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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Jef hesitated. "Um, well I like kidnapping." He said with a frown. "And there's one other thing, but it is kind of embarrassing..." He said, looking at the floor.

Tanner smiled. "What games do you have?" He asked smiling. He looked at her clothing. Then down at his own. "I guess I'll just sleep in this." He said smirking.

(Sorry for late response, I wasn't getting notifications.)
"What is it?" Meika asked curiously. He didn't seem like the person to hide anything so she was surprised he did have anything to not show to people.

(Gotta go, bye :( )
He played with his fingers as he looked at the floor. "I...I'm kind of a fan of sewing..." He muttered. He blushed lightly. "So, yeah, that's my hobby."

She walked over to a shelf and pointed out her games, "I prefer competitive ones like Battlefield or Gears of War but I also have things like the Sims and such." She let her hair fall and shook her head to fix it before answering him with a giggle. "Well unless you want to try on some of my sweatshirts or pants. I wouldn't mind letting you try them on if you really wanted." She stuck her tongue out at the end.
He smirked. "Well, I've secretly always warned to play sims with someone." He said. "So, wanna play sims?" He asked. He then shrugged. "I might later decide if I want to wear your clothes, but not now."
She was a bit surprised that he wanted to play Sims and even thought about trying on her clothes. She didn't mind though, both instances were sure to be fun. "Oh really? I'd love to play!" She grabbed the case and put the disk into the Xbox 360. Then she grabbed the controller and gave it to him as she took a seat next to him on the couch. Turning on the tv, she said "Just let me know about the clothes whenever. Ready to play when you are."
He smiled and took the controller. "Thank you." He said, smiling. He pressed the button for Create a Sim. He looked at the screen. "What should we make our sim look like?" He asked smiling, looking at her.
She giggled as she sat up a bit excitedly, "Ooh I don't know, there's so much you can do! Okay let's see.." She paused for a moment in thought, she wanted to make the character look good of course. "Well should we make us?" She inquired, thinking that it may be fun to try to recreate each other in the game.
He grinned. "Sounds good to me." He said. He pressed some buttons. He did his best to make the characters look like the two of them. "How's that?" He asked.
She looked him up and down quickly, then placed her hands over his to fix his sim. "You need to make yourself a tad bit stronger, silly. No need to be modest." She looked at her sim and was surprised at the appearance. The sim looked beautiful, and she didn't think that she looked anything near that pretty. "Do I really look that... good?"
He smirked. "I'm not that strong." He said. "Maybe like this." He made the sim's strength about a quarter from the completely weak. He then looked at her. "Well, yeah. It's actually a lot less prettier." He muttered, blushing slightly.
She giggled, "Come on Tanner, you know you aren't that weak." She was making his sim stronger and more accurate when she barely heard his second comment. She could feel her face heat up as she blushed, freezing for a moment when she realized her hands were on top of his so she pulled them off, blushing even harder. "Yeah right." She said with a quick chuckle. She was happy and blushing so hard she didn't know what to do.
He looked at her. "Oh, come on, you know you'r pretty, right? It's kinda obvious." He said. He smiled. "So, what do you think? Are they good?" He said about the sims, trying to change the subject.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. It's obvious that you're silly." She smiled back at him and nudged him a bit. "Yes, they're good. Lets throw them into the world." She said as she pushed her hair behind her ear and relaxed more on the couch.
He smiled and held the controller out to her. "Be my guest." He laughed slightly. "I'm sure it'll be an awesome world!" He said smiling.

She took the controller from him and started the game. Since they created the sims together, they had to live in the same house. "Uh.. I'll make them separate rooms." She quickly redesigned the house, giving it a pool and cool features like the best computer, radio, and other equipment. "I think I'll make my girl work in...." She took a second to decide then smiled as she looked at him. "Politics. And what would you like to do?"
Tanner placed a finger in his chin and thought. "How about real estate?" He said with a smile. "Or I could always be a gold-digger. I'm sure I could find some rich women somewhere in this town." He joked.

(I usually play as a gold-digger when I play sims :P )
(Nice! My favorite Sims game consisted of my military woman marrying the evil mastermind of the town. XP We were unstoppable!)

Kimi got a bit jealous of his comment, but she wouldn't admit it. "I vote for real estate. We don't need you whoring yourself out on the game to make cash." She answered his joke with her own, hoping he wouldn't take offense to it or see her jealousy. "Ground rules. If you want your sim to bring another woman back, I need to give the 'ok'. Not that I'll ever give the okay though." She ended quietly.
He smirked. "Why not be both. I could be in real estate and marry a rich woman." He grinned slightly. "I'll follow that rule if you follow it too. Bring no man back without my permission." He said. He looked at her. "Is that fine with you?" He asked with a small chuckle.
She playfully looked up at him, sarcastically saying, "Yes sir." After a giggle she returned to a normal tone and looked back a him. She got caught staring at him for a few seconds, forgetting about the day's events and just being happy to be with him. He was amazing to her in so many ways. She snapped out of it and tried to play it off, probably failing. "Of course, if that's what you want to do. I may or may not steal some of that cash though."
(My best sims accomplishment is probably marrying the two richest women in town. My first rich wife died, so I married her neighbor :P )

He laughed. "You better follow that rule or I'll bring home rich woman after rich woman!" He said grinning. He then caught her staring at him. He smiled slightly, not mentioning it hoping to not embarrassing her. "So, do we have a deal?"
(You sneaky gold digger you! *applauds* I have yet to get Sims 4 though, it really hasn't appealed to me.)

"Hey, I wouldn't lie to you! And there's no way I'm letting you do that, so we have a deal." She stuck out her hand to him to make the deal official, smiling the whole time.
He grinned and shook her hand. "Awesome! Sounds awesome!" He said. He then looked back at the screen. He grinned. "So, what should we do first?"
She handed the controller back to him. "Darn right it'll be awesome! And it's your turn to decide!" She said laughing.
He smirked as he took the remote. "Ok then. How about we meet some peoples." He said with a grin. He laughed slightly as he randomly picked a house to go to. He picked a two story house and barged in. And then got scolded by the guy who owned the house. "Whoops."


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