Magi: Magic Arising

Sepitus hosted a banquet in Arythrin that went terribly wrong. Pendants went active as he was about to give his speech about him trying to bring back magic and he could see all the people who had pendants and were present because their pendants started to glow. Akira is now chasing Piper, Marion and Maddie who are heading to the warehouse because Maddie knows that that is where her brother Dexter is. There are some other rp characters in this area who I am not sure of what they are doing.

Meanwhile Royce doesn't currently have his pendant because Akira took it and gave it to Sepitus. A guy randomly appeared in their cell and freed the prisoners but they have not left the warehouse yet.

Meanwhile some characters are fighting Lucas and Mavis who have both been shot at least once, but the fight is still going on and I will be updating it tonight. I would rather you not get involved in this fight because it already has enough people to be difficult to manage.

Any questions? This is a very brief explanation and I can fill in more details if asked specific questions. I am currently watching a softball game and I don't like trying to type extremely long things on my phone.
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Well, it's a little difficult out of my newly arrived (and tired) perspective. Do you have a tip for where I could conveniently insert myself?
Ok. Your character Zephyr was drawn to the small town of Arythrin in Assyria by the pendant he is wearing. He may not have been aware that this feeling came from the pendant because it may have been something deep in his subconscious, but that isn't all that important. Upon most characters' arrival in Arythrin, Sepitus arrived. He is ultimately the villain, but no one really knew it at the time. People in Assyria think he is a hero because he promised to bring back magic which has been gone for over 200 years. Sepitus declares upon his arrival that he is throwing a banquet while simultaneously sending a mysterious woman by the name of Akira to check on the prisoners. She visits their cell and obtains Royce is pendant. By the time Akira gets back to Sepitus with Royce's pendant, the banquet is preparing to commence. She gives Sepitus the pendant and informs her that Victor - the torture man - is working on getting further information out of the prisoners in regards to magic. Unbeknownst to them, Victor has been told by Royce that the pendant Akira took will explode so he runs in as Sepitus is about to begin speaking. At that moment, Royce's pendant which has been absorbing and drawing in magic energy becomes overloaded with magic so it releases some of its magic causing the pendants to activate and start glowing. There was also an explosion of light coming from Marion's pendant. Sepitus, after realizing what had happened, pointed at individuals in the crowd wearing glowing pendants and set Akira after them because he wants the pendants for himself - he believes they are key to bringing back magic. Akira is currently chasing Piper who is in a roundabout way heading for the warehouse. I would recommend jumping into this chaos. You could try to help Piper or gather up the people here who are also wearing pendants (I think that is @Archangel Galdrael @GiannaCoco Dexter and Haru (@sonicfreak101 and @DeadgurlXD ) and my character Royce.

I think this provides a lot more detail and I gave you a couple options on where to jump in. Sorry if I missed someone!

@Prizzy Kriyze

I hope this helps!
Well you asked for it. *Takes deep breath* Everybody thinks sound is just making a bunch of loud noise. This is actually only scratching the surface of what sound can do. What a lot of people don't know is sound is basically vibration in the air, like ripples in water. It's this vibration that makes sound truly powerful. At the right frequency sound can break apart all kinds of thing, to rocks to blowing somebody's head up. A little graphic but it does get my point across that sound is incredibly powerful. Another cool application of sound is infra sound. The human ear can pick up frequencies between 20 Hertz and 20 Kila Hertz. Anything below 20 Hertz is infra sound. If you want to see how powerful that can be, check out this video from Game Theory that explains it quite nicely.


And that's just scratching the surface (again) of what sound can do. I would go into it more but then I will probably just bore everyone here xD
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Ah, it's lucky I can freeze yo ass mid scream with my time pendant... xD

The time pendants are quite OP, however there will be a more difficult learning curve with time pendants to try to balance this out.
Hales said:
The time pendants are quite OP, however there will be a more difficult learning curve with time pendants to try to balance this out.
I was mainly being a little jokity :P
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]I was mainly being a little jokity :P

I understand. I just thought I would throw it out there.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Ah, it's lucky I can freeze yo ass mid scream with my time pendant... xD

Aww, that's if you can hear me coming. While minor, another cool thing a sound mage can do is mute themselves or others. Maybe it's not as cool as invisibility but it is still a great stealth tool. Not to mention, you can't hear infra sound, so a powerful sound mage could pop your head without you knowing it is even happening. Time is more powerful than sound though, I'll admit that. xD
sonicfreak101 said:
Aww, that's if you can hear me coming. While minor, another cool thing a sound mage can do is mute themselves or others. Maybe it's not as cool as invisibility but it is still a great stealth tool. Not to mention, you can't hear infra sound, so a powerful sound mage could pop your head without you knowing it is even happening. Time is more powerful than sound though, I'll admit that. xD
Unaware head popping is pretty cool, but I could freeze time, pull your pants down, draw a mustache on your face AND put horse dung in your hair... In the middle of a festival.
Well, I suppose that's pretty much what I expected. I'm familiar with the science behind sounds and acoustics, but I figured they'd be too OP to apply to a roleplay. I mean, any power can be OP (You could just knock the entire earth out of orbit with earth magic, you could also just pull the air out of someone's lungs with air magic, or better, explode it out through their bodies. With water you could control people's blood/other bodily fluids, fucking them up completely. With light you could burn holes through anything at the highest speed possible. I suppose fire is really the least effective one in that case, unless you make yourself a miniature sun. There's also another five billion things you could mess up out of proportion with electricity too.) it's just all about how powerful you let them be.
And then my twins will be overjoyed at being able to control fire and water. You know, if powerful enough, then the waterbender could learn how to control the water in somebody's body and potentially force them to dehydrate. That, or he could take the water out of plants and force them to die while using the water as either a weapon or drinking it if necessary. xD Would the firebender be able to learn how to control lightning down the road? I'm just thinking in Avatar: The Last Airbender terms. If that's the case with the firebender, then would the waterbender be able to eventually control blood? >.>
Lightning bending already exists, and it branches to magnetism. Dunno what fire does. Except I know fire is air's bitch, since there's no fire without air. You screwed, bro.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Unaware head popping is pretty cool, but I could freeze time, pull your pants down, draw a mustache on your face AND put horse dung in your hair... In the middle of a festival.

Pfff, that is pretty funny xD I hope that happens sometime in this RP sometime, it would be hilarious. And you guys are right, ANY power can be OP if you really think about it. There probably won't be any head popping for the sound characters anytime soon or anything OP for that matter but it is fun to think about. I just like to rant about sound because I think it is way too underrated and needs some more love. :3
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]How d'ya do that though? Hypothetically, how do you even move things if they're stopped in time?

Time has stopped, nothing changes about the laws of physics. Clothing doesn't suddenly become immovable.
[QUOTE="Ashen Wraith]Hales, you're one of the best TC's I've seen on the site. You do such a wonderful job.

I feel like I should really know this, but I don't. What is TC?

Yay! I'm not the only one who doesn't know!
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Time has stopped, nothing changes about the laws of physics. Clothing doesn't suddenly become immovable.

What's stopping regular electrons from moving about and having humans function completely normally, then?
Thread creator, in this case. Seen it tossed around as topic creator. Something along the lines of OP (original poster). Whatever you want to use. I was just being lazy.
We'll work out how the laws of physics apply to time pendants when we get further in... let's not argue about it now.

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