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Memphista Region


Ya boi
Hey, what’s up. Welcome to the Memphista Region and uhhh I hope you enjoy it here. God I’ve never been good at greeting people. I’m the champion of this region and I study the phenomenon known as soul link. Soul link is when you link your soul with a single pokemon, both the pokemon and the trainer have to agree and once you link there’s no turning back. That being said you probably want to know the advantages of soul linking, well the pokemon takes on a different form permanently giving it a massive boost in power and it’s other stats it can also change it’s typing and learn new moves. In this region you’ll encounter many new pokemon and possibly make some new friend, so give it your all and enjoy life.” The stated champion gave a thumbs up before the video ended.

We will be landing in the Memphista Region in 15 minutes, and here’s a personal congratulations to the winners who won the trip here and will receive a free pokemon” the pilot said over the loud speakers. The week before this trip 5 individuals won the trip to the Memphista Region and a free pokemon. With this new region a new life could be begun.

As the hope and excitement of a new life formed it was quickly taken away. When loud bang was heard We will not allow others to come here and get in our way. There are some innocent people on board, but know your sacrifice will not be in vain. The screen monitors had shown an all white screen with a black U with an X crossing through it and an eye behind. That was the last thing before the plain crashed.

Not knowing how long had passed a total of ten people laid on the ground waking up to the smell of burning flesh just as the police, ambulance and fire fighters had all arrived.

Azure eyes flickered open, clear against the girl's pale, yet bruised, scratched and bloodied, skin. Sirens rung seemingly endlessly in her ears, seeming to never stop to the said person who led on the ground who instinctively had got herself into a curled position, with her knees tucked and arms tightly around to secure her, as if there was going to be another crash and she was embracing herself. However, when that second crash didn't come and the ringing in her ears slowly began to fade, she had brought up her face and had a look around.

The distinct, burning, vile smell had really made her realise the situation and attempt to analyse it further. Burning skin, areas of the plane littered amongst where it had crashed and the general atmosphere it had casted were the main things that she gathered immediately. Only then, when she had actually tried to gather what just happened, had she realised the glossiness in her eyes from the tears, and at the same time she noticed the shivering that had overtook her whole body. Desperately, she attempted to stabilise it by tightening her grip, though that seemed t omake it worse, due to getting to grips to how severe it was the longer this hell had gone on.

So many thoughts had ran through her mind.

Where was she..? What was happening, what day was it? The last memory she had was on the plane and.. Tobias! TOBIAS!-

As the name had ran through her mind, her eyes had widened. He was back at home at the farm with her family like Elijah, and she knew that, yet that didn't manage to soothe her nerves at all. Concern had filled her body: what if he had messaged her whilst she had been on the plane? If there had been an emergency over there, and she wasn't able to reply to him.

She didn't know where anything was- she barely knew where she was.

With the initial shock brought numbness. And it was only now that the numbness began to fade, the intense pain immediately hitting all of her body, which had tensed up as a reaction. Her knees, her arms, her feet, her chest, even her face: there was nothing that didn't hurt, even her mind, which was overcrowded with zillions of thoughts and a headache that pounded down harshly.

It had took her a few moments of just lying there before she realised that she had to do something.

Do it for Tobias, her mind had screamed at her, giving her enough adreneline to slither her hands in front of her, pushing herself up onto her knees with quite a bit of effort. Glimpsing over her body, she was relieved to just make sight with a few wounds and injuries, mostly in the form of some rather deep scratches or patches of raw skin. Though it wasn't the worst she could have, it made her stomach turn violently, ignoring the feelings that threatened to come from the source of her throat. She always had a weak stomach for blood.

Now, the next movement of business. Find someone..

Like before, it took her a good few minutes to really get herself standing, managing to move over to something that she could hold onto for a few moments before proceeding. She felt useless. She had to do something: help someone, either. So, she began to stumble and tumble around, azure eyes searching around widely, trying to find someone. Human contact or interaction was something she was desperate of at the moment, to know that she wasn't just having a nightmare. To have some level of security.
Whilst the other's intention was to not cause her any fright, with how the situation was at the moment, she still couldn't help but tense up and flinch a tiny bit as she heard a voice near her. Like she always would do, she had begun to spin around to face the other. However, she had momentarily forgotten about the wounds covering her body, the movement making her take a deep inhale and then exhale, trying not to show that she was in any pain. Even though her mind was screaming at her for it.

"J-just confused," It was strange to hear her voice, in a way. At first, it was rather hoarse after not speaking for a long time during the plane accident. Almost embarrassed, her arms wrapped around herself, like a self-comfort as she shook her head. "Confused. Just.. wanting to go home, y'know?" She uttured after clearing her throat, trying to offer the best smile she could, ignoring the tears that threatened her eyes. "Y-you?"
He relaxes. "I'm fine. Just a few scrapes." What felt like the worst wound was on his side, out of sight. Good. She seemed overwhelmed to the brink, and she had her own injuries to worry about. He didn't want to add more to her list.
"Wish I could say the same.." Attempting to brighten up the conversation, she had done it for her mostly her own sake to be truthful. Happiness was something that was prime to her, the same thing with mostly maintaining a playful atmosphere. Worrying about Tobias was still something that was key in her mind, but she tried to distract herself to the best of her ability. "W-what even happened? I don't.. why... how.." she stumbled over her words, balling up her fists before trying to take a deep breath. "I thought it was going to be.. good coming here, y'know?" As she managed to talk a bit more casually, her Kalosian accent was more noticeable in her voice.
"Yeah, me too... it'll be alright, we can still make it there. And then we can figure out what happened. For now, we have to find out who's okay, and who's injured." Thinking strategically made it easier for him to calm down.
"That's.. that's true," she let out a sigh, tilting her chin up as she closed her eyes for a moment, simply trying to focus. "I just.. hope everyone'll be okay." Shaking her head, she extended her hand, slightly shaky, to the other. "Ruth. Nice.. nice to meet you."
The area around them was a beach now littered with metal and possibly body parts, but it was best to not look to deep into it. A police officer came over to them “I know you’re probably scared right now, but please stay in this spot and a medical team will check you last since you seem in the best condition. If you see anybody in a similar condition invite them over and try calming them. I have a few minutes to answer questions” the pudgy police officer tried smiling to them to calm them


John suddenly awoke on top of another bloodied individual. It was his neighbor on the flight, middle aged and wearing khaki pants. It was all he could remember since the top half of the fella was crushed under debris. A cloud of sand shot up as he exhaled and growl as his aching body forced itself up. He himself was battered and covered in blood and sand that was stuck in his eyes, mouth and ears. He quickly thought to take his jacket off and use the inside of it to try and smear as much of the sand off his face. After a few moments he tried to stand, but felt a twinge of pain coursing from his right leg. So using his left leg mainly he got up and tried to see if anyone else made it out alive amidst the sirens and sound of a raging fire. " He-llo is any'one here"!?
John could see a police officer talking with two individuals, but could not make them out because of blurred vision and the distance away. He could here a ringing in his ears, but it was possible to make it if he started now instead of waiting on it. That all depended on if he could stay conscious though.
FMA roll for consciousness
Falling to the ground John struggles to say conscious as he lays on the ground seeming unable to get up. They did stay conscious, but the world became blurry and began to spin causing an annoying headache that stung his head and definitely was painful in all it’s might


He heard a muffled sound which made his head turn 45 degrees. Though he could not hear the words spoken, he assumed it was people in that general direction. Though as he tried to lift his foot, it got caught in the sand and slipped, causing him to trap and fall forward. His fists still clenched, but his body wouldn't react. As the fiery pain coursed through his veins he looked at the humanoid figures who were accentuated by the sunset and growing darkness. " uhh crap, I can't--dang my head".
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The officer ran over and picked up Jon setting them down by the group as a medic rushed over and began treating him right away. Once he was being treated the blurring began to settle followed by the spinning, but the headache stayed in a lessened state
Name: Luka Valentin Levitsky.

Gender: Non-binary.

Age: Twenty.

Pokemon: ???

- - -

Luka aimlessly drummed their fingers against the armrest of the luxury airline seat. They had one hand propped against the right side of their face and was staring out the window in a bored manner. Although it was their first time flying on a plane, it was nothing for the slav to be excited about, and Luka felt less than thrilled to leave behind the safe comfort of their cold homeland.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity Luka; you can't pass this up! You could finally get away from this poor land and start your life anew. Please, do it for us vorobušek."

No matter how many times the words replayed in their head, Luka felt disgusted.

While they were floating further away from their problems, Luka's family was left to starve and deal with the sorrows of life alone. How could they leave behind their family when they needed them the most? Luka angrily scoffed and pulled out their phone, taking a moment to pause on the lock screen before inputting their password and pulling up a random music playlist.

It was sad they could afford phones, but not basic food.

Luka slipped on a pair of silver headphones and turned up the volume on their phone, wanting to drown out the world along with their dark inner thoughts. Thankfully, none of the other passengers had tried to talk to Luka, and they wanted to keep it that way.

After a few minutes, Luka started to close their eyes and nod off. It had been awhile since they got proper sleep, and the stress was catching up to them. Luka was instantly out like a light, leaning forward in their seat and quietly snoring. Their ushanka was lopsided, and the grip on their phone softened.

. . .

Luka awoke a few hours later to a sudden jolt that sent them lurching forward in their seat. Although their seat-belt held them in place, Luka's phone went spiraling out of their hands and skidded across the floor. Luka's face scrunched up in confusion as they took off their headphones. Everyone on the plane was either panicking, screaming, or crying. What the hell was going on?

...And why did it feel like they were going down?

Hesitantly, Luka glanced out the plane window only to find one of the engines ablaze. They did a double-take, checked again, and gripped onto their chest tightly when the realization hit them. The plane was falling faster with each second, and Luka was struggling furiously to unclip their seat-belt.

Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do to get out of their seat, and Luka was stuck hyperventilating as they shook with each shallow breath. Both positive and negative memories flooded Luka's mind as they neared the ground, and one single thought was racing throughout their head.

I can't die, I can't die, I can't di-


. . .

"..Luka? Do you have to leave?"

"Yeah! Why can't you take us with you?

Luka chuckled as the twins clung onto their legs for dear life. In the distance, their dedushka was watching the interaction with a warm smile, along with Luka's older brother, who had their arms crossed and was hiding a small grin.

With one swift movement, Luka pulled off their ushanka and plopped it onto the head of the male twin. He giggled before his twin sister frowned and pouted, earning a head ruffle from Luka before they scooped up both of the small children into their arms.

Luka hugged the twins like it was the end of the world, and at any given moment, they could fade away.

"...I'm going to miss both of you very much. Stay strong for deda, and try not to kill each other while I'm gone."

The two children snickered before Luka set them down, and their older brother approached.



There was an awkward silence until he finally spoke.

"So, you're leaving, huh?"

Luka nodded and gestured to the airport behind them.

"Well, that's why we're here, aren't we?"

It was hard not to laugh as Luka watched their brother pale like a ghost.

"Look, you know I'm not good with all this affection crap, so I'll just cut to the chase."

Luka stared blankly ahead, now giving him their full attention.

"..Stay safe out there, okay? There are tons of crazy assholes in this world, and even though we might not have always gotten along, I don't want to get some random phone call from one of your stupid friends crying to me about how you died."

The tension between the two was so thick, Luka could have cut it with a knife if it was visible.

"Besides, it might wake me up in the middle of the night, and then I'd be super ticked and would have to come down to the afterlife and kick your ass."

A few seconds passed before Luka busted out laughing, followed by their older brother, who slapped them on the back and wiped a tear from his dark green eyes.

"I'll miss you, Luka."

And with that, Luka's older brother went back to his spot, taking the twins with them so Luka could have some alone time with their grandfather.

Luka had to admit, from a first impression, their grandfather was terrifying. He was a very tall man who towered over most people and averaged around 6'7'. Not only was he tall, but he wore a tattered trench coat along with black combat boots. To top it off, Luka's grandfather was a war veteran who was missing an eye and proudly wore a black ushanka. His voice was gruff and strict, and he could give off looks that would make even murderers shudder.

However, when this beast of a man started to approach Luka, they didn't even flinch. Instead, Luka stood their ground and respectively waited for what was to come. After stomping over, Luka's grandfather stopped in front of them so he could take one last good look at his grandchild, before pulling them into a tight hug and resting his head on their shoulder.

"You've grown so much over the years.."

Luka's grandfather placed two strong hands on their shoulders, forcing them to look into his lone eye.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Luka. I remember when you were still a little rebyonok. If only your parents were here to bid you well farewell.."

Luka could feel their eyes start to water, but shook it off, not wanting to appear weak in front of the man that gave them everything.

"I'm going to miss you too, deda... I don't think you understand how much I'm going to miss you."

There was a long pause until Luka's grandfather cleared his throat and spoke in a much gentler tone.

"Luka... You might not feel so, but I brought you in as my own, and I'm sending you off as my own. You don't have to refer to me as your grandfather if you do not wish to do so."

Something in Luka's demeanor changed drastically as their face lit up, and they hugged their grandfather one last time.

"Okay, papa..."

After the hug was over, Luka's grandfather clapped his hands together.

"Now! You've made me very proud today, but you're going to miss your flight, and we can't afford to risk that."

Luka seemed to panic, and his grandfather let out a hearty laugh as he pushed them toward the checkout area.

"Well, get going! And you'll be needing this!"

Luka wore a bright smile as they felt their blue ushanka return to its rightful place. They waved bye one last time to their extended family and made a run for the checkout area, dragging their suitcases behind them in a hurry.

"I'll see you guys soon! I'm coming back! I promise!"

. . .

"I promise.."

. . .

Luka woke up with a gasp, panting heavily as they frantically searched around and coughed. It took them a moment to realize they were upside down and suspended from the ground on a piece of metal, still trapped in their original seat. There was a horrible smell that made Luka want to gag, and the blood rushing to their head wasn't exactly helping.

Although there were emergency response services gathered all over the beach, from afar, Luka looked like a hanging corpse, so it was easy to miss them.

Luka tried calling out for help, but all that came out was a groan followed by a strong metallic taste. They felt thick liquid dripping down their mouth and stinging pain in their lower abdomen. Fearing the worst, Luka glanced down only to find a jagged piece of metal sticking out of their stomach.

The amount of blood made Luka cringe, and they looked away, not being able to bear the horrid sight any longer. Instead, they focused on the seat-belt that held them firmly in place, using whatever energy they had left to try and unbuckle it.

Finally, after what felt like years, the seat-belt came undone, and Luka fell from the seat. Thankfully, the drop wasn't that high, but they couldn't help but still let out a small cry when they hit the sand. Even the slightest of movements made it feel like their stomach was on fire, and Luka knew it was because of that stupid piece of metal.

They were about to pull it out when they remembered that probably wouldn't be a good idea. Luka took a deep breath and tried their hardest to ignore the strong urge to vomit, slowly pushing themselves onto their feet as they swayed and stumbled backward.

Luka managed to catch their balance, but each step felt excruciatingly painful as they limped across the scorched sands. After a couple of steps, Luka ran into something which caused them to freeze.

It was their ushanka!

Luka happily bent over and picked it up, ignoring the teeth-gritting pain as they cradled it within in their arms.

The smile on Luka's face instantly vanished as they realized the state it was in, and began to tremble.

Their ushanka was one of the few things that meant everything to Luka, and here it was torn and covered in blood.

Once the panic attack ceased, Luka slowly slid the gore-drenched ushanka onto their head and continued walking.

Eventually, Luka reached a group of people who were talking. Two appeared to be injured passengers, and one was a male officer who was presumably native to the region.

Luka stopped in front of the group, staring at them with a deadpan expression as blood dripped down from their mouth, and they held onto their stomach in agony.


That was the only thing they said before they collapsed onto the ground.

- - -
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The cop quickly got another medic to the one that passed out the moment they got over and they were laid down by the other one that was barely conscious. “They should be able to live” the medic said in a kind tone as he dealt with both of the wounds switching from one to the other to deal with them so one wouldn’t bleed out.
By this time, the girl had hopelessly scanned her eyes around the area properly. Whilst before she had more so concentrated on herself, now that she saw everyone else, she really realised how lucky she had been.

She could've been nothing but just a liveless corpse on the ground.

These thoughts had really kicked in when she saw two people who appeared in critical condition: the thought that it could be her and she might've not been here anymore. Dark thoughts were something the girl always tried to stay clear off, and generally did, due to the content environments and people she was normally surrounded in, such as her family. But, they weren't here now. She was alone in a sea of strangers in a place she didn't even know.

Thinking of that...

Taking a deep breath, she had turned over to the police officer. "I.. where.. how..- where are we?" She stammered. Questions spiralled in her mind, and she wanted to ask them all, but tried to keep herself organised to the best of her ability.


He felt himself being slung over a burly shoulder, before being set down upon a stretcher. A group of medics took note of his condition and helped him ease his delirium at an ambulance. He came to find another person lying beside him, though the pounding headache still rhythmically pulsated in his head. John tried to stand up, but he felt the gauze wrapped around his leg and decided not to. He shook the person the next to him and said, " ey do you know what's going on"? After wards in a flit of unease he quickly scanned the area and saw a confused girl as well. " he--hey uhh how's erm, you alright there"?

nighttimecatplayer nighttimecatplayer @whoever is nearby
Easy there, just settle down. It was a terriost attack and they popped up two days ago, and even took over a whole city when the gym leader was gone” the police officer explains “You need to rest.” He said firmly looking down at John “So please just take it easy for a bit and try calming down.”
Terroists..? Well, that hadn't settled her at all.

But she was alive, and that was the main thing, she reminded herself- briefly squeezing her eyes shut, as if to see if she was able to escape the reality right that second. A second later, she opened them again, taking a deep breath before realising that one of the males who were took by the medics had spoke up, instantly glancing over. "You.. you doing okay?" After asking the question, she had frowned. "Well um- of course you aren't. None of us are, I think...- are you.. feeling okay now that you're patched up?" She questioned, moving closer to the male with a gentle smile.

[ still watching fma still watching fma ]
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