Main RP [RP happens here]

 Jake had watched the tv along with her and he was confused, he decided not to ask about it, it was probably a sensitive topic, he turned to go get her the food she had requested when she spoke and he stopped turning back around, she mentioned his wrist pistols and he looked to her curiously "How did you know?" He asked a little surprised as he hadn't used them in front of her, ever.

@Crystal Cali
Edward Smithwood sat in his chair a sly smile upon his face, which hides the silent rage inside him. It seemed again that the people had stopped his bombs. "How wonderfully irritating" he mutters. He had expected one to go off at least, like the previous attempt. Seemed Jake and his friends as well as the police had manged to get more orgnisied. Still he had the last part of the plan to enact. Yet as he went to start the bomb timers his phone went off.   Answering it he says "Kai, the good Doctors hacker friend, ringing me to gloat and say how I'll never win or are you just a slightest bit more interesting then your medical friend". @CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali

Gamma | Esther Khan

Location: ???

Gamma shook their head in dismay. "I can't work with this useless pile of flesh. Then again, you all are useless piles of flesh. Goodbye to you, lady. I give you this gift." They quickly injected a serum into her body, one that would give her slightly unnatural flexibility if she tried. Other than that, the rest of the enhancements couldn't go through because of Hanah's figure. 

Esther couldn't do anything but watch. Being injected wasn't painful, but realizing what you could do was definitely a horrifying prospect. Esther only remembered the time she dented a car door, really far in, by kicking it. It was shocking and scary.

Gamma hit the button to open the drop to the sewer below. They then gently nudged their foot against Hanah's back, attempting to make her fall in.

@Hanah Solo 

Pandora Roth Alison Eckener

Location: Some field outside of Maple Pines

"Well, we're going in hard. We lost the flaps and most of the controls, it's almost certain we're going to crash so might as well make the most of it." Alison calmly pulled on the stick with one hand. Any harder and it would-


"Captain?!" Pandora looked in horror. She hoped it wasn't Alison's arm. Luckily or unluckily, it was the control system she had torn out.

"Well, brace for impact."



"Hnnghh..." Pandora's arms lay at her sides, limp, against the cold metal floor of the plane. A warm liquid trickled down her face, soon recognizable as her blood. She felt like she couldn't move at all. Was she dead? Was she paralyzed? Slowly, her arm made its way up the side of her body, crossing over various patches of torn fabric and exposed skin. The woman dragged it all the way up and was about to collapse, when another hand caught it. "Pandora. Wake up." 

Pandora focused her vision to the captain. Alison was in good condition. No, she was in perfect condition. Bits of metal shavings had sliced away at the sides of her body, but her face was just as normal as ever. In fact, she didn't even lose her composure. " the hell did you survive without a seatbel.."

"Easy now, girl." Alison pointed outside the wreckage to show the streets. "You know what? I'm gonna call a Lyft."

"A-A LYFT?!" Pandora sputtered as she got to her feet, leaning on Alison's arm for support. 

"Well, what do you want?" 

"An a-ambulahhnce..." Pandora stomped her foot. Pain instantly shot up her leg, causing her to wrap her arms around Alison's shoulders.

"Fine. Looks like I'm calling an Uber." The captain nonchalantly pulled her cracked phone out of her pocket and dialed an Uber. Pandora mumbled something in disappointment.

<Open for interaction, Uber drivers too>

( @YoungX: All you had to do was to land the damn plane Alison!)
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Hanah didn't put against them and let out quiet whisper: "Mistress, i am coming."

Hanah was flushed in sewers, in some weird way her body bend whitout breaking every time she hit to corners of pipes. At last she flushed out from sewer and floated to shore, Hanah opened her eyes and started cry.
Kai was surprised that crime boss answered, but he was even more surprised when he had mentioned the good Doctor's hacker friend, and he said Doctor like a name used to identify someone. "No. That's not why I called. I know you know a something about my life. I hate order, and I've been recently helping them. I decided I want to stop acting to myself and to everybody for all these weeks. I want to come out of shadows, and show who I really am inside." Kai implied. "But, I need your help."

@SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali


Hanah didn't put against them and let out quiet whisper: "Mistress, i am coming."

Hanah was flushed in sewers, in some weird way her body bend whitout breaking every time she hit to corners of pipes. At last she flushed out from sewer and floated to shore, Hanah opened her eyes and started cry.

Sgt. Guerra

He drove quietly through the streets he would rather be at the bomb site ,but he was certified to be a patrol officer and one of his freinds was more quilified to be at the bomb site so here he drove. The beach was quiet today but with all that had happened he wasn't suprising not many people would be out on the streets for a while cause of the paranoia cause by such a tragity. As he drove he heard something over the quiet hum of the patrol vehicle... weeping. As he stopped the car he looked out the window to see a small woman on the beach. "Are you ok ma'am?" He called out in the low tones natural to him. (Meh might as well bring em back)
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Hanah looked up and recognised man as police officer that interrogated her when she was in hospital. As choices of trying to run or prison she choised running and start running away.
Hanah looked up and recognised man as police officer that interrogated her when she was in hospital. As choices of trying to run or prison she choised running and start running away.


He reconized her after she started running as she started running he started turning the car around. He drove not fast enough to outrun her but not slow enough to be behind. He was between her and the city and that's what mattered. Sand was really hard to run on Guerra knew all he had to do was wait for her to tire out.
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"Ah yes your poor, poor, poor mother and father, kill viciously in a graduation ceremony later covered up as a terrorist attack, all committed those who claim to defend the peace," Edward says with an icy cold emotionless tone to his voice. Going other to his computer he disables the last two bombs he had set up. A new plan has entered the great game.  "Before you ask I will help get the righteous vengeance you seek Kai but first you must help me," he says with the same icy tone. "I have just texted you the address of a waterfront warehouse, you will get Dr Jake Sutherland to come to said this location, now don't go asking who why or anything else, after all, I won't be asking what you do with the information I will give you though I'm sure you will like the names on it, take care Kai Williams" he says ending the call. @CrossedInLyke
(I could have mis-remembered how that happened. Just thought the guns weren't hidden that well when Akira came into the room.)

Akira sighed irritably. "Who cares? Do you want me to make you new ones or not?" she looks back down to the weapon she had been dismantling, and pulls part of the outer casing off. 

"Okay. Fine with me." Kai ended the call. Am I really going to do this? He thought. I made my decision. No turning back now. He checked his phone for the waterfront warehouse address, and pinpointed it to his matrix map. It is in the borderline of the city. "That's a long way off." Kai complained. He stared at the window and called Jake.

@SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
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He was a little surprised at her tone and he shook his head "I'd prefer to keep them the same for now. Thank you though." He walked inside returning a few minutes later with a sandwich, some chips and a chocolate bar setting it down in front of her before sitting across from her "So what now?"

@Crystal Cali
Akira takes a couple bites of the sandwich, though pauses and gives Jake an annoyed expression at his question. "Why are you asking me? Didn't you an Kai have a plan?" she paused. "Also... do I hear a phone?" she asked, sure she heard something being added to the noise. Akira reaches for the TV remote and pauses the video so she can hear more clearly.

(I believe Kai is calling Jake.)

Jake didnt notice the phone and he reached into his pocket pulling it out smiling as he seen Kai's contact come up and he answered "Hey, whats up buddy? Find anything out?" He asked as he walked a few paces away from Akira, she had been being rather rude lately and he didnt want to get on her bad side....well even more than he already was.

@Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke
Hanah collapsed and her mind started hallucinating about Veena. 

("Keep it whit you at all times.")

Hanah then remembered gun and find it from where she had hided it. She taked it out and pointed whit it to Sgt. Guerra.

Thank you, Mistress. 
"Yeah, I found something. It seems like he forgot to turn on his security measures." Kai replied. "I pinpointed one of his hidden gathering places, which is a waterfront warehouse, and I think we can find some classified information there. Meet at the central park. Don't bring Akira with you. We'll drive there using my car."

He nodded "Alright, tell me when you're here." He thought it sounded kind of suspicious that Akira wasn't supposed to come. He then shrugged it off and ended the call. He stood up and looked to Akira "Well Im going with Kai to some meeting place of this guys. Apparently we might be able to catch him there." Jake smiled to her as he stretched his arms. "That ok with you?" he asked. He was genuinely looking out for her.

@CrossedInLyke @Crystal Cali
After Jake ended the call, Kai texted Edward, Okay, the two of us are coming. We'll be there in 15 minutes. He tapped send. He packed his things up, wireless headphones, dagger, which is always in his hidden pocket, laptop and cellphone. He also brought some metal scraps, a roll of electrical tape and tweezers. He got out of his apartment and finally used his car. The gas is still full, so he guessed that its okay. He drove to the central park and saw some police officers still inspecting the area.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
Akira puts down the weapon she was working on, and looks up at Jake, perplexed. "Just you? That's.... odd," she shrugs. "Though, I'm not really good in combat anyway." She gets off her stool and walks over to Jake, just within the reach of his outstretched arms, though she doesn't reach for a hug. Instead, she holds out her hand, and says "Give me your phone," in a somewhat firm tone, though she wasn't speaking as harshly as she had other times.

Pandora Roth | Alison Eckener | Agent Theta

Location: Some field outside of Maple Pines

Pandora and Alison remained sitting on a rock for several minutes. "So...captain? You ever think we could just ditch the police and solve crime our own way? After all, your methods seem to work better." She pulled out a pocket notebook from inside her torn coat. It was dark black, and had no text inside it. "In case our lives ever took a turn for the worse, right?" Alison looked at the book. It was quite an impressive book, though it looked impressive. Somehow, it had survived the crash. Pandora had to hold it with two hands as well. "Pandora, we're at the bottom. We mean something to the police, but that's it. Authority gets no authority. That's why you have to discipline everyone else." Alison took the notebook and spun it in her left hand. Meanwhile, Pandora examined Alison's right, pressing on it with a pen. It barely gave way. Now, Pandora was confused about her captain. "I never got a chance to ask you. What exactly...are you?" 

Alison went silent, serious, and cold. "I'm human, although not a very good one." 

At that moment, a screeching was heard in the distance. A few seconds later, a massive RV came bouncing over the hill. "Alison-" Before Pandora could react, Alison got up and pulled out one swords. She calmly walked into the street and stood in the path of the RV. One sword was pointed forwards. In her other hand was a taser. "Captain, what the FUCK are you doing?!" While Pandora was expressing concern, whoever was driving the RV hit the brakes and it came to a screeching halt, just inches from Alison's unflinching body. The door opened and Theta stepped out with a first-aid kit. "You called for an Uber? What were you idiots thinking?" Pandora's hands flew in the air. "Woh, woh, woh! First of all, we crashed a fucking plane, and then second of all this was all Alison's idea!" The small woman pointed to Alison, who had already entered the RV. "Impressive." And then, she took a seat in the shotgun seat and crossed her legs.

Pandora and Theta walked in after the captain. "Well, if it's her idea, I guess it's fine. Anyways...uh...Ali?" He craned his neck around to the front, then jerked his head to the back, then back to the front. " know there's a couch in her-" 

The police captain turned back and narrowed her grey eyes. "Fair enough, Captain Eckener." The hacker hopped into the front seat, leaving Pandora to lie down on the sofa in the back. Soon, she fell asleep. "Damn her small girl metabolism." 

"You're a pretty small woman too yourself." Theta mused, chuckling as he turned the police RV towards the city and began to drive rather fast. 

"I know I am. I'm guessing you're the asshole that sits in the corner with a computer."

"Yep! That's me." Theta smirked as he leaned back in the seat, easing on the steering wheel as the city came into view.

"That means you know what's going on with Akira, right?"

At this, Theta went silent. Was Alison actually concerned for the safety of someone?

Hanah collapsed and her mind started hallucinating about Veena. 

("Keep it whit you at all times.")

Hanah then remembered gun and find it from where she had hided it. She taked it out and pointed whit it to Sgt. Guerra.

Thank you, Mistress. 

He ducked in the patrol car quickly "listen Hannah your not in trouble I just want to know why you ran from me" he used to be SWAT so he had been in worst situations.

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