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Fantasy Mainland Adventures

"What? That's stupid. I thought there were certain types of magic and stuff. Like, magic that raises the dead and magic that transforms the Earth." he shrugged, looking at his Uncle and then looking at Kyle. "Both of you are right. We can't leave the city like that for sure, but we don't have the numbers or strength to take him on. Considering what happened last time, if we go back chances are we'll get captured again."
"Well yes, But they aren't as divided into categories as one would think. You can't be suggesting we just leave them."
"So you can basically do whatever with magic? I don't understand this at all. But no, you're mistaking the words for abandon and leave. We need the authorities or someone who can take him on now. Rushing in head first would only ruin any real chance those people have of being actually liberated. We can help them much better from home than we can a jail cell." Eli rebutted, sighing.
"As I see it we have two courses of action. We either A, use Kyle's powers to burst into the castle and defeat him after a raid or we go back home and call the cops on this guy. What he's doing is like, super illegal." Eli suggested. "Otherwise I've got nothing. What do you propose?"
"So we can't fight him physically. Nor can we fight him politically. So, we'll have to stage an insurrection of him people against him. Make them all rebel in a way that his forces will be too small to fight off by themselves. Since he's already so small he won't be able to call for backup and with us leading the charge it could work. But how would we stage anything like that?"
"We could also just sneak inside. Look guys I don't know if you gathered this but I'm not the greatest idea guy." Eli said, huffing a bit. "We could just kill him? What would happen if he was kidnapped or murdered?"
"Fine. But we don't have that many options. Kidnapping him would be difficult since he's magical and stuff. He could escape us. Insurrection is bad because it's too complicated and takes too long...what if we just.....smuggle everyone out?"
"You're right, Guy. You aren't the greatest with Ideas. I just say we leave, you can always help them later."
"No! It's one thing to run away to get help but since the authorities aren't going to do shit we really can't just abandon them. Look, why don't we just....set up....eugh!" Eli kicked a tree trunk in anger as he realized they couldn't set up a camp considering the had barely any supplies. "Just sit down and think for a second ok?"
"I hate to say it, but Mr. Kyle is right, There isn't much we can do at this point, not yet at least."
Eli stood wordlessly as he looked to overview the town that glowed dimly in the distance. His shoulders slumped as he hung his head down. "Fine." he breathed out quickly before turning away and walking away from the town into the forest. "Let's go."
Eli turned around and looked at Kyle with a small sigh. "It was short, frustrating, cramped and frustrating. I'm a little pissed but...." he sighed again as he kept walking. He gave a trying smile at Kyle, his eyes softened for a bit as he seemed to calm down at least marginally. "We go who we were looking for, at least."
"We came here looking for someone to join us that's magic. We thought that was the regent because the prophecy said 'someone important', but he's....difficult. I think you fit the bill just fine, because even though you're no regent, you're certainly important." Eli nodded, a bit reassured and even further tranquilized by his own words.
"Umm.....well, far as I'm aware, the Vanguard is a group of really fucking cool magic dudes that are meant to protect the country from like....evil guys and stuff. So yeah, I think we're supposed to be like the police. Uncle Alan can probably say more on that subject. No need to feel forced on that by the way, it's totally ok if you wanna like....not become a member of this weird council thing you just heard about." Eli shrugged, a sense of complete calm now shrouding his words.
"Eli, Language."

"The Vanguard?"

"Right, you wouldn't know, the last vanguard was so long ago people just forgot. A Vanguard rises to deal with a major threat that will soon arise, we are the Third such Vanguard."
Eli just looked down awkwardly at being called out for his language. He coughed a little as they kept walking. "W-what kind of threat are we dealing with then? If we're assembling to deal with something, then what is that something?"
"We won't know until it arrives, what with Fate being very early when it comes to assembling the Vanguards."
"So someone like Harrison was much older when they were chosen during the Second Vanguard?" Eli asked, his hands digging into his pockets. "That makes....a lot of sense."

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