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Fantasy Manifest Character Page


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A place for our wonderful characters!

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And I don't care for the kind of picture, be it anime or real life or a sketch that you use for your character.

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The Middle Brother


View attachment 239669





Alexander James Baudelaire



AJ (Hates this name)




Cisgender Male


Heterosexual Heteroromantic



.Hair Color.


.Eye Color.





146 lbs



Alexander is a lean young man.  Standing at 5'9," he's average height for his age.  He weighs about 144, pounds, though depending on his eating habits, this tends to fluctuate downward.  He has pale skin, and though he burns easily in the summer months, it usually evens out to a tan.  He has a heart-shaped face with a small nose, average sized lips, and average sized eyes that normally give off a sense of boredom, but will flash dangerously when he is irritated or upset.  His eyes are a light brown color, which he is sure must have came from his mother, along with his dark brown to black hair.  He keeps his hair short, though long enough that he has a bit of hair to comb.  Alex likes to keep clean and always practices good hygiene.  He doesn't wear cologne, but his teeth are white, and his hair is never greasy.




Of the three brothers, Alex is known to be very serious.  He's quiet and stoic, though when he does talk he usually has something snarky to say.  He's not one to boast, rather he lets his magic do the talking when it comes to showing his power.  He's loyal to their father, but he does it mostly to get close to him and learn his ways.  At some point, he wants to be the one to take his place, but he wants to learn all he can from him.  He's pretty sneaky and conniving.  He's a man of action, preferring to be pro-active than reactive.  Despite this though, Alex tries to come off as passive.  He doesn't want to seem threatening to his brothers, willing to play the pawn that needs to be played on the chessboard.  Alex is more passive than he cares to admit, though.  If someone wants him to do something with his shadow magic, he's not going to argue, but though he will do it, he has a grumpy disposition and will probably mutter something under his breath when asked.   In all, Alex has a want to stand out from his brothers.  He feels like everyone expects Aubyn  to take the place of his father as the most powerful, while Cole is seen as the one that everyone can count on to do a job with a smile. 



Alexander James Baudelaire came into this world much like the other Baudelaire brothers had.  Vincent Baudelaire, his father, took them away from their mothers when they were infants, sacrificing their mothers all in an effort to have them to himself.  He raised Alex (if that's what you would call it), to be the young man he is today, cunning and conniving.  To this day, he wonders where his mother went and why she abandoned him.  He would curl up in his father's lap at points, asking where she had gone, only for his father to reply:

"She did not want you. She abandoned you, but I will never leave you.  You are my son, and I love you."

Looking back at it now, Alex knew it was all an act.  It was just a tool that Vincent had used to make sure Alex stayed loyal to him.  The boys never meant much to Vincent, other than pawns to get what he wanted.  He trained them in the dark arts, Alex taking up the specialty in shadow magic.  As a boy, that was the thing he was afraid of the most.  The dark was mysterious and scary, and he never knew what could be lurking in it.  So, when Vincent saw this weakness in his son, he forced him to study it.  At first, Alex hated it, but over time his fear turned into curiosity and intrigue.  Soon, the dark almost became a comfort for him when Aubyn was trying to pick a fight with him or his father would punish him.  He could hide there and suddenly everything was okay.

Soon came the day when Vincent told the three boys about the enchanted dark magic book that a coven of three Witches in England possessed.  He learned how long ago his bloodline had the book, but the light witches were greedy and took the dark book for themselves.  Vincent told them how it was time to retake what was rightfully theirs and gave the three brothers a mission to get the book back.  Doing some research into the witches, they found that one of the three of had a daughter of her own.  They knew it would be easier to pull one over on the young woman, so they captured her mother, leaving a ransom note for her to find.  It told her to come alone to New York if she ever wanted to see her mother again.

Unfortunately, she wasn't too good at following directions, considering the two others that followed her.




While the boys are proficient in many types of magic, Alex specializes in darkness manipulation.  With Darkness manipulation, Alex can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.  He can solidify it if he wants, and as he practices, he'll eventually be able to teleport using shadows





Cats ۞ The dark ۞ Green apples ۞ Studying


Rural areas ۞ Loud people ۞ People who don't take no for an answer ۞ Over-ripe bananas


To be over shadowed by his brothers


To find his mother


He wants to take over in his father's place.

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Colton Leland Baudelaire

The Youngest Brother




Cole (preferred name)









Cole stands at 5’6 with a weight of 130 pounds. His body is that of a boy who is still growing, who is active but does not work out, but overall he would be able to blend into a crowd of teenagers There is normally a wide open mouth smile on Cole’s face that brings attention to his very prominent dimples and crinkled green eyes. His nose is very sharp and one day when he is older his chin will likely be described as strong. His red hair is untamed, clearly never brushed by anything more than fingers and often will fall in his face when he is bouncing around. Just like his hair, Cole does not avoid keeping his hygiene up but it is also something that is not a big issue to him. He is always seen wearing a lot of occult jewelry made from bones, feathers, or the like with a common black eye patch over his right eye. As an added oddity, Cole is never seen without a bag of some kind (backpack, purse, fanny pack, etc) filled to the brim with whatever he thinks he may need if something goes wrong. If you want snacks or water, Cole will always have some on him packed right next to his summoning books and candles. 



Fairly passive, this brother has always been the the type to just go with the flow. He does not like confrontation nor does he like to lead, instead he kinda just does what he is told so as to avoid making his own decisions.This passive nature has caused him to be dangerously loyal to his family ( his father Vincent above all), willing to do just about anything they tell him to without question. He does not enjoy what he must do, in fact a lot of the dark magic clashes rather heavily against Coles overall nice persona, but that doesn't stop him from from performing evil rituals like his father wants of him. He will never cry in front of others, he never even feels the need to when around others, but once in awhile guilt will catch up to him although he will deny that sadness with all his might if caught crying. He is not naive, he knows that what he is doing is wrong, he simply cares more about his family than he does others.  In order to be useful to his family, he focuses nearly all of his energy on improving his warlock and domestic skills.  He is the one who often ends up cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning, and doing the other chores in the home without even being asked.  He really likes to help people, even strangers if he can. 



For most of his life Cole has had an unusual talent for spatial magic. He can summon spirits, familiars, and generally just transport one thing to another place. This is why Cole is always wearing odd jewelry so that he can use them as triggers/anchors for his spells. He is never without a tooth, feather, or dead persons trinket tucked away somewhere on his body for this purpose.  He cannot teleport himself yet however, with a lot of preparation, he can transport other people.  This is how the brothers got hold of the witches mother actually. They got a piece of her DNA (through a thrown away napkin) and then used to it summon the woman to their home...  so basically Cole is the direct cause behind the woman's capture.


He is also fairly good at contacting and communicating with the dead. Getting them to show up is not a problem for Cole, that is just another form of summoning after all, but controlling them afterward has been a dangerous issue. For this reason Cole tries to avoid contacting the more violent spirits and demons at his disposal unless backed up against a wall. 


Outside of these forms of magic, Cole is hopeless. No ritual, no chanting? Don't bother asking because no matter how hard he tries (and he will try as hard as he can) it will not work in the end. 



Being alone and forced to make his own decisions. 



His family's love, but its his father's love that he wants most of all. 



He has always wished to live a normal life with a normal family.  If Cole had no magic he would not care in the slightest. 

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Nicki Fearnley
The Sassy, Overprotective Friend

Basic Info

Nicki Rosalie Fearnley






Hair Color:

Eye Color:


120 lbs

Full Appearance:
Nicki's brown hair is cut just above her shoulders, and gradients into a light brown on the ends. Her medium-sized eyebrows tend to quirk playfully, and her dark brown eyes seem to smile even when she's not. Her nose is small like a button, and her mouth is usually twisted into a smirk. As for clothes, Nicki prefers black or dark blue leggings paired with black heeled boots and cute knitted shirts like the one in the picture. She wears a thin silver necklace with a butterfly charm, and often wears a barrette shaped like a flower, butterfly, or star. Makeup isn't really her thing, though she carries around lip balm since she's worried about getting dry, chapped lip. However, if she's getting dolled up for a specific reason, she'll put on red lipstick. For the most part, she'll keep her hair down, but every now and then, she attempts a small ponytail. She is half French.


Sassy and overprotective are but two words that describe Nicki. Her friends Ayana and Brooke mean the world to her, and if she feels that either of them are being threatened, she will lash out at that person. She may not want to be in New York, but if Ayana's mom is in trouble, she'll do anything to help them. Sass comes easy to her, especially since she doesn't easily trust someone who isn't Ayana or Brooke. As such, she unwittingly provokes others to anger, and gets riled up herself. When calm, she tends to use stinging remarks and sarcasm, and when she starts using her fire, she's practically a menace. Nothing stands in her way, and nobody's going to tell her what to do. And certainly no one is going to hurt her friends.


From a very young age, Nicki showed promise as a young witch. Her mother continued looking into her daughter's magical abilities until it was discovered that her daughter specialized in fire magic. The young girl would often set fire to the carpet accidentally, giggling the entire time. Soon, Mrs. Fearnley managed to teach her daughter how to properly contain her magic, but that didn't stop tragedy from striking.

When she was six years old, Nicki woke up to flames engulfing everything around her. Her parents were unable to come to her rescue, so she ran outside of the house herself, only to find that her mother alone made it out. Her father had tried to save her younger brother. Fortunately, her father made it out eventually, with little Nicholas in tow, but the experience taught Nicki the importance of holding the fire in. Now she's very careful with her fire, and tries not to hurt anybody with her fire, like she nearly did with her family.

A few years later she met Elli and Brooke, and they haven't separated ever since.


Nicki, in short, can use fire. She shoots it from her hands, has it appear somewhere on her body, and manipulates it to do her bidding. However, Nicki cannot have fire directly appear on someone's body, which is why she focuses on shooting it at whoever she's facing. Extremely cold environments tend to weaken her ability, as well as places that lack sufficient oxygen. When she makes the flames appear on, say, her shoulders, they don't affect her clothes or skin at all. Her own flames cannot harm her, nor can outside flames. But they affect the environment around her.


fire, Elli and Brooke, magic, moderately warm weather, butterflies

strangers, anyone messing with her friends, rain, cold weather

Someone taking Elli or Brooke away from her.

To keep her friends with her forever.

Nicki is a romantic at heart.

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Aubyn Silas Baudelaire

The Oldest Brother

imageproxy (1).jpg


"What? You can't tell? Hey! Are you insulting me?!"




"I turn 19 in 6 months."




"I'm 5'8", of course. What, you don't believe me? You must be blind."




"I don't really keep a track of it."

130~ lbs




"Even if you are a girl, I'm definitely not interested in you."




"I'm pretty sure you can figure that one out by opening your eyes and just looking at me."

Aubyn is short for his age so he wears boots which make him look taller ("They're not high heels!") to make up for it. He dresses formally like in the picture and rarely wears casual clothes. He gets his bright blue eyes from his mother and blonde hair from both parents. He has flowing, waist-length hair which he usually wears in a ponytail so it doesn't get in the way but sometimes has it loose when he is relaxing. The oldest brother has a soft, gentle face and slender body which, when paired with his long hair, makes him look feminine. Being mistaken for a girl angers him but he still likes to keep his hair long. Aubyn’s hair is never tangled (his animated hairbrushes make sure of that) and he has a neat appearance. He’s quite pale almost all the time and doesn't go outside in the summer enough to get a tan. His pale face also mean that his blushes, which are rare, are really visible.



"Animation magic. I can bring objects to life. Don't you think that's really cool? Well, it is."

Aubyn has the power of animation; he can bring inanimate objects to life. The objects that he animates can speak, have a personality of their own and can move or levitate. His objects always listen to him in times of danger but, depending on their personality, a few of them can be less than compliant at other times. Aubyn can't really control what his objects do when he's not around or not commanding them. In battle, Aubyn’s most used fighting technique in battle is animating a sword and having it fight for him.



"Why don't you just find out yourself?"

Aubyn, the oldest out of the three brothers, is loud, arrogant, boastful, rude and attention-seeking. He also tends to get irritated quite easily and argues often. He always pretends to be the bravest out of all the brothers when he’s actually just a coward. His cowardice links to his magic specialty; Aubyn prefers to have others fight for him because he’s too scared of being hurt. Secretly, he is jealous of his brothers’ skills and yearns for power. This brother is really scared of his father and so does everything that his father says. Aubyn feels very pressured because everybody expects him to take his father’s place despite Alex being more suited to the job. He feels like he can't meet everybody’s high expectations of him and so is always trying to find a way to become stronger even if it’s by immoral means. Aubyn would betray his father in a heartbeat but has grown quite fond of his little brother because Cole’s compliance makes him feel as if he’s powerful. Aubyn likes to pick fights with Alex a lot out of jealousy. He treats everyone rudely (apart from his father and sometimes his brothers) as a way to boost his self-esteem. He has a superiority complex which is a way he deals with his feelings of inferiority. He can get quite depressed at times (about once every three months) but never shows anyone his weak side. 


"I grew up being the best out of my brothers. They're probably jealous of me, you know. It's not often that you come across someone with so much skill that they can bring objects to life. I'm not trying to boast or anything but I'm probably one of the best warlocks to have lived... Anyway, my life was perfect. Did you know that I'm my father's favourite?"

Aubyn’s mother died in childbirth, however, she would've died anyway since, even if she did survive, she would've eventually gotten killed by his father. Being the oldest, Aubyn was put under a lot of pressure as he grew up. His father expected him to become the next family head and so was much harsher in raising him than with the other brothers. Aubyn had no childhood since all of it was just studying and practising. He developed a specialty in animating objects after bringing his beloved teddy bear, named Joomberry, to life. Almost every night, Aubyn would cry himself to sleep while being comforted by Joomberry. His father used to always shout at him for wetting the bed (which he did frequently until the age of 14) which made Aubyn become even more scared of him. Over time, all these years of being disciplined, never being good enough in his father’s eyes, lack of a proper childhood and guilt over his mother's death has caused Aubyn to become hostile [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]and rude. Now, he isn't as depressed as he used to be but he’s very shielded from others and his personality isn't very likeable.[/SIZE]



"Apricots are really tasty."

+ His animated objects

+ Cats

+ Poetry

+ Apricots

+ The colour blue

+ Reading

+ Sleeping

+ Power




- His father

Being forced to do things

- Being mistaken for a girl

- Comments on his hair

- Most people



"To be honest, I think I'm really good at everything."

+ Skilled animator

+ Good liar

+ Very neat handwriting



"I can't actually think of any of my weaknesses."

- Physically weak

- Coward

- Bad at making and maintaining friendships



"Hmmm. Did you know that animating objects is a very rare type of magic? That makes me special."

His animated broom, Giselda, is madly in love with him

He writes poetry

His mother was a very short woman

Daydreams often

Aubyn likes to play with his hair when he's bored

Blames himself for his mother's death



"I'm not scared of anything."

Not living up to others' expectations

Losing his animated objects

Being ignored

That he'll never find love

His father




"There isn't anything else I could possibly want; I'm already perfect."


Somebody (not just an animated object) who he can trust

His mother

To be taller

To look more masculine



"My secrets are none of your business."

He used to wet the bed until the age of 14

He still sleeps hugging his teddy, Joomberry, every night

He's more attached to his animated objects than he likes to admit


[Note: the text in blue is what Aubyn would reply to those questions. Keep in mind that he's lying half of the time to make himself look better and the black text is reliable.]










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Name: Brooke Harris

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Brooke is shy, almost to the point of crippling her. She prefers to just sit in the back of class and not be noticed by anyone. The only time she seems to come out of her shell is with her fellow witches, when she becomes lively and outgoing. Really, it's like she's a whole other person.,

Bio: Up until the age of eight, Brooke thought she was completely normal... when she went to grab a pencil and it floated over to her. Well and truly freaked out, she went to tell her mother what happened, and learned the truth: magic ran in her mother's blood, and she had inherited it. A little bit of experimenting with her gifts showed that she was very talented in mental magic. But this made her feel very alone as well; after all, it wasn't like anyone else in her school had magic as well, right?

So she became more and more introverted, rarely talking to anyone. Until one day, when she accidentally bumped into Ayana and felt a strangle tingling on her skin. The same tingling that she felt every time she held her mother's hand. The tingling that enabled one witch to identify another. Ayana soon introduced her to Nicki, and the three became fast friends.

Magic: Brooke is a very talented telekinetic, able to easily lift one hundred pounds with her mind. She is also skilled in telepathy, although she needs direct eye contact to read someone's thoughts. Recently, her telepathy has also been able to influence other's minds, a power that frightens her. After all, it's just a short step from there to outright mind control. However, when it comes to rituals and the like, calling Brooke mediocre would probably be a slight compliment.
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Witch in Training


View attachment 251432





Eleanor Marie Pierson






Cisgender Female


Heterosexual Heteroromantic



.Hair Color.


.Eye Color.





94 lbs.



Eleanor is average small for a seventeen year old girl.  She's a bit on the shorter side, standing at five feet tall.  She's petite, but she has been told she has long legs that would be suited for that of a ballerina.  Her skin is normally rather smooth, and though naturally light, can be tinged a darker color every now and then.  Her thick, auburn hair falls a little bit past her lower back, though it is short enough that she won't sit on her hair.  Her hair is strong and with a little bit of hairspray, can hold a curl quite easily.  She takes a lot of pride in her hair, making sure it is brushed and shiny.  She can normally be seen with a large bow in the back of her hair, pulling the hair around her face back so that it doesn't get in the way.  She has side swiped bangs that she can usually be seen pushing out of the way as well.  She has a round face with bright, expressive brown eyes that have a habit of giving away whatever she is feeling at the moment.  She makes sure to keep good hygiene, showering every morning and brushing her wide white smile that she has no problem showing off.  Her attire mostly consists of cute dresses, shirts, skirts, and stockings, though she's not above wearing jeans and a t-shirt every now and then.




If anyone was asked to describe Elli in one word, that word would be "creative."  Elli is definitely the type that will sit down and sketch for hours on end.  She loves thinking outside of the box and trying to come up to creative solutions to problems.  Somewhere in between an extrovert and an introvert, she's a friendly girl, always looking to make new friends.  Many would describe her as an optimist.  She has a keen intuition which she finds herself following quite a bit.  Caring and compassionate and always trying to do the right thing. She tends to be impulsive, and when she's under a lot of pressure, she tends to freak out and will often make bad decisions.  She's also a bit stubborn when it comes to certain things, though for the most part, she's pretty laid back.  




The type of magic that Elli is best at is transmutation.  With this power, she can turn any object into something else, usually by touching it, though sometimes she can transmute things just by looking at them.  These objects are inanimate and she does not have the power to bring life to it.  For example, she cannot turn a piece of paper into a dog.  She can turn animals and people (with the right potion) into other animals or people, but they will change back after a set period of time, usually one hour.





Drawing ۞ Warm, dry days ۞ London ۞ Cooking


Argumentative people ۞ Public speaking ۞ Artist block ۞


Not being able to save her mother.


She just wants life to go back to normal.


She's a lot more frightened than she lets on.

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