Megalopolis - Broken Mirrors (Everyone Invited)

Paige Kenden

"One second..."

Paige retreats to her car, popping the boot open and returning with a brown paper package. She hands it over to Noah, along with two hundred and fifty dollars cash. "You take this to this address in about...thirty minutes. This is a test run. Don't break the seal." Paige had to get some dirty pictures of a minor gang leader at some bathhouse to her safe keeper Tony. Guy had a system and when it came to blackmailing people, you wanted someone with a system.

"Guy named Tony is gonna answer the door through a slot, tell him it is a gift from the florist. He'll unlock and give you the rest of your money. Sound good kid?" She extends a hand to shake.
If it hadn't been for the sight of the money he would have probably declined but then what was really different about this then the jobs he had done for Fran? Well thinking about it probably just that Fran didn't seem any where near as creepy as this women, and that the deals were not made on street corners in the middle of the night. Besides a such a small package could hardly contain something dangerous right?

"From the florist got it." He put the money in his pocket then looked at the address and grinned. "Half an hour no prob." He shook her hand.
Paige Kenden

"Sounds good, glad to be in business witcha' " With grandiose ideas and entertaining plots forming in her head, Paige shook back vigorously, her skin cold to the touch. "One last thing, don't fuck me over Noah." She gives a quick rather serious glance before the friendly face came back.

Stepping away, she opens the gull wing of car and gives a final wave before closing it and tearing off into the city, leaving Noah alone with the package and his thoughts.
Well too late to back out now. He briefly considered going full speed through the street and showing off with the completion time but decided it would end up wasting too much energy. He ended up taking a round about route as while it was now the dead of night it was still better to stick to quieter areas.

With the caution he ended up making the address roughly five minutes before the deadline. He was surprised to see the place was a lot nicer then he had been expecting, it still wasn't the nicest place though. See if it was a dodgy job there would be bullet holes or something... Figuring he was just stalling and wasting time he knocked on the door.

"Got a gift from the florist for ya." He said as soon as the slot started to slide open. The door swung open revealing Tony, the transaction was brief neither of them desiring an lengthy chat.

After getting the rest of the money Noah gave up any caution and sped back to his one room apartment as fast as he could manage. Once he locking the door he dug the money out of his pocket and stuffed it into a draw under some clothes not wanting to look at it. Tired from the longer night then he had planed he dropped onto the bed. Looking around he considered all the stuff he 'owned' and the money in the draw, thankfully the last burst of speed that had gotten him home really had drained the last of his energy and before he could go into to much thought he was already asleep still fully clothed.
May 4th

  • The grisly scene at Redbird St had been cleaned up. At least as cleaned up as a crime scene could be while still active, and the body of the former officer had been moved to the coroner. That was not the only body to be found that night as Nate "Anger" Smith had been found dead in the warehouse district, a clean bullet-hole through his head.

    The news didn't care about some gang-banger found dead in an alley, though. The news stations were abuzz with news about the killing of the police officer, with words like 'vigilante' and 'criminal' being thrown around in connection with Lugh. A smaller current was caused by the reporter who had first reported about Lugh in the first place, some wondering where he got his source that had told him so much when the body had barely cooled.

    Regardless, time marches on and morning comes with a sky that promises a bright and clear day.

    People end up going about going about their business whatever happens.

    And not all bad things happen at night.

Lt. Eve Roarke

The morning bells brought her round. She'd 'slept' the entire night and she felt worse for the wear. She had a hazy time trying to recall exactly what happened but the five bells got her up. She got to her feet knowing instinctively she had neither her gun nor her phone on her and she felt naked without them. Her leg was stiff and sore and she limped her way to the cathedral itself, the bells still rang in her ears.

She was whole, her nose perceived nothing out of the ordinary, nor did her eyes, and the idea of shifting them caused her pain. The door to the cathedral was heavy and she felt as weak as a newborn kitten but she got it open and she slipped through before they came crashing closed behind her. The deep silence of the great church filled the sanctuary until a priest in black came from the vaults of the church.

"Welcome to St. Patrick's Cathedral, I am Father O'Reilly, how might I help you this blessed morning?"

  • Alicia finally arrived at the address Rori had given her on her card. Nervous, she headed to the door with the buzzers, looking for the button for the basement room when a thought struck her. What if Aiden is with her and they're both... ugh. No, come on Alicia, grow up. She pressed the button a couple of times, hiding her discomfort behind a calm smile. Please let Rori answer. Please.

Rori Hutchins

There was a strong thrumming coming from below as the buzz answers back. A man with a thick Greek accent "Waddya want?" The pounding bass continues after the words.
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

She glanced up and saw that one of her instructors from the police academy was right behind the priest. "Sgt. Callahan, it's been a few years. I feel terrible. I think I got hit chasing a suspect last night, I can't rightly remember, the events of the following evening are a bit- hazy yet."

  • A frown crossed her face at the strange voice coming from the intercom. Did I read the address wrong? Pick the wrong button? No, no. This must be a friend or something. Alicia put on her best 'I'm so sorry to bother you' voice as she pressed the button.

    "Um, is Rori Hutchinson there? She gave me this address. If she is there could you tell her that it's Alicia from Gaia's? We met at the park."

Rori Hutchins

"Alicia?" Her voice changes back "This is Rori, come on down" The intercom buzzes.

Down below, Rori steps back from the buzzer. She looked a fright. Her normally well maintained her had fallen down. Each hawk flopped against her cheeks with the bright colors having faded almost completely.

She hadn't been outside in days and other than a near constant search for any way to get in contact with Aiden, except possibly going to the roof and screaming for him, Rori hadn't done anything.

She crosses her legs, looking at the pale flesh of her thighs and scratching at the slight hexagonal pattern that had appeared near her hips. An oversized shirt and boyshorts had been the only thing she had worn since going into her own hiding. Rori takes a deep drag on her cigarette and puts it out on the ash tray. Sighing, she turns her own music which she had been playing from her body down a slight hum and waits for Alicia. Maybe she had news.
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

"No, I don't need any MTs, I need a phone though." She got up from the pew, she wasn't an invalid. "Just give me a phone and I'll make a few calls." She needed to call Eamon, he'd be pissed with worry.

  • She sighed in relief internally as the man's voice switched to Rori's and she allowed in. Alicia thought carefully about Rori's skill with voices and sounds, it was almost super-human. A thoughtful look crossed her face as she went down the stairs and opened the door to Rori's apartment.

    "That's a heck of a vocal range you got there, Rori--Hey, are you alright?" Alicia looked closely at the woman, concerned with her appearance. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

She half grinned as she took the phone and dialed the only number she actually bothered to remember. "Yeah, sure Sargent, I'll go see a medic today." The phone on the other end rang three times before Eamon picked it up. "Hey, it's me, I'm at St. Pat's and I'm having trouble remembering last night."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Don't speed."

"You're cute when you're delusional."
Rori Hutchins

"Lock the door..." Rori stares straight ahead, hands fiddling with a lighter and a fresh cigarette. A small pile had already formed in her ashtray.

Her place was normally in a state of chaotic cleanliness but since Aiden's vanishing act, Rori gave up on cleaning. She felt anger, sadness, and fear all rolled into one. Her hand shook as she vibrates in her seat. Alicia can feel the pulse waves coming off her.

"Aiden is missing...and they think he killed someone...and He fucking left me guessing. I was with him all night, he couldn't have..." She keeps staring forward. "Plus I think they are going to come after me."

  • Alicia locked the door at Rori's request, heart beating erratically at what she said about Aiden. Before she could continue to worry about him, however, there was another person who needed help right in front of her. She crossed the room and, before Rori could react, put an arm around her in a quick hug. "Hey," Alicia let go, keeping a hand on her shoulder as she knelt to meet Rori's height and her eyes. "It's going to be alright. Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

Rori Hutchins

She didn't even take a breath, her mouth not forming any words. "Right, so Aiden and I had been going on about six weeks or so, since that park thing and then we went out, I met his brother and a bunch of guys he knew then ya know, time passes and I think ya know maybe this is they guy. Dates are all good, things get hot and heavy occasionally and its really good but we hadn't ever sealed the deal so I go out to work one night, get pretty fucked up, walk home but run into some gang or something, take them out and I keep on then I spot him being the hero type in his Lugh getup so I run over and mind you I'm pretty wasted so I stumble so he carries me back to his place and sobers me up so then we are on his couch and I'm ready for it to be the night you know? Then BAM, fucking Eve Roarke, the LT on the MPD, she shows up and says we were going to have a chat because we had just heard on the radio that Lugh was wanted for murder. I try to get him to sit down and talk this shit out and then" Her voice switches over to Aiden's "I'm sorry" Then back to hers "Then he takes off and fucking blasts us both with these floodlights. I'm trying to regain my sight and Roarke goes after him."

For the last half of the massive amount of words thrown at Alicia, Rori hadn't even opened her mouth. The words just coming out of her.

"What kind of thing is that to do with a girlfriend? Swear to God, If I see him again I will give him a piece of my mind, loud enough to make his mums screaming sound like a damn parakeet..."

Her body shakes as she starts working herself up, the pressure around her increases. Alicia can feel her ear drums start to protest.
Alicia Danielson

Alicia did her best to keep up with Rori's frantic explanation, becoming breathless in sympathy as the woman went on without seeming to draw breath. "Er, Rori..." She tried to speak as the vibrations from Rori became louder, but the pressure cut off her words. Alicia had to cover her ears. "Listen! I know it's hard to, but you need to calm down. You're a metahuman, right? Your power is getting out of hand!"
Aiden McKinnery

"Father God, Highest and Most Glorious, forgive me o' me sins, that I might serve yer Son's purpose in me own way. Bless me an' relieve me o' the burdens o' guilt that others have laid at me feet an' guide me through Saint Raymond Nonnatus so that others shall see me innocence. Send Saint Michael the Archangel t' guide the police t' th' true criminal an' expose him fer the ills he's caused. In Jesus' Name, Amen.", Aiden crossed himself and crouched back down before the small shrine to Jesus the Redeemer in the north apse of the church.

Since he'd arrived here last night and been granted nominal sanctuary by Father O'Reilly, he'd pretty much spent the whole night in the church nave itself, praying fervently before the high altar. The old priest had had to drag him into the vestry to get him out of the damp suit he was wearing and into some ill-fitting clothes that were from a recent charity drive. Grey slacks, a light green t-shirt, blue cardigan, mismatched socks and a pair of down-at-heel workman's boots. Since then, he'd not eaten or drunk nor had he slept a wink, so fixed was he upon seeking divine absolution and protection.

Father O'Reilly had phoned Ma McKinnery early in the morning and she'd promised to bring over some of Cian's old hand-me-downs as well as trying to talk sense into her idiot son. The Father hadn't fancy Aiden's chances should the police get wind he was here and applied to the diocese to rescind the sanctuary. Once the bishop had made his decision it would be final. And O'Reilly knew that Bishop Montgomery had his eyes on a cushy cardinal's cassock, so handing over an 'aberrant criminal' to the police would be a feather in his cap.

Aiden's ears pricked up at the sound of voices further down the nave, and his damnable curiosity overwhelmed his caution and exhaustion as he went to peek around the corner of the apse. His heart leapt into his throat and seemed to want to claw its way out of his mouth as he saw the dishevelled figure of Roarke on the phone, stood with Father O'Reilly and.... was that Sergeant Callahan? FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! He turned and silently begged forgiveness for his blasphemy, before trying to sneak around the back of the high altar into the enclosed safety of the vestry.
Seth McCallister

A Few minutes earlier,

"Hey, Father, are they gone?"

Seth materialized his head from the darkness, blending in in the air, being a colorless gas, making a creepy appearance. All there was left was the alters, the mosaics of the Lord, and a lone blonde man, praying. Before Father looked at him, he quickly materialized back to normal, and smoothed out his black trenchcoat. He kind of made trouble with a few drug junkies and hid in the holy water for two hours, causing him a ravenous appetite. Father O'Reilly nodded and sighed at the boy. "McCallister, your family and mine have close ties, which is why I am asking you this. Why make so much trouble for yourself? Stay here with me and join the priesthood and absolve your sins you have made. I am still giving you this chance"

Seth sighed and looked up at Father O'Reilly

"Father, I am not cut to be a priest. I am not. My mother wanted me to become one of God, but I can't. I have 'sinned' way too much to do it now. Besides, Father McCallister doesn't fit me too well."

"Your vanity will get the best of you and you will answer to-" O'Reilly stopped short and regarded Seth with his head before making it to the church doors. Seth noticed the blonde man hiding away so that kind of made Seth suspicious.

Back as a gas again. Damn, I gotta start loving the particles tonight.

He changed to gas and guided his way near the high altar.
Rori Hutchins

Rori takes a deep breath and the constant thrum ceases. For the first time she turns her head and actually opens her mouth to speak. "Sorry, I've been a bit...I don't even know how to put it. Pretty fucking stressed. How've you been"

Rori sits up. "Each time I get stressed it just seems to get worse and worse. And god damn Aiden..." Another deep drag to add to the considerable smoke cloud. "What brings you round?" She exhales, letting the smoke seep from her mouth and nose.
Alicia Danielson

"Let me just say, Aiden doesn't have the best decision-making skills. The night we met was the New Years Eve riots, and literally about an hour into our friendship he knocks me out with electricity. Granted, he thought I was about to do something stupid and dangerous, but he knocked me out. So, I understand if you're a little peeved with him right now." Alicia relaxed as the pressure decreased and folded her arms over her chest, examining Rori closely. It was clear the woman was under a lot of stress, and it wasn't going to get better until they could find somewhere safe to stash her and Aiden. She offered Rori a soft smile.

"I came to see if you had any news about Aiden, but that obviously isn't working." She tilted her head upwards slightly, thinking for a second before perking up. "Although, I bet I know someone who does," another glance swept over Rori, this time slightly critical. "If you can clean yourself up, it might be time to introduce you to Aiden's 'Ma'. I've never met her, but he's told me where she lives and if anyone knows where to find him, it will most likely be her. What do you say?"
Rori Hutchins

"His ma? The one he is always afraid of magically showing up when ever I put my arms around him? HA! I'm down for that...." Rori sticks the cigarette in the pile and stands up. Her apartment was a converted storage area for the building. Her half the empty space and the other half (the bit that wasn't her home) was the heater and central systems.

Crossing the room, she just walks into her bedroom. The place didn't have any halls or doors, just a large studio. Grabbing a low cut top and a pair of rather snug jeans. She throws all her 'show clothes' over her shoulder and hits the bathroom. Loaded up with hair products and various bits of clothing, Rori looks in the broken mirror.

Aiden's Ma was some religious type and it was just a good way to vent out some anger at him. Spikes start popping up after her show clothes go on. She kicks the door open so she can talk to Alicia while getting her hair in order.

"Gonna piss off Aiden's ma. That'll get him out of hiding even faster"
Alicia Danielson

Alicia covered a brief laugh with clearing her throat, "Rori, I know you're mad at Aiden. But unless you're angry enough that you actually want to end your relationship with him, I would suggest toning it down a little. It's not really a good idea to go ticking off the matriarch of his family just because you're worried." She winced slightly at how it came out, "I mean, his mom is really important to him, and his siblings, and her opinion carries a lot of weight."
Rebecca Viridian

This bastard better answer his phone before I give him amnesia. Rebecca dialed her cousin's phone again and twitched as she heard the three dial tones before the voice mail greeted her. "Hey you reached Seth, I'm not in right now-" she pressed the end button on her phone and cursed loudly before throwing it on her bed. Seth is in big trouble. I am going to kick his motherfucking ass so hard, my big toe will end up in his fucking throat. Suddenly, Seth appeared in front of her, startling her. Seth looked down at her body, somewhat covered by her green nightdress and shawl, looking at her perky chest. Rebecca twitched an eye, touched her steel necklace around her neck, changed her arm to steel and punched Seth, knocking him out cold on the bed. Pervert, even to his fucking cousin. Fuck you.

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