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Fantasy Main Heroes Vs Villains Rp


Rock 'n' Roll
Bob was just getting off work when his phone rang. "Hellow." He said as he listened to the caller. "Okay, it'll be the usual fee." Bob hung up and walked down the street towards The Bar, an old bar owned by the local mob. As as he got closer he pulled out a old cracked hockey mask painted black. He kicked open the door and walked inside. "Jimmy 'The Rat', I'm here to kill you."
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Diana sighed while laying on her back. The heat of the lava around her rising with the ashes around her. She took a puff of her pipe and the smoke rose out of the volcano's mouth. "I wonder how frightened people would be from smoke rising out of a volcano." She said to herself. "Probably not as scared as they are of me." She sighed. "I just want to spread fire, it's such a beautiful thing... Why can't people see that?" She sighed again while getting up. She stretched her arms and her wings "Well. how about I go out for a bit of a stroll." She said. with a flap of her wings, Diana flew straight out of the mouth of the volcano towards the city. As she did so, her flames followed her in a short trail as she gracefully streaked across the sky. Minutes later, smoke could be seen rising from some buildings
After a few minutes Bob left the Bar and walked down the street. "They won't recognize those guys any time soon." Bob said as he stored his mask in his jacket and walked down the street. Back in the bar all that was left of the men were puzzles of black goo. "I'm hungry, in the mood for Barbecue." He watched as a fire truck drove past. "Wonder if they do well done?" He continued on his way.
Ah! Look at that sky!! Not even a cloud! What a nice day. It was peaceful in the city. Cleo sat on his friend's porch step, tuning his guitar while his friend was listening to the news on the radio. Well, it was peaceful until the news castor's words caught the rocker's attention.

"-mysteriously spreading on numerous buildings!"

Cleo froze for a second before turning to face the radio. "Ronny, mind turning it up?"
'Ronny', Cleo's friend, nodded as she reached over to turn one of the radio's switches clockwise, increasing the volume.

"It's unknown how the fires started, but it they all started around the same time! Firemen are evacuating people now as we speak! So far no one is hurt, but there are still people in the burning buildings"

Ronny leaned foreward in her chair, staring at the radio. "What the hell..? There's a bunch of sickos out there, I bet you they have something to do with this" A frown formed on her lips while Cleo packs up his guitar, and stands up. "Oh, you're going already?" She raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah, promised my old man I'd visit him" He lied with a grin on his face. It's obvious when he's lying. Good thing Ronny doesn't say anything. She just crossed her arms and sighed. "Cool, be safe on your way back. Mysterious fires you know?"

"haha yeah yeah, I got it! Catch ya on the flipside!" He gave her a rock n roll hand sign before turning his back to face her and walk off into the city. He wanted to check out what the hell caused those fires, and try to help those people in the burning buildings. There's no way the firemen can get to every burning building in time!
Diana sighed as she sat on a roof of one of the burning buildings, the fire surrounding her. "Unfortunately, this isn't going to last long is it?" She shook her head. "I only set fire to three buildings, and they're all next to one another. Unless they handle the fire improperly, it shouldn't spread further than one extra building." She sighed as she curled her wings around herself, soaking up the warmth while the moment lasted. "I suppose I should enjoy this while I can." She says
Bob came to his usual barbecue place to find it a flame. "Well, looks like they take well done to a whole new level." Bob looks up to the roof of the building beside the restaurant, an apartment, and sees a figure sitting there surrounded by flames. "Looks like I found the fire bug. I wonder how bright she can burn." He mumbles to himself with a smirk as he watches the figure.
Valathar knew what, or rather who, he was looking for. The problem was that he didn't know where he was. He had heard that Pestilence could be hired as a hitman. Valathar didn't know the extent of what he was willing to do for money, but he was willing to find out. A couple weeks ago he robbed a bank specifically so he could hire others to help protect his resonance points or clear out the area he needed to grow them. It was rather difficult to find people with both the will and power to preform these tasks. He didn't have a hold in the criminal underworld. Luckily for him Pestilence wasn't that hard to find. Rumor had it he was out preforming a hit. Something about a mobster in a bar or something like that, he didn't catch the details. That just meant that he'd hopefully be able to find him wondering around.

Valathar was flying above the city on a magic disk when he saw the fires. It didn't look like something Pestilence would cause, but it attracted his attention none the less. As he got closer he saw something even he didn't expect: a woman with burning wings. She must have been the one who set the fires. He'd talk to her later, if he could get close enough. She could be a valuable ally as well. What intrigued him more was the man wearing the black hockey mask on the street below. That fit his description. He lowered himself down onto the ground not too far in front of the man. "Pestilence, I presume. My name is Valathar, and I am in need of your services."
Diana opened her eyes and grimaced. She noticed the group of people flying and interacting like they wanted to be there. "Great, no doubt some self proclamed heros wish to stomp on my fun." she sighs. "It always happens like this. I never get to enjoy myself long enough. I'm always kept icsolated to my home. Sure, the heat of the volcano is nice, but it is fun to go into the city." She sighed. Diana began to deliberate whether to soak up some more heat while she could or leave before one of them decided to fight her.
"If it's a target then I'll want my usual fee." He looked up at the flaming figure then back to the man on the disk. "If its something else my fee is tripled." Eyed the man coldly. "And from the looks of it you can kill your own foes." He took out a gumball, lifted his mask just enough to pop it in his mouth, then returned the mask to its resting possession.
Valathar nodded at Pestilence's words with a slight grin. "Indeed. You see, there is a space I need cleared for a... well, lest's just call it a project. It just so happens to be in a large, government run building. Some storage facility or something like that, it doesn't really matter. Are you in?" He crossed his arms, waiting for a response. He was unsure what his usual fee was, but he wasn't going to admit that upfront. Besides, he was sure he had enough to cover however much this would cost. What concerned him the most was if this was going to cost more than triple the normal fee, this being such an odd job with probably more work than he was used to.
"Okay, I'll bite." He offered and hand to seal the deal. "So that 30,000 dollars then. I'll take half in twenty's and the other iin hundreds." He smiled under his mask as he waited for a response.
Valathar hesitated a moment. He hadn't paid much attention to the types of bills he'd stolen. People most often took twentys from their accounts, so he was more than likely good in that department. The hundreds was a bit more questionable. There had to have been some hundreds he shoved into the sack, right? Probably. If not, he needed to track down 15 one hundred dollar bills. How hard could that be? All of these thoughts passed through his head in just a moment before he reached out his hand. Before he shook, however, he stopped himself. If he understood this man's powers correctly he could cause flesh to deteriorate upon physical contact. He wasn't going to risk this. He ripped off a piece of his already tattered cloak and wrapped it around most of his hand. Most of his fingers were still exposed, but he would probably be able to escape the man's grip and and use a healing spell before it got too bad. The only healing spell he knew was meant to mend flesh back together, but it would probably help if nothing else. He reached his hand back out to shake Pestilence's hand.
Bob smile widened at the mans caution. "Heh, I see you did your homework." He shook his hand and let a chuckle out. "But that won't do any good, I can rot anything organic including cloth." He thenlrt go of the mans hand and looked back at the burning girl. "Hey hot stuff, see you around!"
Diana was surprised that she had been allowed so much time to absorb heat. It felt really good. However, suddenly, the building collapsed. The fire had been there long enough to weaken the overall structure of the building. This shocked Diana at first but once she realized, she gently floated down. Nobody was attacking her so she decided to sit on the flaming rubble, not caring for the people around her. (did you really think I'd just have her sit there doing nothing?) fuil fuil Shog Shog
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"Hey hot stuff, you just burnt down my favorite barbecue place, say sorry." Bob said as the girl sat in the rubble. "Also the names Pestilence, nice to meet me." He was kind grumpy now that he didn't have anywhere to get his barbecue fix. Netherdragon Netherdragon
"Wait, they had fire already!? I would have just gone inside. Ugh, what a waste!" Diana says irritated with herself. "However, I don't wish to apologize for having fun. It gets boring keeping my fire to myself all the time." She says. "If you want though, I could cook up some barbeque, yet... I don't have any meat to work with... hmm, what a shame." fuil fuil
Bob stares at her for a solid minute befor letting a chuckle lose. "You know not many people would say that burning down houses was fun." He looked back at the man on the disk. "What about you, you like burning down building, I prefer rotting them myself." Netherdragon Netherdragon
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Valathar shrugged. "Destruction isn't really my strong suit. I leave that to my friends." He pointed his staff towards the ground not far from himself. The crystal on top glowed slightly and a form rose out from the ground, pushing the rubble out of the way. The void minion stood there for just a moment before springing off and began tearing into one of the other buildings weakened by the fire.
"So... I take it you two aren't "heroes" per say as you're not actively trying to fight and or arrest me, not that it wouldn't be fun." Diana inquires
Bob looked at the burning girl and says. "I'm pretty sure getting paid to kill people in not what a hero does." He looked at the beast the man had summoned. "If you can make those what do you need me for, not that I'm complaining." Netherdragon Netherdragon Shog Shog
A speeding blue ball appeared in Bob's face, knocking him back. The newest hero, Virtuella, was here! "Stop evil doers! It's 'game over!'"
Bob looked at her then frowned behind his mask. "Leave the hero to me." He looked over at his new employer. "Looks like you get to see a sample of what you bought." He then threw a punch at the hero his rotting touch giving it a nasty surprise.
"First, I'm not a clown, i'm a hitman. To answer your question I'm Pestilence, I just meet these guys." Bob said as he pointed at the others, then he started throwing a barrage of quick jabs at the heros stomach. "Also no more bad gaming puns please." Shog Shog Netherdragon Netherdragon Verona Mystice Verona Mystice

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