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Fantasy Magical Misfits OOC

To be fair, if you look at Rikus CS it's pretty clear Riku will fight to the death whoever tries to br Earth Leader that isn't them.
images (2).jpeg Damn dude, that's crazy. If only the rp would start within the next millennia or so
At least that makes it easy to establish a leader for the clan I guess.
Blog post #2 out. Read it. Consume my literature.


Hey guys, 3rd newsletter is up, if I get banned pray for me

hey everyone, exam week is coming up for me so my posts may not be too frequent, but ill try to post as much as I can
JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
I mean we still didn't start yet, lol
mhm but if we do start later it will become harder for me to post so just saying in advance
however I am a professional at avoiding my responsibilities so I might end up eating my words later
I realize I missed 6 pages and didn't see as they were being posted bc of weird notifications. I missed the whole pre existing relationships XD but that's fine. Damien probably wouldn't care to remember anyone anyways. Everyone's just a pawn to him.
I realize I missed 6 pages and didn't see as they were being posted bc of weird notifications. I missed the whole pre existing relationships XD but that's fine. Damien probably wouldn't care to remember anyone anyways. Everyone's just a pawn to him.
Maybe someone will become his favorite pawn.
Perhaps XD we'll just have to see who puts in effort to do so
Ayane would probably also have a bone to pick with Damien, even if not at the start then for sure somewhere down the line
Damien would enjoy it too. As long as there's some sense in it
Ramira sees someone who is cocky, arrogant or just strong, Ramira sees them as someone who should be attacked just cause.

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