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Wow, now i feel bad. 

Okay, ill put my homework aside and see what i can do for a post. 

I'm gonna hit the gym and lift some weights

Hopefully I get some sweet muscles!


Here are your options:

  1. Try to continue this. :::: We can continue the awesome Elucifer plot.
  2. Skip to the prequel. ;;;: New characters. We can improve on what was wrong with this RP.
  3. Science Fantasy version. :::: Psychic powers instead of magic. Futuristic, laser\plasma guns instead of bows and crossbows. Energy blades instead of swords. Power-armor. What's not to love?
  4. Some other idea. 

Here are your options:

  1. Try to continue this. :::: We can continue the awesome Elucifer plot.
  2. Skip to the prequel. ;;;: New characters. We can improve on what was wrong with this RP.
  3. Science Fantasy version. :::: Psychic powers instead of magic. Futuristic, laser\plasma guns instead of bows and crossbows. Energy blades instead of swords. Power-armor. What's not to love?
  4. Some other idea. 

Imma workout so hard that even my moustache will have muscles

Here are your options:

  1. Try to continue this. :::: We can continue the awesome Elucifer plot.
  2. Skip to the prequel. ;;;: New characters. We can improve on what was wrong with this RP.
  3. Science Fantasy version. :::: Psychic powers instead of magic. Futuristic, laser\plasma guns instead of bows and crossbows. Energy blades instead of swords. Power-armor. What's not to love?
  4. Some other idea. 

-=-=((I'd like to vote for 1 considering I haven't made too many posts with my character and the Elucifer Plot is quite interesting too read and will probably be fun to play out because of Eluficer's powers and everything about Erebus x D.))=-=-
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-=-=((@IamNotLoki & @Birdsie What'll happen to Mephisto if her gets looked at by Elucifer's cursed eye? Will Mephisto go into his actual demonic form? (If I'm correct Mephisto made himself a wood elf (/gave himself the appearance of a wood elf) with magic?) ))=-=-
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Here are your options:

  1. Try to continue this. :::: We can continue the awesome Elucifer plot.
  2. Skip to the prequel. ;;;: New characters. We can improve on what was wrong with this RP.
  3. Science Fantasy version. :::: Psychic powers instead of magic. Futuristic, laser\plasma guns instead of bows and crossbows. Energy blades instead of swords. Power-armor. What's not to love?
  4. Some other idea. 

I would really like to continue the story.  This plot has a lot of potential.  I'm staying at least until the end of the Elucifer arc.  

-=-=((@IamNotLoki & @Birdsie What'll happen to Mephisto if her gets looked at by Elucifer's cursed eye? Will Mephisto go into his actual demonic form? (If I'm correct Mephisto made himself a wood elf (/gave himself the appearance of a wood elf) with magic?) ))=-=-

I guess he would revert back to being a demon.  However while he is being looked at, he cannot use magic spells!
I think the greatest counter to Elucifer, strictly power wise... Is Baragar.

Baragar relies on pure physical strength and speed and doesn't rely too much on magic.  Also light elemental magic barely affects him cuz he gets power from heat

Here are your options:

  1. Try to continue this. :::: We can continue the awesome Elucifer plot.
  2. Skip to the prequel. ;;;: New characters. We can improve on what was wrong with this RP.
  3. Science Fantasy version. :::: Psychic powers instead of magic. Futuristic, laser\plasma guns instead of bows and crossbows. Energy blades instead of swords. Power-armor. What's not to love?
  4. Some other idea. 

If we are going to have a prequel, I'll probably focus on magitek.

Here are your options:

  1. Try to continue this. :::: We can continue the awesome Elucifer plot.
  2. Skip to the prequel. ;;;: New characters. We can improve on what was wrong with this RP.
  3. Science Fantasy version. :::: Psychic powers instead of magic. Futuristic, laser\plasma guns instead of bows and crossbows. Energy blades instead of swords. Power-armor. What's not to love?
  4. Some other idea. 

If we are going to have a prequel, I'll probably focus on magitek.
The princess is caught in a life or death situation in which her decision could mean the very destruction of existence... Will she go on a date with Dilate!?  Will she stay behind!? Will Conrad be able to pay for a buffet for three!?  Will Goku reach Chichi in time!? These questions will be answered!  Next time on Dragonball Z!

*ending song plays*
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Whoops, didn't know Lyra was up. I'll get to work on posting mine.

It's alright xD I haven't started her BG yet. Also, for the posting style for our characters, I suggest we post as one. E.g. We draft our reply via messages and put them together as one big post and one of us will post it in the thread. We take turns, 'course!

Unless they're separated, then'll be normal.
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It's alright xD I haven't started her BG yet. Also, for the posting style for our characters, I suggest we post as one. E.g. We draft our reply via messages and put them together as one big post and one of us will post it in the thread. We take turns, 'course!

Unless they're separated, then'll be normal.

I'm good with that.
I'm good with that.

Whenever I seem to find myself free, I'll think of our introductions. For now, that freedom seems a bit far off. If you think of anything, PM me then -- though I know and understand you're quite busy too xD.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


Paitlyn waved bye to Cloud as she then begun walking up to Amelia who was asking about whether or not she wanted to become better at fighting physically or using magic. Seeing that she wasn't really that interested in learning more magic until she got her own sorted out so she figured it would be better to focus on fighting physically. Assuming she probably shouldn't have her horse while training, Paitlyn looked around until she spotted a nearby tree and then tied her horse to that tree. She then walked back to Amelia and told her which one she wanted to train on, "I'd prefer fighting if that's okay, so do we start today or tomorrow?" Paitlyn was mentioning the fact that it was the evening and it might be to late for any training.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

-=-=((Bump! @Gabriel97))=-=-

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