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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

< @ChristinaXIV @Kirito Kei >

"Thank you..." Lin whispers to Christina, handing her his jar of wound balm, giving her a second. "No matter what happens... I won't need this." He says, walking faster, throwing himself in front of Kyou. "Lord Kyou!"

He looks at the guild master's face, eyes filled with tears. "I... wanted to thank you. I have never fit in. Being small and weak as a blacksmith's son made me the target of so much ridicule. I even thought about killing myself. But then... I was told to help take supplies to your town. I saw all the animals you had... and I knew I had found my place. I begged you to take me in... and you did." The hound weren't idle, and one behind the young boy rose a greatsword, ready to cut his back open. Tears were now flowing down his face. "You took me in, and gave me a job that I love. And then I was able to help you... even though I got hurt. If I die, I will be happy to die in service to you." He closes his eyes as he says the final words, the sword swinging down. "Thank you, Lord Kyou..."

[The FEELS! What'cha gonna do?]
"You're weak just like the rest!!!" Kyou screamed as he removed the his blade from the head of a bloody hound. "Now where's the next one?"

"Lord Kyou!"

Kyou turned his attention towards Lin. His devilish smile turned to worry.
"You don't belong here. This place is for the monsters..."

"I... wanted to thank you. I have never fit in. Being small and weak as a blacksmith's son made me the target of so much ridicule. I even thought about killing myself. But then... I was told to help take supplies to your town. I saw all the animals you had... and I knew I had found my place. I begged you to take me in... and you did."

As he listened to Lin, the flame in Kyou's eyes began to die down. It was as if a animal tamer had manage to pacified a lion. Tears started to well up in his eyes as he fell to his knees.
"Don't thank me. I'm a killer. Everyone around me gets killed one way or another..."

"You took me in, and gave me a job that I love. And then I was able to help you... even though I got hurt. If I die, I will be happy to die in service to you."

The tears in Kyou's eyes began to turn into full blown sobbing as he fell to his knees.
"I'm stupid... I'm soo stupid..."

He had finally realized what it really meant to be a good leader. Being a good leader meant that the people that you command are willing to die so that you can succeed. Being a good leader mean that you can complete the objective so that their deaths weren't in vain, not to mourn them and not get anything done.

"Thank you, Lord Kyou..."

Just before Kyou could respond, a hound with a greatsword sliced his back open, causing him to fall to the ground.

"No!" Kyou screamed as he threw his sword at the hound, hitting him right in the chest. After he was sure that the hound was dead, Kyou scrambled to Lin's side, desperately trying to make him drink his healing potion. "Come on... don't die on me Lin..."

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Kirito Kei >

"L-lord...Kyou..." Lin sputtered, blood frothing out of his mouth even as the wound tried to close. "Thank... you..." his eyes close, pulse still there but weak. Nyvrell fights her way over to Kyou and kneels next to him. "I will watch over him. He may die, he may not. Either way... make sure his sacrifice is not in vain." She says quietly, picking up the limp young man and carrying him to Ajax, laying him against a tree.
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Durzol Naghat, your name is a nightmare.

Durzol Naghat, your name is a nightmare.

Durzol Naghat, your name is a nightmare.

The mantra swallowed up his thoughts. He stumbled over the grass, cutting down anyone who got too close. His eyes were bleary and unfocused. Dark figures rushed past him, not giving him the time of day. He continued on.

"Durzol, dear..." whispered an ethereal voice in his ear. "Stand up."

"Who are you?" he roared, and twisted around to see. "Leave me alone!" And then, out of the corner of his eye he spotted her. It was his mother. She looked young. Durzol stopped dead when he saw her. "Mother... Why are you here... I-I..."

"You mustn't listen to those words... only you know your true heart," she smiled and opened her arms wide to him. He stumbled forward and fell into her, relishing her scent and her presence. When he opened his eyes, he wasn't in the battle anymore. He was in his cottage, a pleasant fire crackling in the hearth. He was a little boy again."And only your true heart can lead you where you must go. Worry not about the past... look to the future, and all its possibilities." There was a shuddering at the door. He heard an angry crowd jeering outside but his mother shushed his thoughts and smiled at him.

"Please, I want to stay," he whispered. She shook her head and then placed a kiss on his forehead. The next thing he knew he was back on the field. Tears that he didn't remember crying were streaming down his cheeks.

Now another figure appeared in his vision. It was Nyvrell. She shimmered, almost as if she wasn't real. Her smile was playful and happy, careless and serene. "You fought Pirel, didn't you?" she asked. "You saved me, didn't you? Your past is filled with mistakes, but you must also remember the good you did. What would have happened if you didn't become an assassin? if you had joined Pirel, let the hounds take me? Those questions don't matter, as they cannot be made."

She stepped forward and they were standing, inches apart. Her eyes shone up into his and he could feel her presence, her kindness flowing into him and melt all his fears away "Go, Durzol Naghat. Show the word you have changed, and fight with your new friends. Or, stay here and wallow in your despair. The choice is yours..."

He bent his forehead so that it touched hers and he closed his eyes. They breathed in sync, the battle roaring about all around them and not noticing it, even a little bit.

When he opened his eyes, she was gone. He brushed the tears off his cheeks and began to run back into the forest. He passed the body of the Hound he had killed and payed it no mind. With a new determination he pushed forward, his heart pumping with adrenaline. Off in the distance, he heard someone scream. It sounded like Kyou.

Brambles tore at his cloak and skin and he pushed through the underbrush to a large clearing. There, he saw Pirel, Aedan, Curze, William, Nyvrell and a figure slumped against a tree. It was Lin. His anger flared and he pulled out his stiletto dagger. Those Hounds were going to pay for what they did to his teammate.

He rushed over to Kyou who still had a look of complete shock on his face.

"Kyou," he said and grabbed the man's shoulders. They were quaking and Kyou felt as light as a feather in his arms. "You have to get up! We have to fight! We're gonna win this for Lin, right Kyou?"


-Durzol has joined Kyou and the others

@The Mythic Dragon @Kirito Kei
"L-lord...Kyou..." "Thank... you..." Lin said as he closed his eyes.

"Stop thanking me..." Kyou trailed off as he hung his head over the now unconscious Lin. He felt as if there was no need to thank him. After all, he didn't even complete the mission yet.

When Nyvrell showed up, Kyou simply continued to stare at the ground.
"I will watch over him. He may die, he may not. Either way... make sure his sacrifice is not in vain." She said as she hoisted Lin up and carried him towards Ajax.

When she left, Kyou simply sat and stared at his bloody hands. Even though the blood wasn't his, he felt like it might as well be. Could he do it? Was he really capable of handling something like this? Maybe the transition from petty pickpocket to leader of the Ascended Pheonixes was too sudden of a jump. Maybe he should just let someone else take leadership of the guild so he could go back to the easy lifestyle of traveling from place to place, not worrying about killing anyone or anyone getting killed because of him.

His thoughts were interrupted by Durzol, who had grabbed his shoulders.
"Kyou, you have to get up! We have to fight! We're gonna win this for Lin, right Kyou?"

For a few seconds, Kyou's lifeless eyes simply stared at Durzol, not knowing how to respond. He wanted to say
"I don't know if I can Durzol..." but he resisted the urge. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath as he got to his feet and grabbed Averet who he had sat right next to him, then he slowly walked over to the hound he had threw his blade at and retrieved his other sword from his chest. He chuckled a bit as he looked at the bloody blade that was Averet, this was a weird time, but he was suddenly reminded of his parents. 'Mom and Dad would be furious if they heard I ran away from a fight...'

He then turned to Durzol, his eyes filled with resolve.
"Let's do it Durzol. Me, you and the rest of the guild. Lets win this fight! Lets win this fight for all those that have fallen!" He screamed, loud enough for everyone to hear.


Kyou has both of his blades back

No longer has health potion


@The Mythic Dragon

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Christina moved to stand with Durzol and Kyou, a hand covering her wound but otherwise, she remained unwavered from her spirit as she cast her steeled glance their way. Her heart was burning with excitement where her stomach was burning in pain, if anything, she wanted to finish the fight in whatever fashion the could, the quicker the better. She dipped her fingers in the balm she had been given and rubbed them over her exposed flesh, wincing, but felt the pain slowly starting to recede. Her blade became tight as she gripped her longsword firmly in her right hand, her left handed bracer raised as a sort of agile defense, one made to parry and protect.

"Let's do it Durzol. Me, you and the rest of the guild. Lets win this fight! Lets win this fight for all those that ha fallen!" His words were wise, she acknowledged this, is was as though her father was speaking to her again, his hope, his energy, it was a phenomenal sight to behold, he was quite a leader, even if he doubted himself, Christina held his values highly. Her glance went down to the injured Lin,
I'm fighting for you as well... She could feel the pain coming from the boy, even while being tended to by the healer, it enraged her as she let out her own battlecry, one that was without word, but within itself expressed her emotion.


-Medium wound has been lightened up a bit.

-Stands beside Kyou and Durzol

@The Mythic Dragon
@Kirito Kei @bourgeoisiemustache
The events of the current situation shocked Leo. To start off with, they were surrounded by hundreds of Hounds. Identifiable from their tattoos, the sight sickened him. The fact that he would have to deal with the Hounds again frustrated him, they were dishonourable and thought that grandeur existed within doing dishonest and shameful things. However, Leo was also partially glad to be able to face them again. As this time, he had no intention of stopping until every single one was lying on the ground. He didn't want any stranglers, and he most certainly wanted to rid their filth from the Earth. The pain and suffering that they have caused is unforgivable. They needed to pay the price, and Leo believed that the Ascending Pheonix' would deliver that price. Swiftly... and bloody.

Leo stood there, silently, surrounded by quite a few Hounds on his own. They had managed to separate him from the group and by the looks of things, were going to attempt to, 'pick him off'. Each Hound had their sword drawn and pointed towards Leo. He sighed as he slowly began to draw his blades. "Do you thugs know what you're doing? You should never have pointed your blades at me...". With that, he had unsheathed his swords and held them either side of himself. One of the Hounds began to laugh maniacally, he seemed to be in his mid-twenties, probably even early thirties. The man then began to speak, "You're a child before my sword! Boy! Look at you, you're helpless... You with your pathetic 'swords'... I could probably slice them in half with my ow-" The man was cut off, a sword burried deep into his throat, Leo went up to the mans ear and said, "You know... You talk too much. You're lucky I didn't slice off your tongue instead... That would have been fun to see... But, oh well, you don't deserve such treatment" Leo then slashed his blade out of the mans throat and decapitated him. His head folled on the floor and hit the feet of another Hound member who was terrified out of his skin. The headless body of the hound sank to the floor, hitting the ground with a loud thud. Leo sighed, "You Hounds never learn... I feel sorry for you, as I'm sure Kha'as does as well... Now, be ready to taste my blade!"

Leo turned to face the frightened hound, he charged at him and made quick disposal of him, slicing off both of his arms and stabbing him through the chest. Another charged behind Leo, ready to stab him through the back. Leo backflipped over him, and stabbed him through the back instead. He then kicked the hound down to the ground and stabbed him in the throat. Leo sighed, "Come on then! You're pathetic. You louts shouldn't be holding swords! You'd do better fighting with dolls!". With that, two more Hounds charged at him from either side, he quickly parried both of their attacks and pushed them back. One of them slashed at Leo's leg as he was on the ground. Angered, Leo jumped ontop of the Hound and stabbed both of his swords through the sides of his head, the blade coming out either side. Leo then jumped up to see the other, who had managed to get up in the time he dealt with his friend. Leo ducked under the attack, kicked the Hound in the face, and then disarmed him, taking the Hounds sword and stabbing him in the heart. He then went over to the man on the floor and took his blades out of his skull.

All the Hounds surrounding him were dead, at least that's what he thought. Some of them had fled to go join another group. So with that, Leo did the same. And went to go find Kyou and the others. When he arrived, he saw Lin, the guilds animal handler in a critical state. He was wounded badly, and no doubt the Hounds had done it. Lin was a defenceless boy, who has his whole life ahead of him. He couldn't die now. Leo wasn't happy, in fact. He was furious. Yet he managed to sustain a calm demeanour. The fact that the Hounds are happy with attacking unarmed people annoyed him. That's not what a warrior does, in his eyes. He looked at the wounded Lin and thought to himself. "We will win here today... For you." Leo approached Kyou, Christina and Durzol. He sighed for a moment and was about to say something when Kyou spoke. "Let's do it Durzol. Me, you and the rest of the guild. Lets win this fight! Lets win this fight for all those that have fallen!". His words brought back memories of his training back as a child, training beaide his brother and father. Kyou spoke with such valour, resolve... And courage. Leo was glad to be standing beside him. "Let me join you guys, we'll make them regret crossing the Ascending Pheonix, for harming Lin and many others!". He stood there, his swords either side of him, he was ready. In fact, he felt like he was ready for anything the Hounds would throw at him.


-Light Wound: Cut to his leg

-Four Hounds dead by his blade

-Leo stands with Kyou and the others
Kalryn had run off with the others after Keiyan. She was obviously distressed, given her body language. It was strange, how he'd been getting to know the wolves. He could read them. His thoughts lingered no more, instead focused on Lin with an arrow in his chest with Athaulf standing over him, having probably just killed an archer. It was strange, Lin was a good kid. He felt something stirring at his state. He wasn't sure what this feeling was, only that it was disrupting his thinking. He didn't have time to be in this state. At Pirel's voice sounding through the forest, Kalryn scowled. This bastard had a liking of theatrics. "Nobody's impressed!" He yelled to wherever Pirel was, making it clear that these theatrics were being wasted. The man clearly had an ego the size of a city.

Something else struck him. Two things, rather. One, there were some others in a clearing, one who looked very much like Cruze. They were surrounded by Hounds. Second of all, Pirel knew of Keira and Leo. That could only mean one thing. He had some form of spy, and it'd have to be somewhere that would allow him to know. That set Kalryn's mind off at lightspeed. If Pirel had an observation on them, then what else did he know? How was he observing them? Surely not directly. That would require an enormous amount of self-assurance. Then again, Pirel had an insane ego, so it wasn't out of the question. If he could be in their midst and they didn't notice, then how safe are they? How safe is anyone? This again called into question Kyou's victory over him. He had never seen his leader be nearly skilled enough to beat him. Some external power? An even greater magic-user? Whatever it was, he doubted it would be the gods. That sort of stuff was reserved for the tales of skalds and bards. Maybe that was simply Pirel holding back then? Maybe he wanted them to win? He doubted that, as his ego didn't seem like it could take that hit. An external power, then.

Regardless, Kalryn now found himself in the middle of a large battle. This one could get tricky again. He span to see six Hounds advancing on him from behind. Trying to get behind him again. Sneaky. That called another question. How many Bloody Hounds were there? There was no further time to expand on this, as two of the Hounds lunged at him at once. He deflected one of the blades with his dagger and grabbed the wrist of the other, twisting it behind him. From there, Kalryn thrust the dagger into his back, driving it through the man's spine with a sick crack. A third yelled at him with a wide swing. "Candrine, you bastard! He was my brother!" Kalryn swung the incapacitated man into the path of the slash, which finished him off. The blade had gotten stuck, which yanked the man forward as Kalryn dropped the body. A swift knee raise broke his nose, then he promptly got his throat slit and was left to bleed out, gurgling blood. Next up was the Hound he'd deflected, who came in with another savage stab, instead getting knocked away at the last moment by a magic blast the size of his own torso. The man span away and crushed his skull even more against a tree.

From behind came a roar as the last three charged him. Kalryn whirled once again and held out his empty hand, pointing with a finger. As he did so a thin line of magic traced from his finger, then got sent flying as his dagger hand came forward in an aggressive gesture at the men. Two ducked it, but the other's head came off from the intensity. One of the men who ducked got tackled by Keiyan, her jaws snapping onto his throat as her unexpected leap sent him flying onto his back as his throat found its way into Keiyan's mouth. The other wasted no time as he flew at Kalryn in a tackle, slamming him against a tree. The man was strong enough to hold him there, trying to bring his dagger to bear.

Suddenly the slow advance of the dagger halted as they both stared in shock at Lin. The speech and what happened to him brought the strange feeling to the fore again. He was close to recognising it, but still couldn't place it. Kalryn recovered first as he kicked the man away, retreating to the circle around Lin. There was a large gap in the circle that was facing Kalryn, so he plugged it, putting himself next to Lin. Without looking down, he spoke to Lin. "Lin, they aren't going to touch you while I stand. Not any more." It took him a second to realise it, but he'd just used his name. He'd never said Lin's name before. Not to Lin himself, anyway. He may not have let it on that much, but Kalryn held a deep respect for Lin. The boy was braver than he thought, not to mention more competent. He suddenly recognised the sensation he was experiencing. Sadness. He was sad and concerned for Lin. He hadn't been close enough to someone to feel like this for them since he was very young, and didn't understand who his father really was. It also brought back another long-forgotten thing. A tear.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Kirito Kei @ChristinaXIV @Whisker @Fezzes @JishinAkuma @LeSoraAmari @bourgeoisiemustache @Calibutcher >

"Well... isn't that sweet?" Pirel's voice laughed, echoing over the entirety of the battle. "You all think that camaraderie matters. Well, there is no power in friendship. There is only power! And power is what I seek! POWER GREATER THAN THE GODS! OBSERVE!" He began to laugh maniacally from wherever he was, as the hounds all grabbed their heads, screaming as, one by one, they began to explode into piles of flesh. They piles jiggled and moved, forming on top of one another to become two eight-foot golems made of dripping flesh and dangling intestines. "THIS IS TRUE POWER! WATCH AS YOUR PATHETIC FELLOWSHIP IS DESTROYED!"

The two flesh golems moved in, battering the Phoenixes away from Lin, leaving him exposed with only Nyvrell there to protect him. "You bastard! You won't-" She never got to say what wouldn't happen, as she was pummeled into the ground by tree trunks of flesh-arm, blood flowing from her head and nose. "DIIIIEEEEE!!!" Pirel's voice was now one of a madman, laugh haunting the minds of all the fighters as the final blow was thrown...

"Damn it, Kyou!" Roared another familiar voice, from underneath the 'fist'. Curze coughed up blood from blocking the weight, but he stood strong over the wounded Phoenixes. "Is this all the Ascended Phoenixes can do!? Show me, show him, that he is wrong." The golem continued to pound on him, smashing against his shield. He must have had a broken arm by this point. "Show him the strength of your bonds! Or was that all bullshit!?"

[2 Flesh Golems - Mega Bosses. 1 ("Crusher") is occupied with Curze, breaking his guard in 5 turns. The other ("Blocker") must be defeated or bypassed before any action can be taken against the "Crusher"]
Kyou gritted his teeth as he listened to Pirel spew some nonsense about power. It was obvious that the man didn't have all his marvels. Power greater than the gods? Kyou wasn't even sure if the gods existed. Ever since he was young, his parents taught him to rely on his own power, not some entity he never even seen before. Then again, he did have two conversations with disembodied voices. Kyou would've played them off as some sort dream, something that the adrenaline of the battle induced. However, he couldn't fight the fact that he was stabbed in the heart and was on the ground bleeding to death, then he was on his feet fighting Pirel as if nothing happened...

Kyou's thoughts were interrupted by the screaming of the bloody hounds. He watched in disgust as they all exploded into piles of flesh. He even took a few steps back as the pieces began to form some sort of horrific monster, two of them actually.

'Well, if there truly are gods that influence this world, I could really use some help right now!' He loudly thought to himself as he readied his blades. 'What the hell am I thinking? Now I'm making requests! The next thing I know I'll be making pilgrimages to temples so that I can pray to them!'

Now that his mind was clear of rage and sorrow, he could analyze the situation, think more clearly. As one of the giants attacked Lin, Kyou noticed that it was blocked by Curze.
"Damn it, Kyou!" "Is this all the Ascended Phoenixes can do!? Show me, show him, that he is wrong." "Show him the strength of your bonds! Or was that all bullshit!?"

Kyou grinned as he began to sprint towards Curze.
"Everyone, we need to split our forces! Half of you go for the other golem while the other half assist me with this one, watch each other's back!" He yelled. By this time he was nearly to Curze's location. "I'm glad to see that you aren't a complete piece of crap..." He said as he jumped into the air, both his blades raised. "Be ready to attack. Try anything I don't like and I'll slice your throat myself!" He said to Curze as he slammed his blades downwards. He was aiming for the golem's attacking arm. It looked soft enough, after all, it was made of flesh. All flesh can be cut with a sharp enough blade...


Kyou suggests that everyone split up to take care of the golems

Makes a air attack for the "Crusher" golem

Temporary alliance with Curze?

@The Mythic Dragon
Axel watched as the hounds exploded and reformed in horror. He had never seen anything like this and he vomited at the sight. AXel wiped his mouth with the back of his hand heaved his warhammer onto his good shoulder and then ran for flesah golem ( blocker) and let his other arm hang down by his side so it would not get in the way of his attack. Axel jumped and used his wings to propel himself tward the flesh golem and with all his might swung his hammer downward to strike at its head.

Axels left shoulder has gotten worse

Axel makes an attack at the Blocker golem
The mercenaries were closing in around them, spears and nets in hand. The promise of gold had done much to bolster their courage and it was plain to see that he was going to have a difficult time. They continued to advance on him and he was soon forced backwards until his back was up against a tree, he spears bristling just a few feet away as though they planned to gore him right then and there.

A sheen of sweat glimmered on his brow as he held his sword steady and waited for a move. He was glad he still had the balm on him and didn't waste it on that first thrust. If he made even a single mistake here, he was as good as fucked! None of the others had even noticed what was going on and even they did, they had their own problems to worry about. No, he was on his own and it'd be up to him to get out of this alive.

"What is the matter? All that talk and you still haven't moved. Afraid, Giant? We too much of a match for ya?"

There was an ugly ripple of laughter that had him snarling but not responding in kind.

Stay calm and wait ... don't get drawn in ... they're waiting for you to fuck up.

His chance came when the leader suddenly darted in with the net slung wide. Aedan threw his whole body to the side and toppled over some bushes in a heap to avoid it. There was some angry howls and he lifted his sword in an attempt to try and block them as he heard footsteps in his direction. There was suddenly the sound of Pirel's voice and a great disgusting squelching sound that echoed through out the clearing and mingled with the howls of fear and pain. From where he lay on the ground just obscured from full view of the clearing, a shower of blood rained down him as though a sudden monsoon had started.

His blue eyes widened in sudden shock and horror ... and he touched his face where the warm liquid was already starting to settle.

Blood ... what?"

He jerked upright and disentangled his cloak from the bushes. He then looked over where the Hounds were and froze as he saw a clearing practically bathed in blood and death and bits of flesh. It was as though an explosion of a great creature had taken place there and nothing left of it's hide remained other than the revolting stench.

Now, having been privy to many terrible things in his career, you'd think that Aedan would be able to stomach the sight of it all without wanting to wretch. But he did ... he gave a horrid shudder and half collapsed against the bush again in shock until the golems began to form.

Now sweating profusely and feeling nothing short of rage mixed with revulsion, the giant sprang forth from the secluded part of the clearing where he had been forced and tried to meet up with the others. He ... sadly ... had missed all the 'rah rah rah' that occurred over Lin being struck down, and proved to be as wildly independent and ferocious as ever.

He stopped in his charge only long enough to shove his sword into his sheath and snatch up a very ominous looking battleaxe upon the ground.

You know what they say! The taller they stand ... the harder they FALL!"

With a kind of maniacal laugh at his own joke, he closed in on the "Blocker" and swung the axe like a lumberjack straight for the back of the foot just above the ankle. In this instance, he was almost grateful at nearly having been captured because it would give him such a good hit on this thing.


All 10 Hound bounty collectors are warped to the flesh golem.

Aedan misses the whole hooplah over Lin and is still playing by himself.

Gets an axe and makes a lumberjack strike on the Blocker golem.
"Nyvrell!" Durzol shrieked as the monster crushed her to the ground. Time seemed to slow down all around him as she hit the dirt, blood spewing out from fresh wounds. He couldn't get to her in time. He couldn't save her. Now... Now he knew what to do. With a hardened heart, he stood and jumped into the battle. Alive or not, if he didn't beat these monsters there would be no way to save Nyvrell.

The golems were not alive, at least as far as he knew, so all of his poisons would be ineffective. He cursed himself for not bringing a sword. but decided his dagger would have to do. He jumped at one of the golems that obstructed his view of Nyvrell. It sickened him, all the writhing parts and dripping blood but he pushed down his disgust. How could he help defeat this thing? He was good at killing, which required things be alive in the first place. He used his wings to propel him into the air so that he could get a good view of the monsters. But while he was up there, a gigantic fist came slamming his way and knocked him to the ground. He hit the ground and felt his back arch up in pain.

"That's going to hurt in the morning," he moaned as he picked himself up. His ribs hurt like hell, no doubt they were broken again. He dashed around, trying to get a look at the monsters and find their weak points. Then, he found it. It was a small opening between one piece of flesh and the other. He knew that what he was doing was a risk. If he could claw out the flesh and make it so that someone could gouge through the beast then maybe the entire thing could fall apart. The only problem was the getting close part.

The monster flung its arms as weapons. He could see Kyou going for one of the arms, Aedan slicing the back of it and a stranger going in got the head. All he had to do was open it a little more... The monster sent a flesh whip and knocked him off his feet. Then one of its arms came crashing down over him and Durzol rolled away, just narrowly missing being crushed into a patty.

He was getting closer. With Aedan and Kyou occupying its time, Durzol slunk in towards the beast and found the opening spot. He grabbed on to it and began tearing and slicing at the flesh with his dagger. The flesh was still warm and stunk of blood, and Durzol found himself not making any progress. Suddenly, an arm came whirring out of nowhere and Durzol had to jump away before he was crushed.

"Shit!" he roared. Then, a thought occurred to him. If he used his dagger as a stake and got Mr. Hammer to hit it, while Kyou and the others attacked at the same time, maybe the whole thing would destabilize and fall to the ground.

"Hammer boy!" he called out to the stranger. "Come over here! I need help!" He scrambled around, dodging the pieces of flesh that were dislodged from the attacks on the creature. "If I use my dagger as a stake and we all hit it at the same time, we could make it fall apart!"


-Durzol has found a weak spot on the golem

-Durzol has a medium wound (broken ribs)

-Durzol has a "plan" to stop the golem

@The Mythic Dragon @Kirito Kei @Whisker @JishinAkuma
Axel grunted as he barly got out of the way o f the fist of the golem standing in front of him. He turned to the sound of someone calling out to him and rushed over as fast as he could using his wings to move across the field faster and to avoid the attacks of the golem. But half way there the golem brought his arm down and Axel didnt have enough time to react, Axel caught the brount of the attack in his chest and used his hammer to block the rest. He wheezed as his body strugggled to catch air back into his body. He stood up and spat out blood he turned to the drake kin that had called to him and after a second of catching more breath smirk.

" lets try this plan of yours, the sooner the better"


Axel agrees to the plan

Axel has a broken collar bone

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Just as Kalryn finished his statement Pirel's voice rang out again, clearly insane. The man had lost it. A complete megalomaniac. He was about to retort when the heads of all the Hounds popped, their bodies turning to a meaty sludge and coalescing into two flesh golems. Some things were best left undescribed about these two. Instead, they advanced on Lin and Nyvrell, slamming him away from them. At the last moment, he made that arm of the golem a little bit lighter, trying to make sure it wouldn't hit quite as hard. It still didn't make that much of a difference, as he soared away, rolling along the ground. After a few turns Kalryn stopped himself with a knee, then stood up fully. His dagger would be useless here. He'd need to rely on his magic and his fellow Phoenixes. On that note, another thing occurred to him. "Athaulf! Keiyan! Return and Stay!" He needed to get them out of danger. These golems were beyond them, and he wasn't going to be sending them in on something they'd probably die to. Although, if the golems are made out of flesh...

His train of thought broke as one of the golems pounded into Lin and Nyvrell. A deep breath in. Curze stood under and yelled at them to help. A deep breath out. Time to do something then, wasn't it? He wanted to attack the one attacking Curze, but it was blocked by the other flesh golem. Kalryn put his dagger away and spread his hands, forming a large spear of energy in each. His left arm projected forward, and the spear launched at the golem's body. His right hand followed suit, aimed at its head.

@The Mythic Dragon
Christina had little time to recover as guts exploded onto her, blood staining her armor and her mouth gaining a rather distasteful liquid which she was forced to spit out. She watched as two three horrific abominations arose from the corpses, No, they're not arising, they're forming these massive monstrosities! The thought was sickening to her, she knew it was because of Pirel's spells, the very man who had had her imprisoned, who had taken over the mind of a good man, the one who had hurt Lin, had broken one of the newer Phoneix's collarbone (@The Mythic Dragon
< @Kirito Kei >

So... are you finally accepting the truth..?

As the voice echoes in Kyou's mind, his blades bounce of the arm as if it was steel, just to have his face be smashed in by the elbow coming back. "I doubt I could-" Curze pauses as he is attacked again. "Do anything, let alone something you-" again "don't approve of." Curze yells, although he sounds a bit amused even as he gets crushed.

[ Kai is knocked back ]

[ 4 Turns until Curze's guard breaks ]

< @ChristinaXIV @Fezzes @Whisker @bourgeoisiemustache @JishinAkuma >

Christina dashes between the breaker's legs just as Aedan's axe sinks into the ankle. It seems to do no damage, but distracts the golem long enough for Christina to break through. However, Aedan finds himself grabbed and used as a projectile, barreling into Axel and Durzol. This happened at the same moment that Kalryn's spears let fly, the first stabbing through Aedan's right shoulder, the second flying true and burying itself in the golem's head. That seems to anger it, and the Blocker charges.

[ Christina makes it through, make a strike on the Crusher ]

[ Aedan takes a medium wound - numb shoulder (right) ]

[ Everyone (except Christina) make a strike and take a medium wound from Blocker ]
William had begun his counter on the hounds and was just about to swing into the man's leg. However as he struck his mark the man's leg liquefied and Williams blade went straight through and became covered in gore. William looked up to see all the other hounds had suffered the same fate. he watched in disgust as piles of gore started moving past him. William started backing up to get out of the way trying not to step in any of the puddles of dead men. However William made a mis-step his foot caught the edge of a rock and he fell back into a tree his head hit the hard wood and he heard a crack that was the last thing he remembered as he was knocked unconscious by the blow. Williams body went limp and lay almost lifeless among the trees totally unaware of the struggle his team started without him. However William had one thing going for him....

Tallahu witnessed Williams unfortunate fall and was quickly to his aid. The mighty Ibex dragged William further from the Golems and once it asserted him to be safe enough began licking Williams face. William did not come too right away but Tallahu was persistent and eventually William awoke. The first thing he noticed was the stench of goat breath then the slime on his face he pushed Tallahu back as soon as he realized what had happened. He quickly wiped off his face and spit on the ground. "Whoa boundaries Tallahu!" The Ibex stood unfazed of his statement and William just smirked at it. However he was interrupted by the sound of the Phoenixes fighting the Golems, William remembered what happened and shot up he felt the lump on the back of his head throb as he did so and muttered something about getting a helmet.

William decided not to rush straight in at the Golems from the sound of things he had a good idea of how that would go over. Instead he stayed low and moved among the shadows of the tree towards the battle He saw the team was focused on one Golem while Cruze was single handedly taking on the other he felt a pang of regret for the man but saw that his team needed help first. William moved around through the forest untill he was behind the Golem. He had an idea maybe not a good idea but if it worked it might be. William ran towards the Golem however peeled off before he got to close and ran up the nearest tree. He used his dagger to help him climb and eventually made it to the first branches. He pulled himself up on one got his balance and looked at his target below. He sheathed his dagger and pulled out his Sword-staff. He grabbed it with both hands he could already feel the repercussion this would have on his shoulder as he started to lift the blade but went ahead anyway. He ran on the branch towards the golem and jumped diving straight for the base of its neck his blade lead the way and William braced both arms readying himself as best he could for impact. He just hoped it wouldn't turn around. Please don't turn around he thought.


William is back in the fight

William attempts a crippling sneak attack.
Aedan had barely raised his axe for another blow to the ankle when the Golem struck. Shock and surprise flitted across the piercing blue eyes for but a few seconds before the fist swept across and smashed him bodily right along the side. The air was ripped from his lungs and his arms flailed wildly as he was picked up and thrown as though he were no more than an insect waiting to be squashed. The world swam before his eyes as he crashed into something (or someone) and hit the ground at a skid. Earth and debris of all kind kicked up from his armor ... but it was the pain in his shoulder he felt more than anything else. It hadn't been so apparent when it actually got him but now laying on the ground about a good 50 ft from the battle, he felt every bit of pain surging over him at a wave.

"Gods .... ah ... fuck ... "

He gingerly rolled onto his side and gritted his teeth in pain. His whole shoulder had gone numb by this point, but he felt the warm rush of blood that covered it as well as the jolting that occurred as the makeshift javelin went with him. He lifted his head slightly and winced as the blurry forms of the golems as well as those who were still fighting swam before his eyes.

C'mon ... get up .... you've gotta get up ... You can't go down yet ... you just can't ...

But it was tempting. It was sorely tempting to just lay down and let the black consume him. But instinct forewarned him that if he did that ... given how serious his injuries were ... there was a fairly good chance he wouldn't be waking up again. Gritting his tongue once more to avoid biting his tongue, the man lifted his head and used his left hand to begin pushing the head of the spear even deeper into his the slit in his arm. Blood spurted everywhere and his legs kicked horribly as he writhed from the pain. Grunts and low curses came from him as tears came freely from his eyes as he twisted the metal head even further before finally yanking back hard and freeing it from his arm.

Not even he could disguise the howl of agony that the movement brought. Sweat and tears mingled together as he let it drop in the sand while his head blacked out almost entirely from the pain. In fact, if it weren't for that pain, he'd have probably blissfully passed out and just sunk into the black gratefully to avoid what he was feeling.

I don't think ... I'm getting up this time .... might even be the end ... of everything.

The traitorous thoughts were beaten back by his own outrage and he began fishing into his cloak for the balm in there. He wasn't sure if it really would help, but he was willing to take a leap of faith. The blue eyes narrowed slightly as he tilted his head back and looked at the Blocker who was engrossed in fighting his companions. A stirring of white-hot rage prickled in his chest and his lips curled in a snarl.

If I get up .... I'm going ... to fucking kill you ... and if I die ... I will haunt your fucking corpse."

Talking wasn't really helping much with his situation ... but it still made him feel determined nonetheless.


Aedan is down temporarily.

Medium wound is slightly more serious.

Rage mode: Unlocked.
Given her opportunity to strike after bypassing the initial defenses of the other two golems, she lept up into the air and raised her blade high, just as the golem's arm came down to crash onto Curze's shield once more. However, instead of making the contact that could have been slowly breaking his arm, and even worse so, his body, her blade managed to sink into the thick mattered bodies as she hung on for dear life. Making the golem rear as it tried to shake her off only made it worse as she worked her second hand onto the hilt of the sword and began slowly wiggling the blade through the massive arm, all the while having to hold on tight as to not be thrown off like a doll in the hands of an unfitted child.


-Stopped the golem's strike for a turn.

-Has currently sunk her blade into the golem's arm.

@The Mythic Dragon
So... are you finally accepting the truth..?

"Agh!" Kyou's blade bounced right off of the golem then he was knocked back by it's elbow, causing him to go barreling through the air.

He managed to land on his feet but just barely. He wiped some blood from his mouth as he readied his blade for another strike.
'Listen, I don't know who you are, but you need to get out of my head!!!' He loudly thinks as he observes the golem. He could see Christine hanging on for dear life as she was being thrown around by the golem.

This probably wasn't the time, but it made him chuckle a bit. She was being swung around like a yo-yo.
'I should probably help her...'

@The Mythic Dragon @ChristinaXIV
William was hurtling towards the Golem at a now rather terrifying speed something changed though and it seemed as if everything slowed he was still heading towards the Golem he was actually very close to strike but with what seemed slowed time William realized his mistake if he struck now he was sure to break his arm or something on impact. unless he could change his plan, he did just that William pulled the blade below him and put his foot on the top of it. Just as he got his foot settled he felt the edge of the blade hit it's mark he started to push off the end of his blade with his foot but already felt the Golem moving The blade sunk in a little further and then it moved suddenly and William was thrown from his precarious position, he slipped off the end of the hilt and hit the Golem's back hard he bounced off its back and fell to the ground. Unable to get control of his fall he landed on his side and felt his ribs crack rolled a few more times then ran out of momentum. As he lay on his back he could feel his side on fire, he also felt blood seeping through to his clothing.

William could hardly stand the pain he managed to get out his jar of healing balm and applied it as fast as he could. Once he felt the pain start to diminish he carefully sat himself up and looked at his wound seeing only blood Luckily nothing was poking out but he knew something was broken. William sat there for a moment realizing he did not have his weapon he looked up to see the hilt of it still sticking out of the Golem. He frowned how was he going to get that back? He stopped worrying about how to get it back he would have to do so himself it was just a matter of how. William stood up and pulled out his dagger he readied himself for his next move though he was unsure what to do at this point still.


Williams Weapon is in the Golem's back

William suffered a medium wound to the ribs

William used his healing balm
Durzol was knocked back when Aedan was thrown onto him. The man was gigantic, much larger than Durzol and he felt his wings twist painfully as he was squashed beneath him. He scrambled off and ran around to where his dagger was still entrenched in the monster's flesh.The monster was flailing around and he saw Christina being shaken like a rag doll as she held on to it. His friends were being swatted like flies against this monster. His tools were not enough for this.

What could he do? His daggers were good for things that were alive, not reanimated, not things that couldn't die of poison. He dashed through the swirling fists and fighting, trying not to get hit. Picking up a large tree branch, almost as tall as he was, he dragged it to the monster and began beating it with everything he had left. It looked rather comical actually. The monster was so large that it looked like he was beating it with a Durzol sized twig. The monster slapped it away and his branch was broken to pieces in his hands.

Dodging back, he was lucky not to get hit. He shot out a couple daggers at the beast. It landed in its flesh with no effect. Now, Durzol only had one more dagger. His stiletto was stuck as well as his trusty other knives. He couldn't do it. He didn't know how to beat this monster.

"Dammit," he cried. "How can I do this?" Then an idea struck him. The hole that he carved out a few moments ago was large enough for him to get inside of. If he clawed his way through the creature... Well, it would be gross but at least he could try. He tied a cloth around his mouth and nose, trying to keep the odors away. Readying himself, he dodged the limbs and then began to crawl through the hole. It was a tight fit and the monster's meaty hands tugged at him, trying to get him out. Durzol kicked and fought and eventually he found himself inside. It was dark. He couldn't see. The body writhed around and the smell of blood and flesh almost knocked him out.

He began to cut at everything around him, trying to destabilize the creature.


-Durzol has only one knife left

-Durzol has crawled inside the flesh monster

-Durzol is cutting his way through the monster

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Kirito Kei @ChristinaXIV >

Yes... yes you should...

As Kyou once again hears the voice, Christina finds herself thrown off, her blade coming loose, and flying in the air towards Kyou.

[Take a light wound each from the impact, and then make a strike]

[4 rounds until Curze's guard is broken]

< @bourgeoisiemustache @Calibutcher @Fezzes @Whisker >

As the pretty much unarmed warrior stands in the way of the charging blocker, it becomes apparent that it may not have been the best plan, as they find themselves knocked away as the enraged golem grabs Kalryn, crushing him in its grip, Durzol inside getting crushed by the ever-moving core of organs inside it's torso. However, a heavy beating echoes from deeper inside.

[William takes a light wounds from being knocked away]

[Kalryn is pinned and takes a heavy wound]

[Kalryn will take an execution attempt next turn]

[Durzol takes a light wound]
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Durzol felt his already broken lungs become even more broken. He coughed out a mouthful of phlegm and then wiped his mouth. The inside of the monster was hot and wet. His breath was weak. He was covered in blood and his knife was slipping out of his hand. But... he couldn't give up just yet. As his mind was wavering just in and out of consciousness he heard a beating. Almost like a heartbeat.

Feverishly, he climbed through the flesh and cut his way to the center of the monster.

@The Mythic Dragon

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