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May nodded before climbing out of bed. Not wanting to look too scruffy, she brushed her hair back with her hands, pausing as she felt the barrette. She blinked before taking it off to look at it. She paused for a long moment as she noticed it looked the flower from her dream. But it was just a dream right? She tilted her head. Maybe one of the feather snakes gave it to her when she wasn't paying attention and she just happened to dream about it? She shrugged before putting it back in her hair.


Getting up:

Zeke: check

May: check

Grey: No. Go away.

Getting dressed:

Zeke: was currently in a night gown. Digs something presentable out of a bag and steps behind a privacy curtain.

May: Zeke recommends she put on a clean outfit. Hers is dusty from the road. (Does she wear shoes?)

Grey: N.A. Nudist for life, yo.

Brushing teeth

Zeke: Fun Fact: toothpaste does not exist. Ezekiel sticks a bore-bristle brush in his mouth and scrubs away the plaque. Uses mouthwash if he can find it.

May: Fun Fact: Wolves don't get plaque. They do, however have dog breath, so mouthwash is in order.

Grey: Fun Fact: Doesn't give a rats ass (even if his breath smells like one).

Brushing Hair

Zeke: brushes his hair and realizes it has enough grease in it to waterproof a pavilion tent.

May: finds a prize (and fleas)

Grey: guess where those fleas came from.

Bathing (that magical time of the month)

Zeke: has rezolved to take a bath. Later. He's hungery

May: wolf fur is very low maintenance and doesn't usually require more than a tounge bath (or a wet towel in Mays case). However, as Ezekiel kissed her on the head, he stopped, sniffed, and wrinkled his nose. "May, have you been rolling in something?" He asked somewhat accusingly.

Grey: Doesn't smell like a basket of roses himself. What are YOU gonna do about it?
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In response to Ezekiel's question, May shook her head. "No. I did sleep with him though." She looked over at Greycoat. She scratched her ear before looking around. "Where are my clean clothes again?"

(And no, she doesn't wear shoes.)
Ezekiel looked at Grey and went over to sniff him (receiving quite the glare from the old fox). He nearly gagged. Grey smelled three times worse. "Woah! I believe you there!" His eyes were watering. "Smells like a dead, farting skunk!."

Greycoat snorted, annoyed that he was being compared to zombie flatulence. Well excuse me if I had to wade through a swamp to find your kidnapped daughter. He thought. Of course, that turned out to be unecissicary. In the end he found May at Inari's shrine. Under the sacred tree, of all places.

Ohhhhh, Greycoat nearly chewed the shine keepers ears off for letting May in there. The space under the tree was strictly forbidden to anyone except the high priest of Inari (which was him). But the fellow insisted that Lady Inari herself had ordered him to put May there, and Grey knew him well enough to know that he wasn't lying. It would have to be the first time in history that a non-priest, let alone a non-Kitsune, had entered the forbidden chamber without ill consequence.

Of course, it was only that night that Grey learned what that conseqence was. According to the shrine fox, Mays kidnapper had barged into the shine shortly afterwards and tried to take her back by force (the poor, excitable shrine fox was going to need therapy after all of this). But the intruder never got past the threshold of the trees roots, for all that was left of the snake now was his backpack and a pile of dandelion seeds. Eek.

Any way, Ezekial wiped the stench induced tears from his eyes. "Aright, on second thought, change later. Don't wanna get that smell on your good clothes. After breakfast, we both gotta wash up."
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May nodded. "Okay." She sniffed her arm, just to see. She didn't think it was that bad, or maybe she was just used to it already. Out of curiosity, she walked over and sniffed Greycoat but immediately fell back onto the ground with a squeak as she covered her nose.
Grey rolled his eyes scowled in a sulking manner.

(Moving on to the table? When may gets done eating, there is a character her age I'd like to introduce.)

May soon managed to gather herself and go down with Ezekiel to eat breakfast. She wondered to herself if it would be the same stew as the night before or something different.
It wasn't. Today was a pretty standard breakfast. Oatmeal. Yum. Though to be fair, Abigail did throw in a few raspberrys with a couple strips of bacon on the side.

After a little bit, Ezekiel began talking to a few people at another table, hoping to glean info on potential job opportunities.

Off in the corner, near the toy chest, stood a little girls about Mays age. She was clutching a doll in her arms for comfort as she scanned the room with wide eyes.

(She is almost as new to Marshport as May.)

(Greycoat did not come downstairs. Not unless May carried him.)
(She didn't. She isn't about to touch him right now.)

May ate her quietly at the table. She looked around the room, first watching Ezekiel talk to some people about something, and then looking over towards the toy box. She blinked, curious about the girl. However, she knew it was rude to get up before finishing one's food, so she continued eating and just watched.
The little girl noticed she was being watched by a creature with the horns and the face of a dog and toddled over to hide behind a pillar.

But then she noticed a Minotaur looking at her funny and rotated around the pillar to hide from him.

Then she looked up and saw a bunch of coatl staring down at her curiously. So, dropping her doll, she ran over to a lady with an eyepatch and a unibrow and hugged her leg.

The one eyed women stopped what she was doing (which was either tarot card reading or a very angry game of solitaire), looked down at the girl hugging her leg, looked around to see what was scaring her niece THIS time and concluded that it was everything. Again. She rolled her eyes (I mean, 'eye') and irritably growled "Oh for $#%$'s sake, Katherine! It's just people."
May watched the girl run before looking at the doll. She glanced at her food before quickly shoving the rest of it in her mouth. She took a moment to swallow before getting up and walking over to the doll. She picked it up and looked at it before turning towards the girl. She smiled and held the doll out as a friendly invitation to come get it.
The dog monster was now bearing its teeth at Katherine. She buried her face further into her aunts leg and hugged it tighter.

"Katherine!" The one eyed woman hissed, "She is trying to be nice! You are being very rude!"

Truth be told, Katherine did want to go get her doll back. But those teeth were just too scary to go near.
May tilted her head at the girl, a bit confused. She looked at the doll again before setting down and stepping back with another smile.

(My characters most often smile with their mouths closed unless stated otherwise. Just for future reference.)
(Because I don't open my mouth to smile so it seems odd to me and as a result my characters end up doing the same. Just one of the weird things about me.)
Still clinging to her aunts leg like a koala, Katherine looked at May. She looked at he doll. Then back at May.

Finaly, her aunt got tired of this, plucked Katherine off her leg, and set her rather forcibly on her feet infront of May. Katherine stood there for a moment, staring at may with wide eyes and then abruptly grabbed her doll. Burying her chin into it.
May smiled at the girl again. "Hi, I'm May!" She held her hands together and gave the friendliest smile she could, keeping her wings neatly folded behind herself. It was a type of posture she practiced often when trying to make new friends.
Katherine watched May, twirling her dress shyly from side to side. "Katherine." She mumbled into her doll.
May nodded. "Nice to meet you,, Katherine. Do you live here?" She tilted her head curiously.
May cocking her head cause a little smile to bubble forth from Katherine. It reminded her of a silly puppy. "No." She said like she was trying not to giggle.
"Oh, me neither. Me and my papa came here for...something. I forget what. So, where do you live? I live out in the country but I always forget the name..." She tilted her head the other way as she tried to remember.
"Feylin," said Katherine (aka: The Eastern Forest .) "But we had to leave. Now I gotta stay with auntie Knox till mama comes back."

She didn't notice the way her aunt shook her head and sighed.
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