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Realistic or Modern MBTI Personality Debate Club

Koi Miazaki

The Koi Fish >
Please PM me first for the Character Sign Up Sheet before posting them:

Important Notes:

1. Please use anime pictures

2. We need an even number of male and female characters so please check first page for that

3. There should be no personality repetitions so please check the first page for availability

4. Please use the sheet below
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[insert Anime Picture here]


MBTI Type:


Year level:
[1st-4th year]

Crush: [Optional but don't you think it's more interesting for love triangles?]

Short Bio:












<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/1464f0b1136fd643d559d9d16c088e47.jpg.7adf59c6a0e668adf62c5ee7f85ed329.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/1464f0b1136fd643d559d9d16c088e47.jpg.7adf59c6a0e668adf62c5ee7f85ed329.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Koi Miazaki


Age: 15

Year level: 3rd year

Crush: Akihito-sempai but sshh...

Short Bio:

Koi was born from a normal but happy family who loves singing and being childish together. She was raised up to have sufficient amount of confidence and happiness which made her who she is today. Alone, she sings and acts by herself having a wild imagination as if she was having her own performance. With her friends, she does the same but with extra shyness. She's not a performer though and she gets super shy in crowds. Being an enfp, people can see her as enthusiastic, happy go lucky, and spontaneous. She's also best friend with Kujou Mikoto, a club member.


> Singing

> Fun

> Languages


> Super deep conversations

> Disgusting and scary things

> A lot of schedules

Others: She also loves making memories and experimenting on making music videos.

Username: Koi Miazaki



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Name: Narukami Kagurazaka


Age: 16

Year level: 3rd Year

Crush: He has one but he refuses to tell anyone

Short Bio: Narukami was born in a normal family or so he thought. His mother and father were distant from both each other and himself. His house was quiet for most of his life. Narukami was always a reserved young man, speaking very little if at all and most of what he says goes unnoticed. He is known to be an observer, always watching but never really getting involved with anyone or anything so it was quite odd when he decided to join the debate club.


> Chess

> Writing Stories

> Lotus Flowers


> Crowds

> Arrogant People/Arrogance in general

> Lies/Liars

Others: He keeps a king and queen chess piece in his left and right pocket. He also has 2 tattoos, one the back of his left hand and one his right arm

Username: NetherLightGod


Misaki Ishida

|| 15 yrs. old ||
"The ESTP" || 3rd Year ||

no slide
no slide


Akihito Ishida

|| 17 yrs. old ||
"The INFJ" || 4th Year ||

no slide
no slide

Both played by:



Name: Jonah


Age: 17

Year level: 3rd

Crush: Naoko - estj (based on the MBTI parings).

Short Bio: Jonah has always been the shy and silent type. Spending most of his time locked up in his inventing shed trying to solve all the mysteries of the world, Jonah isn't know by many. His delight always being found in his books, old libraries, puzzles and photography. Never one to really understand the inner workings of human relationships, he has always stayed away from them. Growing up in a large family with three brothers, and two sisters, Jonah always seemed to slip between the cracks of attention, and that suites him just fine, he prefers the solitude of his own thoughts and gadgets.

Upon realizing though the importance of after school and extra curricular activities for college applications, he decided he had to join something. After much thought, weighing his options and a lot of pondering Jonah decided to spread his wings a bit and join the Sakura High School Debate Club. Thinking that the social experiment might allow him the opportunity to study fellow students with different personalities, Jonah was one of the first people to sign up to join the club.


> Sudoku

> Libraries

> Photography


> Emotional distress

> Conformity

> Excessive crowds

Others: Jonah has a slight slouch when it comes to walking, mostly due to the large bag of books he carries and his camera. Jonah loves butterflies, he enjoys their beauty, serenity, ability to change and alter their looks completely, and their grace. He has a massive collection of them at home and is always distracted by them.

Usernames: WisperingWillows
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Name: Haruhi Akiyama

MBTI Type: ENFJ :3

Age: 15

Year level: 3rd year

Crush: Not yet ;) . Although she enjoys being flirtatious, she's more of a long term yet light hearted relationship girl, looking for someone to compliment her traits quite nicely.

Short Bio:

Her name means "Spring Day", ironically her birthday, March 22nd, is the first official day of spring. She was raised with strict, but loving parents who taught her to always value life and be courteous to your neighbours. Her family owns a series of companies and that's where Haruhi learned learned to have high expectations of herself and of others, academically and in almost everything. Haruhi is a natural born leader, always coming in early and bringing some sort of food to meetings. Also detail oriented, considerate, and curious, she always tries to get others to see her point of view and speaks up for the quieter kids. True to her ENFJ nature, she is very popular and charismatic, but finds that she never seems to fit into any sort of clique, always finding the quieter or bigger personalities more interesting. Some flaws may include being too selfless or too selfish, being a perfectionist, overly idealistic, a bit phony and manipulative to people she doesn't like, and being a bit too passionate.


  • Classical Art or gothic drawings
  • Being philosophical or solving puzzles
  • Playing piano and singing
  • Being organized
  • Cooking
  • Reading and writing
  • Feminine clothing such as dresses, skirts, or pretty tops
  • Pretty much almost every genre of music
  • Intelligence, charming or philosophical banter


  • People that are rude and inconsiderate
  • An unorganized space
  • People that are too traditional and rigid
  • People that are liars or try to conform with rules
  • Ignorance


Here are some sorta random facts,

  • Born left handed
  • Loves tattoos
  • Is interested in studying space or psychology
  • I would love to be the "judge" of the Debate Club but not the leader

Username: theglassangel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3668460e_haruhiakiyama.png.64e01b5f64c6fc37d500f8fa4f8f8b0c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3668460e_haruhiakiyama.png.64e01b5f64c6fc37d500f8fa4f8f8b0c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kujou Mikoto

Type: INFP

Age: 15

Year-Class: 3-A

Crush: You will figure it out. :) I hope you do.


Mikoto, commonly called by people using her last name, Kujou, is a reserved, peaceful and gentle looking kind of girl. When she was younger, her father left her and her mom alone for a reason she could not fathom. This caused her to grow up shy and unable to open up to people who are not close to her and have not earned her trust. This made her rather sensitive and emotional too. Despite this, she strives hard to break out of her own shell by joining clubs that could open up her world and mind. Passionate and enthusiastic, she does everything she can to be a better version of herself and makes it a personal mission to touch others' lives.


Sharing ideas, philosophical and moral discussions, classical and mellow music, reading poems and short stories, singing, writing, drawing, language acquisition, flowers and FOOD -- !

Dislikes: Arrogant and unkind people, Heights, Amphibians and reptiles (all those slimy and beady-eyed creatures), dancing, make-up and high heels xD


-- Extremely loyal

-- Never assumes

-- Peace loving and thus, tries to avoid conflicts

-- Extremely good listener

-- Completely random: DOGS AND FLUFFIES!!

-- She's also Koi's Bff



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naoko hinagawa










third year


? ? ? ? ? ? ?



- being organized

(schedules, lists, etc.)

- acting

(it's a hobby of hers)

- outdoor activities

(swimming, hiking, bbq's)


- surprises

- drama

- criticism


- leader of the debate club

- attracted to obedient people (like

some kind of evil overlord) as well as

people who can prove her wrong


to be decided




hinao is the oldest of four siblings. lucky for her parents, she's very good at handling chaos. she's always been able to balance her social life and her studies; she is quite popular at sakura high as well as being at the top of her class. throughout her life, hinao finds herself put in a place of leadership, and that suits her just fine. she's fixated on efficiency and committed to whatever project is at hand. if there's a chance she can get things back on track with a plan that's falling apart, then she'll take that chance.

one of her big concerns is her social status and how she is viewed by others. hinao works hard not just out of a sense of ethical obligation but also out of a desire to be respected. she's prone to stretching herself too thin when she's trying to meet or exceed the expectations of the people around her. she's also very averse to showing weakness, which can make her apathetic in order to appear strong and unflinching. hinao has a moral code all her own. she likes the traditional way, and is more often than not rigid and judgmental when it comes to the unorthodox and the impromptu.

despite her somewhat problematic fixation on being respected, she's still a person you can depend on. though it takes some work to get her to change her mind, she stays true to her friends and family. you can trust hinao to keep her word. if you're sincere with her, she'll return the favor and be honest with you. she might put on an act to please other people, but hinao isn't one to sugarcoat her opinions or hide her feelings behind a deceptive veil of vague wording.

she joined the debate club for more extra curricular credits at the end of her first year. the founder of the debate club, who was graduating, passed leadership onto her at the end of her second year. she is now the current leader of the debate club.



kouki tomonaga


kou, tomo








second year


? ? ? ? ? ? ?



- comedy in general

(funny movies, pranks, etc.)

- animals

- cooking

- visual arts

(drawing, painting, even dancing)


- silence

- ceremonies

- boredom


- he usually gets bored of his crushes

before he can make a move on them






kou is the type who puts on a show wherever he goes without even realizing it. he draws the eye like some kind of colorful, well-dressed bird. he's also just as flighty as a bird. kou tends to throw responsibilities and convention out the window. he goes "where the wind takes him," and he needs constant excitement to keep himself entertained. if this excitement isn't readily available, then he will create it himself. he'll throw himself into peril just to get his own heart pumping, and if everyone else is enlivened by it then that's all the better.

he's in love with the emotions of the moment. kou is all about vitalizing the present, and he has a bad habit of ignoring the possible consequences of his actions in favor of cooking up all the fun he can for the now. it wouldn't be a stretch to call him generous; after all, the stimulating circumstances he spends so much energy creating is just as much for the people around him as it is for himself. kou is wonderfully social creature. if he's engaged in a conversation with someone he enjoys spending time with, he can go on for hours without getting bored. he's also good at reading other people's emotions and sensing changes in his environment since he is so aware of his surroundings. kou has many unexpected talents that stem from his equally unexpected artistic ability, and he showcases these talents whenever he can.

since he like to talk to so much, what better place to do it then the debate club? actually, there are a lot of better places for kou to chat with other people. however, kou signed up for the club on an impulse, as so many of his actions are accomplished on impulse. he tends to run away from disagreements and is never able to focus on the subject matter for long, so he's not very good at debating. he and his debate partner might end up discussing something completely different in the end, but at least it's always an entertaining exchange.
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Name: Satou Naoki


Age: 16

Year level: 3rd

Crush: None as of yet

Eye color: Dark brown

Hair color: Light brown

Short Bio:

Naoki is the oldest son of an average middle class family. Both of his parents are college professors and thus

he has always been attracted more to academics rather than athletics or arts. He has one older sister whom he is not very close to. She is currently attending university away from home. Naoki was aiming for another high school but was not accepted and ended up settling for Sakura High. This was quite a blow to his self-esteem and he poured more of his time into his studies than ever. Seeing this, his mother urged him to join a club in his first year in order to get him to loosen up and experience more of high school life. He chose to join the Debate Club in order to improve his speaking and presentation skills.

Naoki has always been brutally honest and rather judgmental. In addition to this, he is overly analytical and thus does not have many friends. However, this does not bother him because he receives fulfillment from his own achievements. He is also very unexperienced in romantic matters and does not plan on getting a girlfriend as he believes that it will take up time and effort that would be better invested in other things. He can unintentionally come off as arrogant and rude to some.


> Intelligent discussion

> Honesty

> Capable people

> Hard workers


> Lazy people

> Ignorance

> Gossip and small talk

> Group work

> Being in the spotlight


- He is a rather picky eater and is in fact lactose intolerant.

- His workspace at home is messy for an INTJ but he knows where everything is. He hates it when people move or touch any of his things.

Username: BlueInPassing (but you can call me Blue)
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Name: Shiraishi Tetsuo


Age: Sixteen

Year level: Third Year

Crush: Kujou Mikoto

Short Bio: Shiraishi Tetsuo lived in a very business oriented life. He was always surrounded by the influence of his non-emotion oriented parents, which led to his strained ability to express his personal feelings. Tetsuo, always consumed by his parents' business life, gradually grew to find most normal and daily events in life to be boring.

This led to Tetsuo never finding any interest in any activities in his school. However, at one point in his life he played Tennis religiously, but that hobby had recently dwindled. There was, however, one constant thing in his life that kept him entertained: conflict. Not conflict as in physical bouts or yelling out of spite, but the conflict of debating and arguing over a chosen topic. He found enjoyment in making people admit to his intellectual prowess.

He was indeed a smart one, Tetsuo was, and very open-minded of all sides of an argument. His ability to enjoy a debate was most likely rooted to the insatiable desire to experience life in all angles, and to learn new things.

Tetsuo craved a challenge, and really only became friends with those he could relate to, in a intellectual level. Upon his realization that a debate club was formed, a club specifically created for intellects to gather and debate over topics, Tetsuo could not help but join as he could finally find daily entertainment, and, hopefully, a better understanding of other views of life.


> Debates and arguments

> Gaining knowledge

> Experiencing new things

> Exciting Interaction


> Cowards

> Dull Interaction

> Non-eventual scenarios

> Trusting others


- Tetsuo, oddly enough, enjoys playing Tennis.

- One may not realize it from his energetic and gaudy personality, but Tetsuo lacks the ability to trust others, as he only befriends those he can enjoy arguing with.

Username: Dragon Miazaki​

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Name: Yuma Saito

MBTI Type:


Year level:
4th year

You'll probably find out.

Short Bio: Yuma's early school life was nothing short of chaotic. He hung out with the wrong crowd a little too often and was often hanging out with them in the principal's office due to their hijinks. He was the middle of three brothers, and it was clear that he acted out for attention. His grades were subpar since he never cared much about them, and the majority of his teachers thought of him as a delinquent. He never cared too much about what others thought, and regardless of what happened to him he continued doing whatever nefarious schemes he and his friends could come up with.

This all changed when he reached his Sophmore year of high school. He suddenly found his group of friends less and less entertaining. The routine schedule of doing something decadent, getting in trouble, and repeat had grown old to him. The constant cycle was starting to feel more like a trap than a simple means of having fun. He wanted to finish school off with at least some credibility as a student. He slowly stopped participating in the mischievous activities of his friends and paid more attention to his studies.

This shift in character culminated in his second quarter of his second year. While it was a nice change of pace to actually enjoy when report cards were due and not seeing the principal every other day. Yuma had nothing to do outside of school. His friends wouldn't change their ways, and he didn't want to force them to do something they didn't want to. While his older brother had already moved out, and his younger brother wasn't mature enough to hang out with.

He decided to join a club to occupy himself and meet some other people. After some thought, he decided that a debate club would be a fun way to voice his opinions and learn a little more about how people think. He thought of himself as a pretty good speaker, so the club seemed like a natural choice. He's been in the club for


> Being good at something

> Experiencing new things

> Teaching people

> Listening to others talk

> A little chaos

>Tough people


> Being stuck in a routine

> People with rigid personalities

> Organization

> Drama

> Being asked a lot of questions

> Soft people


-Taito isn't exactly a goody-goody by any means. He still loves a little mischief to spice up the duller parts of life.

- Being one of the longer lasting and older of the clubs members he finds himself to be a bit of a role model in how they should act. He tries to lead by example sometimes, but will speak up if he finds someone's messing up too badly.




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