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I kinda want to discuss something outside Mikael's knowledge.

I really hate it when characters go invisible and watch Elucifer planning -__-

it happened with Kyoko and now it's about to happen with Mikaels.

Any idea how our two characters can plan something without the "wind" watching?

Invisible watching just breaks the whole evil planning thing...

-=-=((Doesn't @Vol have a character that can get rid of the air in the area?))=-=-

I kinda want to discuss something outside Mikael's knowledge.

I really hate it when characters go invisible and watch Elucifer planning -__-

it happened with Kyoko and now it's about to happen with Mikaels.

Any idea how our two characters can plan something without the "wind" watching?

Invisible watching just breaks the whole evil planning thing...

I get your point. Maybe she gets distracted or something? Maybe she thinks she is done watching and leaves to plot her next moves?

I kinda want to discuss something outside Mikael's knowledge.

I really hate it when characters go invisible and watch Elucifer planning -__-

it happened with Kyoko and now it's about to happen with Mikaels.

Any idea how our two characters can plan something without the "wind" watching?

Invisible watching just breaks the whole evil planning thing...

I get your point. Maybe she gets distracted or something? Maybe she thinks she is done watching and leaves to plot her next moves?


You can use a Ward spell to set up an alarm triggered by anything that has:

A) Magic

B) Evil intentions

C) Moves

D) Anything

Or you can use a Banishment\Locking spell that keeps some peculiar type of s*** away. It can be spirits, invisible things, anything really.

That's what spells are for: plot-convenience and badass special effects.
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I get your point. Maybe she gets distracted or something? Maybe she thinks she is done watching and leaves to plot her next moves?

I'm kinda tired of the whole "Aha!  I listened in to your whole plan because I was INVISIBLE!" thing...

I mean it doesnt even matter if I whisper something to Erebus... somehow, someway... some invisible character will just use Godmode spy skills go real close to Elucifer's mouth and spoil the whole plan.

Maybe she goes someplace else and tries killing a different Captain?  

-=-=((Maybe Conrad could lead them to Astrid's Bar? (Since in one of Altera's previous posts she mentioned the bar didn't really have food for sale), so that could go in a couple of different ways since I'm assuming the princess probably wouldn't be used to it?))=-=-


You can use a Ward spell to set up an alarm triggered by anything that has:

A) Magic

B) Evil intentions

C) Moves

D) Anything

Or you can use a Banishment\Locking spell that keeps some peculiar type of s*** away. It can be spirits, invisible things, anything really.

That's what spells are for: plot-convenience and badass special effects.

Oh... I got an idea.

How about Elucifer and Erebus just share a secret code that only them can understand?
I'm kinda tired of the whole "Aha!  I listened in to your whole plan because I was INVISIBLE!" thing...

I mean it doesnt even matter if I whisper something to Erebus... somehow, someway... some invisible character will just use Godmode spy skills go real close to Elucifer's mouth and spoil the whole plan.

Maybe she goes someplace else and tries killing a different Captain?  

Yeah, that would be an option. Maybe she just gets the impression that watching and plotting wont do for her and starts to go a little more active. 
In the end of the RP, I want Elucifer to survive so that he can go to prison.

Then, in the Chronicles you will write a post of him in his prison, waiting for a golden opportunity to escape, while this music plays in the background. @IamNotLoki

(Just a fanfic idea)
In the end of the RP, I want Elucifer to survive so that he can go to prison.

Then, in the Chronicles you will write a post of him in his prison, waiting for a golden opportunity to escape, while this music plays in the background. @IamNotLoki

(Just a fanfic idea)


I'll go with the secret code plan.

I need to find a way to get a foreign nation to attack Albion.

Yeah, that would be an option. Maybe she just gets the impression that watching and plotting wont do for her and starts to go a little more active. 

She can watch if she wants... Elucifer will just spout nonsense.
Never said that! Don't put words in my mouth ;-;

Heck yeah! Framing!

well it's not just limited to framing.

Elucifer left him with a lot of options like:

1. Pretending to work for that army and advise them to attack Albion

2. Kidnap someone important and lead the army to Albion

3. Framing xD

Theres a lot more if you're creative!
well it's not just limited to framing.

Elucifer left him with a lot of options like:

1. Pretending to work for that army and advise them to attack Albion

2. Kidnap someone important and lead the army to Albion

3. Framing xD

Theres a lot more if you're creative!


I've got the idea. He'll just possess their ruler, infect him with Umbrastigma, order him to declare war, possess him again and lead the war onward for a little bit, then there will be no coming back once Albion counter-attacks.

Though, if Elucifer is to gain emergency powers he needs to keep the war up for enough time. This means, Erebus will have to tactically kill important people from either side of the war whenever one side gets close to winning, to halt their progress. Perhaps even he would have to do some sabotage. This is starting off so epic :D
Guys it's been fun but I gotta go for now. 

Marcella & Kyrule are up for adoption 

 Rest in pieces: my villainous intrigue...

No prob, I can wing this. In fact, I already have a plan! Mwahahaha!

Never said that! Don't put words in my mouth ;-;

Heck yeah! Framing!

-=-=((Okay, I must've misunderstood you then sorry. I'll quote where I got confused to hopefully show you why I thought like that :D .))=-=-

-=-=((@Birdsie I finally found them after a while of searching through the OOC))=-=-

I've got the idea. He'll just possess their ruler, infect him with Umbrastigma, order him to declare war, possess him again and lead the war onward for a little bit, then there will be no coming back once Albion counter-attacks.

Though, if Elucifer is to gain emergency powers he needs to keep the war up for enough time. This means, Erebus will have to tactically kill important people from either side of the war whenever one side gets close to winning, to halt their progress. Perhaps even he would have to do some sabotage. This is starting off so epic :D

Yeah Maybe have Erebus decimate Albion and put them on the edge.

Elucifer will stay back and not do anything for a while until Scylla's invetion is revealed:

An army of Senor Freds to save the Kingdom!

I wonder what Selene's rebels gonna do when Albion gets attacked.  Will they join the invaders?


Erebus made it look so easy xD

Like he was made for this.

Oh really? Let's see.

Trained to be an assassin since 4. CHECK.

Half-Angel with superpowers. CHECK.

Magic ritual that granted him MORE superpowers. CHECK.

Absolute loyalty to Elucifer. CHECK.

I don't see your point. HE DEFINITELY WASN'T made for this. (Sarcasm)
Oh really? Let's see.

Trained to be an assassin since 4. CHECK.

Half-Angel with superpowers. CHECK.

Magic ritual that granted him MORE superpowers. CHECK.

Absolute loyalty to Elucifer. CHECK.

I don't see your point. HE DEFINITELY WASN'T made for this. (Sarcasm)

Well I guess the war's gonna happen sooner than later xD

I wonder what Selene's rebels gonna do when Albion gets attacked.  Will they join the invaders?


Erebus made it look so easy xD

Like he was made for this.

Depending on who is attacking, she'll either defend Albion or ignore it. Fairfax has to play a balancing act as one of the most remote human cities. They hate the crown, but they need bowerstone alive to maintain contact against the north

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