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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

He smirked. "Thanks for liking me being me." He said. He looked at her. "Do you think you're gonna be alright tonight? When you get home?"
She giggled a bit, "It's my pleasure, really." She looked down when he asked the question. "I.. I really don't know."
He looked at her worried. "If you want, I can stand post outside and make sure nothing gets in." He said frowning slightly.

(Wasn't really sure what else to say, so I said something that could be interpreted as creepy and stalkerish. :P )
Sam said sighing,"But when I was out this morning she was holding a knife, then she said I was a pathetic man and said she was going to make me have the worst time of my life if I came back, but of course I was disguised so she didn't know I took a visit."

He was drooling again, panting, looking like a creeper,"I wish she could talk to me harshly instead of putting up that act."

Sam said answering Jef's answer,"She has black long hair, a slender figure, with inky black eyes."

He said rather cheerfully,"I can kidnap her if you like, but like I said she's a bit emotionless."
Meika's heart started beating really fast. She wouldn't be surprised if it jumped out of her chest. "N..no! You can do anything you want to me... Just don't harm her, ok!?" She decided it was her time to stand up for other people, and not the other way around.
(No worries lol, I've been trying to think of what to say without making Kimi appear badly. And by badly I meant thirsty.)

Kicking a pebble across the road, she replied. "I couldn't ask you to do that. You need to go home don't you? You probably have things to do and tomorrow and there's no way I'm going to let you stand in the cold and risk your life for me. I'm not worth that." She paused and thought for a moment before quickly saying. "If you wanted to stay inside though... I could let you take the bed and I'll use the pull out couch. But don't feel like you have to."
Meika felt sort of relieved when he said that and smiled slightly. She looked down at her hands and took out a pen from her coat pocket. After that she began drawing on her hands, since she was pretty bored. Meika drew things like ice creams, cakes and cats on them. She was basically in her own world when she did that.
//It only been a few minute please chill your buns

Sam went back to his dieing of boredom expression and walked away with no complains. He sat in the corner like he was being punish by something. There was something about him telling them not to bother him. If his aura could be seen there would have a dark fog around him.
Tanner smiled. "If I were to stay, I'd be happy to take the pullout couch." He smiledo, looking at her. "How does that sound to you?" He asked.

Jef smirked and turned around to look at Meika. He sat Down outside her cage. "What are ya drawing?"
She smiled lightly, "Well you'd be my guest so it's ultimately up to you. I would make you breakfast in the morning if you chose to stay." She tried to think of something positive in this night of craziness that she could look forward to.
Tanner smiled slightly. "That'd be great. I think it's decided. I will stay over at your home and make sure nothing gets in!" He said laughing slightly.
"Cats and stuff." Meika said and smiled. She didn't look up when she said this because she was so focused on what she was drawing. She took Jef's hand lightly and drew a dog on it, she expected that he would like dogs more than cats. "Like it?" Meika asked him.
She smiled happily. They could talk and hang out a bit before she went to sleep and she felt a lot better knowing that he would be around. "Oh, my hero!" She said playfully with another giggle. "I'll make sure it's the best breakfast ever, promise."
Jef watched her draw the dog. He blinked in confusion. "Yesterday you asked why I was being so nice. Now I'm going to ask you the same question. I did kidnap you." He said.

He smiled. "Sounds good already!" He said smiling. "So, where is your house?" He asked.
"I know, but.... You just seem nicer than you did before..." Meika said. "I'm not saying I like it here, but... You could be a better person if you tried to get out of your habits." Meika put the lid back on the pen and placed it back in her coat pocket.
Jef frowned. "I-I can't. I just can't. I'm sorry." He said. "I have built up these habits for to long. I can't get rid of them." He said, looking at the dog on his hand.
"Not if you're speaking like that you can't. You have to just tell yourself you can do it, then you'll actually believe you can and have the urge to stop..." She looked up and smiled at him.

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Kimi led him around a corner of her block and pointed to the house they were next to. With a quick smile she said, "Right there!" She grabbed her keys and unlocked the front door before heading inside. Taking off her shoes and hanging her bag up, she turned to him. "Make yourself at home and help yourself to anything you like. I'll be right back." She went upstairs to change into lounge clothes which consisted of a fitted t-shirt and long flannel pants. She needed to get comfortable and didn't think that these clothes were inappropriate.
Senji walked by the Cafe he loved so much, it was an awesome night to be out. Abit chilly, but it was alright. He coughd into his hand, looking to realize he'd coughed blood. "hi guys." he waved, wondering if they'd recongnize him. He did come in every day after all.
Jef looked at her. "I wish it were that easy. Kidnapping...kidnapping is my life. Without it I'm nothing." He said with a frown.

Tanner entered the building. "It's nice." He said with a smile. "I like it." He looked around the house. He took off his shoes and put them next to hers. He sat on the couch.
"That's only because you don't have anything to rely on. Do you have any hobbies, like, I draw and bake and stuff... That takes my mind away from bad thoughts." Meika replied and felt a bit uneasy. Her eyes started to close slowly but she opened them again, hoping that they didn't notice it happened.

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"I'm glad you do. It's not the fanciest, but it's home." She said with a smile as she walked over to him. "You can turn on the tv or play any of my video games if you like." (I gotta focus on my work, I've been procrastinating too hard. I'll reply again later!)

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