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Fantasy Medieval Fantasy Roleplay (MxF)



A little about myself: My name is Mika, and I really love fantasy type roleplays. I've done all kinds, from "vampire medieval" settings, to at one point trying to make a Naruto-themed-Ninja-Roleplay work. (At the time I didn't have much experience with Naruto, like, completely unaware if they used showers or not. They do. I think. I based this knowledge off of a screenshot from google. I'm only on episode 80.) I'm also a sucker for romance, my favorite trope being the stoic, hard-shelled, indifferent guy who has a soft spot for their best friend/partner.

If you are interested in a romance-y fantasy medieval roleplay then this could be the roleplay for you! (Think sword art online, roughly.)

My initial idea for this world is that there is all types of creatures and ghouls, for example: Werewolves, vampires, witches, demons, the whole lot. It's a dog-eat-dog world, and in areas where humans have settled down, they are suffering from these constant attacks of monsters when nightfall happens. We can play with the idea of guilds, or town volunteers, trained swordsmen who protect from these monsters, as well as simple town-folk. Shop keepers, butchers, herbalists, Nobles, people like that. I have a small bio of my character below, so you can decide if this is a character you'd like to roleplay with!

Your character can be anything from a vampire, to a human, to really whatever your heart desires!

I'm looking to discuss more worldbuilding and character backstories in PM so that we can create a fun world together for eachother to enjoy!

Rin Elffire

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Eye color: A dark emerald color, with a subtle gradient from light to dark

Hair color: Raven black, very long and reaches to mid back when completely down. She also sports thick bangs, and two hair pieces that frame her face that reach to her shoulders. She usually keeps her hair tied into a bow at the nape of her neck. On rare occasions, she may put it up in a bun.

Family: Esmerelda Elffire, (Mother, currently deceased), Derrick Elffire (Alive, technically :P), Otherwise an only child.

Notable marks: A scratch on her arm, long healed. Very faint freckles along her cheeks and body.

Rin herself is of average stature, thin and tired from travelling. She's most often wearing a standard fabric dress and leather coreset combo. For her personality, she's confrontational when needed, careful to not let anyone walk all over her. She's a frequent reader, when she's not haggling prices at a store front, her nose is tucked in a book on the outskirts of town, despite the danger of leaving city walls.

PM me if interested!!

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