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Fandom {Marvel Back in Time OOC}


Unofficial Member of the Ginyu Force
Username || Awkward Silence
Name || Julia Maxwell
Species || Human
Age || 25​
Gender || Female
Hero Alias || Tsunami​

Hair Color || Brunette with Caramel Highlights
Eye Color || Cobalt
Hieght/Weight || 5'9", 153lbs
Clothing || Anything comfortable. She doesn't really put much thought into what she wears.
Scars/Birthmarks || She has a birthmark on her shoulder that looks like a hibiscus flower.​
She has a few freckles if you look close enough (they are more prominent if she goes into the sun, and she’s a socially awkward person so inside recluse it is!)​
She has a rather long scar along her back from her left hip to her opposite shoulder. She got it one summer when someone pushed her into a ravine for being a “stupid mutant”. It wasn’t deep, but it was long and needed stitches. She had to sleep on her stomach for a month.​

Personality ||
Funny, cocky, outgoing, smart, playful, friendly, these are a few of the traits that could be used to describe Julia. She has a strong will, and her opinions are not easily swayed. She hates being cooped up in the house all day, but since she used to have a rocky relationship with her parents as a kid, she used to sneak out of the house without her parent's knowledge as a teenager and escaped almost daily. She used to long for the freedom to go wherever and do whatever she wanted, and she was a huge fan of the outdoors and climbing trees — now living on her own in a big city like New York, she doesn’t really have the time or option to. She's very obstinant, but despite everything she is loyal. She is the type of friend who will, without any regardance for her own life, take a bullet for you. A little bullheaded, she can be blindsided by her own vision of what’s right and wrong and it gets the best of her. She is also kind, but most people don't bother to get to know her for her to be able to show that side of herself. Julia also has a strong sense of justice, and will do anything in her power to help those in need. She mainly acts proud or childish or confidently, but it’s rather an act to hide the insecurities within her own person.
Short History ||
Born and raised in the small town, she was often a rambunctious child, climbing trees, playing in the mud and getting into fights. A lot of them had to surround her mutant abilities — hydro kinesis. She first discovered her powers when she was five. A boy at school tugged on her hair and then threatened to cut it off. Julia reacted without even realizing it — they had been standing next to the fountain outside of their preschool, and other kids claimed the water just reach out and pulled him in. After that, her parents realized their daughter was different and tried putting her through private school after homeschooling her until middle school. In fact, her mother sent her away for a year to go to refinement school for a year when she was in high school but the school sent her back for various reasons (she was expelled, in case you didn’t catch my meaning~). Julia had always been getting into trouble, but one of the main things she still hates, to this day, is being stuck in one place for two long. Often trying to escape her own home, Julia could be found with plenty of maps and blueprints in her room. Her parents wanted her to settle down, get married and have a family right after college, but she had different plan entirely. Plans to explore the world. She rather dislikes her father and her relationship with him is shaky, as it is with her mother too, but she likes her mother better. Julia is not afraid to openly speak her mind to him, but that just gets her in trouble. She had been known to the world as a vigilante, having stopped various crimes over the past couple of years, and even having helped fight the Chitauri in their invasion of Manhattan.
Often she was called a freak when people found out her powers, and that's why her parents and her share such a weak bond. She hopes to one day find a place where she can finally feel like she belongs, and not be ridiculed by others.​
Jules has always been on the run since leaving her home. Because of her power, she was wanted by plenty of bad criminal seeking for a leg up on the game thanks to everything. Nick Fury offered her an out, and as of the battle of New York, she's been stationed in Dubai, India and has been there for almost 3 years as a SHIELD undercover agent. For Nick Fury, this was the easiest way for him to monitor her powers without her knowing, in an isolated location where he could make sure her powers won't hurt anyone. She doesn't know that, of course. There are over 100,000 people living in Dubai. How is someone going to find that one special person? The needle in the haystack?​

Likes || Maps, the outdoors, climbing trees, animals, good food, cards, comfy and loose clothing, a good joke, video games, memes, gambling, being a bit of a closet emo-tumblerina
Dislikes || Stuffy people, snobbish people, rude people, people who think that she should act like a 'lady', dresses, injustice, criminals, actually has agorophobia (fear of open places/places without easy escape plans)
Crush || will be Steve~
Husband/Wife || None

Skills || Julia has been taking kick-boxing for almost 10 years now, and she's almost a prodigy at it. Her eyesight and stealth abilities have gotten really good over the years.
Her power is hydrokinesis (manipulation of water). She can create rain, cyclones (when angry), and like most elementals, her powers are incredibly volatile (only as strong as her emotions). The largest amount of water she has tried to control is about 30 gallons, before her body gives up on her and her muscles contract. She can breathe underwater, and when she is upset enough, her mood tends to alter the weather until it rains.​
The drawbacks to this is often if she overused her abilities, she gets incredibly thirsty and needs to drink a ton of water to make up for the displacement. She can make water by pulling the moisture out of the air molecules around her, but it takes a lot of concentration and drains her energy faster. In order to control larger bodies of water, she needs 100% concentration, otherwise her muscles will seize up in a spasm at the force and she’ll either feint, severely injure, or kill herself (depending on the scale of what she was attempting to control). Also, even if overusing in small bursts, she gets really tired and fatigued.
Weapons || She has a hunting knife that was a gift from her grandfather. She carries it on her person always.

Others || Her apartment is an absolute mess, and she's getting really sick of Indian food.
She's fond of a tabby orange cat that hangs around her home. Eventually giving into it's cuteness, she gave it a collar and named it Mickey, and now he is simply her cat.​

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