyou bumped into a unsuspecting adventurer. "Hey, watch where the hell your going!"

"Sorry! My mind was in the clouds..."

"Yeah its cool. Just make sure you pay attention next time."

Kyou walked away with his head down low. When the adventurer was out of sight, Kyou through the bag of money into the air that he had just stole from the man.
'Just like taking candy from a baby.'

Earlier, Kyou had gotten a good look at the heir of the Tiamas Family. 'That was a wonderful broad. I'll take her over the money, any day.' Kyou realized what he had been thinking. 'Now is not the time. It seems as if it is about to begin...'
Kalryn Porlege was not in the best way. He'd been chased out of Moraan and into Virnon by a particularly determined group of bandits. The chase had run him ragged, something a night in the tavern mostly solved. He still had a few cuts and bruises from the first encounter with the group; a skirmish which he got the worse end of. In any case, he was out of his field and in need of money. He spent the morning doing some more of his daily practice with his Willcasting, pushing the limits of his mental endurance and spell power just a tiny edge further. He concluded the morning by sparring with one of the beams in his room briefly, then coming out into the common area to eat breakfast; a meal of a little bread and some warm soup.

With that concluded, Kalryn resolved to look for work. He thanked the innkeeper for his service, then slid off his stool and shuffled out of the inn. A respectable establishment, the River's Anvil seemed to be. After a few hours looking around for any employees, he finally arrived at the Tiamas Family Home, where he gathered that an offer of work, with a tournament to determine who was worthy being held beforehand. Not the most suitable arrangement, but it would have to do. He stalked over to the red booth to collect his number. Nine, whatever that meant. It seemed he would find out in a little while, though. For now he sat down and focused his mind for the upcoming tournament. He felt his will hardening as his meditation grew deeper. Deeper. Deeper...
Sky walked with a determined step. Her brown eyes narrowed in on the one place she knew she needed to be, the Tiamas mansion. Her bare feet made no sound against the ground as she traveled. Her dual sided sword strapped to her narrow back in a strange sling. It made it easy for her to sheath and unsheathe, but if someone else tried to pull it from her they would have massive trouble. A vendor on the side of the road was calling to her about buying some sort of trinket. Her eyes grazed him briefly before continuing on her mission. The people of this place may have need for such small trinkets, but she didn't. As she passed the citizens of Halmast, it seemed that people were gawking at her.

"What is she wearing?"


"Why would a wood fey be here"

the mumbling echoed around her but she ignored it. "Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina" she muttered back at them. (translates to "You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny"). As she approached the large gates, she noticed many others had begun to gather as well. Her hands balled into a fist as she glared at the guards that stood as a road block. Sky grumbled to herself, looking for someone who know the answer to the delay. She heard mumbles of a tournament and her eyes flashed. Great she thought I come for work and now I must prove my worth? And they call me a savage. Sky sat down near some man who was meditating. He didn't seem to be waking soon, so she figured if she sat near him, no one else would bother her.
"Halmast, what an incredible place" Spoke Leo, quietly to himself, as he approached the large town, going through the main gates as the guards that stood there stared him down. Leo could hear one of them muttering something about "A child wielding swords" entering the town, but he ignored it and carried on walking. Usually he'd put the person in their place but he didn't really fancy spending his future days behind bars for threatening behaviour- and most likely assault, that wouldn't be a good first impression to have.

As he walked the streets his eyes immediately gazed upon the surroundings. "This place is much more different then Kimel, it's intriguing..." He sighed slightly as he spoke to himself once more and kept walking, to be quite honest, Leo felt out of place. Looking around at the bustling streets, seeing all the people wandering around doing their daily business. And then you see Leo, the "baby-faced" boy from Kimel. People where looking at him, he started to get slightly uncomfortable but put up with it, he just wanted to quench the thirst that his blades had succumbed to. And the way things were heading, it was likely that one of these citizens would become the victim.

Leo sighed as he finally managed to get to the designated located, the Tiama family estate. He found it absurd that he had to 'Prove his worth' to be frank, Leo was starting to think that these people were slightly barbaric. Nonetheless he sat down, seeing that a few people were here already, by the looks of it one of then was meditating, and another was a wood fey.

This place was getting curiouser by the second.
< @Yonsisac >

The guards grunts, but refrain from trying to shove the giant Drake in front of them. "You'll get in if you get invited, not a moment before. Now get back and wait for the tournament." He says, waving Markov away.

The red drake gets some dirty looks from a group of three burly men, who walk up and surround him. "You think you're better than the rest of us? Well, we got somthin' ta say about that, don't we, boys?" The probable leader asks the others. He draws a large, two-handed sword while the others draw one-handers.

"Well, well. Looks like we have our first fight of the tournament! Everyone, clear them an area!" Yells the heiress, and the crowd makes a large circle, Markov on one side, the warriors on the other. They split, the one-handers moving towards his left and right, the leader moving up the center.

[ 2 one-handers (Elites) ; 1 Two-hander (Boss) ; make a strike on each ]
Sky watched as an armed boy came to sit near her and the meditating man. So much for being left alone she thought. She eyed the boy but suddenly every seemed to be standing and yelling. The earth vibrated with energy as people shifted around into a circle. Sky stood, feeling her dual bladed sword on her back as reassurance. She stood her ground but, refusing to mold into the growing crowd. Looking quickly around, sky noticed she could climb onto a building easily.

Sky moved with swiftness as she climbed up a small wall. From there, she lept to a hanging sign above the tavern. She swung gently and landed with grace on the roof. From here, she could see everything but could easily still be spoken too. She saw a large drake in the middle of a circle with some challengers. Was this the trial? She tilted her head, watching to learn the drakes move for she felt she could beat the others against him easily.
Markov narrow his eyes and urn around as the guards wave him away...they had guts and good thing he was in a Good mood or he would try and strangle them or something...and aswell the drink did help him,as soon as he did he would 3 3 human men sorround him,standing there and turning his head to look at them he just grin "hehehe...Cocky Talk now?...Im really borde...so i guess you 3 will do"he said turning around to face them,his wings would spred out as he would only flap them once just to get them Moving and less tense out,they were masive for a drake as he just stared at them,reaching his back a clear *CLICK* Can be heard as the seath holding his Hunk of metal would detach leting the blade loose,with Both arms he would grab the large hilt pulling up revealing a Masive Tower of a Blade,was Rusty and aswell not in best conditions,it had markings on the blade of drake carvings and skulls,it was his fathers Tower blade,with a Grin he would give a slight chuckle as he really needed to let loose and aswell a small warm up....and aswell make sure to give the ground a new paint.

After seeing them start charging at him the leader on the front and 2 Minions on each side he would give a chuckle befor saying mostly to himself "
I always love a Nice game..."he said befor Giving out a Mighty battle Cry,he started charging towards them,his masive blade being drag across the ground as he ran leaving a trail of sparks..oce close it was time..

@The Mythic Dragon


Charging towards them he would soon in mid run raise the tower blade over his head and giving a small leap towards the leader and smash the hunk of metal downwards at full force,if it hit the leader or not he would amidiatly let go of the heavy blade and turn slightly right quickly to face he one coming from that dirrection to soon send a sraight metal fist towards his face,he kept an eye towards the one on the left as he was ready to use his tail to trip him if he got to close.


1.Leap towards leader and smash Gore on him

2.Let go of blade and send a Metal fist towards the one coming on the right

3.maintain tail ready to use if the left comes to close
The hissing of wax and the rustling of tattered parchment was the only noise in the small ramshackle temple on the outskirts of town. Aedan, for he was so blessed with a natural gift for observation, took note of these things, and yet remained thoroughly undisturbed by them as he continued kneeling in silent prayer. Having been in and out of temples for years, the battered warrior was used to the noise and even found comfort in it over the sounds of the sword. The sounds of relentless bloodshed that still haunted him after all these years away ...

Grimacing slightly, he hardened his grip upon the blade and finally rose to his feet. In a gesture of final prayer, he lowered his head and spoke the same ritual words he had uttered for years before going off to fight: "Doreem, warrior-born and warrior-made, guide my sword this day, let me be not ashamed, let my enemies know only of fear and despair, let me rise once more in your name so that I may be worthy of it the day Kha'as returns for my soul." And with that, he slugged the wolf-skin hood over his blonde hair before stepping out onto the streets.

The air was thick with an electricity he had known before. There was always that same feeling when battle and bloodshed was about to occur. That heartpounding thrum of excitement from the newbies, the weary resignation of the veterans, and the glee of the nobility for whom such follies were considered poetic. Curling his lip a little in wry amusement, he sheathed his great sword and headed straight for the tournament grounds.

Upon arrival, he noted that there was quite a crowd gathered there and the guards were having a hell of a time keeping the anticipation of the group reigned in. Indeed, already it seemed a group of three and a drake were going to start the tournament now without even waiting to be called in! Shouldering his way through to where they were standing, Aedan drew his sword as well but did not choose to enter or interupt. It was simply his way to be passive, to draw presence without even moving so much as a muscle. It truly did disgust him that the three did not bother to fight one-on-one or do battle without the help of a crony at their back, but alas he would show the drake a courtesy and not steal one for himself if it wasnt necessary. [Whoop. I got time today.]
< @Yonsisac >

The leader was faster than he seemed, sidestepping Gore and pulling back his own sword. The right lackey took his fist to the face with no resistance. He fell back onto the ground,blood seeping out from his broken nose. He lay limp on the ground, and the lacky on the left (behind now) was able to anticipate the tail-whip, leaping over it to attach himself to Markov's back, blade to his throat, holding his wings so they couldn't flap. The lackey on the ground was not as knocked out as he seemed, and he stood up, throwing himself to pin Markov's arms to his sides.

The leader stalked forward, blade raised high. "Never took kindly to Drakes where we're from. Always all high and mighty. But we know how to kill them." He said, beginning his swing downwards. "Die!"

[You are pinned. You can try to escape. Anyone is welcome to help as well]

< @FlawlezFalcon >

"Hey, cousin!" A chirpy voice comes from beside Sky. "I'm Vala, nice to meet you!" The body of the voice seemed to be human, with ice-blue hair and brilliant white eyes. A Snow Fey. "This is interesting, innit?" on her back was a strung bow and quiver. "But why are you up here? It's much more fun down... there!"

< + @snowy raven >

Suddenly Sky found herself falling, pushed from her ledge. She would land next to Amaya, who found herself beset on all sides by sword and dagger wielding men. "Take out the weak ones, first!"

[ 12 swordsmen. These guys are mooks, each of you can take out 6. Give it some detail, and use some teamwork if you want/can ]

< @LeSoraAmari @Fezzes >

Leo found himself pushed from the bench, as Kalryn was picked up and thrown to be held up by two men. One walked up to his and pushed a dagger to his throat. "I heard this guy was a Willcaster. I hate Willcasters."

Leo couldn't do much to help the other man, as he found himself in the same situation, two men holding him down while one readied a sword to be plunged into his chest. "Numbers means might means right!" It seemed a whole mercenary guild had appeared.

[ 3 men each holding you down. You can both take one down and escape.]

[ @Kirito Kei @Whisker ]

Keyou and Aedan found themselves back-to-back, being swarmed over by even more of the guild. "This job is ours, go find your own!" One yells. "They won't survive long enough to get their own jobs!"

[ 12 swordsmen. These guys are mooks, each of you can take out 6. Give it some detail, and use some teamwork if you want/can ]


[This is an excercise in combat and detail. I kinda wanted to gauge you. I also wnt you to practice tagging who you are fighting with and talking to. Have fun with it! Also, one person (or group) may move to assist @Yonsisac at the end of your post, just make sure to tag him, and remember that he is not fighting mooks. If I missed anyone, please tell me!]
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After Kyou had gotten his number, he sat on a nearby bench. 'Peculiar, i have to prove myself? That shouldn't be a problem...'

Even from a young age, Kyou always had faith in his abilities. It was one of the useful things that his parents taught him before the left.

Kyou had noticed that people were gathering around something. 'What's this?'

Kyou got up and walked over to see what the commotion was about. He could barely get a view of what was going on, but it seemed as if people were fighting. 'Getting started before the party, eh?'

He made his way around the group until reached the sight of a wilder with his sword drawn. 'Hmm, eager to fight now are we?'

He made his way over to the wilder, before stopping next to him. "Interesting fight. Am I right?"
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]"Hey, cousin!" A chirpy voice comes from beside Sky. "I'm Vala, nice to meet you!" The body of the voice seemed to be human, with ice-blue hair and brilliant white eyes. A Snow Fey. "This is interesting, innit?" on her back was a strung bow and quiver. "But why are you up here? It's much more fun down... there!"

"Vedui' cousin" she said back, giving a small nod at the snow fey. Suddenly, caught off guard, Sky was falling. She quickly turned, landing on one foot and a knee. She winced at the pain from the rock below that jabbed into her leg. "Auta miqula orqu" (go kiss an orc) she muttered under her breath as she looked for the snow fey. She didn't have much time to look for her though, for she landed in the middle of a fight. A snowy scaled drake stood near her. She was small but looked determined. Sky whipped her head around to see the 12 swordsman that surround them. Her head whipping towards the white drake. She pulled her dual sided sword out from her back, holding it with both hands in the middle as she took a stance of defense. "Ready?" she asked the drake.

"Twenty two eh?" Amaya muttered. "Not bad..." She folded the parchment and slipped it in her jacket pocket. Hearing the heiress suddenly declare the start of the tournament made the taste of berries and sugar on her tongue turn bitter. She looked up (as high as she could) at the fight between a red drake, and three guards. The clanks of metal on metal made her cringe, but the ignorance and hate coming from the leader made her blood boil. Adrenaline pumping in her veins, she flew up above the dozen swordsmen that suddenly surrounded her and a falling wood fey. Prioritizing the safety of bystanders part of her personal code of thievery, but seeing the fey land on her on her two feet made Amaya realize that she could defend herself. The fey spoke to her and Amaya nodded back. @FlawlezFalcon


In milliseconds she briefly sharpened her senses with her wildmagic and aimed a dagger at the leader's eye as he was about to strike down the red drake. Relieved that the wind wasn't strong today, Amaya surveyed the positions of the swordsmen. She noted that they were all in a circular position around her and the fey.Not good. Amaya threw her messenger bag on the roof to increase her mobility. Then Amaya flew down, and used her wild magic to sharpen the fey's strength and agility.




sharpened senses for Amaya

increased strength and agility for Sky

dagger thrown at leader's head that was about to strike Markov
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Before he knew it he was pushed off the bench of which he was sat on, he turned to his side to see the man who was meditating being held down by two men, the other was ready to slit his throat. Before he could do anything to help the man, Leo was also restrained as another man held a sword to his chest. Leo glared up at the three men as he said with an angry tone "Kha'as take you all! You three have no honour, you fight unfairly, how about I take a page out of your own book eh?" With that, Leo spat at the face of the man who held the sword to his chest, and as he did so he kicked his left leg out to smash into one of the mens knees, he hoped that he broke it. He then rolled away from their grasps, drawing both of his swords in the process, standing battle ready he chuckled. "Finally my blades will no longer grow thirsty.." He kept his eyes fixed onto the three men before him. He did want to go help the other guy but he couldn't just yet, not until these three were dead at least.


Leo spat in sword wielders face to create distraction.

Leo kicked one of the mens knees forcefully in an attempt to break it.

Leo rolled out of their grasp, drawing his blades and is now ready for combat. (@The Mythic Dragon like this?)
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Markov was Pig,he stood still feeling the knife scrape his Throat,he look up as the leader,he grin and said "Well we Drakes can be different like Fire....smile"He said Befor his jaw Openwide revealing his lizard like Tonghe and Dagger like theet,it started to glow slightly and sudenly,a Powerfull stream of Fire shot upwards towards the leaders face,as Markov did this he would move his head foward slightly geting Cut in the Proces but his scales would Protect him from most damage,he was a Juggernut and a Fire drake...as he did he would smash his headbackwards owards the one On his back,aming to hit his face and markov tilted his head slightly just to make sure to give him a nice Few of his head spike on his left....he was strong and wont let some Fragile Human take him down,as he did his all at the same time he strugle to break free from being Pind trying to get up,his tail wintch like a wip trying in his strugles to break free.

do....were was Pixy all this time?..The white snake manage to evacuate and fell off wen the fight started and sliderd away and hide somewere...would be Mostly behinde a rock or something,she whanted to help but was to afraid and would be imposible to help him in this situation...all she could do was watch


@The Mythic Dragon

1.Mark breath a stream of Hot flames towards the leader and at the same time he moved his head slightly foward geting cut in the Prosses by the knife do his scales protect him from most harm,breathing fire he would smash his head backwards slightly tilted to make sure he could try and use his spike on the one on his back with the knife.aside from that he started to strougle free making streams of fire mostly spray around the leader and mostly werever he tilted his head....in short the dragon is crazy

1.Leader=Being hit with stream of fire

2.Elite 1=Hit in the face by the back of markovs head as he hold a knife to his throat

3.Elite 2=Mostly being Ignored but markov is trying to escape his grasp
Sky looked at her sword glisten in the sun. She used her wild magic to channel the Drake's mind. Thank you she said via telepathy. Seeing that the female drake was going after the leader that started all of this, she knew that she was going to use her wild magic. She was worried since she had never used it in a city like this before. Despite her concerns, she knew she had to do SOMETHING. Seeing no plants or animals she could call on and since she was limited in her air magic, she knew it was going to have to be telepathy. An armed man lunged at her with his sword. Sky dodged, kicking her right leg in the air and hitting his wrist. Wrist and ankle connected, but her ankle was much stronger than his wrist. His wrist snapped, causing a wailing scream to emit from his mouth. As soon as he began to scream, Sky focused on the vibrations of the sound. She channeled her wild magic and pushed the vibrations outward. The 12 men surrounding her would now hear his screaming inside their heads. Some dropped their weapons to cover their ears, others began to scream, while some continued to stay focused on her the best they could. The ones that had dropped their weapons and the ones screaming were of little priority to Sky. The ones that could keep their will strong enough to avoid her blast, or at least tune it out, were her main focus. Sky spun her dual blade sword and gripped it in one hand, charging the first of the men. His distraction was apparently pretty high for she pierced his belly. "Quel kaima" she said to him as she pushed him off her blade. (translates to "Sleep well"). As the body fell, a less distracted man charged her from behind. She pushed the back end of her blade up and it collided with his shield. A loud bang vibrated through the air around them. Sky quickly checked to verify the screaming was still echoing in the men's heads around her. It was. She whipped around to face the man behind her, preparing her strike.


One fled with broken wrist

one dead

one preparing to fight
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Hanging back and choosing not to interrupt the fight seemed to have its own consequences. His imposing height and presence seemed to have drawn quite a crowd eager to lower the competition before the tournament even began!

"The job is ours! Go find your own!"

"They wont survive long enough to get their own jobs!"

What a fucking waste of time ...

Sighing through his nostrils, the swordsman reacted surprisingly quickly to the taunts. Instead of swinging at the enemy immediately and being swarmed by the other five, he jumped aside and snatched an entire length of hooked chain from where it lay unattended atop a crate of fresh fish. Unfurling it with a snap of his tree trunk arms, the tank lay about him without discrimination or concern as to who got in his way. Many an unfortunate mook, assuming they were slow to move away, would become the target of that deadly flail as it thrummed loudly across the courtyard.


The hook at the end caught the first muppet right in the throat and silenced him completely. The second was also just a tadbit slow and would receive a nice set of bruises across his shoulders and sword arm for his troubles. The third was lucky; he fell immediately to the ground as soon as the chain started to whirl. The fourth had backed off apprehensively and managed to clumsily raise his wooden shield in order to deflect some of the chain, but staggered under the weight of the first blow. The last two, given the warning, had also jumped back and raised their shields in defense. Of course, this was exactly what Aedan wanted! With a roar of triumph, he pressed in upon them and kept them at bay, chain whizzing and whirling in order to catch them off guard with the speed. In this new volley, he took the feet out from underneath one of them on the second go around and beat him into near unconsciousness on the next few strikes. There were two more remaining ... but he could see the resolve faltering a little. To their credit, they continued to hold their ground and did not immediately run away.

"I applaud your resolve. Let us see if your swords are as good as your will."

Stepping over the bodies of the defeated, the warrior slung the chain aside and drew forth his great sword with an audible hiss. Though they seemed confused with his apparent change of pace, the anger for what he had done to their comrades compelled them to lift their weapons and charge at him in defiance. The first guy was met with an overhanded swing intended to bash the shield aside before the man ever reached close proximity and slice him just above the waist. If this succeeded, he would whirl and quickly meet the others slash with a parry on the flat of his strong. He would then use his size to his advantage and shove the unfortunate guy straight down into the mud.

"No ... Wait ....WAIT!"

But Aedan wasnt waiting. The sword gleamed in the sun briefly as he lifted it up over his head .... and soon there would be just another body lost amongst the others that would surely fill this place by nightfall. As he stooped momentarily to clean his sword upon the cloak of one of the fallen, he heard a man address him nearby.

"Interesting fight, am I right?"

He paused in mid-motion and warranted the newcomer a baleful stare, studying him with clear blue eyes beneath the fur hood he wore.

If you say so. I cannot say I wasn't expecting something like this."

Tournaments always seemed to attract shitheads like this whenever and wherever they were held - like flies to dog crap on the side of the road.


  1. Mook 1 - Incapacitated by chain to the throat
  2. Mook 2 - Fled after receiving wounds to shoulder and arm.
  3. Mook 3 - Pretended to be dead.
  4. Mook 4 - Disarmed and disengaged from fight.
  5. Mook 5 - Killed by kidney slash.
  6. Mook 6 - Decapitated.
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Sky blew a strand of hair out of her face as she stared down the man before her. "AAA!" he yelled, charging her. Sky moved quickly, leaning down and sliding around the charging guard. The back end of her blade tilted down, slicing through the man's Achilles heel. Blood sprayed out from the sensitive area, causing him to collapse in a wail of pain. She left him alive as she turned to face two more charging her. Shield contacted her back, causing her to fly forward and fall against the rocky ground. A thick and heavy object pressed against her back before she could spring up.

"You try to fight us? Stupid savage. Your kind doesn't belong here. Get back to being a slave. It is the only thing you are good at!" came a nasty deep voice above her. The heavy object pushed harder into her back, causing her to collapse beneath this weight. The loud screaming in the heads of the other's stopped as she lost focus. Sky gripped her weapon firmly, realizing that he was pressing his boot into her back. He begun to laugh and another spit on her. Rage burst through Sky's body, making her feel hot with anger. Blindly, Sky stabbed her weapon backwards and smiled when she felt it sink into the soft flesh of the man's leg. He screamed "You bitch!" and attempted to stomp on her head. Sky rolled to face up, the boot flying past her face. Blood sprayed on her from the man's bleeding leg above her. Sky kicked up, hitting him in his groin and making him double over. The one that spit on her charged her from behind. She lifted her dual sword quickly, swiping it in the air towards his throat. She missed the first time and was met with the man's blade grazing her arm. Blood began to flow down her arm, which seemed to add fire to the flame. "Lle merna salk?" (Do you want to dance) she mocked, bowing a little towards him. Within seconds, she was at his throat again. She slammed her shoulder into his chest, making him stagger back. A swipe to his knees with her leg was all it took to make him fall. Sky jumped on him, strattling his chest as she looked down at him. "Sleep well, dog" she said in a thick accent so he could understand. With one smooth motion, she slit his throat. Blood sprayed across her face and she looked up like a wild animal at the man doubled over from the pain in his groin. She sprung from the man she had just killed and grabbed the one that called her a "savage" and a "bitch" by the hair. "Quel fara" (Good hunting) she said, looking at him. She screamed, lifting her sword high and coming down fast on his neck. "I am no one's slave" she hissed as she ripped his head from his neck. Blood soaked the ground around her as she glared at anyone else that would come near her. One more man stood before her, his knees shaking. She threw the man's head she held at him. "RUN!" she growled, watching him scramble away in terror.


One alive but crawling away with cut Achilles heels

one dead from beheading

one scared away from beheaded head

one dead from cut throat
Before he knew it, he was being held down by two men, and another had a knife to his throat. Interesting. They thought they could match him. His eyes flicked open, and he brought his arms around to knock the arms of the two holding him down away from him. He then brought his hands together and a soccer ball of energy formed between them. The guy with a knife was still in a daze at how quickly this 'pathetic mage' had gotten away from his friends. That was enough for Kalryn, and he flicked the ball of spectral energy at the man's head. His opponents off him for now, he drew his dagger in one hand and formed a small ball of energy in the other hand, daring them to come at him. Throughout this he remained silent as a corpse, which was ironic, as that was what his opponents were about to be. He found himself to another man, who had moments before been in the same predicament. "Alliance?" He asked the man behind him.



Both men holding him down shaken off.

Man holding a knife hit in the head by spectral energy ball.

Rolled away and holding knife and spectral ball of smaller size.
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The transmitted telepathy was like a jolt of electricity running through Amaya's nervous system. She turned to face the fey again, only to witness many swordsmen clutch their skulls in the background. I should take their blades and sell them between fights in the tournament. Amaya noted. Breathing more heavily now, Amaya wouldn't be able to maintain the fey's increased strength and agility any longer. She exerted more of her stamina so that the fey's added strength and agility would last for about six more minutes.

Amaya could either: invest more of her stamina at once so that the effects would last for an arbitrary amount of time, or maintain it (so she'd be able to switch effects and conserve stamina). Tripling her wild magics was more draining than she thought it would be. With the majority of the swordsmen disabled she planned to drain their stamina, albeit at a price of her attentiveness to the surrounding environment. Before she could, a thunderous bang reverberated through the air when the fey smashed her blade against the face of a shield. How odd, so much time has passed and yet no one has decided to duel with Amaya.


An advantage of being short statured, being seen as less intimidating would heighten the element of surprise. She saw an armored figure in the corner of her eye position himself on the roof for an opportune moment to strike. I suppose he pushed her down? Amaya thought. He jumped amidst the cursing and bloodshed. In midair he raised his sword, aiming to take the fey's head. "Perfect," Amaya smirked.

She raised her wings for some air, jumped, and grabbed his ankles to anchor him away from his target. Experiencing time more slowly with her heightened senses, she drained his stamina as fast as she could. The gravity and intense concentration blurred her surroundings and disoriented her perception. She was fortunate that the swordsmen were occupied with the fey at the moment. When he was on the verge of passing out, Amaya was almost grounded. She switched her heightened senses for increased strength. Then after landing on her two feet, she crouched and leaned forward while gripping the swordsman's ankles. In one swift motion she lowered her arms and smashed his spine against the ground. Stopping the drain, she stood up decided slit his throat. She lifted his torso to angle his throat away from her. Unsheathing a dagger, she did the deed and walked away, clean.


Now being about to survey the scene with accuracy, she observed: out of the thirteen, one was missing, two were dead, one was about to fight the fey, and the rest were still disabled. She felt like preserving her daggers and stamina for as long as possible. Amaya walked over to one who was about to make a speedy recovery, released her increase strength magic, and grabbed his wrist. She started to drain his stamina. The fey, remaining swordsmen, and buildings became blurs of miscellaneous color. Her environment shifted back to normalcy when he collapsed. Bloody dagger in hand, she did the same: angled his torso and slit his throat. Standing once more, Amaya stabbed five more in the heart (while reminding herself to thank the fey later).


Sky has increased strength and agility for six more minutes

Amaya is fully energized

six more are dead

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Leo stood there with his swords either side of him. He stared at each of the men, the one that was on the floor screamed in pain and he couldn't stand up again. Turns out that Leo did in fact break his leg. The one holding the sword angrily wiped spit off of his face and flicked it to the ground like sweat, he then charged towards Leo yelling "You know nothing about honour, Welp!"

That remark managed to anger Leo greatly, when the man came close Leo blocked his attack with one of his swords and runned his other one through his neck. Leo then pulled his blade out of the mans throat as he fell to the floor, choking, then dying. Laying in a pool of blood. Leo then turned to face the man still standing who seemed to be in a state of shock. He sighed as he said "Don't look so afraid, I'll be sure to make it quick. Kha'as will grant you a safe passage, even though I wish differently". He then turned to face the man behind him, who was using magic to fight the brutes, when he spoke the word "Alliance" Leo nodded and said "Sure" he with a smile as he then quickly turned back to face the petrified man.


One man stabbed in throat, dead.

One man incapacitated, broken leg and can't fight.

One man petrified.

~Alliance forged~
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< @Yonsisac >

But these men had obviously done this before. The man behind held tight, while the second lacky clamped Markov's jaws shut before he could do any damage. "Tut, tut, Drake. Did you really think- AGH!" One thing he obviously hadn't counted on was a knife flying into his eye. The leader stumbled backwards, clutching the knife as the two lackys relased Markov, falling back to their leader, and being reinforced by four more armored lackeys.

< + @LeSoraAmari @Fezzes @snowy raven @FlawlezFalcon @Whisker @Kirito Kei >

One way or another, every non-member of this mercenary guild was found in the makeshift arena. Despite any differences they might have, one thing was for certain: they would die if they didn't work together. As more and more swarmed in from all over.

[Endless Mooks (Up to 5 kills a turn) the lackeys and bosses are out of range]

[ Okay guys, have fun with this! Make detail, Work together, talk, tag others and try some tag-teams! I'd prefer is you'd wait to post again until 2 others post. This will go until I make an OOC post ending it, but if you think it has gone on long enough, feel free to say so! @bourgeoisiemustache @Stormtrooper996 @Calibutcher you can join in at any time! ]

{Also, not trying to be lazy, just want you to have some fun!]
With the alliance forged, Kalryn turned back to the the brutes in front of him. The two who were holding him down drew small swords. The first came at him with a wide swing which he ducked under. In prime position, he slipped his dagger between the man's rubs and let the spectral ball fly at the other swordsman, sending him sprawling. Next came the man with a knife, who made a quick, short thrust. It almost made it through his parry, which concerned Kalryn. His opponent came flying in with another swipe, which was blocked by a simple raising of the arm. From there Kalryn elbowed the man in the nose. It collapsed with a crunch. Then he brought the dagger round and sliced his throat. Finally, he jumped at the man on the ground and landed on him with a dagger through his skull.

With his immediate assailants dealt with, he looked round. His ally was busy scaring His last kill. Too busy to notice the man sneaking up behind him with an axe. Kalryn blasted him with a quick breath of magic from his mouth, doing little more than stagger him a little. He used the opportunity to build a bigger ball in his hand and charge him. The man was too slew to bring round his axe, and Kalryn hit him with the ball right in the face, crushing his head on the spot. He could see a little hope in the fearful man's eyes as he was behind his ally, then fall again as it became clear he was helping the terrifying man in front of him. Kalryn nearly felt sorry for him. Nearly.

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