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Fandom Marvel Universe Literate / Novella RP (Kik)


Smooth Subtlety

Hello, everyone!

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Katy, and I come from a Marvel Universe roleplaying community. We've been around for a while now and have come to know each other as a close knit group of friends, but we want to expand both our roleplaying experiences and the people we like to have fun with OOC. We use the mobile messaging app, Kik, due to it being the most accessible platform for most of our members. If this sounds like something you're interested in, please take a look at the list of taken characters and the ones we're actively looking for on our wishlist. If you'd like to join, message me on kik at: anonymousmerp. I will also be posting an FAQ at the very bottom to hopefully answer any concerns you may have.

Taken Characters:
Captain America/ Steve Rogers
Dagger/ Tandy Bowen
Deadpool/ Wade Wilson
Doctor Doom/ Victor Von Doom
Domino/ Neena Thurman
Elektra/ Elektra Natchios
Hawkeye/ Clint Barton
Hulk/ Robert Bruce Banner
Iron Man/ Tony Stark
Lady Sif
Loki/ Loki Laufeyson
Moon Knight
Psylocke/ Elizabeth Braddock
Scarlet Witch/ Wanda Maximoff
Starlord/ Peter Quill
Thor/ Odinson
Wolverine/ James "Logan" Howlett

Black Widow/ Natasha Romanov
Daredevil/ Matthew Murdock
Emma Frost
Luke Cage
Mister Fantastic
Quicksilver/ Pietro Maximoff
Spiderman / Peter Parker

What if the character I want isn't on the wishlist?
- That's totally okay! As long as they aren't taken, you can grab up whoever you'd like.

How many characters can I have?
- You can have up to five characters; three mains and two alts. Mains are your's permanently until you give them up, but alts can be taken by other players who want them as mains.

Can I make my own noncanon character?
- To be determined.

What's the minimum length of the posts?
- Length typically depends on the person and situation they're currently in. Some of us cling to around 300-400 words, but you can expect many others to go from 500 - 1000+ words.

Can I change characters?
- Absolutely! Just notify an admin.

What canon is being used?
- Our official canon is determined by RP events, but your character's backstory and version is totally up to you. You can use comics, shows, movies, or a custom mix of any of the above. However, we do ask that you see if your backstory steps on anyone else’s via a general question in OOC. In terms of powers though, we are more of a MCU type universe where we look to bring powers into a realm of plausibility without significantly damaging functionality. This means that your powers may have to work slightly differently from the comics, but the goal is to at least make it a very interesting way of explaining things.

How does someone do literate / novella RP on a phone? Isn't that clumsy?
- Typically, what we do is we write our emote on a computer using Google Docs and then open up the Docs app on our phones so we can copy paste it into Kik.

For those who are curious: Here's what's going on currently:
- Peter Quill has stolen the Tesseract from Odin's vault under the employment of Loki, god of mischief. Lady Sif is tracking the thief through space. Meanwhile, the Wolverine and Hulk face off in the small town of Miworth, Canada. The fight is brutal, but Logan manages to gain the upper hand. However, before he can finish the job, Amora of Asgard, or the Enchantress, stops Logan and hexes the weakened Hulk into becoming her new executioner. Soon, all the pieces will fall into place and the Avengers will face their greatest challenge yet... (All emotes regarding this arc have been compiled here: Marvel Arc 1)

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me over Kik!
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I would have liked to take Deadpool but it unfortunately appears he is taken, may I ask how you intend to throw Taskmaster into the mix? Since he seems to be a wishlist character?
... Are you... Advertising an rp sot on another site?
"Users are not allowed to advertise external websites or services with the intention of either personal gain or distracting from the community. This means links that benefit the posting user, links that sell a product or service, or links that serve to gain a user-base on another website are considered advertising and will be removed."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this rule is referring to websites, not media / communication platforms. Kik is a mobile platform, not a different forum or website that's offering competition with Rpnation. I'm not trying to sell a product or service, and I don't have a very good reason to intentionally try increasing the user base of a public platform like Skype or Discord.

I would have liked to take Deadpool but it unfortunately appears he is taken, may I ask how you intend to throw Taskmaster into the mix? Since he seems to be a wishlist character?
The RP is mainly open world and very free to players, the wishlist is just a reflection on the characters we'd like to see. Story arcs are mainly developed between players, so it's not that we have a specific goal in mind for any of the wishlist characters, it's just there to offer suggestions.

I wouldn’t mind being Peter Parker.

Is Star Lord available as a character?
Yup, Star Lord is available!
Hmmmmm. I am intrigued by the idea of a large Marvel RP group, though I rarely venture out of my own created RPs as I tend to exhibit trust issues when others are the foundation story architects instead of myself. I am an aspiring writer and have been creating RPs for over a decade, but I tend to lose interest fast if my co-writers do not consistently produce novel-worthy posts. I did take notice you emphasized literate and novella in the thread title, which would lead one to conclude that grammar and story integrity are major staples of your group.

If I may so inquire, does the group maintain a clear continuity and an ever-persistent awareness aimed at minimizing potential plotholes that may surface? Does the overall theme of the reality steer more towards the science-based universe as portrayed in Ultimate Marvel or the MCU, or does it lean more heavily towards the severely unrealistic and fantastical exploits of the earlier comics?

Should I decide to and be accepted into your group, I would be interested in playing an alternate version of Doctor Doom. I never liked the name Victor von Doom, though, so I would want to rename him Victor von Haasen, taken from the old name of Doomstadt, Haasenstadt. I might also be interested in a werewolf version of Kraven the Hunter and Marcos Diaz/Eclipse from the Gifted.
Malsuphur Malsuphur

I completely understand where you're coming from; I also love crafting stories (atm I'm running a large scale Justice League arc in the community's DC RP) and I've been through quite a few groups myself, both good and bad. In truth, a couple writers in the community have some grammar issues, but they take improvement very seriously and are constantly working at it. The overall group heavily supports this and we help them as much as possible. However, I can assure you that while they have grammar issues, the actual content, thought, and length behind each emote was never an issue.

Something that I greatly admire about this RP is that it is largely open world for villains and they have the freedom to create their plots. The admins do not directly plan out each and every single arc, but they will openly collaborate with everyone else in terms of story-making to iron out plot holes and give some fantastic ideas. For example, Peter Quill has just stolen the Tesseract from Odin's Vault and he plans to sell it to Hydra, garnering Lady Sif's attention, as well as the Avengers (this is actually happening irp right now). Keep in mind however, that these plot conversations are confidential unless you say otherwise, so there is no need to worry about spoilers. In terms of science vs fantasy, the group stays as close to science as possible, but there are always certain niches that we simply have to chalk up as "comic logic." Such things include certain infinity stones, or the physics behind Captain America's shield, since vibranium should not bounce with the same speed due to it being a shock absorber, even if it is an alloy. In fact, there have been entire debates over the plausibility and/or function of certain powers and events, so I definitely have to say that we stick to science where we can.

Your choices for which characters to play is certainly an interesting take on the source material, and I'm sure we'd love to have that diversity in the group. I hope my answers are satisfactory and you'd consider joining; it's always wonderful to have a vetted roleplayer add to the experience :)
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Thanks :D. I definitely like the idea of sticking to science as much as possible, so that adds to my intrigue :D. There are certain things we simply can't have perfect, such as how Banner can gain so much mass when becomes the Hulk and where it goes when he turns back, how a radioactive/genetically altered spider can mutate Parker/Morales in just the right way to be effective and not a genetic disaster, how different aliens from different planets can all exist exactly the same way in the same air pressure and atmospheric and chemical composition, etc. On the DC side of things, I always made severe changes to Kryptonian physiology when playing Kal-El or Kon-El. I absolutely hate that they evolve away from a yellow sun, yet somehow their cells evolved to absorb an energy that apparently doesn't exist in the environment they evolved in?

My issues with this are far and wide, lol. Firstly, we do not have a yellow sun. Our sun is white, it only appears yellow through the atmosphere. Secondly, if Krypton has any plant life at all, that means it receives enough solar radiation to have a similar affect as on Earth. Kryptonians essentially photosynthesize, so if plants can do it on Krypton, so can the people, assuming that is the source of their ability. Technically, the ultraviolet output of a white main sequence star and a red giant would not vary as much as depicted in the comics and shows. Thus, light from a red sun should not depower Supes.

Additionally, there is the issue of how Supes could absorb so much energy to keep his powers charged. He'd need to sunbathe naked for many hours in direct sunlight just to get a fraction of the powers he displays. My work-around for this was to say Kryptonians had powers on their home world as well and many of their ships were equipped with Sun Chambers to keep their bodies charged, and their cells only used the solar radiation as a catalyst, like a spark plug. The radiation sparked a chain reaction that caused their bioelectrical aura to begin amplifying the energy absorbed, and Darkseid invented Kryptonite to reverse this process during a great galactic conflict in the past.

Anyway, I'll definitely keep your group in mind and may send you a kik message in the near future :D.
Malsuphur Malsuphur

The thing about the DC writers is that they took the color-magnitude diagram a bit too literally and the sun in the DC Universe is actually yellow, whereas the diagram just colored it yellow to give visual differentiation from other temperatures. While that does create issues with the kind of light that the sun should be giving off, such as the sky being a different color, we must suppose that the spectrum still functions the way that white light does irl. That being said, one must also come to the conclusion that each wavelength has a different effect on Kryptonian physiology due to an undiscovered principle of how radiation works. We know that red sunlight is detrimental to powers, whereas blue can supercharge them. The only way to explain this is to say that light radiation in the DC Universe is fundamentally different from the way we understand it.

Note that I say radiation because we have seen in the comics that Superman has absorbed all manner of radiation to boost his powers, including the firepits of Apokolips and even kryptonite energy at one point. Each type of radiation had different effects on his physiology, so it is logical to assume that each wavelength color, which also have varying effects, are individual types of radiation as well. The idea is that the Kryptonians evolved in a harsh environment, and so they evolved to absorb radiation as a means of energy production. This includes the little energy that came from the red sun. While it suppressed their powers, the red sunlight was still ultimately beneficial as a food source (and Krypton's gravity was too high for its inhabitants to use their powers anyway). When placed in the vicinity of a yellow sun though, the yellow light's wavelength is a distinctly different type of radiation and this is what gives Kryptonians full use of their powers.

With this in mind, there is the question of how so much energy is produced with an unequal input of fuel. Quite simply, it can be explained through enhanced bio-efficiency. This does require the use of molecules that contain higher energy capacity, as glucose will not cut it, but this would ultimately originate from Kryptonian evolution as well. In a harsh environment where gravity is stronger, yet there are not very many resources, an organism would have to produce molecules that have higher energy outputs to resist the crushing gravity. However, the ability to create such molecules despite less resources has a possible source. In DC cosmology, life was created from an event known as the Godwave. It was an explosion of the energy of Creation, which spread out over the universe and gave life to everything in multiple waves. The first wave gave life to the gods, the second wave produced higher beings such as Kryptonians, and everything else, such as humans, were created from either the third wave or the residual leftovers. So, Kryptonians have a touch of divine energy to them, and were thus able to evolve such powerful and bio-efficient physiologies.
Well, our sun may be white, but it displays all colors, it's just they are mixed together. When the white light from the sun is refracted through a prism effect, such as moisture in the air, the colors separate into a rainbow. These are the colors of visible light. When you go beyond visible light on each side of the spectrum, you get into invisible radiation -- past the blue side is ultravoilet, and past the red side is infrared. Further beyond these you get radiowaves, x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves, etc. This is all part of the electromagnetic spectrum and all stars emanate this energy.

Most stars are powered by the same means and started the same way -- a molecular dust cloud collapsed under it's own weight and become so dense that the gravitational pressure forced hydrogen atoms to fuse into helium atoms, thus sparking nuclear fusion. This is what powers a star. When a main sequence star like our's burns up it's hydrogen, the outer shell will expand greatly, transitioning into a red giant. One day our sun will be a red giant and will grow so massive it will consume the orbits of the inner planets. Then eventually it will shed off that outer wall into a planetary nebula and the core will become a white dwarf.

Jupiter is a failed star. If it had gained 16 times more mass, it would have been dense enough to become a dull brown dwarf star. Most starts are formed this way, and the more massive ones have a chance to explode as a nova, supernova, or hypernova.

As for higher gravity on Krypton... Well, that would make life on Earth troublesome. You see, if they had evolved in a harsher environment with greater gravity, their bones and muscles would have evolved to adapt to that. Then if you remove them from that gravity, they would be at risk for bone loss over long periods, just like our astronauts when in microgravity or the lesser gravity of Mars.

But, as my brother-in-law frequently tells me, I need to stop thinking so critically about science fiction, lol.
Malsuphur Malsuphur

"Yellow Stars, known scientifically as G-Type Stars, are a type of main sequence star that appears yellow. Earth's star, known as Sol is yellow. The energy produced by yellow stars can be processed by Kryptonians and Daxamites..."
(Yellow Stars) I have no idea how people in the DC Universe can see light the same way we do, but the light their sun gives off is actually tinted yellow, not total white. Like I said before, all the colored wavelengths are individual types of radiation and thus have varying effects on Kryptonians (light is not just light in the DCU, it functions differently from the way we understand it irl).

As for bone atrophy, Kryptonians were birthed from the same energy of Creation that made gods. Considering the fact that the energy of the Source was able to create gods, among numerous other beings such as emotional entities, I don't find it impossible that the godlike Kryptonians would be able to retain their bone density in differing conditions. The gods in the DCU, such as Ares or Zeus, certainly don't have much of a problem keeping their strength intact. Of course, the gods soaked up much more of the Godwave than Kryptonians have, but I will address this. The fact that there was full, bipedal and sentient life on a planet that is 10x bigger than Earth should already show how powerful the Kryptonians are thanks to the Godwave. So, retaining bone density is really a combination of things. The yellow sun gives Kryptonians the ability to produce "super-calcium" (or whatever their bones are made of), and the fact that they have the stuff of gods would help with preservation as well. In all practicality, Kryptonians are essentially demigods, and we have never really questioned why other classical demigods, such as Hercules or Perseus, have such high strength despite the fact that they should be atrophied since they don't really lift at their upper limits. At the most, we would just say "Well those demigods are magic," in which case, the energy of Creation shares the same properties while encompassing both magic and physics. I would argue that Superman would actually have an easier time retaining his strength than Hercules because Superman has workout stations at ARGUS and the Fortress of Solitude, whereas Hercules just lifted whatever he had to (https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111130781/4042777-6585169108-Super.jpg).

- Radiation and light function differently in the DCU.
- The energy of Creation effectively made Kryptonians demigods.
Yeah, I understand the usual explanation is "things work different in the comics world," but that's never been enough for me :D. I need to be able to explain it to myself, and so if the science currently available can't give me an adequate analysis, I change things until they at least fall into the realm of plausible. I'm a critical thinker and often over-thinker in that regard. Same thing with Star Trek. I have to change it because what we thought the future would look like in 1966 or 1987 no longer applies -- that view is now obsolete. That's why in many of my RPs I recreate certain elements in a more plausible fashion.
Bump with updates

Characters removed from taken list (they are now open):
Baron Strucker/ Wolfgang Von Strucker
Black Widow/ Natasha Romanova
Blindspot/ Shiro
Colossus/ Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin
DareDevil/ Matthew Murdock
Deadpool/ Wade Wilson
Director of SHIELD/ Nick Fury
Ellie Camacho/ Eleanor Camacho
Ghost Rider/ Johnny Blaze
Green Goblin/ Norman Osborn
Magneto/ Erik Maximoff
Mary Jane/ Mary Jane Watson
Mystique/ Raven Darkholme
Powerman/ Luke Cage
Professor X/ Charles Xavier
Quicksilver/ Pietro Maximoff
Rogue/ Anna Marie Raven
Spider-Man/ Miles Morales
The Thing/ Ben Grimm
Winter Soldier/ Bucky Barnes

- Updates made to the wishlist

Changes made to FAQ:
- How many characters can I have?
- What canon is being used?
- Updated story arc in the bottom passage.
I'd love to roleplay Bucky Barnes if the character is not taken anymore, if it'd alright! Since this particular character was taken previously, would I have to correspond to what the previous roleplayer has done with him and what version of a backstory they might have had for him? That'd be completely fine if so, I just wanted to know if there's any such information I'd have to learn before performing the character. I can write pretty decent sized posts, so I think that'd I'd hopefully be able to meet the requirement. If it wouldn't be possible to take the character or to join the roleplay though, then I'm very sorry if I'm being bothersome or annoying with the questions.

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