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Fandom Marvel Universe Roleplay (Always Accepting!)



New Member
Basically any characters or OC within the Marvel universe. This isn't based on any specific continuity so play your characters however you want, there's also no overarching story unless we create one organically. You can also have multiple characters if you want. Post your character information in the OOC thread and check there to see who's already taken their characters. Also check there for any important lore or backstory that gets built up.


Thor: Mario1 Mario1
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Thor woke up from the sunlight. The night before he had passed out drunk on his motel bed and forgot to close the curtains. He hated the sunlight in the morning and closed the curtains with such vigor that he ripped them off. Defeated, he wrapped the curtains into a ball and covered his eyes to get some more sleep. He didn't wake up until noon.
Basically any characters or OC within the Marvel universe. This isn't based on any specific continuity so play your characters however you want, there's also no overarching story unless we create one organically. You can also have multiple characters if you want. Post your character information in the OOC thread and check there to see who's already taken their characters. Also check there for any important lore or backstory that gets built up.


Thor: Mario1 Mario1

hi! Are you still accepting?

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