Megalopolis - Broken Mirrors (Everyone Invited)

Rori Hutchins

While the trio stood in slight confusion a few blocks away, Rori was waking up in absolute distress. Having passed out from whatever the hell that man had done, she half expected to be in some sort of fucking dungeon strapped to some outdated medical equipment. Luckily enough, she seemed to be propped upright in the back of an ambulance. Several officers and EMT's fretting over her as she regained consciousness.

She could see them looking at the skin behind her ears, the looks exchanged. She had to get out of here ASAP. They were going to start tests...and then questions..fuck.

Feeling stable enough to try, Rori holds her breath and starts to vibrate at a level humans couldn't even feel. After a few seconds and one of the EMT's leaning in to talk to her, The vibrations reach the right level and she falls through the seat to the ground under the ambulance. She can feel the shouting and the sudden surprise at her vanishing from the vehicle. They hop out of the ambulance and start rushing around looking for her.

Getting her hawks filthy no doubt, she crawls to the edge of the vehicle, waits for an opening, and sprints off into the city.

Freedom! Feeling the familiarity of the city once again, Rori starts matching the frequencies in the air around her. Mimicking everything she could feel, She was surprised to have picked up a familiar brogue.

That was Aiden! What the hell was he doing out here? Catching onto that frequency, highly attuned sensory organs lock on and with every rumble of his throat she was able to make her way towards him.

About a block and a half down, she spots a woman tossing her hair, a kid and some buffoon dressed up- oh gawd...that was him as Lugh wasn't it...

Grin on her face, she starts toward him at a jog.
Rebecca Viridian

"Finally, some quiet!" she said as she dropped herself on her bed dressed with red silk sheets, furry red comforter, and a teddy bear with a kiss mark on its face. She closed her eyes and drifted to a light sleep, paying no attention to the clock which alarmed her to get up.

"FUCK YOU STUPID CLOCK" She touched her steel slab on the end table and pounded the clock, gears flying everywhere as soon as her steel hand impacted it. "oh yeah, its three hours late. Fuck, I should have changed it." Instead of getting her spare clock, she turned and fell asleep.
Aiden McKinnery Lugh

Aiden grinned inside his mask at the closest thing to hero worship he'd experienced since he'd started this whole gig. The kid was talking ten-to-the-dozen and getting faster, racing around him bewilderingly fast and pummelling him with questions. The red-head Scot had buggered off and Aiden hoped that she would actually call the cops at some point. Meanwhile, he tried to answer the kid's battery of questions.

"This stuff? I kinda picked it up as I went alon- Tonight? Well, only a couple. It's been kinda quie- Yeah, I wouldn't call it a lair, but I do live in a coo- No, the crossbow's more for my grappling hook. I'm not really one to go kill- Yeah, I like lightnin' too."

At that moment, he felt a sudden sense of a kindred spirit.

"Yer wantin' t' be a hero too, eh?", he smiled, "Well, jus' keep faithful t' th' law, not necessarily the laws o' the city, but the law o' what's right."

The sound of running feet drew his attention and a familiar figure came into view.

Oh, shite.
Rori Hutchins

"Oi!, Don't you dare run! I know you are thinking it!" Rori runs a few more steps, head starting to go light. The ordeal had take more of a toll on her than she thought as her legs suddenly felt like jelly. Being partially stuck in a vacuum tended to have a little more lasting effect than she had expected. That and the decent amount of liquor with at least the scent of a certain plant on her. But that could have just been the club...

Staggering to a light post, she leans on it and without enough sense keeps walking at him. Her words are mumbles that keep jumping in volume and pitch. From a terrifyingly low mentioning of Aiden's name to ear splitting momentary screeches sure to wake anyone up. That one made her laugh a bit as several soundtracks worth of laugh tracks emitted from her at once.
Aiden McKinnery Lugh

Forget 'Oh shite' and jump straight to 'Oh fuck!', Aiden's mind started to race. Rori was looking like utter crap and from the sound of things, she wasn't thinking straight either. Think fast, hero.

He pointed at the kid and said, "
Call the cops an' get 'em t' pick this piece o' shite off the street before we get in trouble fer litterin'. I'm goin' t' see what's wrong wit' that lass. Who I have never met before."

He strode over, hoping she'd heard his last sentence over the babble she was emitting. As he got to her he wrapped a supportive arm around her waist and whispered into her ear.

What's a nice girl like you doin' in a place like this?"
Rori Hutchins

It isn't hard in any state to tell apart a supportive hold and an aggresive one. Head starting to throb with what was going to be one of the worst psuedo-hangovers (a by product of over using her powers, lack of oxygen, and of course her drinking) she would ever have, Rori leans in on the hold. "I think...police a few blocks away and altered? You don't call enough Aiden" Rori does not own a cell phone... Her babbling slows down as she starts to match his frequency.

Yeah, it was a rough night but what would worry Rori more was the now obvious change in her skin behind the ears. The same mutation that was in the few other spots across her body. "Why are you all dressed up?"
Aiden McKinnery Lugh

"Right now's probably not the best time t' be explainin' to ye. I need t' get yer some place safe.", Aiden says, then turns to the kid again, "She's delirious, I'm goin' t' take her to safety. Make that call, then get yerself off the streets. It's not safe t' be out tonight. Stay safe."

With that, he scoops Rori up in his arms and trots off in the direction of 'nowhere near the cops'. He picks up some speed until he finds a sewer grate. A quick check and he can tell it's a storm drain.
Perfect, with the dry weather there'll be a clear route back t' my place. He set Rori down, unhitched an ice axe and used it to hook out the cover. Then, he tugged his climbing ropes from his pack, tied a rudimentary harness around her waist and lowered her into the darkness. Once he was sure she was down safe, he tossed a couple of glow sticks after her then clambered down, hauling the heavy steel cover back over and into place.

Lucky you, ye get t' come back t' my place. Ye'll be the first date I've brought home.", he chuckled, as he gently scooped her up and carried her through the subterranean passages.
Rori Hutchins

Was now the moment for something romantic? Perhaps snuggling into his chest and neck. Maybe even a quick peck on the hooded cheek?

"It really smells bad down here..." She does enjoy the sensation of the walls reverberating back at her, a chill running down her spine. Once set down she runs her hands through her hair, breaking the seal on her gel and ruining the look for the night. the scalp massage was worth it though.

A few moments later and she was being carried along again. Everything felt so damn harsh. Maybe in the long run it would help with the hangover but for now she added the sewers into a long list of things not to do when dealing with a hangover.

"Why do you live down here? I thought you were a lumberjack or something."
Noah reluctantly held back another barrage of questions as the other women appeared and the vigilante started helping her. He took out his phone and wondered over to where the thug lay unconscious. He looked at the motionless man as the phone rang till it was eventually picked up.

"Uh yeah a guy tried to mug me and then was beaten senseless by this cool masked guy and now we need you to come and arrest the first guy." Noah's casual tone didn't seem to impress the person on the end of the line. "Uh sure we are at... one sec," Realising he had no idea what street they where actually on he turned around to ask Aiden only to find him gone. He looked up and down the street in vain. Aw that's just great where did he run off to? Well no one can out run me. He was about to run off when a voice from the phone reminded him of what he was supposed to be doing. Sighing he sped to the end of the street and read the address out to the officer on the line.

By the time he had finished on the phone he knew it would be too late to try and find Aiden so just wondered back to where the thug lay. Stupid heroicness having to do the right thing, if I hadn't made the call he would have never got away. First he takes my villain then he just runs off. He sat down on the curb near the thug. And what am I supposed to do now? Just wait here for the cops? or leave the guy here?... this is stupid.
Lt. Eve Roark, MPD

"Excuse me Lt., there's a call about a masked man beating up a thug, call just came through dispatch."

Eve rose from her position over the body and looked at the uniform. "Send a black and white, and make sure the witness doesn't go anywhere, I'll be right there." She stretched and gave a few orders then left the building. She needed to track down Lugh and this was going to be the easiest way to do it. She could get a fresh scent off the perp and go looking for Lugh, or whatever he was calling himself. She debated running to the street but decided against it. It took just a few minutes to get to the street and she found a kid in all red standing over the inert body of someone who had the scent of being recently eletrocuted. She ignored the kid and went to the perp and searched for signs of electrocution.

She frowned when she found two pinpricks. "I want his wounds photographed and I want him to know exactly how he got these wounds," she orded the uniforms. She then turned to the kid. "And you, what's your name and what are you doing in this neck of the woods, how old are you?"
As the intense cop came up to him he wished he had just left the area after making the call. He considered just running but something about the cops attitude made him think that would just make matters worse.

"It Noah." Crap why had he just given his actual name, stupid authority figures always making him nervous even when he hadn't done anything wrong. He shruged. "Was just walking. Then that guy grabbed me and had a knife, then this other guy came and beat him up then disappeared with some women when I was calling you guys, it was really annoying."
Lt. Eve Roark, MPD

She arched an eyebrow. "Let's start from there Noah. What were you doing in this part of town in the first place? You look a little too squishy to belong to this part of the city. And I want to know who this other guy is, it's no use trying to lie to me, I'll know if you're bullshitting me. I want you to sit there and tell me everything you know. And believe me, I'll know if you're trying to hid anything. So spill."
He kept telling himself to run but his legs wouldn't listen. "I was just exploring reaaly, and I'm not squishy." the exploring bit was kind of true, kind of. "And whats so important about the other guy? Surely he is the important one." He added pointing to the mugger.
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

She didn't speak but hooked her thumbs into her pockets, rocked back and forth then got in close to the boy and looked down at him, the smile on her face showed no humor but the feral quality quickly intimidated. "Did I ask about that jackass or did I ask about the one who beat the living shit out of said jackass? Now then, you're going to tell me what I want to hear and how I want to hear it or else you and I are going to have some fun having a conversation in a slightly more formal surrounding. Now then, I have a very good idea who beat the ever living shit out of said jackasss and I need you to tell me and if you lie and tell me it was someone else then we're going to have said formal conversation that is going to be an pain in the ass for me and far, far worse for you. So, you get one last chance little cricket. What happened and who made it happen and you were not just walking around and exploring. That load of bull shit reeks so bad I'm surprised my dead grandmother isn't smelling it."
"I guess your not the good cop then." Noah shot back in a rather uncharacteristic flare of rebellion. "Look all I know is some guy in a mask turned up talked to the guy like he had dealt with him before and then hit him and shot him with lightning. He didn't even say his name before he ran off."

He backed away a little so he could get his feet under himself. He didn't want to show his ability in front of someone who looked like they would remember a face until the day they died but he would at least be ready to run just in case. "He also had some batons and stuff, you know which he used to beat up the bad guy."

Shut up already you idiot, this is so not how it was supposed to go.
Lt. Eve Roark, MPD

She wasn't sure if she was glad or upset to have her suspicions proven correct. "Uh huh, and the direction in which he ran was?" But she already knew, she could smell him and her, oh she recognized that scent all right. She was supposed to have stayed where she had put her. Damned stupid fools not doing what they were fucking told. She figured she'd have to go hunting for lightening boy and parrot girl. Great, fucking great.
He shrugged "I don't know. I went over to check the mugger when I rang you guys and when I turned around to check where we were they were gone." He was really starting to dislike this women which wasn't right as she was a cop, they were the good guys after all. He nearly made another comment but held himself back mostly because he didn't like the look in her eyes.

He wished he know where that guy was now, at least then he could warn him about the cop and apologise for giving stuff away. Bah it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't run off anyway so its not like its my fault. Besides I could have easily taken the thug down so it's not like I owe him anything. He said the words over again a couple of times in his mind but he just couldn't believe them, if only he had stayed in tonight.
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

"All right kid, you're sprung, get out of here and go home and I wouldn't be making any plans to go and find your friend right now, he's got more important concerns, capice?"
Paige Kenden

A few meters away outside the police line and watching the pair, a figure in a low cut black dress watches. Looking more like she was lost on her way to a fancy fundraiser than anything else her eyes could be seen in the night light.

A big smile on her face. Paige could instantly remember the feeling of that cop...what was her name? Eh, she'd just read the badge.

It was going to be a bonus to annoy the cop but what she was startin to get interested in was the kid. He had run up to the police scene abnormally fast and her guts were screaming at her.
Aiden McKinnery Lugh

"Ah, that's just leaf mold. The proper sewage runs through finer bore pipes than these. The whole myth o' rivers o' shite is just t' keep the druggies out o' the tunnels.", Aiden replied, stopping and setting her back on her feet.

Carrying another person while wearing a thermal ski mask was very hard work, so he tugged it off and wiped his face with the sleeve of his coat.

He dropped another glow stick down another inspection ladder to a lower level.

"We just need t' go down this next level an' south a ways an' then we'll be at my place.", he smiled, climbing down the ladder and pausing to allow Rori some support when she chanced the ladder.
Rori Hutchins

Rori had expected the ladder to be covered in whatever leaf mold was but surprisingly it felt in good solid condition. She gave it a test shake and seeing how it didn't budge, Rori starts her way down.

"Lugh..." She works her way down, occasionally helped by the costumed Irishman. "I thougt you said something.. " she steps down from the ladder and grips her head, kneading out an almost debilitating headache. A few seconds of silence pass before she continues "something about not doing this as much? Now here we are, going to your fortress."

Leaning on him. Rori was still visibly shaking, her entire body vibrating as she tried to reign everything back while fighting off this headache. Tomorrow was going to be so much fun...
Lt. Eve Roarke, MPD

She returned to the house, she knew she could pick up the trail whenever she wanted ands he doubted that, with the parrot in tow, he was going to be going anywhere for a while yet, especially since she had a shock to her system that night. She was, however, swearing under her breath. Cooper was still doing his thing when she got back but she ignored him. He knew what he was doing, there was no reason to pester him, especially since she was starting to get into a foul mood, brought on by some stupid, punk kid who should be at home playing with his toys rather than out on the streets.

She spent another hour at the house, getting impressions, taking pictures, and figuring it out in her head. "I want every single piece of fiber brought into the lab, something went down here and I want to know who the fuck did this and why. I'll be chasing some leads, Cooper, you're in charge of the body."

It wasn't like her to just leave the body, but she had to know, had to find out and figure out what was going on. Her instincts suggested that there was more to do with this than was on the surface, something not quite right. The back of her shoulder blades itches, like she was being watched and, as she got back to her car, she glanced across and down the street, looking up and down and saw the car and a figure inside of it. She's seen that particular shape before and she let out a low but feral growl. What the fuck did she want?

She drove back to central, rode the elevator up to her floor, entered her office, wrote down her notes then, shutting down her computer she went up to the roof. No one paid any attention to the roof and she was free to transform and return to where she'd found the scent for Lugh. When she got to the street she hid in the shadows, waited for several mintes then quickly took on the form of a wolf. Her keen nose instantly found the two scents she was following and tracked it to a sewer line. She had to go back into the shadows to change back so she could get the lid off. Once she'd managed that she took the ladders and, using her senses, followed the two of them. She moved quickly, keeping her eyes, ears, and nose on the alert for possible ambush. She followed it until she could see lights and she could hear voices, those of a man and a woman.
Noah was relieved when the cop finally left and things were quiet again. He was currently wondering around the area for any clues of where Lugh had gone, while he was annoyed at the guy for just disappearing he still felt kind of guilty for how much he had said to the cop. If only he had been patient enough to let the guy answer the questions one at a time, he had said something about his lair but nothing to suggest a location.

Not seeing anything that immediately suggested batcave he finally started to leave the area. There was the sewer grates but that wouldn't be right, maybe if it was a villains lair but not one fit for a hero, and besides if ruined his clothes traipsing through sewage that wouldn't go down well at all. Hmm maybe it is time to head back tonight's been a bust anyway except for the lightning dude... The guilt hit him again briefly as he turned another corner Nah he'll be fine and if I couldn't catch him its not like some stupid cop will.
Paige Kenden

For Noah, turning the corner meant running into a waiting Paige. With the body of a model and striking features, she wasn't the person one would expect to run into in a dark alley. For all her looks though, something was just wrong about her. Something that caused a primal chill down the spines of mammals.

Her eyes seemed to glimmer as she looked closer at the boy. For a moment, it looked like something was crawling under her skin. Perhaps that was just the shadows .

"Hello Noah. Where you running to kid?" She leans back, hands crosses over her ample chest. "I'm surprised you haven't gotten home yet, that cop can be a bitch right?"
Thanks to the lightning reflexes that came with his ability Noah managed to stop himself from walking straight into some women. "Sorry nearly didn't see you."

What was it with tonight and strange women. "Uh do I know you?" He tried to think back over some of the people he had to deliver things to for Fran but this lady didn't ring any bells, plus surely he would remember such a creepy feeling. "She does seem uptight." He felt so uneasy he took a half step back from the women.

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