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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

meanwhile his aunt walks into the school office and asks the secretary, "Hey I got a new student transfer from Midtown High, Peter Benjamin Parker,"
Lily gets up and walks over to him, she didnt want to leave him alone, he was probably hungry and couldnt go to class. She sigh:"i'll find a way loki i wont let you down"
Barton smiled:"ah yes peter, let me get you his schedule and his dorm keys unless you like him not to have a dorm"
Lily grabs pair of scissors and sits beside loki:"loki hold still ok i dont want to leave you in here unable to eat"
"Him having a dorm is fine, honestly with all the things going on, the clones, the death of his friend, I'm sure he needs time to himself"
Barton smiled:"ah yes peter, let me get you his schedule and his dorm keys unless you like him not to have a dorm"
Lily grabs pair of scissors and sits beside loki:"loki hold still ok i dont want to leave you in here unable to eat"
Barton hands her his schedule and room key:"thankfully he doesnt have a roomate but later on that might change"
"Alright thanks," May drives off, and Peter walks in, he walks up to the dorm room he's in he goes in and puts his stuff in and takes a nap,
(Open to anyone if you need me, just at me,)
Loki turned to look at her. He nodded softly and laid his head on his pillow so he wouldn't move his head around.

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 alright)
Lily focuses and place the thread inbetween the scissors, cutting two threads before carefully cutting the other threads
Loki felt the threads cutting and when they were all cut he opened his mouth wide to stretch out his jaw. He reached up with trembling fingers and felt for the threads. He pulled each one out until there were only little dots around his mouth where the threads were. He sat up and wrapped his arms around Lily in a tight hug.
"Thank you."
His voice was hoarse and raw.

Lily hugs back loki:"your welcome"
She then hears a knock:"just a second"
Loki nodded and let her go. He reached up and ran his fingers over the scars around his eyes. He longed to see them, to know what had been done to his perfect flesh. He climbed down and followed Lily's footsteps.

@Miasmith17 Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"Hi, I'm Peter, just got here after Midtown High was destroyed, anywho nice to meet ya, and you, I feel like I know you somewhere, related to Thor, maybe?"
Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Lily walks over and opens the door, seeing peter:"hi you must be a new student, im lily"
Loki nodded and let her go. He reached up and ran his fingers over the scars around his eyes. He longed to see them, to know what had been done to his perfect flesh. He climbed down and followed Lily's footsteps.

@Miasmith17 Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Lily nod and when she heard the name thor, she spoke up incase loki got angered:"please dont mention that name to him, i really hate his folks for what he has been through"
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Lily:"now that i cut the threads off his mouth, i need help figuring out if his eyes can be healed. If they cant then we need to find a textbooks for blind. I dont want to leave loki here alone if he cant see"
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"Yes, Thor is my brother, but I do not hate him. He did not inflict this upon me. It was my father, Odin. As for leaving me here, Lily, do not worry for me. I am very capable of handling myself."
Loki fell right back into his usual manner. He crossed his arms over his chest, hoping to seem less weak.

@Miasmith17 Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Lily gave a confused look at peter:"daredevil? It could take hours or more"
Lily look at loki:"odin? I hate him then........alright then if you prefer i leave and head to class i shall then...."
Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
Lily felt relieve he didn't know daredevil identity:"oh yeah, he is a amazing blind vigilante"
Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"Oh and he went to talk to me after one day at my previous school, apparently he's a lawyer and told me if Spidey needs an lawyer I should call him, don't know how he knows me," he grabs his bag and shows her the card from a few months ago

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