• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Made to Fantasy [Characters]



Laugh Like You've Won Always
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Made to FantasYe
Character Creation Menu

This is where players will make their character before entering the world of MTFe.

However you decide to format your character, make sure to provide the following information:


Username: The name that the player chose for themselves upon starting the game. It cannot be changed without paying. 15 character limit, certain terms are prohibited.

Avatar: What their in-game character looks like. Either an image or a written description is fine.

Level: The current level cap is 80. A player's level is the total of their class levels added up. I am no longer going to accept max-level characters. Give me noobs.

Race: Starting races are limited to human, dwarf, and elf, but there are ways to change your character's race, both in normal gameplay and using purchased items. Just ask if you wish to be a non-default race.

Class: Your standard RPG types of classes go here. Each class has 30 levels in this game, so at the current level cap you could have two classes maxed out with 20 levels left over. Since there are usually useful skills at the 10th and 20th level of a class, most max-level players opt for 30-30-20 or 30-30-10-10 builds. Of course, there is also nothing stopping a player from putting a single level... in 80 different classes. It's on you to write all that out though.

Job: Jobs are basically classes but for non-combat things. Think things like chef, alchemist, merchant, scholar, etc. Each job can have up to 10 levels, and the total for job levels is half of a player's total level. Job levels do not count towards a player's total level.

Sobriquet: Titles awarded by the game or an admin onto a player for accomplishing some feat. It includes a special effect, such as some buff or access to a special skill or something else entirely. Generally the highest-ranked players will have obtained multiple titles, but only one can be equipped at a time. Conflict between those top-tier players often comes down to the unique effects of their sobriquets just as much as their classes/builds and equipment.

Equipment: What the character has equipped. Give a description of any items with special or magical effects or traits.

Skills: Just describe a couple of your character's skills they are likely to use.

Guild: Silver Linings


Summary: In one short line, describe their trope or quirk and functional role. Make this entertaining.

Role: The character's effective role in a party assuming everything went right and they didn't screw up.

Trope / Quirk: What makes your character different / special / useless?

Time playing: How recently did they start playing?

Persona: Briefly describe their in-game personality so we have an idea what we're working with.

Legend: And to wrap things up, just go over their time in game, covering their general activity and anything they might deem noteworthy they accomplished.
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[div class="quote quoteTop"]Everyone fighting up there at the Top[/div]
[div class="quote quoteMid"]they don't realize[/div]
[div class="quote quoteBot"]they're playing the Game all wrong[/div]
[/div][div class=flex][div class=image][div class=imageInside]
[/div][div class=imageShadow][/div][/div][div class=contentHolder][div class=contentShadow][/div][div class=content][div class=name]IVIercury
Overpowered (probably cheating) cocky leader
[/div][div class=tabs][div class=tab]Game[/div][div class=tab]Character[/div][div class=tab]Legend[/div][div class=tab]Extra[/div][/div][div class=tabContentHolder]
[div class="tabContent basicContent"][div class="tabShadow basicShadow"][/div][div class=scroll]Username
Samurai [30]​
Sword Saint [30]​
Paladin [10]​
Spellblade [10]​
Cartographer [10]​
Artisan [10]​
Carpenter [10]​
Blacksmith [10]​
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Masamune - A divine class katana that cuts only what its owner intends.​
Doppel Dagger - A consumable that creates a perfect duplicate of the equipped weapon, sans any unique effects.​
Lunarium - A divine class magical item that protects the wearer from magic.​
Black Cat's Footfall - Legendary class boots that enable the wearer to move silently and jump farther.​
Angel's Wing - An event-limited item that enables free use of the Flight spell, but is more coveted for its cosmetic effect.​
Field - On cast reveal any creature within striking range, and while active automatically attack any creature that enters range and counter any attack that enters range.​
Glint - An instant AoE attack that deals minor damage to all creatures in range.​
Sword Flash - Blinds all creatures in range and disarms creatures using bladed weapons.​
Slash of Light - Slashes a creature with light. Usable at range.​
Silver Linings [Leader]​
Weltschmerz [formerly]​

[div class="tabContent personaContent"][div class="tabShadow personaShadow"][/div][div class=scroll]Summary
Overpowered (probably cheating) cocky leader​
Top-tier player goofs off playing with his collection of misfit losers​
High-DPS duelist​
Collects unusual or "rare" players​
Played Since
IVIercury started playing a little over 3 years ago, just after the big NPC update​
IVIercury doesn't take anything in the game seriously, and why should he? He's at the level cap, with divine class equipment, and is a top-ranked PvP player. Since he spends every day hanging out with rookies in low-level areas it's no wonder he treats the game as a joke. He'd rather hang out with noobs than deal with the drama up in the top-tiers. When he teaches a new player how to beat the monster or quest they'd been stuck on, they actually learn and often thank him. In the upper tiers everyone just expects perfect play. It's suffocating and boring. In the upper tiers he had many allies, but since leaving that part of the game he's been able to gather a group of players he actually enjoys playing with, one's he'd call his friends. For the guild members of Silver Linings, improvement is just a byproduct of having fun and playing the game. Imperfect play is what makes the game fun and interesting, and he certainly has enough fun dealing with the misadventures of his quirky guildmates.​

[div class="tabContent physiqueContent"][div class="tabShadow physiqueShadow"][/div][div class=scroll]Legend
IVIercury first became a noteworthy player about 6 months after he'd first started playing, shortly after patch 2.0, Will of Vir'tra, went live. He was the one who first figured out the use for the strange new unreasonably costly and seemingly useless craftable material, Pharos Glass. He'd leveled the Artisan job class, so he was able to actually make the glass, and he then made a lens out of the glass and used it to replace the clouded one within the old lighthouse in the city of Alexandria. Doing so lit the path towards the next stage of the questline that culminated in the raising of the city of Atlantis. His feat attracted the attention of many players and guilds, which were always watching for potential new recruits or threats. IVIercury ended up joining the high-ranked guild of Weltschmerz, which was known for its elite members and strong PvP performances. IVIercury began as probably the worst player in the group, but he put in effort to both improve his play and improve his stats and gear, and he grew stronger quickly as to not embarrass his new guildmates.​
As the years passed his guild remained strong by keeping to a small group of dedicated players, and IVIercury came into his own as a skilled PvP arena player. When his opponent didn't specifically prepare to deal with him IVIercury tended to win easily, but even if they did prepare countermeasures for his most common strategies he still came out on top more often then he should have just by outplaying his opponents. He was most notable for requesting to play music in the arena during his fights. Half a year ago his guild had planned an assault on the angels atop the World Tree. Their goal was the same as every other guild around that time: to be the first to defeat all of the angels and find out what they were protecting. The guild managed to beat the first few angel bosses, but that was when IVIercury suddenly dropped off the face of the Earth. He just didn't log in when everyone else was joining to take on the next angel boss, and they even waited for him, but he didn't show. He didn't log back on for a month, and then when he finally did log back on all he did was leave his guild and teleport his character out of the guild hall so no one could find him.​
He only started logging in regularly a couple of months ago, just wandering around the world fighting weak monsters. Silver Linings was founded just a week ago, after he asked a low-level player if they wanted to play together for a while. He's since invited other players into the guild, each with their own quirks and tropes that make them unique.​

[div class="tabContent extraContent"][div class="tabShadow extraShadow"][/div][div class=scroll]Nothing to see here



Overpowered (probably cheating) cocky leader

Samurai [30]​
Sword Saint [30]​
Paladin [10]​
Spellblade [10]​
Cartographer [10]​
Artisan [10]​
Carpenter [10]​
Blacksmith [10]​
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Masamune - A divine class katana that cuts only what its owner intends.​
Doppel Dagger - A consumable that creates a perfect duplicate of the equipped weapon, sans any unique effects.​
Lunarium - A divine class magical item that protects the wearer from magic.​
Black Cat's Footfall - Legendary class boots that enable the wearer to move silently and jump farther.​
Angel's Wing - An event-limited item that enables free use of the Flight spell, but is more coveted for its cosmetic effect.​
Field - On cast reveal any creature within striking range, and while active automatically attack any creature that enters range and counter any attack that enters range.​
Glint - An instant AoE attack that deals minor damage to all creatures in range.​
Sword Flash - Blinds all creatures in range and disarms creatures using bladed weapons.​
Slash of Light - Slashes a creature with light. Usable at range.​
Silver Linings [Leader]​
Weltschmerz [formerly]​


Overpowered (probably cheating) cocky leader​
Top-tier player goofs off playing with his collection of misfit losers​
High-DPS duelist​
Collects unusual or "rare" players​
Played Since
IVIercury started playing a little over 3 years ago, just after the big NPC update​
IVIercury doesn't take anything in the game seriously, and why should he? He's at the level cap, with divine class equipment, and is a top-ranked PvP player. Since he spends every day hanging out with rookies in low-level areas it's no wonder he treats the game as a joke. He'd rather hang out with noobs than deal with the drama up in the top-tiers. When he teaches a new player how to beat the monster or quest they'd been stuck on, they actually learn and often thank him. In the upper tiers everyone just expects perfect play. It's suffocating and boring. In the upper tiers he had many allies, but since leaving that part of the game he's been able to gather a group of players he actually enjoys playing with, one's he'd call his friends. For the guild members of Silver Linings, improvement is just a byproduct of having fun and playing the game. Imperfect play is what makes the game fun and interesting, and he certainly has enough fun dealing with the misadventures of his quirky guildmates.​

IVIercury first became a noteworthy player about 6 months after he'd first started playing, shortly after patch 2.0, Will of Vir'tra, went live. He was the one who first figured out the use for the strange new unreasonably costly and seemingly useless craftable material, Pharos Glass. He'd leveled the Artisan job class, so he was able to actually make the glass, and he then made a lens out of the glass and used it to replace the clouded one within the old lighthouse in the city of Alexandria. Doing so lit the path towards the next stage of the questline that culminated in the raising of the city of Atlantis. His feat attracted the attention of many players and guilds, which were always watching for potential new recruits or threats. IVIercury ended up joining the high-ranked guild of Weltschmerz, which was known for its elite members and strong PvP performances. IVIercury began as probably the worst player in the group, but he put in effort to both improve his play and improve his stats and gear, and he grew stronger quickly as to not embarrass his new guildmates.​
As the years passed his guild remained strong by keeping to a small group of dedicated players, and IVIercury came into his own as a skilled PvP arena player. When his opponent didn't specifically prepare to deal with him IVIercury tended to win easily, but even if they did prepare countermeasures for his most common strategies he still came out on top more often then he should have just by outplaying his opponents. He was most notable for requesting to play music in the arena during his fights. Half a year ago his guild had planned an assault on the angels atop the World Tree. Their goal was the same as every other guild around that time: to be the first to defeat all of the angels and find out what they were protecting. The guild managed to beat the first few angel bosses, but that was when IVIercury suddenly dropped off the face of the Earth. He just didn't log in when everyone else was joining to take on the next angel boss, and they even waited for him, but he didn't show. He didn't log back on for a month, and then when he finally did log back on all he did was leave his guild and teleport his character out of the guild hall so no one could find him.​
He only started logging in regularly a couple of months ago, just wandering around the world fighting weak monsters. Silver Linings was founded just a week ago, after he asked a low-level player if they wanted to play together for a while. He's since invited other players into the guild, each with their own quirks and tropes that make them unique.​
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Username: Loonstar91


Level: 80

Race: Human

Class: Assassin (30)
Rogue (30)
Priest (10)
Knight (10)

Job: Waitress (Level 10)
Cook (10)
Alchemist (10)
Goldsmith (10)

The lonely task
This sobirquet was granted to the first player to ever have beat all bosses of the Terra update without being in a group or guild once. It gives a visual shadowy glimmer whenever an ability is used and further grants the passive ability of "lone man´s curse".

Lone man´s curse
Whenever the owner of this effect is not in a group and no player on the friendlist is near, the attack and defense are buffed. The buff grows stronger, whenever the owner is surrounded by more than 7 mobs, each additional mob slightly strengthening the effect from that number and upwards.

Lotus Outfit: Grants enhanced speed
Shiguro: A black Katana, made to be weilded with it´s counterpart
Ishiguro: A green Katana, made to be weilded with it´s counterpart. Unlocks specific attack combo´s, if weilded with Shiguro.

After being hit by three consecutive abilities from Loonstar, the enemy gets their weakspot hit, dealing 20% if the damage taken by the last ability as additional damage.

Surprise Strike
Loonstar disappears for a brief period of time, to surprise her target with a attack out of nowwhere. That attack deals 200% of her normal attack damage.

Loonstar dashes forward, thrusting her weapon at her target.

Loonstar sidesteps, dodging the next physical attack (if timed right). If she sucessfully dodges, she gets a guarenteed hit on the enemy she dodged.
Guild: Silver Linings


Summary: The cute, underestimated and belittled waifu

Role: Single target Burst followed up by decent dps.

Trope / Quirk: Always get´s belittled and kept from taking action "for her own good". Never get´s to show her abilities.

Time playing: A little less than three years

Persona: Loonstar, oftenly also called "Loonie" by her friends, is a very shy person. She always wants to make as many people happy as she can, even more so if they are her friends. That means that if she is asked or told to do something, if she thinks people want something from her, she will do it. Along with that comes the fact she is either naive, quickly believing others and trusting them. She just tries to make everyone happy and everyone always tells her she should become a healer. Just because she cares for others, tries to make them feel comfortable and does whatever they want from her. All these character points make her incredibly easy to use and manipulate by people that have an interest in doing so, adding another layer to the seemingly so in need of protection girl.

Loonstar has played the game since very long time, becoming quite good at it herself. While she never played much of the games PvP aspect, she quickly got known for beating bosses solo, that others struggled beating in squads. Loonstar got a little famous in the games community for her strong solo performances and high rank guilds oftenly licked their lips at getting the player, however she never joined any.

The key however, why nobody recognizes Loonstar, is because of a function, that gets basically ignored by the player base. As all the attention got too much for the shy player, she not only changed her characters appearance and gear. She changed her nickname, paying for that. The name got changed from AngelWings91 to Loonstar 91. People lost track of her all of a sudden, while Loonstar91 decided to join a guild and play with others for the first time.
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GUILD: Silver Linings

SOBRIQUET: Belle of Gaea 5
- Toggleable glow/sparkle/light visual effect. Enables the use of various skills.
- Belle of Gaea - Boosts the speed/damage/whatever of allies. Visual effects are on while active.
- Gaea's Protection - Momentary channel. If untargeted: drops all monster aggro currently on the user. If targeted: charms single monster to protect the user.

Inferno - a [CASH] scepter for mages that gives 10% additional magic power and burns enemies for 3 seconds. Probably overpriced but at least it's pretty.​
Tiara of Eden - [LIMITED] headgear that grants 10% mana and health regeneration. Award for winning the annual pageant.​
Infernal Ring - [CASH] item that comes with the scepter, it grants 15% additional damage when using fire-related skills​
BOOSTS, POTIONS & LOTS OF USELESS PRETTY STUFF - costumes, decorative jewels, etc. which are bought using real money in the [CASH] shop.​
Torrential Fire - a powerful [AOE] skill that makes the sky spits out fireballs. Depletes mana afterwards.

Summoning: Fire Imps - [CONJURATION] & [FIRE] skill that allows 1-3 fire imps to be summoned by the caster. The imps may or may not attack comrades or the caster depending on the caster's competence. Probably dies after three hits.

Searing Torrent - unleashes a torrent of fire that deals good amount of damage and knocks people back.

Fireball - basic skill that allows the caster to throw a ball of fire which deals a small amount of damage.

Pay-to-win spoiled and useless pretty princess-noob who thinks she's the best thing to ever happen to the guild.


-Uses heavy skills on easy monsters/enemies​
-Not afraid to use REAL CASH​
-steal kills 24/7​
-Sometimes tries to attack her teammates because she forgets that they're her teammates​
-That popular "gamer" girl who doesn't know what she's doing most of the time​
TIME PLAYING: Started playing 4 months ago.

GoldYLucks is very vain and self-absorbed . She plays the game simply for the cute and pretty stuff. She is also very boastful and tends to act all high and mighty especially if she (EVER GETS THE CHANCE) to kill any type of monster. The blonde is prideful so don't expect her to listen to any advice anyone might give her. Tsundere alert!

GoldYLucks started playing 4 months ago during her birthday when a friend gave her the game as a gift. She's a Youtuber in real life so there were a good amount of people eager to help her start out. They partied up and helped her level up by grinding monsters for her. She immediately got hooked playing the game because of its pretty items and the attention her character and her gets. She would always buy every beautiful [CASH] items release without any hesitation. The girl also has a reputation in-game for simply being beautiful, sometimes joining contests concerning the matter. She ended up winning 2018's in-game beauty pageant.

Unfortunately, being an eye candy is the only thing she can contribute to others. GoldYLucks barely heads out to dungeons and never partakes in PVPs. During the rare times that she does participate in combats however; she'd always end up dying first because she charges straight to the enemy. She still has no idea as to how everything works.

GUILD: Silver Linings

SOBRIQUET: Belle of Gaea 5
- Toggleable glow/sparkle/light visual effect. Enables the use of various skills.
- Belle of Gaea - Boosts the speed/damage/whatever of allies. Visual effects are on while active.
- Gaea's Protection - Momentary channel. If untargeted: drops all monster aggro currently on the user. If targeted: charms single monster to protect the user.

Inferno - a [CASH] scepter for mages that gives 10% additional magic power and burns enemies for 3 seconds. Probably overpriced but at least it's pretty.​
Tiara of Eden - [LIMITED] headgear that grants 10% mana and health regeneration. Award for winning the annual pageant.​
Infernal Ring - [CASH] item that comes with the scepter, it grants 15% additional damage when using fire-related skills​
BOOSTS, POTIONS & LOTS OF USELESS PRETTY STUFF - costumes, decorative jewels, etc. which are bought using real money in the [CASH] shop.​
Torrential Fire - a powerful [AOE] skill that makes the sky spits out fireballs. Depletes mana afterwards.

Summoning: Fire Imps - [CONJURATION] & [FIRE] skill that allows 1-3 fire imps to be summoned by the caster. The imps may or may not attack comrades or the caster depending on the caster's competence. Probably dies after three hits.

Searing Torrent - unleashes a torrent of fire that deals good amount of damage and knocks people back.

Fireball - basic skill that allows the caster to throw a ball of fire which deals a small amount of damage.

Pay-to-win spoiled and useless pretty princess-noob who thinks she's the best thing to ever happen to the guild.


-Uses heavy skills on easy monsters/enemies​
-Not afraid to use REAL CASH​
-steal kills 24/7​
-Sometimes tries to attack her teammates because she forgets that they're her teammates​
-That popular "gamer" girl who doesn't know what she's doing most of the time​
TIME PLAYING: Started playing 4 months ago.

GoldYLucks is very vain and self-absorbed . She plays the game simply for the cute and pretty stuff. She is also very boastful and tends to act all high and mighty especially if she (EVER GETS THE CHANCE) to kill any type of monster. The blonde is prideful so don't expect her to listen to any advice anyone might give her. Tsundere alert!

GoldYLucks started playing 4 months ago during her birthday when a friend gave her the game as a gift. She's a Youtuber in real life so there were a good amount of people eager to help her start out. They partied up and helped her level up by grinding monsters for her. She immediately got hooked playing the game because of its pretty items and the attention her character and her gets. She would always buy every beautiful [CASH] items release without any hesitation. The girl also has a reputation in-game for simply being beautiful, sometimes joining contests concerning the matter. She ended up winning 2018's in-game beauty pageant.

Unfortunately, being an eye candy is the only thing she can contribute to others. GoldYLucks barely heads out to dungeons and never partakes in PVPs. During the rare times that she does participate in combats however; she'd always end up dying first because she charges straight to the enemy. She still has no idea as to how everything works.
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[class=container] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; position: relative; transform: scaleY(-1); position: relative; [/class] [class=cover] background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/d1/30/f6d13091d739c5c8224a1f7059fad5dc.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-color: rgb(169,167,168); background-size: 350px 500px; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; transform: scaleY(-1); [/class] [class=content] height: 460px; transform: scaleY(-1); width: 100%; position: relative; [/class] [script class=content on=click] slideDown 800 cover [/script] [script class=cover on=click] slideUp 800 [/script] [div class=container] [div class=content]
"We ape, we mimic, we mock. We act. "
[div class=cover]


Username: Absenatis

Level: 40

Race: Human

Class: Spy (5), Illusionist (15), Pugilist (5), Mime (15)

Job: Librarian (5), Magician (5), Cartographer (5), Herbologist (5)

Everlost effects: Marks the owner's path as a line on their map so they can see where they've come from. Also enables the use of the Unstuck skill.
Unstuck: Only usable if the user has not moved for 30 seconds. Teleports them a distance away back where they came from. Also marks that location for the devs to investigate. Skill description includes: ABUSE WILL BE PUNISHED.


The Shadow's Shoes: Reduces sounds of movement.
'His' Suit: Increases defense when in dark areas.
Eyedrops of True Sight: A rare consumable item that has ten uses
Pointy Stick: A gag item that does nothing. Good prop though.

Silky Hair of the Sea: A rare aesthetic item, has the effect of gently swaying as if underwater.

Pugilist Skills

  • True Strike: Attacks ignore a portion of armor.
  • Mantra: Increases the effectiveness of healing magic for self and party.
  • Howling Fist: Damage to all enemies in a straight line.

Illusionist Skills
  • Conceal: Makes target invisible, broken on movement.
  • Simulacrum: Can make a person, object, or creature look like another. Can even create the visual effect of a skill he's seen before.

Mime Skills
  • Mimicry: Can copy basic skills with reduced effectiveness.
  • Invisible Wall: Blocks attacks lower than current Class level (or maybe total level?)
  • Blue Storage: Can store a single enemy's Skill at reduced strength.

Spy Skills
  • Slippery Mind: Protects against low-level mental skills.
  • Shadow Walk: Becomes silent and visually becomes darker to blend in with shadows.
  • Novice Forgery: Replica of seen item, a single visual imperfection.

Job Skills
  • Cartography: The user can remember and draw the surrounding areas as a map. Those who use this map find their movement speed increased by 12% when traveling.
  • Sleight of Hand: Small items can be easily stolen when no one else is paying close attention.
  • Appraisal: Can reveal the information of items. Higher levels reveal more detail.
  • Green Thumb: Passive Skill. Growth of plants is faster when cultivated by the user.
Guild: Silver Linings


Summary: "Just head straight" "Ok...I'm lost" "You took five steps!" "Oh wait...here are the bad guys!" "What the hell!?"

Role: Infiltrator

Trope / Quirk: Always gets lost, and often appears in places he has no idea how he's gotten into. Occasionally ends up exactly where he meant to, often from the wrong direction.
(Examples include heading down a right path and ending up six miles in the opposite direction, in the middle of the enemy camp)

Time playing: A year and a half.

Persona: Despite always getting lost, Absenatis holds a cheery disposition towards it. It is how he's leveled up so quickly in the game, often ending up in the middle of combat without ever realizing how he got there. He is also quite smart, using the situation to the best of his ability, he just has a bad sense of direction. He considers loyalty quite high on his list and finds it heart breaking that anyone would betray their guild and friends.

He also possesses a sense of justice, one that'll lead him to help others without a care for himself, often to the detriment of his friends as they try to keep him going in the right direction.

Legend: The first noteworthy thing Absenatis, also known as Sen, ever did was break the game. Well, not completely break, he mostly just ended up stuck in a high level bosses room, somehow behind the aggro range, in a room that sealed itself when players remained inside after a certain amount of time. Then he was banned because people thought he was hacking to get high level items without fighting the boss.

Of course, a few weeks later it was revealed just how he managed to do this. It wasn't with hacking or some other form of cheating, he'd somehow walked just along the edge of the aggro range before getting to a point where the system thought he'd defeated the boss, freezing him for a cut-scene. Then he'd gotten stuck in a loop as the system checked to see if the boss was dead, found it wasn't, then checked his position and found that he was beyond the boss, then checked to see if the boss was dead, and so on.

It was also discovered that other characters he'd played as in other games easily got lost and often with game breaking results. So he was apologized to and given a Sobriquet "The Everlost" with no amazing stat boost or skill. It simply acted as a bug fix for him when he gets stuck eventually.

He originally chose the Spy class because his getting lost often ended up with him surrounded by enemies. Of course, it wasn't perfect, he couldn't go unnoticed all the time, so he multi-classed into the Illusionist class, to better hide his actions and movements. Then he wanted to be able to deal enough damage that he could fight his way out of a bad situation so he picked the Pugilist class.

The Mime class was an attempt to fix his getting lost problem. He thought that by mimicking the movements of someone else, he wouldn't get lost. It didn't work, but the Mime class and Illusionist class actually had a surprising Synergy. He could act and even look like those he was copying.


Username: Absenatis

Level: 40

Race: Human

Class: Spy (5), Illusionist (15), Pugilist (5), Mime (15)

Job: Librarian (5), Magician (5), Cartographer (5), Herbologist (5)

Sobriquet: The Everlost


The Shadow's Shoes: Increases the stealth of the wearer.
'His' Suit: Increases defense when in dark areas.
Contacts of True Sight: Highlights secret areas and hidden enemies with a level equal to or lower than the wearer.
Pointy Stick: A gag item that does nothing. Good prop though.
Hair of Holding: A rare item that can store other items within itself. Also has the aesthetic effect of gently swaying as if underwater.

Pugilist Skills

  • True Strike: Attacks ignore a portion of armor.
  • Mantra: Increases the effectiveness of healing magic for self and party.
  • Howling Fist: Damage to all enemies in a straight line.

Illusionist Skills
  • Conceal: Makes target invisible, broken on movement.
  • Simulacrum: Can make a person, object, or creature look like another. Can even create the visual effect of a skill he's seen before.

Mime Skills
  • Mimicry: Can copy basic skills with reduced effectiveness.
  • Invisible Wall: Blocks attacks lower than current Class level (or maybe total level?)
  • Blue Storage: Can store a single enemy's Skill at reduced strength.

Spy Skills
  • Slippery Mind: Protects against low-level mental skills.
  • Shadow Walk: Becomes silent and visually becomes darker to blend in with shadows.
  • Novice Forgery: Replica of seen item, a single visual imperfection.

Job Skills
  • Cartography: The user can remember and draw the surrounding areas as a map. Those who use this map find their movement speed increased by 12% when traveling.
  • Sleight of Hand: Small items can be easily stolen when no one else is paying close attention.
  • Appraisal: Can reveal the information of items. Higher levels reveal more detail.
  • Green Thumb: Passive Skill. Growth of plants is faster when cultivated by the user.
Guild: Silver Linings


Summary: "Just head straight" "Ok...I'm lost" "You took five steps!" "Oh wait...here are the bad guys!" "What the hell!?"

Role: Infiltrator

Trope / Quirk: Always gets lost, and often appears in places he has no idea how he's gotten into. Occasionally ends up exactly where he meant to, often from the wrong direction.
(Examples include heading down a right path and ending up six miles in the opposite direction, in the middle of the enemy camp)

Time playing: A year and a half.

Persona: Despite always getting lost, Absenatis holds a cheery disposition towards it. It is how he's leveled up so quickly in the game, often ending up in the middle of combat without ever realizing how he got there. He is also quite smart, using the situation to the best of his ability, he just has a bad sense of direction. He considers loyalty quite high on his list and finds it heart breaking that anyone would betray their guild and friends.

He also possesses a sense of justice, one that'll lead him to help others without a care for himself, often to the detriment of his friends as they try to keep him going in the right direction.

Legend: The first noteworthy thing Absenatis, also known as Sen, ever did was break the game. Well, not completely break, he mostly just ended up stuck in a high level bosses room, somehow behind the aggro range, in a room that sealed itself when players remained inside after a certain amount of time. Then he was banned because people thought he was hacking to get high level items without fighting the boss.

Of course, a few weeks later it was revealed just how he managed to do this. It wasn't with hacking or some other form of cheating, he'd somehow walked just along the edge of the aggro range before getting to a point where the system thought he'd defeated the boss, freezing him for a cut-scene. Then he'd gotten stuck in a loop as the system checked to see if the boss was dead, found it wasn't, then checked his position and found that he was beyond the boss, then checked to see if the boss was dead, and so on.

It was also discovered that other characters he'd played as in other games easily got lost and often with game breaking results. So he was apologized to and given a Sobriquet "The Everlost" with no amazing stat boost or skill. It simply acted as a bug fix for him when he gets stuck eventually.

He originally chose the Spy class because his getting lost often ended up with him surrounded by enemies. Of course, it wasn't perfect, he couldn't go unnoticed all the time, so he multi-classed into the Illusionist class, to better hide his actions and movements. Then he wanted to be able to deal enough damage that he could fight his way out of a bad situation so he picked the Pugilist class.

The Mime class was an attempt to fix his getting lost problem. He thought that by mimicking the movements of someone else, he wouldn't get lost. It didn't work, but the Mime class and Illusionist class actually had a surprising Synergy. He could act and even look like those he was copying.

Absenatis became part of Silver Linings after a particularly eventful day. He'd accidentally wandered into an area far too high for his level and was close to dying when he was saved by IVIercury. Being the kind person he is, IVIercury offered to lead him back to a safer more appropriate leveled area, which Sen accepted graciously.

Unfortunately, Sen's ability to get lost was unparalleled, even for the strongest character in Gaia. For some reason or another, they ended up moving further and further away from the weaker levels and heading deeper into sub boss territory. Mostly it was IVIercury doing the fighting, with Sen using his skills to stay hidden and out of the way.

Eventually it got to the point that they couldn't keep fighting, it just wasn't feasible and they couldn't just keep going around getting lost so IVIercury did the only sane thing and that was to use an item to teleport them back to a safe place. Afterwards he sent Sen both a friend request and an invite to the guild. Despite the constant getting lost, it had also been a lot of fun...and he also had to keep an eye on this person who was capable of getting lost while being led to safety.
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  • latest
    Username: AzaGoth (Or Az for short)

    Level: 80

    Race: Human

    Class: Wizard 30/Enchanter 30/Binder 20

    Job: Alchemist 10/Scribe 10/Cartographer 10/Loremaster 10

    Sobriquet: Archmage of Parthena

    Circlet of Parthena
    : A Divine-Class circlet that was created with the help of his old-guild Parthena, it grants the user the ability to view extensive knowledge on most in-game creatures, items, and lore

    Tome of The Magus: A Legendary-Class book that contains the many spells Az possesses as well as some minor enchantment buffs for him

    Robes of the Archmagi: Limited-Class robes available to high-level magic users of renown. They provide defensive and offensive buffs to the wearer.

    : Az's largest aoe spell that produces a rain of rock and fire upon the battlefield
    Summon Swarm: Az unleashes a swarm of weak eldritch swarmlings that invade the battlefield and attack enemies
    Bind (Mass Version available as well): Az's most used cc spell, restricts movement and attacks of enemies
    Ceaseless Barrage: Az can channel to unleash a barrage of magical missiles that strike enemies

    Guild: Silver Linings





Knight - 1
Puppetmaster - 1
Ranger - 1
Warlock - 1
Wizard - 1
Fighter - 1
Monk - 1
Brawler - 1
Barbarian - 1
Summoner - 1
Priest - 1
Necromancer - 1
Illusionist - 1
Shaman - 1
Druid - 1
Assassin - 1
Ninja - 1
Pirate - 1
Scout - 1
Witch Doctor - 1
Templar - 1
Paladin - 1
Trapper - 1
Bard - 1
Skald - 1
Alchemist - 1
Battlemage - 1
Brewmeister - 1
Cleric - 1
Defender - 1
Fencer - 1
Exorcist - 1
Infiltrator - 1
Magus - 1
Oracle - 1
Psychic - 1
Swashbuckler - 1
Thief - 1
Investigator - 1
Martial Artist - 1
Arcanist - 1
Warpriest - 1
Hunter - 1
Cavalier - 1
Inquisitor - 1
Witch - 1
Pugilist - 1
Sandman - 1
Crossbowman - 1
Archer - 1
Skirmisher - 1
Sniper - 1
Spy - 1
Duelist - 1
Gladiator - 1
Psion - 1
Commander - 1
Squire - 1
Crusader - 1
Mystic - 1
Jester - 1
Conjurer - 1
Battle Made - 1
Ghostblade - 1
Blade Master - 1
Spellblade - 1
Striker - 1
Grappler - 1
Sharpshooter - 1
Guardian - 1
Medium - 1
Encharter - 1
Healer - 1
Black Knight - 1
Samurai - 1
Warlord - 1
Tactician - 1
Dancer - 1
Mime - 1
Blood Mage - 1

Armorsmith - 10
Bladesmith - 10
Blacksmith - 10
Enchanter - 10

The Smithy of Asiyah-
This Sobriquet was granted by being the first player to craft a legendary item using only items found in the fourth major update in the location of Asiyah.
It allows the user to have a chance to create an item of a higher quality than what was expected from common to rare+, rare to legend+, legend to possibly gaining some kind of enchantment.
It also allows the user to repair and craft items 50% faster.

The Multitool-
This weapon has the simple property of being able to change into a basic version of multiple different weapon types.

Staff of The Low-Tier Mage-
This staff has the ability to power up low-tier spells at the cost of weakening high-tier spells.

The Man of Many Skill's Armor-
A legendary Enchanted item crafted and enchanted by JackOfAllTrades. The armor increased defense to attacks if the wearer's defense was considerably lower than the attack's strength.

Ring of Translocation -
Allows the wearer to use the Translocation Life spell once per day.
Translocation Life: Swaps the user's Health and Mana.

Chains of binding-
Chains of Temperance: Allows the wearer to use the Delayed Binding spell. It has a cooldown of one minute.
Delayed Binding: After the user channels uninterrupted for 10 seconds, the target is bound and unable to move for 10 seconds (reduced against higher-level enemies).
A healing spell allowing the user to resort health to either themselves or their teammates.

Heart Beat Healing-
A Heal over time healing spell taking 3 seconds to heal more than the heal spell does.

A debuff spell allowing for one of three effects to take place. Blindness, dazed or stunned.

A tank skill allowing the user to half their offensive stats to double their defensive stats.

Summoning Rodent-
A spell that summons a rat can be cast five times in a row before canceling out allowing for five rats. The rats listen to the command of the summoner.

Summoning Goblin-
A spell that allows the user to summon a goblin it can be used three times in a row before canceling out allowing for three goblins. The Goblin listen to the command of the summoner.

An enchanter spell that increases the attack of a single ally.

Silver Linings


Level one in eighty classes check, refuses to talk unless he can quote something also check.

He does a bit of this and a bit of that all badly but he tries. Pretty much he does whatever is needed at the time lacking a healer he'll do that, missing a tank he'll try that too sometimes even at the same time. He's also the go-to Smith for a lot of players, weapons repaired, weapons crafted or even armor crafted you go to him so he's pretty much the guy you go to if your gears ruined in the middle of a raid that's all he's really good for.

Trope / Quirk:
He only talks by quoting things from Films, Movies or Tv Shows.

Time playing:
Four years

JackOfAllTrades (JOAT) is an individual who enjoys doing many things but hates only doing one thing. He's a man who needs to have several different things going on for him to be able to fully enjoy himself which is the reason for him going down the 'infinity rookie path' since it lets him do a large number of things even if they are all terrible when being compared to higher levels. It's also one of the reasons for his small quirk he finds it more entertaining for him to have to think about what he wants to quote and respond than just saying whatever most people do. To say the least he's a man who only cares about having the most fun possible no matter how he has to do it.

JackOfAllTrades really isn't much of a noteworthy player, raid-wise he hasn't done many, his official pvp record is terrible with 452 wins to 1479 losses and 892 draws (Ran out the battle timer) but for an Infinity Rookie Path users, it's actually pretty good. It wasn't until he began crafting items for a cheap price that he began to gain some renown out there which many guilds looking for a skilled crafted but JOAT turned them all down. He became a rather popular name for a few days after the launch of the forth for being the first person to craft a legendary item purely out of materials dropped or mined from Asiyah and getting the Sobriquet 'The Smithy of Asiyah' but soon after he fell out of the limelight once again. He had managed to make it to Asiyah by using the help of a large scale PvE in return for his crafting services he was gifted extra materials to craft with.

As of the past year, JOAT has been live streaming him playing MTFe and he's been getting an average 2194 views per live stream mostly its people insulting him for his useless build choices or those that's been interested on what the whole deal is with the 'infinity rookie build'. During one of his usual streaming days as he was out looking for materials in a low leveled small town area, he noticed his chat getting oddly hyped about a player with the chat flooding with a single username IVIercury, due to excessive requests he decided to approach the player the two get talking and by the end of the conversation JOAT got persuaded to join a guild full of players with very weird quirks. He mostly accepted since the hype of IVIercury made his chat explode and he personally was curious about this guild.​
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  • Username: XxCallMeDaddyxX

    (IMPORTANT DETAIL: Picture the character below with the cheekiest, smuggest, conceited, self-important, asshole grin ever conceived and as wearing sunglasses.)

    Level: 80

    Race: Tiefling

    Warlock [30] - A mage class. Mechanically, a lovechild of wizard and sorcerer, the warlock is a class of forbidden knowledge with summon spells, and special magic related to a warlock's patron, often a fiend that grants demonic magic.
    Arcane Trickster [30] - A class belonging to the mage category, with a focus on control and trickery. It has skills that, for example, stun, debuff, drain mana, increase enemy ability cooldowns, and cause similar debilitating effects.
    Bard [10] - A versatile class, often called the 'jack of all trades' (not to be confused with a player of this username.) Its versatility is in combining a diverse pool of spells, fair combat potential, diplomatic perks, and some skills related to buffing oneself and one's allies.
    Dark Knight - [10] - A dark version of the paladin class, focusing on curses, demonic magic, and attacks related to said playstyle. It is a fighter class with some magical aspects and some diplomacy/intimidation.

    Merchant [10] - A job that grants bonuses to trade.
    Sage [10] - A job related to philosophical pursuits and thinking.
    Lorekeeper [10] - A job that focuses on book-writing and reading.
    Alchemist [10] - A job that allows one to brew potions through alchemy.

    - The Atrocious Hellmarked Lord: The Atrocious Hellmarked Lord is a Sobriquet granted to CMD for being the first player to max out the Warlock class. It allows him access to the 'Atrocious Hellmark' skill, and boosts the strength of all summons by 50%.

    - Black Shades of Ever-Distant Reflection [CASH]: These sunglasses take up the [Face] slot. In addition to their unparalleled cosmetic value, they raise the wearer's charisma score exponentially and ridiculously (to the point of becoming a meme in the community due to NPC reactions to a player wearing the item,) and lower the cost for casting all Enchantment and Illusion spells by 10%. It also grants effects that protect from blinding and other visual-related spells. Their value as armor, however, is questionable.
    - Grand Robes of Quintessential Protection [LEGENDARY]: A set of clothing from a limited-time event boss battle. All Critical Damage received automatically becomes non-critical. It grants a 40% resistance to all non-magical damage.
    - Thrice-Cursed Ring of Aberration Summoning [LEGENDARY]: Once every twenty-four hours, this ring can be used to summon three friendly Beholder NPCs that will aid the summoner. Their eyestalks have their usual in-game effects. No more than three Beholders can be summoned at any one time using this ring.
    - Breath of Shu [LEGENDARY]: Ring available to players who achieve the maximum level of the Arcane Trickster class, then complete the related questline: 'The Great Trick.' It cannot be enchanted. While wearing this ring, the player can turn on its' passive function. If it is turned on, as soon as the player is attacked, they turn invisible, teleport fifteen meters (50 ft.) in a random direction, and leave behind an illusion that tries to avoid enemies and stalls for as long as possible - the effect ends in one minute. The ring has a cooldown of twenty minutes. Attacking while the effect is turned on causes triple (3x) damage in addition to the normal stealth bonus damage.
    - Greater Devil Spear [LEGENDARY / ENCHANTED]: A powerful spear-type weapon that deals additional necrotic and fire damage. Its enchantment takes the damage values even further, but other than that, the spear is just that.
    - Flute of Certain Doom [DIVINE]: This flute, when played by for ten seconds, summons a Deep Dracolich as an ally or steed. Only one Dracolich may be summoned at a time, and the flute has a cooldown of twenty-four hours.
    - Book of Vile Darkness [DIVINE]: A demonic spellbook recovered from the Sunken City. It grants the user access to summoning rotes of a wide variety of demonic entities and spells. From Chain Devils to Eldritch Abominations. In addition, it cuts down the cost of any evil-aligned spells the user casts by 20% while increasing their potency by 20%.

    - Atrocious Hellmark: The unique skill granted by his Sobriquet. It is a touch-based spell. When a player or entity is marked, it allows the user to summon an NPC copy of them, with all their abilities and items, at the price of 97% of the user's MP and HP at the time of summoning and preventing their regeneration for as long as the entity is being summoned - as soon as the summon is dispelled or killed, the user's HP and MP rapidly (but not instantly) return to their original value before casting. The Atrocious Hellmark fades away from all entities after three days and must be replaced to summon them once again. Because of his Sobriquet's perk, these copies are insignificantly stronger than their real counterparts. It is the ultimate high-risk high-reward spell, because if an enemy is Hellmarked and then a copy is summoned, they are surely going to perish if they don't go on the defensive, but if they find an opening quickly, they can easily kill the user due to his low HP.
    - Summon Greater Accuser Devil: Summons a powerful, high-level demon NPC to fight for the summoner.
    - Summon Death Knight: Summons a powerful, high-level undead NPC to fight for the summoner.
    - Hellish Curse: Blinds and stuns the affected enemy for five seconds, also dealing considerable damage.
    - Curse of Qyvius: Lowers the DPS of an enemy and degrades their overall stats for several seconds.
    - Eldritch Blast: A basic Warlock spell, enhanced by numerous perks and feats. It creates a crackling jet of energy that deals force damage.
    - Silence: Prevents an enemy from casting spells for several seconds.
    - Short Teleportation: Teleports the player to a chosen direction or location not far away.
    - Invisibility: Causes the player to turn invisible unless detected by ability or magic.

    Guild: Silver Linings
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Username: CelestiaSkyes


Level: 50

Race: Human

Class: Priestess [30]

Pyromancer [10]

Cryomancer [10]

Alchemist [10]

Sobriquet: N/A

[Legendary] Celestial Mage of Pride: 1 part of the 7 Celestial Mage set. It
It has a cosmetic effect of letting players have a different coloured eye and has a high defense value.

[Limited] Sadist's Whip: This whip is for dealing high amounts of damage to enemies.
+Can hit teammates to buff their speed in exchange for some health.
-Buffs the speed of enemies aswell

[Legendary] Merciful Natur: This staff will make sure your precious companions stay alive. Massively buffs healing abilities and when a player is succesfully healed, they gain an Attack/Defense/Speed/Resistance buff

[Cash] Icy Mage Jacket: This jacket grants the wearer an icy aura around them.
"You can really feel the cold!"

Heal: She can heal 1 teammate to almost perfect health.

Gifts for all: She can heal all of her teammates for 1/4 of their health.

Revive: Revives a player to half their HP.

Iceball: The icy counterpart of "Fireball". Launches a big ice ball to the enemy dealing medium damage

Frost wave: Sends a wave of absolute zero frost towards the enemy. Deals high damage.

Guild: Silver Linings


Summary: A Healer who only heals so they can keep seeing their teammates being hurt.

Role: A Healer to heal and revive their teammates.

Trope / Quirk: She's pretty sadistic in battle. She only heals so she can see more suffering an pain.

Time playing: 5 months ago.

Persona: She appears shy and polite at first but in battle, she becomes a sadist. She doesn't want to be but she can't help it.

Legend: She hadn't played too many video games before this. She started 5 months ago since a friend recommended her to play it. She truly is a shy and polite person in real life and it shows in-game but she soon realized that she liked seeing people in pain and suffering. At least in games. She decided to become a Healer, both because she wanted to help people and to also prolong their suffering. She acquired her whip but instead of fighting enemies with it, she used it only for it's other attribute, Whipping and buffing her teammates. She occasionally whips her teammates outside of battle.

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