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May nodded. "Alright. Have you been here long? We just got here yesterday, so I don't know much about this city."
Katherine shook her head. "No. I got on Monday". She held her doll tighter. This conversation was making her more and more homesick.

Meanwhile, behind Katherine, someone opened the door and yelled in surprize as a Vassik (the nice one that May knows) fluttered in and knocked over a few chairs in a hasty crash landing. The fellow then began frantically looking about the tavern, flapping to and fro with his eyes wide and his neck streached out like a a periscope as he searched the crowd. Dragon! Dragon, are you here?! Are you safe?! I can't find you! Dragon! Where are you?! Dragon! He sounded quite distressed.
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May's ears turned towards the commotion before her head followed to look over at what was happening. Hearing him panic, she tilted her head before waving her hand towards him. She was mostly sure he was looking for her, but she wasn't one hundred percent certain. If anything, she would offer to help him look for whoever it was he wanted to find. In any case, she called out to him as she waved. "Over here!"
The Vassik saw may and zoomed over to her, one again knocking over furniture in his wake. Katherine squeeked as the the serpentine creature barreled past her and, predictably, she ran back to hug her aunts leg. (The cyclopian woman may have been more annoyed by that if her ire wasn't currently directed at the Vassik. The clumsy oaf had blown away her tarot cards.)

The Vassik frantically sniffed May all over like an obsequious dog. Oh stars! I had this horible dream, where this guy I new grabbed you and I was seeing it from his eyes and it was horrible because I Was thinking way he was thinking like it was me doing that horrible thing and he was going to- OH MY GOSH! You smell like the swamp! IT WAS TRUE! I am so sorry! I should never have trusted him! He said it was just flavor for the soup! I am so so sorry! Did he hurt you! He did, didn't he! Oh my gosh, I am so so SO so sorry! I swear if I ever see Azar again I'll... Ill... Ill! He was trembling with rage now.
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May looked at the Vassik and tilted her head. "I had a dream like that too, but it was just a dream. I only stink because I was sleeping next to...um...I forgot his name..." She scratched the back of her head. "Anyway, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." She smiled sweetly at him.

(I can't remember if anyone told her Greycoat's name.)
(The name that showed up on his collar, so I think so.)

The Vassik blinked. But... No! You don't- I mean it... But it felt so... His head sank as he let out an audible sigh, which was as much out of relief as it was embarrassment. Nevermind. He mumbled, averting his eyes.

Meanwhile, Katherines aunt, who had picked her scatterd cards off the ground and continued her tarot reading, had slowed what she was doing, attentively watching May and the Vassik out of the corner of her eye.
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May blinked before hugging the Vassik. "Thank you for worrying though, even if it was just a dream." She giggled a little at his silliness.
The Vassik signed again and hugged May back with his wing. Your welcome, he said, letting his heads rest on her shoulder. Mays 'thank you' did little to make him feel less stupid. But he was a simple Vassik, and after the scare he got in his sleep, he really, really needed that hug.

Katherines eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw her new friend hugging the monstrous snake, while her aunt merely chuckled and smiled.

After a fairly long embrace, the Vassik sniffed and realized that May not only smelled bad, but that she smelled really, really, REALY bad. And... Familiar. Um... Who is this smelly nest-mate of yours again? He asked, narrowing his eyes as he carefully smelled her.
The smile on the face of Katherines aunt dropped and her eye widened.

The Vassik blinked. He couldn't have heard that right. I'm sorry. What was-

Suddenly Katherine got up her courage and cried out. "Get away from it May! It's going to bite you!"

The Vassik whipped around his head (along with every head in the tavern), hood flared. AAAAAH! WHAT?! WHERE?! He flapped his wings in panic as his as his eyes darted around the floor for the unseen danger. GET AWAY! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!

The tarot cards got blown away of course. Need I describe the look on the one-eyed woman's face?
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May widened her eyes and stepped back, also looking around for whatever Katherine yelled about. She would've asked what and where, but the Vassik asked both, so she figured there was no need.
Katherine's aunt put her forehead in her hand and rolled her eye, embarrassed for the lot of them.


Well, after that fiasco was settled, May and Ezekiel barrowed Abigail's room to use her wash tub.

Now, Abigail's tub probably wasn't the ones the ones you familiar with. it was just a cramped, soapy little bucket with barely enough room to streach your legs (and that's only if you're Mays size) and no tap for warm water. You had to go all the way downstairs for the hot water and all the way out to the well for the cold (Ezekial was getting his workout bringing jug after jug up the stairs). But a warm bath was hard to come by if you were poor, and the few times that May had needed to be fully submerged to get clean had always been done in a cold river.

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May stared into the water bucket, poking the surface of the water every now and then to watch the ripples. She couldn't help thinking back to her dream but tried keep her mind off of it.
(It's not literally a bucket, by the way. It's a legit tub)

Zeke brought up a few warm jugs of rinse water and set them by the tub. "Aright, hop on in May. I gotta have a turn, too." Then he noticed the way she was looking at the water. "May? Something wrong?"
(Alright. I'm gonna say she already is, just to keep it simple.)

May looked at him before smiling and shaking her head. "Nope." She looked back at the tub before climbing in with a splash. She sat up in the water and shook her head, blinking as her now wet hair stuck to her face.
Zeke shrugged it off. "Aright. So, I talked with Abigail the inn keeper, and she said we can stay here as log as we need while we get ourselves situated. But she's going to need us to earn our keep, so while I go job hunting, your gonna be helping her around the inn"
Ezekiel snickered. May reminded him of a sheep dog at the moment. "Inn keeping, of course. Regular house chores, I imagine."
"Oh, okay. I think I can do that. Right?" She tilted her head at him, still not entirely sure what she'd have to do. She didn't know what really needed to be done at an inn.
After May finished bathing and got herself dried and dressed. Abigail showed her what to do for her chores. She started May off by having her go from room to room, sweeping the floors (if they weren't occupied) and changing the sheets on the bed. Then at lunch time, Abigail found ways for her to help her husband, Lucine in the kitchen. Washing and peeling potatoes, puting wood in the stove, and taking food and drink out to the customers.

She got mixed reactions from the tables she bussed.

•A few human patrons were visibly uncomfortable with an 'animal' serving them food, but they didn't say it.

•a few, elderly folks and parents usualy, thought she was adorable and gave her a generous tip. Such is the benifit of being a child doing an adults job.

•the table where, once again, sat the Gnomish Archivists Guild wanted to collect more data on May. they pestered may with questions until Knox (Katherines aunt) noticed, got up, walked over, and told the lot at spoon point to %#&$ off. That did the trick. Upon seeing Knox, the leader made a frightened "meep!" noise and the goofy bunch hightailed it out the door as fast as their stubby legs could carry them, leaving their fancy hats in the dust. You see, Madam Knox's power as a Witch was legendary, as was her intolerance of Gnome (and her tendency to turn them into chickens)

•May learned a few things about Minotaurs when she brought two plates of corned beef over to the "gentleman" I mentioned a few weeks ago who liked reading those horrible books, sitting at a small table with a massive battle-axe across his back as he discussed with his son, sitting opposite him, about the superiority of the Tauren race.

May received some queer looks from the two bolvinoids as she set their plates before them, which wasn't too unusual. She started to walk away, but the father Minotaur was apparently displeased with what he saw on his plate, so he reached over, grabbed the back of Mays dress between his massive fingers and pulled her back over to express his disgruntlement. "Eh! This is MEAT." He scolded, holding the plate under Mays nose for her to see. "Know you nothing, boy?"

Then his son, imitating his fathers disapproving scowl, thought it expedient to point out in an as-matter-of-fact tone, "Dress for girls! Not boys!"

The father Minotaur turned back to his son and gently corrected him. <No, no, no. He is actually wearing a kilt.> He explained in Tauren. <it is a mans skirt. Very noble atire. No shame.>

<Ohhhhhh. Ok>

(Yeah, so if it wasn't obvious, they think that May is a boy for some reason.)
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May moved her arms a bit, startled by being grabbed up. She moved her wings and tail in an attempt to balance herself in the air, though she didn't really need to, before looking at the minotaur. "A-actually, I'm a girl. A-and I was just bringing what I was told to."
The Minotaur raised his eyebrow at May in a half quizzical, half pitying expression. You see, with Minotaur as well as other mammalian beast-folk, only their men had long horns and for a female, ones large as Mays would akin to facial hair on a human woman.

"Ah... Many apologies" He said, setting the grossly deformed girl back on her feet. Then he recomposed his posture and pushed the offending plates to her with his finger like they disgusted him. "Take these back and bring us something else." He said. " Maybe inform your master that my child will be using his intestinal track for jump rope if he feed us flesh again, eh?" He patted her on the head. "Good girl."
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May closed her eyes as he patted her before looking at them again and nodding. "R-right..." She picked up the platter and carried it back to the kitchen to inform the chef of the minotaur's opinions.

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