Magi: Magic Arising

Wuya said:
is it too late to join senpai?
You can make a character. It should still be fairly easy to jump into the story. Please make sure you read through the rules and are sure you can post once a week on a fairly regular basis. Otherwise, yes, I would love to add another character to the adventure.
Also, you might want to check up on where everyone is right now. I don't know the exact list of people, but we've got some people imprisoned, others are fighting two thugs outside of the warehouse in town, and I think we have a few others that are off and doing other things in town. *shrugs*
Wuya said:
Aye, I've already read all the rules and a CS should be up later tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Awesome! Please let me know when your character sheet is completely finished so that I know to go read it.
Hello everyone! Another post is in progress! Earlier I mentioned a time skip. The moderator team has decided that instead of having a half-day time skip, we are just going to say it has been early evening for a while now.
Uncle ShortyB] [URL=" said:
You still in this thing?
I am going to try and figure that out...


A post is up! I will be making another post regarding Lucas and Mavis either tomorrow or Thursday for those of you involved in that fight, so please don't go extreme with more posts in that situation if you are in that current situation because I do have plans for things to happen there. Everyone else is probably either at the banquet or near the banquet so they would react accordingly. Let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns and I will address them as soon as I am able.

I will also have a neutral character sheet posted for Aiken either tomorrow or Thursday. He carries a time pendant and he is the one who will be teaching people how to use their pendants... just an fyi.
And now we wait for the thugs to finally react to everyone attacking them at once. ^^
Hales said:
I will be making another post regarding Lucas and Mavis either tomorrow or Thursday for those of you involved in that fight, so please don't go extreme with more posts in that situation if you are in that current situation because I do have plans for things to happen there
If I went too far, let me know~ I was thinking of having my character unintentionally turn into a bird next post, but we'll have to see what happens first. xD
Crap on a cracker. Water was everything I ever wanted, and it was stolen from me. The worst part is I didn't even put up a fight. It was stolen from me, like candy from a child. That's what I am. A child. Unable to protect even the smallest pleasures in life. So then what is life for? If I can't enjoy anything that actually makes me happy, what gets me up in the morning? It's an automatic motion at this point, and I don't even have a reason. My life is meaningless. I'm just an empty shell.

(Not actually bitter, that was a joke.)

That entirely depends, actually. I have questions regarding a few of these:

@sonicfreak101 I was told to ask you about sound. In what creative ways can I utilize this magic?

Electricity - Besides electrical charges, lightning, and things like that, could I control magnetism with electricity?

Also, is it alright if I rework my character's personality ever so slightly?
Yes, you can rework the personality a bit. You could make an entirely different character if you really wanted. Magnetism would fall under electricity so yes to that.
You can continue on without her. I am not going to delete her yet, but your character can leave the conversation with Juno.
I thought about it for a moment, and the alternate personality wasn't really worth it. I've got to try and keep my characters diverse, after all.

(Also, joinked electricity simply because I am too lazy to wait for Sonic)

And finally, mind giving me a quick run-down about what's going on currently?
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]And finally, mind giving me a quick run-down about what's going on currently?

I'm working on updating the summaries. There are summaries of significant things that have happened so far on the overview page. I will post here to let people know when it is updated.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Hales plz
I wanna post~~ :3

Hey buddy! How've you been? Is everyone from the save a kingdom Rp still gone or did they fix their issue yet?
Save a kingdom is long dead, and it ain't coming back. I understand your feelings though, it was a good rp with an unfortunate ending.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Save a kingdom is long dead, and it ain't coming back. I understand your feelings though, it was a good rp with an unfortunate ending.


My that Rp rest in peace. Also how've you been doing?

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