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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

As the two walked, Kyou scratched the back of his head nervously. "That warrior... he- I mean she, apparently wondered onto our land and started to disturb Lin and his animals. When I showed up, she decided to challenge me for the lodge and all the animals. In order to get her to calm down, I accepted. Of course I won, but not easily. It was for this reason that I decided to let her join the guild. The hug was just her way of showing appreciation, I guess."

Kyou's mind then wondered back to the note.
"Something needs to be done about Pirel. If he could forcefully take over a whole guild, there's no telling what he will do next. All we can do now is build up our strength as a guild and wait for him to come to us."

William just gave Kyou an odd look to learn that the whole fight he went into was whether or not someone could pet there animals, butt shrugged it off.

"Ok well that's good enough for me for now. Let me now what I can do to help...once i can help that is..." William thought for a moment. "If it's not to much to ask I do have a request of sorts, We have a very good guild here and very good warriors, I would like if somethime we could all get together and train as a team so that we may better learn each others abilities and be able to play off them, also I think it would be good if we all had Battle buddies, Now i'm not telling you how to do your job these are suggestions and are up to you of course. But I wanted to through that out there.. That's all I got. Is there anything I can do for you though?"

William wanted to gesture with his hand through the whole conversation but was unable to still, it was rather frustrating, but he was putting up with it.

@Kirito Kei
"Well thank you for the suggestions. I'll be sure to take them all into consideration. That is all for now. I think you should return to Phoenix Rest and take a brake. After all, we need you to make a speedy recovery and you can't do that if you are walking around with me now can you?"
William shrugged well one side of him shrugged. "true enough, well I'm of for some R n' R" William made the short walk back to Pheonix Rest being pissed about his shoulder the whole way. He muttered about how he could not even shrug right and that this better heal quick. William got ot his resting place put his weapon down and crashed he fell asleep almost instantly.
Whilst the fight was going on, Leo looked around for Kitten, who was also at the animal pens. He called her over and she too came to sit on his lap like Saber had done, he watched the fight petting them both.

"The stranger seems pretty good... That was unexpected..." He muttered quietly to himself as the fight continued. He was about to get up when Aias came over to him and dropped his bear kill on top of him. Protecting the tiger cubs in his lap, he quickly moved them both beside him so that they wouldnt get crushed by a dead bear. He then looked up at Aias. "Just because you're telling me to do this, I might let Keira make some kind of coat out of the bear pelt. That should please you." With a sigh he got up and looked at Kalryn and nodded at him with a smile. As he began to leave he called both Saber and Kitten as they came with him. Before turning the corner he looked at Aias and said, "By the way, Aias, the cook... Has a name. Use it." He then continued on, heading for the kitchen as he thought to himself. 'Bear stew? That sounds strange... Not even my grandmother would eat that and she's one grisly hag..."

@The Mythic Dragon
< @LeSoraAmari >

"Oh. A whole bear? Leo, I could use a bit more help, in that case. Could you butcher it for me real quick?" After she asked that, Keira went back to slicing some carrots. "So, what happened out there? I thought I heard some fighting."
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Kalryn sighed. The fight was over, and it had gone favourably. The revelation of gender was a shock, but not a surprise. He'd had some suspicion when she'd referred to herself as a female. It was a pretty fancy technique Kyou had used, too. Kind of a shame about the cloak though. It was a nice looking cloak. To his left, Leo had nodded to him with a smile, but took the bear anyway. He was a good man, but he was sometimes too kind for his own good.

Kalryn stood with a glare at Aias. "He's kind. Don't exploit it." A slightly lower pitched whistle and a point at Lin let the wolves know to stay with Lin. He'd been practising that command. He broke contact with Aias and strode off without a second glance. Whatever was here was finished, so Kalryn didn't need to be here any more. It was simple in Kalryn's mind. This was over, and the time to train again had begun. Advancement was always a priority if he wanted to be a useful member of the Ascension of the Phoenix. Librem, that name sucked. The leader had chosen it, so there was a necessity to respect the name, but that didn't stop Kalryn from wincing every time the name was uttered. He kept his Phoenix Badge on the inside of his robe so he could display it any time he wanted. He'd taught the wolves to obey only him and anyone with the group emblem.

His thought train broke as he reached his training area. It was where he'd first encountered Faolan. Kalryn stopped on the spot and readied himself into a fighting stance. He makeshift installed a training post in the area to spar with some time before, and it was used regularly by himself. He feinted high and right, then dropped the dagger into his left hand with a belly stab. Thus began his second training session.

@Daimao @LeSoraAmari
Aedan grimaced as the fight came to a close and a new member was added to their little band of misfits. It was a good thing, he supposed, that Kyou had won because he was not sure he would have stuck around if he had fallen. He was no good with crowds and everyday came new fears that the people would discover who or what exactly that he was; the past that he had carried with him since before the days of Halmast. He supposed he would have to tell Kyou and the others about his past eventually in case it came out to bite them in the ass, but now was not that time.

Most of the Phoenix band had at least respected his air of solitary moroseness and had given him a wide berth while he was there. He spoke when necessary, talked with people some, fought and bled for them when required, but otherwise spent his time alone in the fields outside of the lodge. He hunted, he fished, he did whatever it took to get his mind off of his injuries that prevented him from training with his sword just yet.

Running a hand through his now close-cropped blonde hair, the warrior strode across the grounds and passed Kalryn who had taken the moment to stop and train. He nodded at the guy in passing and then returned to the willow tree that marked the edge of the property. He'd flop himself down and return to whetting his sword while his eyes flickered around to keep watch just in case anything was amiss. The run in with the Bloody Hounds earlier that day as well as rumors of what had happened to William had him on edge. This whole thing felt like the calm before the storm and he wanted to do his part to keep alert for the group.
The next day, Kyou awoke at the break of dawn. As he clothed himself, he though about the letters he had recently found the last couple of days.

'A lot of people seem to need things done...', he thought to himself as he clasped his cloak.

He had gotten a rather vague letter from a woman named 'Lilia Timas'. It had very little details about the job she wanted done and requested that the Ascended Phoenixes come to meet with her. Then, while Kyou was out walking in Phoenix Rest one evening, he mysteriously came across another letter. This one, however, had no name on it and requested that he hang the letter on the door of the lodge should he except the job, which involved a operation similar to the previous operation with the Bloody Hound . However, there was one contract in particular that tipped Kyou's fancy more than the others.

Kyou had decided to give the leader of the Bloody Hounds, Xzavier Curze; to the town of Yunich so he could account for his crimes. Apparently, they sentenced him to serve as a penal soldier and sent him to guard caravans under supervision. It just so happens that the last caravan he guarded was found plundered and the soldiers dead.

While it was interesting that Xzavier himself, was nowhere to be found, that wasn't the part that excited Kyou the most. It seemed that Mayor of Yunich, George, had reason to believe that Xzavier wasn't to blame for this occurrence.

Regardless of if it was Xzavier's plot or not, Kyou decided to look into into the matter further. After all, his guild did take down the Bloody Hounds, why not finish what they started?


Kyou sneakily traveled to one of the grassy hills that surrounded the homestead but was secluded by a cropping of trees.

After briefly surveying the area to make sure that nothing was near, Kyou unfastened the belt that held his swords and sat it on a nearby rock. He then removed his shirt and unsheathed Averet. Kyou's muscular body was void of any scars or marks, which was peculiar for a rogue of his stature. It was as if he never had gotten into a fight in his life.

The sound of animals, and the gentle breeze of the wind calmed Kyou. He took a few moments to breath the fresh air...

'I could barely pull off Shadow Strike; one of the easiest techniques that Father and Mother tough me. I need to train...'

When Kyou's Father and Mother were still taking care of him, they did everything they could to instill their knowledge into him. This involved things such as how to use a bow, how to effectively strike with a sword, how to tell when someone is lying, you know, the basics. Among these things however, were a set of techniques which they call 'The Kazoku Techniques', or the 'Family Techniques', as Kyou liked to call them. These techniques allowed the user to perform amazing martial feats that even the most trained combatant would consider impossible.

After Kyou's parents left however, Kyou stopped training to use these techniques as a kind of way to get back at them. Even after he forgave them for their abandonment, he still figured that there was no point in continuing his training because it wouldn't benefit his 'wandering' lifestyle, as it were. Now, however, especially with Pirel on the loose, Kyou figured that he would need these techniques in order to survive against the constant onslaught of his devilish forces.

"Ok, lets get this show on the road..."

Kyou knelt over to pluck a blade of grass from the ground. Kyou then closed his eyes as he threw the single blade of grass into the air.

At first, he moved slow to make sure his movements were swift and precise, then, in one quick motion, he attempted to cut the grass while it fluttered in the wind.

After a few moments, Kyou opened his eyes and knelt down to observe his work. The blade of grass lay untouched.

As Kyou looked at the grass in disbelief, he couldn't help thinking, 'What? I can't even cut a piece of measly grass? No, I must of faltered somehow. I'll try again.'

Similar to before, Kyou plucked another piece of grass from the ground and threw it into the air. Then, closing his eyes, he attacked the blade of grass, or at least where he thought the blade of grass was.

The results were the same as before, though.

"This cant be right. I know I can do this!"

Kyou tried the same thing again, and again, then again. They all resulted in the same thing: the grass untouched and Kyou confused.

He took a deep breath as he sat on the sod and folded his legs. He closed his eyes to focus as he recited his father's words from years ago, slightly surprised he had still remembered them after all that had happened.

"Shadow strike; this technique allows the user to connect with strikes without any direct verbal, visual, or physical interaction with the target. The user uses things such as his last visual impression of the target, the feeling of the target's moment on the earth, and the estimation of what and where the target is going to next. Advanced users can even strike their target using nothing but prediction. In order for Shadow Strike to work, however, the user must believe in their own swordsmanship. Their heart must not falter, and their aim must be true. In short, Shadow Strike consists of three major components: Finesse, Focus, and Faith."

Kyou went over the three words before getting to his feet. "Finesse, Focus, Faith."

He slowly knelt over and plucked yet another blade of grass. As he held it in his hands, he recited the three words yet another time. 'All I need is finesse, focus, and faith!"

Kyou closed his eyes and launched the blade of grass into the air. He couldn't explain it, but somehow he felt as if this was the time he would actually cut the grass.

"Now for the moment of truth..." After a few brief movements of his sword, Kyou opened his eyes to view the blade grass. Again, it was untouched.

The exasperated Kyou fell onto his back as he looked up at the sky. "Why can't I do it? I managed to do it when I fought Sunny. It isn't making any sense."

Kyou jumped to his feet. He was determined to connect with his Shadow Strike, no matter what. "I'm not leaving this place until I get it right!" He shouted in determination

Kyou knelt over yet again to get another blade of grass. He had the feeling that he would pluck every piece of grass in the hills before he was finished...

The The Mythic Dragon
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< @Kirito Kei >

"Um... Kyou?" Vala's voice comes to him in the middle of an attempt. It seems she followed him. "'I-I know you're busy, but I was hoping that we could... go on a...date?" She asks, twiddling her thumbs and blushing.
His eyes still closed, and without even noticing that Vala was there, Kyou launched his attack at the blade of grass, resulting in a miss just like the other 367 times he did it. "Dammit! Why can't I-" Kyou suddenly notices Vala out the corner of his eye.

"Um... Kyou?" "'I-I know you're busy, but I was hoping that we could... go on a...date?"

'Huh? A date?'

Kyou had vowed to himself that he wouldn't leave the grassy plains until he successfully executed 'Shadow Strike'. However, he also promised that he would spend more time with Vala.

"I... suppose. Let me grab my things."

Kyou walked over to the rock and grabbed his sword belt. After fastening it around his waist, he slung his shirt over his shoulder.
"So, where do you want to go?"

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Kirito Kei >

"Well... I wanted to go get some new clothes... I am getting tired of these rags. And there was going to be some kind of festival in Yunich... I was hoping we could go?"
The next day Leo awoke at around relatively early, early enough so that no one was up, the village was serene, quiet. Leo liked the peace. So as soon as he woke he got out of bed and got dressed, this time he wore his usual attire, armour as well. He took his swords from on top of his table and clipped them both to his belt, he then left the lodge quietly as he didn't want to wake anyone up. Although, he didn't even know who was asleep and who wasn't.

When he got outside of the lodge, he walked down to the river and sat in the same spot where he found that strange box. He looked at his reflection in the mirror momentarily before waving his hand through the water, causing the ripples to distort the image. "It sure is nice to get away from all the noise now and again.." He sighed to himself. "I should really start my training routine again... I've not trained for the past few days".

He then sat there as he closed his eyes, he layed back and relaxed by the rivers edge. He was calm.

[Free for interaction]
"A festival?"

Kyou did feel like he needed to spend some time outside Phoenix Rest.

"Of course I'll go! When do we leave?"

@The Mythic Dragon
William awoke rather early he looked around he did not want to be awake yet but he did not much feel like going back to sleep.William groaned then sat him self up on his good arm. He looked at his wounded arm and started to move it. Slowly... very slowly It was stiff and achy and the pain in his shoulder made it apparent he might need a little more time before it would be battle ready. He frowned he was really hoping to work on some technique today, He could practice one handed which actually seemed like a good idea since his last fight with the bloody hounds he ended up one handed anyway. As William got up he saw Kyou heading out the door. "guess i'm not hte only early riser."

William got up and dressed and headed for the lake, along his walk he rotated his injured arm more to see what he was able to do with it. it was actually better then expected he still had full rotation, it just just hurt like crazy when his arm was straight up. He arrived at the lake and thought about what techniques he wanted to try, however the lake was starting to look better then training. "Aw heck!" William couldn't resist he been all around this lake but not in it yet and he quit enjoyed swimming, He further rationalized such by figuring it might help his arm too. William couldn't hold himself back any longer he stripped his clothes and jumped into the lake. It was just a refreshing as he hoped. William swam out towards the middle doing a breatstroke which was the only stroke he could do with out to much pain to his arm. William floated once he was in the middle of lake he just wanted to float here and do nothing for a while. He vowed that he would train with someone once the others were up, until then... William felt something brush up against his back, he froze maybe it's time for fishing... William turned to see a fish bigger tehn him swim by, or maybe it's time to go. William began heading back to shore as fast as he could he could hear water swishing behind him, William could not swim near fast enough. "Someone help!" William felt the his foot kick the fish in the head and turned to see it opening its mouth.


Leo was lying there quietly as he listened to nothing but the flow of water from the lake, which nearly set him to sleep. That was until he heard someone nearby, "Oh dear. I thought I would get the chance to relax for once.." He sighed in annoyance and shot up to inspect the area. What he saw shocked and slightly disturbed him. He saw who he believed to be William swimming in the lake. Although that wasn't what disturbed him, what disturbed him was the fact that his clothes were slung on the floor by the river, and the river water was crystal clear. Leo blinked and instantly looked up, "Ugh... Disgusting...". He didn't even try and look below the mans face.

Leo watched his fellow guild member float in the river. Leo remembered that this was the man that saved him from death alongside Kalryn. He frowned, "I owe a debt to a naked guy in a river. Great.". Then suddenly Leo listened to William ask for help, it seemed as though he was about to get eaten by some huge fish. Leo quickly drew one of his swords and threw it, it pierced the creatures head and landed on the other side of the river.

He then looked at William and said, "Well, that's my debt to you cleared up!" He smiled and quickly went to go retrieve his sword.
"Sure. We should drop by Phoenix Rest to tell everyone that we won't be there for a few hours anyway."

Kyou began to walk in the direction of Phoenix Rest. While he was walking though, he turned around to look at the hills one last time.
'I will be back, and I will flawlessly execute that technique!'

@The Mythic Dragon
William quickly got out of the water and put on some clothes, "sorry you had to see that" William said a little sheepishly "But you have my gratitude for saving my life." William was just relieved to be out of harms way. "I think I owe you one now." Wiliam donned the rest of his gear though he was still wet it would dry and the water did not bother him. "Say you had that feud with the one armed guy, you did some impressive stuff taking him out. actually you are a pretty impressive fighter period. Are you looking for a sparring partner by chance? I think I would learn a lot training with you." William hoped he wouldn't mind the offer but he needed to get toknow people here better and this was the best way he knew how.

< @Kirito Kei >

Vala skips happily down the hill, dragging Kyou with her. "Hey, let's not think about work for a while, okay? Let's just enjoy ourselves!" She tells him when he looks back at the hill. When they reach The Eyrie, Vala runs inside, and quickly returns with her bow and a small coinpurse, yelling behind her: "Kyou's asked me on a date! Don't wait up for us, we may be a while!" She then returns to Kyou, linking her arm with his. "Shall we go?"
Leo laughed when Williams apologised for making Leo witness that... Sight. Leo laughed slightly and said, "No worries..". He then sighed when the man stated that he owed him back, Leo shook his head, "You don't owe me anything... you've actually helped me already." When he got to the other side of the river to pick up his sword, he grabbed the fish and placed in on the rivers edge, "I can give this to Keira, she can make something with the fish.". Leo picked up his sword and rubbed the fishes blood off on the grass and then washed the blade with the water from the river. Leo stopped what he was doing when William mentioned the one-armed man, he stood up, sheathed his blade and then said, "That... Person, humiliated me and I didn't like it." He then went on to say, "But thank you.. If I'm honest, I could have done better, he provoked me and put me into a near death state... Which you and Kalryn saved me from. So thank you."

He smiled at William who continued to speak, this time about sparring partners. Leo looked at him and replied, "I wasn't exactly looking, but I do need to continue with my training, so I guess I could spar with you". He then looked at Williams arm and said, "But you're injured... It wouldn't really be fair. But, I don't mind. I'll train with you."

"Hey, let's not think about work for a while, okay? Let's just enjoy ourselves!"

Kyou had a hard time not worrying about work. Yesterday, William was attacked by who-knows-who, and on top of that, Pirel was on the loose again. If Kyou wasn't on his guard, they might attacked Vala next. He decided not to worry her with that though.


As Kyou waited for Vala to gather her things, he slipped on his shirt and went to his room at the lodge to grab his extra cloak. He had no intention of damaging this one.

"Kyou's asked me on a date! Don't wait up for us, we may be a while!"

Kyou narrowed his eyes at those words but decided not to say anything.
'Unless I my memory is failing, I swear it was her who asked me out...'

Right before Vala returns, he checks both of his blades. There was no telling what they might encounter out there.

"Shall we go?"

With arms linked, the two made their way towards Yunich...

@The Mythic Dragon
Aias had been sitting at one of the tables in The Eyrie, contentedly drinkinh from a mug of ale. That is, until Vala ran in, grabbed some stuff, and ran out.

"Kyou's asked me on a date! Don't wait up for us, we may be a while!"

Aias's hand crushed his mug, the alcoholic drink inside spilling all over the table. Bolting out of his chair and out the door, Aias looked for Kyou and Vala, but they had already left. "That damn bastard!" Aias growled, before roaring into the sky. "KYOU!"
Showing an uncharacteristic notion for romantics that was quite uncommon given his solitary demeanor, the aptly nicknamed 'Big Fucking Giant' was out and about on the roof of the lodge watching the sun come up. He had actually been hanging up there since around daybreak, but had found it all too peaceful to even bother moving. With his sword sufficiently sharpened in case of enemy attack and his mind preoccupied with thoughts of prayer and devotion to the Gods, it seemed like just the perfect day he'd been hankering for for a long time.

Heck, he was in such a good mood he thought about trying to take the out the old childhood picture book he still carried and trying to learn a few more words from it while he had the chance. As surprising and embarrassing as it was, the great hulking brute actually had no idea how to read or write anything other than his name. It had never been necessary before as his street smarts got him through most everything without incident. Now that he was actually in a respectable Guild and all though, he'd been thinking about taking up the trouble to learn ... Especially since he wouldn't be allowed to use a sword until two more days.

Deciding that was the best thing to do, he squeezed his bulk (with tremendous difficulty) back through the window and snuck quietly down the stairs. He certainly didn't want any of his new Guild mates to find out the ... erm ... embarrassing secret and all. He had just gotten to the bottom when a scream of rage concerning the leader had him whipping his head up and cracking it hard into the low hanging door way at the bottom.

So much for stealth!



Door: 1 Aedan: 0

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