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Fantasy Main Heroes Vs Villains Rp

After ensuring they weren't being followed, Diana explained why she went this way. "This isn't the way to my house by the way, I was just ensuring we wouldn't be followed, though I think we're good so we're gonna head there now." She says before maksing a sharp left towards a mountain in the distance. Shog Shog fuil fuil
Valathar banked left, taking the turn a bit wider than Phoenix. He made sure Pestilence was maintaining relative balance before accelerating again after Phoenix.
"Great....I messed up again." She walked home, defeated. "All I want to do is help this place like my own heroes. Is that so wrong?"
Bob sat down on the disk and held on for dear life. He watched the landscape race by as his knuckles turned white from his grip. "I officially don't like flying."
Diana knew of a cave created from the lavaflow that happened to be cool in some places. She decided that's where she would enter to ensure the two supers who were following her would not be melting alive. She entered the cave waiting for them to enter, and once they did, she spoke up. "I don't reccomend you go in too deep here, it gets hot really quickly as this is an active volcano." She quickly flew up to the peak, grabbed some lava in her and and flew back down, still holding the molten rock in her hand. "Case in point, this lava right here should prove what I'm saying to be true." fuil fuil Shog Shog
Valathar slowed down as they approached the cave. Once they were both inside he lowed both disks to the ground before they disappeared. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" He was surprised to see Phoenix holding some lava in her hands. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if it cooled into solid rock while she held it. She probably wouldn't let it get to that point in the first place, but he imagined she could just heat it back up wherever she found it in the first place.
"Do you want to see something cool?" She asked. Not waiting for an answer, she began. Diana began to absorb the heat from the lava. Slowly, spots of back began to appear on the surface of the lava cupped in her hand. While this occured, the flames on her wings increased in size and intensity. This continued as the size of the black spots increased on the surface. Before long the lava had completely turned into a cold hard rock which Diana threw away in the cave with a clink when it hit the ground. Diana's wings were now burning bright, illuminating the cave and providing a constant source of heat. She flapped her wings out of instinct, taking in more of the heat. Her skin itself glowed like fire breifly before the glow returned and added to the fire in her wings. "Neat party trick huh?" She said waiting for a response from either of the two people in the cave with her. Shog Shog fuil fuil
"Neat trick," Valathar commented. "But could you tone it down a bit? It's a bit bright for my tastes." He walked over to the wall, pressed his hand against it, and watched as the void shards grew out of the wall, forming the shape of a chair. He turned and sat down in it. He thought for a moment before deciding to go ahead and ask. "So you like burning things? I may have a proposition for you."
Bob watched the fire lady turn lava to stone and then glow really bright. "So your gonna hire her too, not that I mind. I could use the fire power." He smiled at his joke as he toke off his mask. "But isn't it a little cliché to have your lair in a volcano hot stuff." He leaned against a wall as he watched her flames.
"I don't like to consider it burning, burning things fills me with no interest. I enjoy the fire itself. The warmth that fills me." She explains, "And sure, it may be cliche in comics, but in reality, few people would be able to actually handle it. Besides, I don't really have a structure in there, I actually just lay on a rock that I've smoothed out. Not the comfeiest but it's warm"
Shog Shog fuil fuil
Valathar picked his next words out carefully. If he did this right, he could recruit her help without any extra motivation. "I'm on a mission and I could use your, as Pestilence would say, "fire power." I mainly need the area cleared, and what better way than to spread your fire? I'm not going to lie: this will not be easy. There will be people there who will try to stop us, but it is a necessary hurdle. You and I are actually quire similar, after a fashion. We both seek to spread a beauty that others fear. I cannot say I see the same beauty as you do in fire, but I can respect your dedication to it and will never try to stop it. So, are you in?"

He hoped he was tactful enough. In truth he did not like fire all that much. It was too bright, destructive, and erratic. He had the power to destroy, true, but did so in an organized manner. Still, he didn't lie. He respected her dedication to spreading her perceived beauty much like himself. He wasn't going to be the one to stand in the way of that.

Netherdragon Netherdragon fuil fuil
Diana thought for a moment. "I'm not going to simply say yes without knowing exactly what I'm doing, where, why etc."
"Many of the smaller details aren't relevant at the moment," Valathar replied. "I'll fill you in on the smaller details if you decide to join. For now, understand that it's some government run storage facility. I really don't know what they have there, but so long as it's out of my way that's all that matters. All I really need from you is to spread your fire upon the complex and help clear an area. The why is a bit more complicated. I need to build several tower-like structures to further open the rift to the Void, allowing me to absorb more power. Really, that's it."
Diana crosses her arms. "I'll say it again, I want to know what I'm getting into. You're in MY domain right now, I could cause this whole volcano to erupt if I so wish, so you'd be best not to agitate me." She says with a slight smile. "Of course, truth be told, that'd be excessive. I could just burn you to death. There's no need for something that theatrical." Shog Shog
Valathar narrowed his eyes. "I told you what you'd be getting into. I do not lie. If your'e asking me to reveal my secrets, then forget it. Everyone has their secrets, and in my line of work they need to be fiercely guarded. Now, let's be honest here. If you thought killing someone who isn't even opposing you was necessary, you would have made sure those two back in the street were burned to a crisp. If you do not wish to join me, then a simple no will suffice."

Valathar maintained a calm and level voice, but he was prepared to act in an instant. If it came down to it, he could quickly create a wall of void shards. This would allow a smaller tunnel leading outside, allowing him a quick and relatively safe escape. Volcano or not, she was still just one person with fire powers. He could summon minions to distract her if nothing else.
"I'm not opposed to it." Diana sighed. "I just want to know why and what you're going to do for me in return. If it's anything government related, I risk them going after me after this, and I'd prefer to avoid being hunted down." Shog Shog
Diana sighed. "You're joking right? There are cameras and recorded video to deal with. Plans like this are never that simple, and this guy is being very vauge with what it is I'd have to do. You say burn stuff. I may be an arsonist, but I'm not a stupid one. Nor do I intend to blindly follow instructions like a lemming."
"I can pay you if you wish," Valathar replied, "but I doubt you have much use for money. I also highly doubt they aren't after you already. You have flaming wings and I'm willing to bet tonight wasn't the first time you burned down public property. Make no mistake, they are already tracking you and developing a plan to take you down. Consider this a preemptive strike, if you want. I also have no intention of commanding you like a "lemming." The reason I'm being vague is because there are no specifics that I would need from you. Fly around, spread your fire, and have fun. If it gets to the point that you wish to leave, then do so. Or don't come along at all. I'm asking you to join me, not follow me."
"Surprisingly enough, the government actually isn't hunting me as far as I'm aware. And you're probably right, I have no real need for sustanance as long as I have enough heat, so money isn't necessary... Though I do enjoy a good piece of steak from time to time." She says thinking aloud. "Anyway, from my understanding you just want me to distract them from you? You do realize with this lack of communication I could potenitally unintentionally lead them to you. Oh, and relating to payment. I'll pick that up in terms of favors or something of the sort. And if I do this, I want to know one thing off the bat. What exactly is your power? It's more out of curiosity than anything else. I've seen thousands in the long life I've had."
"I figured such details like that would be covered if you agreed to join," Valathar said. "No use blabbering about potential plans to someone who might not need to know. As for my power: I'm a mage. I have a connection to a realm only referred to here as the Void. It is a realm of darkness and unknown potential. This staff allows me, and only me, direct access to the power the Void offers. I can summon these shards, my minions, and I know a few spells, such as the one to create the flying disks. That about sums it up."
Valathar shrugged. "As soon as possible. I haven't gotten that far with my planning. In the past I claimed land by myself. Well, myself and my minions. This hit will be a bit more... complicated than before. I figured it would be best to work out those details once I had an ally or two."
"Okay, so now that you have me at least somewhat interested, please explain why you're wanting to destroy this specific facility? What on earth is in there that's so vital?" Diana inquires
"There is nothing inside the facility that I care about," Valathar informed her. "I need the land it sits on. Each Void Tower I build needs to be in a specific location. Think of them as magical anchors." He couldn't help but be thankful Pestilence wasn't this much of a pain. She was asking for a lot of information and if she kept prying he would have to start becoming more and more vague just to get a response out there that wasn't a straight up rejection of information.

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