Megalopolis - Broken Mirrors (Everyone Invited)

Paige Kenden

"I'm a friend of our mutual acquaintance, the esteemed LT" she says each letter individually. "And I don't think you know of me. But I tend to keep an eye or two on things going on around this neighborhood." Paige steps back a little, giving Noah a comfortable amount of personal space. "Now, here's the thing."

She grins again. "I don't care for games or BS but I have a nose for picking up talent in people. More like an antennae but Whatever. Now I didn't notice it until you starts chatting with Eve over there but you and I got something in common. We got something that makes us special, unique, not quite human. Ya follow?"

She waits for a nod before continuing.

"You want to go for a ride? I want to chat for a minute. I've got something to make you a very rich..." She looks him over again " Five minutes and you are free to go. Sound good?"
Aiden McKinnery Lugh

Opening the concealed door in an otherwise undistinguished brick wall, Aiden leads the way into his 'fortress'. The long arched outlet went on for about three hundred yards before it emptied out into the river, but Aiden had made some progress in building a partition wall at the far end with breeze blocks and bricks to keep the warmth in. The room itself had a couple of comfortable couches against one wall, in front of which was a fire pit made from a cut-down oil drum. A table made from scrap wood stood near to the couches upon which were piled tools, hammers, wrenches, spanners and others beside. Aiden's tent was erected on a mat of cardboard , the guy ropes secured by adhesive hooks stuck to the floor, and his sleeping bag stored within. The only other pieces of furniture were a small side table with a scrappy little kit radio sat on top and a polythene bag hanging from a water pipe.

"Well, it's not much, but it's home. And it's pretty much the only place I can live in this city without blowing all me neighbors' electrics."
Rori Hutchins

Rubbing at her head and hopelessly trying to fix her hair so her left Mohawk wasn't jabbing her eye, Rori walks around smiling and narrowly avoiding the cliched walking and spinning as she looked around at the nearly hobo levels of decor. "This certainly is....something. It kind of reminds me of my place actually."

Always the nosey type, Rori starts going over every inch of the place. Poking into every drawer and giving hazy looks at Aiden. "Where's the bathroom? Realtors would have a field day with this place." A quick yet very curious peek inside the tent and she collapses back on the couch nearest the fire.

"I'd venture to say yer Ma doesn't approve..." Her wide smile is enough to give away wether or not she approved herself.
Aiden McKinnery

"Bathroom? Well, there's the thing. At the moment, I'm using these.", he said, waving a box of bacterial digester bags in the air, "They're use to catch and hold, you know, solids an' stuff. An' the bacteria kinda eats all the bad stuff. Then I throw it into a dumpster on the surface. Though I only use 'em when I have to. Normally, I can hold it til I get t' a bathroom on the surface. There're a few Catholic charitable places that offer bathroom and shower facilities on different days, but I can also shower using the shower bag on the pipe over there. And there's always the showers at one o' me jobs."

He sighs, "Well, me Ma's not the approvin' type, most o' the time. She'd only approve if I'd gotten married already, had three kids an' been working somewhere well-paid, like Cian or Siobna. Though me big sister's not married yet. Ma's not found the right man for her."
Rori Hutchins

Sighing, she closes her eyes. "First I'm dating a homeless man, now I find out be saves his... Solids n' stuff" Brushing a solid chunk of hair aside, DAMN THESE THINGS, she leans her head back on the couch and gives a little failure trombone sound effect. It makes her headache worse but the groan her little sound effects got was usually worth it. Usually.

"If I had any idea you were living like this, I'd have offered up my couch. At least you can get a shower that isn't some communal thing." She moans slightly and covers her face. Coming down always sucked.

"Hope I didn't ruin your night by the way. You seemed to be in the middle of something...." She opens an eye "Where the heck were you when those meta gangbangers jumped me?!" Her tone shifts to something with a bit of anger in it. She may or may not have been angry and just imitating the inflection. Her voice could be hard to read.
Aiden McKinnery

Aiden dipped his head in guilt. Yeah, some hero. Can't even protect yer own girlfriend when she gets into trouble.

"I'm sorry. I was going as fast as I could when I heard all the noise, but by the time I got there, fuckin' Roarke had already turned up an' th' last t'ing is this world I want is fer her t' even get th' inkilin' o' th' impression that I'm Lugh. First she'd laugh her arse off then she'd toss me into th' darkest, shittiest pit she could find. Ye might t'ink her t' be an alright sort, but then, ye've never knocked seven shades o' shite out o' her 'Brothers in Blue'. Draggin' my arse in would net her a pretty captain's badge I'd not doubt. But I'm really sorry I wasn't there t' save you."

He slumped dejectedly down on the floor, shrugging off his backpack and tossing it aside, his axes and crossbow clattering as they bounced on the dry concrete floor. He then reached up his sleeves and pulled out the batons.

All this shite's useless wit'out a way t' get places fast. What was I t'inkin'?
Noah had found it nice and refreshing to not have to hide his speed when taking to Lugh and seeing as the women had pretty much said she was a meta Noah gave the slightest and quickest nod of confirmation.

"Sounds suspicious really but If it's just five minutes why not just talk here?" The thought of being in a confined space with her didn't seem like a good idea but he couldn't deny the mention of money wasn't interesting. It wasn't like he needed it what with his current work arrangement but the problem with that was non of that stuff was really his and even he knew it could easily be taken away.
Rori Hutchins

Realizing she had teased a bit too hard, Rori felt the disparaging effects of guilt start to weigh her down. She quickly stands up and grabs one of the batons from him. "Aiden, I was just kidding. It isn't at all possible for you to be held responsible in any way. Chill out a bit, I handled myself well." The baton follows the axes and bow. "We don't need the drama ya' know?"

She takes a hold on his hand, pulling back so they both plop onto the couch. With inherent skill, she somehow wraps her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder and hoping to God she didn't poke his eye or start to vibrate too much.

"You've never shown me the Lugh costume before either. Where did you come up with that?"
Paige Kenden

"Because I like driving my car. And I thought you'd appreciate a taste of luxury but what ev's." She shrugs and makes sure to make eye contact. "I like metas and I know that they can do things better and or quicker than mere men. Plus most of them know the value of discretion."

She leans back and picks at her teeth for a moment. "It really depends on what you can do, if you are comfortable talking about it here then that's cool. I have a lot of jobs and errands that need to be run"
Aiden McKinnery

Aiden allows himself to be pulled onto the couch and settles comfortably. Rori's words were encouraging, but he still had doubts about his ability. The city was really big and without a reliable means of transport he just couldn't get places fast enough to make a difference. It wasn't like he was Arachno-man, swinging from building to building or Black Bat driving around in his AutomoBat. He just could not see a way of working around it.

"The suit?", he responded, distracted from his bleak thoughts, "It's really just a neoprene climber's all-in-one. They're normally pretty expensive, but I get a good discount from work. All I did was add some armour plating from an army surplus flak jacket in between the layers. It's nothin' special, but it does the job. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother though. It's not like I'm makin' any real difference in all this. People seem t' t'ink I'm as bad as the bastards I'm tryin' t' protect 'em from. I do the best I can, but I feel like I'm pissin' on a forest fire."

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, "Most of all, I wish I'd been there for you. Yeah, I know I couldn't help bein' too far away, but I still feel bad about it. I just wish I had some means o' keepin' in touch wit' people."
Rori Hutchins

"You are making a difference. It's safer to go out and hell, go find one of the people you saved and try to tell them you haven't made a difference."

She sits quietly for a while, enjoying the feeling of having another body so close. He didn't smell like other guys did, no over powering cheap cologne or even some pretentious high end stuff. He smelled like after a storm, a kind of naturally bleached freshness. He was just soft enough to relax on, yet hard enough to know she wasn't laying on some girl.

Her legs jiggle as she vents out some vibrations before finally speaking. "Have you ever tried experimenting with your powers? channel electricity right? Could you like, Hang onto a power line and ride that around the city? When I found mine out I did a lot of thigs to see what I could do. How much control do you have?"
Aiden McKinnery

"Ye know, I've never really tested my powers that much. I think perhaps that's because, ya know, if I overestimate the extent of my powers, I'd end up cooking meself.", he replies, chuckling, "Now, that would be somet'ing t' etch on me tombstone: 'Aiden McKinnery, also known as Lugh. Died by electrocution, he never was a bright spark, except at the end.'."

He shifted his position slightly, allowing her to settle her head on a meaty part of his shoulder as opposed to a bony part. This felt... cosy. Like it was meant to be. He felt that he could be sitting like this in thirty or fifty years and feel the same level of contentment. On a whim, he flicked his wrist out and sent an arc of lightning through the air to power up the radio. The dying strains of something romantic lingered as the track ended and, as he waited for the next to start, the mood was broken by the dramatic notes of a news bulletin intro.

"This is MBPL Action News with a breaking bulletin. News is just coming in of an incident on Redbird Street, over to our reporter on the scene, Todd Brinker."

The sound of police radio chatter and conversation became the backdrop to a man who appeared to be instilling as much drama into every word he spoke, "Thank you, Phil. I'm here outside 1008 Redbird Street, where it has been reported that a man has been found dead, killed in suspicious circumstances. Officers were called about an hour and a half ago by residents reporting the sounds of screaming and a smoke alarm. MBPL has received exclusive information that the name of the victim is one Dirk Goodman, an officer of the MPD working at the 17th Precinct. Our sources have also informed us that Officer Goodman, having received several commendations for his diligence and devotion to duty, as well as for being injured in the line of duty by the masked vigilante 'Lugh' during the now-infamous New Year's Eve riots, was electrocuted and that the police are now searching for Lugh, who they suspect is responsible for the killing in what appears to be a hate-related execution. More on this story as it breaks, I am Todd Brinker, MBPL Action News. Back to you, Phil."

Aiden sat, transfixed with terror. WHAT? A cop, murdered? And he was the prime suspect? FUCK!?!!?!! He leapt to his feet, shrugging off Rori as he did and ran to the radio, in disbelief. Almost instantly, the voice of Phil, the anchorman was washed away by static as he wrenched the set off the table and screamed at it, "NO!!!"
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

The talking ended and the strains of a song ended to be picked up with the announcement of a murder and who was assumed responsible. She swore under her breath, she'd have to find this reporter and get as much information as she could, fucking asshole. She was not in a good mood when she let herself into what appeared to be some sort of underground lair worthy of old TMNT cartoons.

She found the Aiden shaking a radio while Rori appeared as if she had just been upset by his movements. She could smell pheromones in the air and concluded that there might have been something more romantic had this not occurred. Both turned when she approached and Aiden appeared as if he was about to run. "Don't you even think about running. I've had pretty damn good day and it's turning into a shitty night and if you run it's only gonna get shittier for me and then I'm going to make things shittier for you. Get your ass back on that couch so I can talk to you and if I have to chase you, I will drag your sad, skinny ass back to central where we can have a not so pleasant talk in a far less comfortable setting. It's your choice. Here or in at Cop Central?"
Noah was still a bit suspicious but as he had a bit of time and the cop was no longer in the forefront of his mind his confidence started to come back. "I don't mind talking about it, but you tell me what you can do after." He stood straight and a smile returned to his face.

"Put it this way if I wanted to go all out not even your flashy car could keep pace." He may have been exaggerating but that is what you did when there was a job offer. "Basically I'm pretty fast."
Rori Hutchins

"Aiden..." She had just started to get up to comfort and help defuse him when her old buddy Lt. Roarke showed up.

"Don't you even think about running. I've had pretty damn good day and it's turning into a shitty night and if you run it's only gonna get shittier for me and then I'm going to make things shittier for you. Get your ass back on that couch so I can talk to you and if I have to chase you, I will drag your sad, skinny ass back to central where we can have a not so pleasant talk in a far less comfortable setting. It's your choice. Here or in at Cop Central?"

"Here! Here definitely right? Here works." Rori shoots Eve a rather sharp glare before mimicking her earlier motions and pulling Aiden back to the couch. Rori's voice spikes, echoing on the walls. "He didn't do anything! He was here with me! Carried me here!!"
Aiden McKinnery

Time slowed for Aiden as Roarke, of course it had to be fucking Roarke!, appeared through the door.

"Don't you even think about running. I've had pretty damn good day and it's turning into a shitty night and if you run it's only gonna get shittier for me and then I'm going to make things shittier for you. Get your ass back on that couch so I can talk to you and if I have to chase you, I will drag your sad, skinny ass back to central where we can have a not so pleasant talk in a far less comfortable setting. It's your choice. Here or in at Cop Central?"

He was aware of Rori pulling him toward the couch, but his mind was racing.

Sure she wants to 'talk', she'll have me take a nice sit down, then she get me to wear some nice shiny bracelets with the pretty chain between them, and then we'll go up to the surface and she'll get me to sit in a nice police car with the pretty lights on the top, and then we'll take a short trip to the Pig Palace and I'll have another nice sit down in a nice room with pretty bars everywhere and then a little visit with the nice man in the black robe and then another trip to a big building with lots of nice men who'll turn me into their pretty little toilet.He stopped by the couch and raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry.", he mumbled, looking at Rori for a moment, before his head drooped.

Lightning flared in his hands and shot up, slamming into the lighting rig overhead. But the lights, rather than flaring and going out, blazed agonisingly bright, flooding the room with an actinic glare that obliterated all vision. Aiden shrugged out of Rori's grip, his eyes clamped shut. He'd prepared for this, practised this. He wasn't so dim that he didn't believe that one day someone would find this place, someone who intended harm to him. So he'd gone and bought a dozen xenon bulbs, the type used in lighthouses, then wired them to a discharged power pack. The pack, once charged would keep the twelve bulbs fully lit for about two minutes, but Aiden had perfected his escape route from even the door in less than thirty seconds. From these couches? He could be gone in ten.

He turned and ran diagonally across the room, twelve long strides, then, throwing his hands out he jumped. As expected, the partition wall met his fingers and he vaulted it easily, landing and rolling over on the ground. He opened his eyes in the shadow cast by the wall and fixed upon the final part of his escape route. If he kept running, he would come to the outflow from the storm drain into the river, but that direction would not protect him from gunfire, so he chose the other, less palatable option. This outflow was positioned over one of the relief cisterns and it was one that was almost constantly mostly full. A cover to an inspection ladder stood propped open with a plank. He ran to the inspection ladder opening and slid under the cover onto the ladder within. With a defiant cry of, "I didn't kill anyone!" and a quick punch, he knocked the plank away and clambered down the last part of the ladder, then dropped into the water in the cistern.

In the pitch blackness and bobbing in the water, he tugged another glowstick from his belt. With a quick crack and shake, it lit up the cistern enough that he could navigate his way to the side, then along until he found a ladder back out into the cistern's inlets. He held the glowstick in his teeth and hauled himself out of the water, running a quick check of everything he was still in possession of. First Aid kit: check, three remaining glowsticks: check, weapons: none, mask: none, survival kit: none, money: none, change of clothes: none. FUCK! Well, that was a shitty escape, he cursed as he worked his way along the parapet he'd climbed out onto, if only I'd had more time to put emergency gear in this escape route, even a fucking change of clothes would have been a start. Now I look like a bleeding outcast from the League of Heroes.

He reached an inlet and trudged up it, swearing and cursing under his breath and wondering what he was going to do now.
Paige Kenden

"No shit? Speedster? Hell, you don't see a lot of those. That gets me thinking...." Paige puts a hand on her chin and a finger on her full lips.

"You up for giving a demonstration or you think you can handle a job offer right off the bat?"
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

"Shit." She roared as the light hit her eyes, blinding her. She turned away but she could hear the bastard run. Her anger was peaked now. Stupid fucker. Still half blind she gave chase, her nose giving her more details than her eyes. She came to a partition and made a jump, seeing it only at the last moment. She reached out, her fingers grabbing the edge of the other side of whatever the hell it was she'd jumped to and she pulled herself up with a snarl. She was gonna kick his ass for sure for this. She followed his scent through an outflow and her eyes were beginning to return to normal. She eventually came face to face with a large, steel cover and she swore fluently, cursing the damn bastard.

She returned the way she had come, jumping once more only this time she was prepared for it and landed on the other side with ease. She ran back the way she had come, past Rori and out the way she had found him originally. She pulled herself out the sewer, cursing and swearing as she did so. She then moved into the darkness and once more took to the skies. She wasn't entirely sure where he could have gone from there but she flew in the direction of his lair, following the underground pipes and continued to follow where she thinks he must have gone.

She flew for a lengthy time before she spotted a large, steel cover that looked suspiciously like something that blocked her, flying closer she saw that it led to a cistern and that cistern led to...

She reasoned he had to be around here somewhere, but must have easily been half an hour since he made his escape. If the anyone thought he was responsible for the murder of a cop, then he wasn't safe out there, didn't the fucktard know that? She approached an inlet, keeping her eyes peeled out for something, anything.

She flew on for another ten minutes when a running figure appeared out of the darkness. HA! She rose several feet in the air then dove at him. She curled her talons in so that when she attacked, she'd knock him down but not kill him. A raptor of her size coming from that height could easily kill a man.

The impact sent both of them rolling to the ground and she was sure she'd bruised something Her feet were hurting but she managed to get on top of him, her talons curled around his arms, digging into the soft earth beneath him. Around her neck was a shield attached to a gold chain and on it was her rank, name and badge number.
Aiden McKinnery

Thinking himself home-free, Aiden stopped and forced himself to calm down. His heart hammered in his chest and his breathing was ragged from the running, swimming and climbing. His limbs quaked with the adrenaline hammering through them and his hands felt numb. He walked along the inlet into the storm relief network and came to the first access ladder to the surface. He stopped at the bottom, guiltily thinking about Rori. He'd abandoned her. Left her with Roarke and the inevitable backup she'd have been leading. Though, perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing. If he'd brought her with him, then she'd have been thought of as an accomplice. He didn't want that. If it was seen that he'd left her, then the police would have nothing to pin on her and she'd probably face a frustrating few hours getting grilled by her 'best buddy' Roarke then let go. That was the best option. It was not his right to drag her into whatever was going on. It was too dangerous. He nodded and clambered up the ladder, prising open the cover and hauling himself out. The chill of the evening air cut through his sopping wet costume and he shivered as he dragged the cover back.

Then a heavy weight slammed into him, crushing him to the ground and his instincts took over. Actinic light flared and the air suddenly stank of ozone and burnt feathers? as the crackle of electricity rent the silence. There was a shriek of pain, suddenly cut off and as the lightning faded, Aiden was even more confused. As his eyes adjusted from the blinding flare, he found himself looking down at Roarke, sprawled in the back alley he'd emerged into. Oh fuck me! Not another one! He crouched down and feverishly felt for a pulse. After a few seconds, he found it, erratic but strong. He wasn't sure just how much juice he'd pumped into her, but it'd been a lot, he could feel his body was drained by the effort.

"Now she'll fucking kill me.", he muttered and cautiously searched her for her gun.

But it was nowhere to be found. Had she dropped it somewhere? And how the hell had she caught up with him so quick? His confusion was starting to overcome his sanity and his head swam with the effort to keep up with all that was happening. He had to get somewhere safe, somewhere that the police couldn't touch him. At that moment, the familiar chimes of Saint Patrick's bell chiming out the hour. He turned and ran toward them.

He ran into the church grounds, sprinting up the front steps of the massive gothic church three at a time, and crashed through the doors as if Satan himself were breathing down his neck. He paused at the font and splashed holy water on his brow even as his right hand traced the crucifix across his torso, before staggering up the aisle, through the ornately carved altar rails, and knelt before the altar, grasping at the altar cloth with shaking hands and clawed fingers.

"FATHER O'REILLY!! FATHER!!", he screamed at the top of his lungs, falling forward onto his face, "Sanctuary! Grant me sanctuary in the Name o' the Lord!"
Rori Hutchins

Her eyes shut tightly as everything went to hell. Aiden was running and even worse was the words he left her with. She didn't just hear them, she felt them. She felt the sharp cutting edge and her heart sank. His hand slipped from hers as Roarke took off after him.

Shielding her eyes, she supposed she could follow them but right now. Aiden had to be helped. Something was going on and she didn't want him getting in any more trouble.

Putting out enough of a pitch, Rori listens to the bulbs pop one by one. Eyes adjusting back to the low darkness, Rori quickly scrounges around. Putting his tools, costume, and anything else that would be associated with Lugh into a pack, Rori starts navigating through, following the way she came in. Her headache felt worse than ever and this not in her stomach wouldn't go away.

Reaching her apartment, Rori stashes the gear inside the walls and sits down on the edge of her bed. It had been ages since she'd been hurt like this and right this moment, she didn't quite know how to react.
Eamonn Ryan

After Eve took off, Eamonn realised that he was alone with a few uniforms and their prisoners, EMTs and their patient and no means of getting home. At that moment, a MPD vehicle adapted for transporting Metahuman prisoners arrived and cops in full body armor and gas masks piled out. They looked like they were fit to put down a full-scale riot, but they quickly trooped over, pumped Knockout into the two that hadn't regained consciousness yet and hauled the three Altered into the back of the vehicle. One of the officers stood aside, watching over the operation with an obvious air of authority. As the Metas were secured in the back of the vehicle, the overseer pulled off their helmet and gas mask to reveal a woman slightly older than Eve with auburn hair and a dark brooding expression.

"Who took these gene-twisters down?", she barked at the on-scene officers.

"Ma'am, it was Lieutenant Roarke, but she's credited the collar to us since she was 10-76 to the homicide on Redbird.", Henslaw responded, "She said you'd want to talk with the vic, Sergeant."

"Okay, fine. Where are they?"

It was at that moment that there was a commotion from the ambulance and the rear doors burst open to reveal a panicky EMT

"She's gone! I just turned my back for a second and she just vanished!", he called out.

Ketridge turned to Hemslaw and said, "Did Roarke say why she wanted me to talk with this 'victim'?"

"Only to get the low-down on the situation, ma'am. She was odd-lookin' with spiky hair, some of it was glowy, ya know..."

"Fine, whatever. Looks like the victim and", she glanced around, "only witness has left the scene. If she wants to press charges, she can do it in person at the station. Meanwhile, I need to get these three processed and logged. Hemslaw, right?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Since Roarke gave you the collar, you better accompany us and write the papers up. We're heading to Bravo Block to get these guys into a proper facility. They have suppressors there and they can catalogue these guys, even if they end up walking. Who knows, when we haul them in, they might have outstanding warrants.", she turns, for the first time taking in the bystanders, "Eamonn Ryan right? Why are you hanging around? Don't tell me you're planning to buy real estate here?"

Eamonn smiled politely, Eve was certainly right about Ketridge, she wasn't a fan of Metas, but at the same time she wasn't ready to burn them at the stake either.

"Ah well, I was having an evening with the good Lieutenant and she got called out to this murder, then she decided to head over here and 'white knight' for that girl. She was going to drive me over to her crime scene, sort things out there and try and catch the end of our movie before the popcorn got soggy. But I suppose I'm also a witness to the fact that the normal-looking guy was hauling the victim away. I can make a statement to that effect."

"Bah, without the victim as a complainant, even a dozen eye witnesses won't count for jack. Well, at least we can keep them off the streets a few hours and get their powers on record.", she replied, waving him off as she put her equipment back on, "Alright, girls, let's get these lame-acts back to Bravo and see if we can't bag ourselves a Cutter Kain or two!"

She climbed into the vehicle and slammed the door behind her, even as it revved up and sped off, lights flashing and sirens blaring. Henslaw ran to his squad car and raced off in it's wake, leaving the other cop and the ambulance. The EMTs, their patient having left, packed up and scooted off. Eamonn was left standing with the other cop, who was still filling in his pocket book.

"Any chance of a lift?", Eamonn said with a smile, almost knowing the answer.

"Sorry sir, but I can't carry passengers unless they're, you know, customers. But, if you wanna call a cab or something, I'll wait til you're safely on your way."

Eamonn nodded and pulled out his phone, "Robert, I need picking up. My date for the evening's kinda stood me up. Yes, I'm on A Street, the twelve-hundred block. Yes, Robert, I know it's gang territory. No, Robert, I'm with a police officer and they can't give me a lift. Just come collect me. No, the limo's a bit too flashy and I don't want to be waiting here all night. Use the Maserati, the Quattroporte, and get here quickly", he glanced at the cop, "at a legal speed, of course."

The two men waited for about fifteen minutes until the sound of a sporty engine resounded down the street and Robert, Eamonn's chauffeur, pulled up.

"Sorry I took so long, Mister Ryan.", he apologised as he climbed out and trotted around the car to open the rear passenger door.

"Take me home, Robert, I'm getting thirsty and I get a feeling that I'll be waiting for Eve for a while yet."

Robert closed the door and returned to the driving seat, swinging the sporty Italian car around and surging off into the night. The cop watched them leave. Some guys just have it made.
Reagan Hemsley

Blurting out something incomprehensible, Reagan felt sweat dripping down her only to be absorbed into the cotton sheets of her new bed. She had been having nightmares since leaving the hospitable. Each one a nightmare of shocking pain and old memories. Dabbing her forehead and chest off, her feet touch the soft carpet of her bedroom.

Bathed in the soft glow of the laptop sitting on her desk, Reagan paces the room and catches herself in the mirror. She had put on a little weight since coming back and her skin had started to look a ton better. All this stuff Mrs.Small's workers had given her was doing the trick. Grades were steadily improving but the biggest change was her attendance rate. She hasn't missed a day since returning to her new 'home' and only a few classes had been skipped.

Even better had been her interaction with Gully. Since returning, they had been getting along amazingly. Other than these damn nightmares...these darn nightmares, Reagan was actually sort of happy .

Sliding into her chair, she starts up her browser. Unable to sleep, she had been finding solace in the Internet. Confident enough that she was hiding her tracks, her history had been like any other young teens. A graveyard of school research, social sites, occasional forays into less innocent sites (few and far in between out of a paranoia abou being caught again) and mos recently a lot of searches for MRI. Keys softl clicking, Reagan let herself wander.
Noah thought for a moment. "I can give a demonstration if needed but what type of job are you thinking of? It took me ages to find someone who would give me a decent job so it seems weird I would just bump into someone with one."

If Noah was brighter he might realise the job that was currently providing him with a place to live isn't as above board as he believed it to be. As it is however he considered it all fine and as a young aspiring hero taking shady jobs would hardly be fitting. Though having said that having his own actual money might be nice... he tried to push the last thought aside as he waited for her response.
Paige Kenden

"Delivery mostly. I need someone to be a courier for some stuff I don't trust people I know to carry and like hell would I trust the mail."

She watches the kid shift from foot to foot, he seemed ready to take off. "It would just be picking up and moving around some parcels of mine. I'd pay you well and get you plenty of compensation for whatever. Speedsters are in high demand around here, you probably know that. But I think for a training run, five hundred for half an hours work sound fair?"
At the mention of delivery Noah relaxes once again, this was what he was used to after all. Noah failed to keep his face neutral as the money was mentioned. "Five hundred, uh yeah that sounds fair. Uh so what is it you need delivering? I must admit while I am fast there is a limit to what I can haul around." He also tried to act like he was used to the whole high demand thing, if that was true he must have been approaching the wrong people when he got to the city.

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