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Fantasy Machine Made Humans RP (Closed~.) OOC


New Member
Main Theme:

It is 2067. Most people of the human civilization have abandoned planet Earth, leaving most people dead. The place is morbid. Not even 300 years ago, there was an mediator that hit the Earth, causing the whole world to go into chaos. But, there were special people.
The Divergent.
The Divergent are super humans that are Machines. They are robots that were created for one thing: To kill. Now, you might be asking. 'What do they kill?' They kill droids, any unregualr humans, and even sometimes them selfs. Some of The Divergent have killed them elfs for one reason; They could not handle them selfs, or anyone else around them. There are the race of The Unwanted.
They are unwanted.
They are the people that sliced the Divergent in half of there creation. They live on the borders, and wars have been caused with bloody wars. The wars lead to death. No one mourns over death anymore, they find it.. normal.
Put into this world, you must learn how to survive on your own, or just beside one another as an family and learn how to lean on eachother at there hardest point. Ever since you opened your eyes, you knew you were in an hell hole. Your parents would explain what god is and try to let you follow your path so when you die, you can live an normal life. Sientists would work on the people that are The Divergent, leaving them to test; and even kill some. The Unwanted are also put in an eternal sleep for decades, leaving them to wake up when fate decided. When you were put into this sleep, you could die from many things. Not enough water, bathroom, or food. You are thriving but not awake, and if your family wanted you alive they would put food into you by medicane. That costed to much. If you are after The Divergent, you must remember one thing.
There is one special one.
The one that was forced into this with no decsistion.
And she had no controll over anything in her life but to kill.
And she is the one that will save us all.
And even maybe someone else will be an friend or foe, you will deicide.

You can be three kinds of people.

  • Divergent (Usally people who hunt down others because of them causing doom.)
  • Scientists (People who brainwash humans, or make them tell the truth from meds, or ect.)
  • Or The Unwanted (People who are outsiders, no one knows to much about them. They rarely enter the Divergent Territory.)
  • Humans (What you think. Most are agenst Divergent.)

If you want to send in your character, please note that you can have powers, but please don't make them to over powered. There may be some limits, I'm very nice. If your character gets out of hand, please note that I will have to tell you to tone down (Insert) because of (intsert). If you decide to think it's still okay after multipul warrnings, you will be kicked from here.

Romance is always alowed, just no smut.

Your character needs to be well explained. If you can't think of an rubric, then here is one for you.

First & Last Name
Weight (Optional)
Color, Length of Hair
More Listed Into Powers / Self Defense
Additionally (Optional)
To This Day (Optional)
Theme Song (Optional)
Added (Optional)
Powers (Optional)
Pets / Children / Relationships (Optional)
Added (Optional)
What You Are Made Out Of (Ex. Stone, Metal | Not Overpowered Rock |)
What You Are Able To Do (Ex. Super Speed)

If I like your post you are in.
~Claya-Chan <3

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(If you are confused then here is my character outline for help!)

~'' Everyone loves you until you become competition." - Cle'mence R. ( Unknown Unknown .)
~"She made broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like an pair of angel wings." -Fake Mother. (@The Funny Beaver)

'Cle'mence Celine' Remtaeze'.

She is about 21.


450 pounds (With Suit On).

Part of 'The Divergent.'

Grey Eyes / Pure White.

White Hair / Grey at Some Places (No, not because of age, just because she is born with it.)


(Now, amagine abit more realistic face.)

She has mechanical wings, made herself is extremely capable of being able to fly, giving her an advantage on most battlefields. Her suit is made out of Titanium and is very well crafted. Of course, that is just the plates of armour that cover her. Beneath the suit is leggings and an tank top. There is an necklace with an 'I' at the side of suit which acts like an book. This necklace can control the power of dark magic, or Necromancy. She can control all elements of Ice, Wind, Fire, and so on listed. There is an tatto listed on the right shoulder of the women, showing the symbol of Light, or in this case wings that show angels. Her hands are metal gloves which she keeps on unless the armor is going off. Last but not least there is boots that have wings that shower off into the ends of the boots, and skulls for the new plates.

More Listed Into Powers:
Her main attacks for powers or self defense are just strikes. She also learned Martial Arts, MMA, and some more Japanese Arts. She is very swift and can use her wings to attack and/or fly. She sometimes uses her wings to fly over her enemies to attack them from nowhere, or to attack them from mere sight. Her powers were programed into her, making her very uncontrollable and still trains. Particles around her seem to appear when she is cocky or so and so. Her eyes can change to Dark grey to Pure White in an instant, and is quite good in bending Earth. Because of these powers, so is adaptable to any environment and is greatly favored by many people in the clan.

Cle'mence is very strong. She is an fighting machine. She is at times pushed to the limit and likes it. She likes to feel tired and amused at her own weakness and tires to improve.

She is cocky, leaving her to lose in mortal flaws or team member fights since they know everything about her. She is also an flirt, leaving her to be the 'Hard To Get' type. She can be Calm but also Harsh in many times of the day. She works on her own unless if forced to be put on an mission. She hates pure mortals and thinks they don't understand what true suffering and pain is. She loves to be put the test, and she always proves she's strong. She looks evil in the appearance when she is very Loyal and Kind at times.

Cle'mence is the kind of women that was forced to adapt to life, no question. She goes by the 'live or die with them' rule and fights till she can't. She lived in a cruel world where the only way to live was to take away from others, with the golden rule of kill or be killed. At first, she had friends and family who she could rely on to help her through, but soon enough, it was just her and one other. The two were nearly driven to death by the deadly world, just as their other friends and families had died, and eventually, they were enemies as there wasn't enough for the both of them to live. Leaving her friend for death in combat. Cle'mence locked away her own heart, so as to not have to face the despair that had overcome her as a result. From that point forward, she killed many to keep living, with the last bit of her heart being dedicated to one promise; to carry on no matter what, in honor of her friend who'd faced death for her sake. She joined for many reasons that are unknown, many are also known of lies and decides to tell no one the real truth.

When she was young, she had an family like listed, but she was out wandering at an very young age, which an young man picked her up and brung her to The Divergent. Some would consider her lucky. Her hair and eyes were almost pure white as the man would tell The Divergent she was an 'Gift From God' from her appearance. The denied her in till an women came up with bruntte hair and golden eyes, looking down at the child she wanted to take it in as her own. The Divergent would mock her and chuckle at this. She'd open her hands as Cle'mence would shake her head no, wanting to go back to her family. The women would kneel down.
"Get the Sleeping syringe." As people would shuffle. Her eyes would look innocent and big as she stumbled back, running. The Divergent would grab her. That is all she remember. She dosn't even remember what her family looks like. She did not even get an choice to die or join, she was forced to. Luckly, that person was assassinated for something unknown. She has lived with The Divergent for years. Her mom was tortured in front of her and is surprisingly still alive.

To this day, she's used to the kill or be killed rule, thus obtains what she needs by killing those who try to keep it from her. However, she only kills those who deserve death anyway, as she's at least learned enough about the world that she's not a simple murderer. She knows probably more than your elite hunter at this point in her life. She is highly agenst the Divergent and try to help Humans as much as she can. She does not want them to go through the same pain as she did and will do anything for little children. The last thing she ever saw was an Parade. The last thing she rembers with her mother is her saying she loves her before she went outside of the house. She has mostly lived off of lies her whole life. Even after all of that trama of her life, she still wants to leave this world and be..

Even though she knows that is imposible, she loves to look up at the stairs, she dosn't know why and people find it odd of her.

Theme Song:

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Darius Edenguard

When I get disrespected, I get disrespectful.
Darius Edenguard







dark, fiery hazel

Color, Length of Hair:

white as snow, to his ears


Don't worry, he doesn't usually go around shirtless.

Because Spoiler is stupidly not working, I'll just keep this as it is. This is was he usually carries around with him.



More Listed Into Powers / Self Defense:

~Able to Manipulate and Create Fire
~Excellent at hand-to-hand combat
~High Tolerance to Pain
~Fireproof Skin

Additionally, Darius is mentally and physically tough. His powers enhance his body's durability, strength, and his reflexes are praiseworthy.


Darius is arrogant and confident, traits that make him seemingly unafraid to almost any danger and risk. He has a charming yet cocky persona and can come off as rude and distasteful. He's definitely strong-willed and extremely stubborn, and his temper can rage as fiercely as any wildfire. He holds many grudges, punctuality has never been his forte and neither has patience. The guy is impatient as hell. However, one attractive trait is his undying loyalty and his drive to never give up. And even though it may seem impossible, Darius has a generous and big heart, helping those who need it most. He fights relentlessly and passionately for what he believes in, right to the very end.


Darius's powers had been with him since birth.

He was an irregular boy with an abnormal power. No one in his family knew how he had gotten them, but there they were, signifying that Darius was no ordinary human. Darius lived a harsh life, with his father being an abusive alcoholic and drug addict. Thankfully, he and his little sister, Darya, who was a cyborg (had to reconstruct her cause of a freak accident when she was born), had their gentle, loving mother who kept them in check and loved, so it wasn't half as bad. Darius grew to harness his powers, mastering them and vowing to use them to protect his family.
That vow was left empty. Almost.
Once the meteorite hit Earth, it unleashed pure hell on Earth. Wars ravaged, the Divergent killed anyone and everyone. Their main targets were the meta-humans or even droids and cyborgs. Most men and women rich enough to afford had boarded spaceships and had escaped Earth, leaving it to its doom. Darius's mother tried to do all she could to protect her children, even if it meant sacrificing her own life. But they never expected betrayal.

When Darius was seventeen and his sister five, they were out picking autumn leaves one fall evening, as a gift, since it was their mother's birthday. However, when they came back home, they found their mother and father fighting. Darius's father was drunk again, his speech slurred and temper flying. He was shaking his fist at a grimly-determined looking woman, her fists knotted at each side. Darius ignored them as usual and hurried to bring Darya upstairs, to bed, like all good brothers should do. It was nothing---just another one of their little quarrels, he remembered thinking as Darya fell asleep. Their father would rant and scream and then calm down, drinking his way to oblivion. He had never hit his wife, even during their fights. That was all it ever was. That was all it ever will be.

Oh, if only that were true.

All it took was one strike.
A single, knotted fist to the face to trigger Darius's fiery temper, a temper he had inherited from his bastard of a father. Darius was trying to sleep when it happened---trying to shut out his father's angry yells and his mother's desperate tries to reconcile him. However, Darius sensed this was unlike any ordinary fight in the past. This one was the worst he'd ever heard.
It all ended with that single strike to the face, a broken cry of pain from his mother, and a trigger for a temper. Darius paused, hearing absolute silence. Then, his mother's quiet crying.
His mother never cried. She was impeccably strong that way. But there he was, hearing her cry.
Maybe I was wrong. It wasn't the fist that triggered his temper, it was the crying of a mother trying to endure it all.
Darius practically flew downstairs, his heart racing, pounding in his chest. His eyes widened at the sight of his mother. Bloody nose, sprawled on the ground, tear-stained face, an eye that was swelling up. Anger began to rise up. Not just any anger---pent-up, dormant rage and hate that had long since been accumulating over the years, all for a father that hated his family, especially his son. A father who drank and did nothing all day, a father who forced his wife to endure a lifetime of heartache, a father who will ultimately betray them all.

Darius found himself charging towards his father, a fist of fire by his side. He gave the bastard a full-fledged knuckle punch, bringing the rather large man to the ground with burns on his face, but not completely unconscious. Darius hit him again once more before his father, being rather strong and enduring (traits Darius had picked up as well), kicked him hard in the stomach and managed a knockout punch as well, stopping the whole thing. Darius, disoriented and dizzy, heard as his mother stood up and went to her husband, who was groaning in pain because of the burns on his face. He was cursing and yelling obscenities at his son, ranting on about how they should have him arrested by the Divergent and killed.
And just hours later, when Darius had finally collapsed into bed, practically asleep, his mother woke him up, her face panicked and fearful.
"Run," she whispered hoarsely, her eye swollen. "Y-your father, he called for the Divergent. H-he told them about you a-and Darya and---" she broke into tears midway. Darius felt his anger flare up again, cursing his father. Darya was only a little girl! His own, five-year-old daughter. But it didn't matter. His mother was here to save them once more from their father's wrath, and so Darius would accept her save, no matter how hard it would be.

That night, Darius and Darya ran away from home, hiding in the fields as they watched agents of the Divergent arrive, searching the home. Darius expected them to leave the house alone and search once they couldn't find the siblings, but the exact opposite happened.
They set fire to the house.
Darius held Darya in his arms as they trudged away from the scene. Darius couldn't bear to look at the burning house, forcing himself to move, his heart aching for his dear mother. A bad decision, because minutes later, a Divergent meta-machine had spotted them, and was rushing towards them, ready to strike. They both survived because of Darius, who struck the bastard machine out of the sky with a fireball so scorchingly hot, it burned right through the agent's horse, destroying electrical wires, sending it to the ground.
To This Day, Darius is hell-bent on destroying the Divergent and he and his little sister are managing to survive on Earth, among destroyed cities and rubble.

Theme Song:

Pets / Children / Relationships:

Sibling relationship with little sister Darya ( I will roleplay as her, but she's only a side-character, so no CS for her, but if you want, I will.)

What You Are Able To Do:
Enhanced strength, increased skin durability

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"Better watch your back. Because I just may have to get a hero hairdo of my own, and steal your thunder. "

Alexandrine Paradís






Dark, fiery red-violet

Color, Length of Hair

Dark, brunette color, flows down a little past her elbow.


She has a smaller, more nimble but most defiantly fit frame, not enough to show visible muscle but her body is fit and strong enough.


More Listed Into Powers / Self Defense

- Able to manipulate/create lighting aka electricity
- Able to feel electric charge in objects that have electricity in them
- Able to shut down and turn electrically charged objects or battery powered objects
- Able to charge her body with electricity

Additionally, Alex is very skilled in fighting, wether it's hand to hand combat or gun fights. She's trained in combat for years and due to her troubled past her mind has also strengthen aloung with her physical form.


Alexandrine is a smug, sarcastic individual. Often negative and blunt at situations most people would find heartbreaking. She's strong willed and determined, and will risk everything for the people she cares about, even though she claims she doesn't care for anyone unless it's her family. She hates being bored and she's incredibly impatient. She rarely gets angry unless a situation looks completely pointless or someone tries to find something human in her, which could even lead her to be homicidal on those she doesn't care about or know for that matter. But by far, her best trait is her dry, often inappropriate, sense of humor. She claims she doesn't care but she does, she cares a lot and won't back down unless something looks completely hopeless, Her biggest fear is to feel anything for anyone and she's determined not to feel anything. Sometimes she'll overwork herself without knowing it and try to accomplish the impossible to make sure everyone, including herself, gets out of a situation alive. She's selfish and stubborn and not to be provoked.


She was never normal.

Everyone knew this the moment she popped out of her mothers womb and was found with bright violet eyes and shocked the doctor when he first touched her. Her birth mother found her strange and dangerous and dropped her on the doorstep of a family that lived in the woods. Not caring what happened to her, as long as she was as far away from her as possible. This was unknown to Alex, who was taken in by the family and raised with three older brothers and a little sister. Her family was loving and caring, never treating her differently, even when a mischevious four year old Alex started to go crazy with the electronics. When she was seven she nearly killed Elijah, the youngest brother in a game of tag when she shot a direct lighting bolt at his back. It was a miracle he lived and a guilty Alex decided she needed to learn how to manage her powers or leave. Since she was ten she trained herself how to fight thanks to the help of her father, whom had participated in one of the many wars against the Divergant. She was taught military tactics, hand to hand combat, the use of a gun and survival skills.

When Alexandrine went out hunting had to scavenge for shuttling useful or food in general, her home was attacked. A seventeen year old Alex raced home to find her home being ransacked and ravaged, the screams of her family echoing in her ears. Alexandrine barged into her home to find her mother, sister, and the second eldest brother dead. Her father, Elijah, and Cal still lived, unsuccessfully fighting off the Divergant that were looking for her. The family became overwhelmed, when there father fell, the brothers, feeling as if they had no other choice, left Alex and the home behind. Alex was trapped, and after a very long, lasting struggle and multiple Divergant reinforcements, she fell in battle, gravely wounded, she was left to die in the remains of her home next to her dead family members.

But two days later, Alex awoke to find that someone had found her on the near point of death. They had patched her up, the gaping wound in her side sewn and her other injuries tended to. But her savior had left before she could see, or thank them. Alex was left with a feeling of loneliness, grief and anger as she buried her dead family. Years later she struggles on a daily basis to survive her ongoing battle against the Divergant.

To This Day, Alex wanders the rubble that is now earth in hopes of finding Elijah and Cal for revenge, and hunting the Divergant to take revenge on them. She travels alone aloung the rubble of what was once towns and cities of earth in a large effort to just survive.

Theme Song

Pets / Children / Relationships

On the hunt for her two older brothers Elijah, and Cal. She also has a black lab dog she's named Xavier, who's loyal, fierce ahd never leaves her side. (These will all be played as side characters.)

What Are You Able To Do:

Enhanced reflexes, known survival skills
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@Ms. Sparrow
I will give you all something to say, so don't think this is just you. This character is perfect on its' own, the way its back story is, and how its written. She seems very plain but if you think you can make her look more interesting, then go for it. Unlike most RP's, I'm alowing alot more power in each one of you, leaving to some people thinking it is godmodding, but its' just simpily part of the RP. I'm not here to change your character, and I think you are capible of making your character fit in, just an sugestion though!~ <3

I suggest if you want to RP as anyone but yourself, you should make an character expression. Of course, if you are going to play her & include her as offten as you are going to be including Daris, I suggest you don't. I can see that he is agesnt' The Divergent and hates them, which is good for knowing. He lives in the city correct? I will deicide offten if The Divergent will camp everywhere or if they just explore were ever they go. Anything else, your character is great. If you make any changes, please alert me.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow , if you make any changes please alert me.

~Claya-Chan <3
Anyways, I'm ready to start whenever you are all ready. ^3^
Some things you need to know.
  • If you are inactive for more than 2 days, you will be left with an warrning or an kick. This is only without any warrning or just randomly leaving. Please alert us!
  • Please, PLEASE PLEASE No smut. No sexual meanings unless it is made as an joke, or is just part of the Role Play. We do not need people
  • jacking-off in our RP.
  • If you need to ask anything in the middle of the RP, please use '( )' or you can PM me, I'm always up for questions & I don't bite ^D^:hornstongue;.
  • If you want to be friends with someone in the RP, you must have an way of them meeting up before any of this happening, and I'm fine with this as long as there is nothing breaking the rules. <3
  • If you want to change your name, team, something about YOUR character and only your character, please PM me, or explain in the messages what you have changed. I mostly cheek my PM's 95% of the time. The last 5% is if I forget or I was in an RP or Private Session.
  • We are only human. If you forget just PM me, or just tell everyone so and so. I get that you are busy, but we need to RP & Just can't have AFK sessions. It messes up the whole RP if you are in an really good part and you have to go. I will play your character or someone else if this happends, and it may not end the way you want it to. There has to be expectations. Sorry!
  • If you all need an breef disctription of what each person of selections do, I will add it up above.
If you need anything else or questions, please do Claymore-Chan Claymore-Chan so I will get nofics and know it is derectied at me. I will just do today for people that still want to join, if they don't, we can get started right now or we can all wait.
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Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow & madame moiselle madame moiselle

I have now added an breif desscription of each person / thing. They are very vague as to think some characters may be different, you should just learn while doing this. If you have any further questions, please PM me as requests are closed to enter your character.
Kress Raeva

Show no emotions. Feel no pain.
Kress Raeva





Color, Length of Hair:
platinum grey

More Listed Into Powers / Self Defense:
Able to shoot stun rays from her guns. She generates the stun rays, and the guns shoot them. When the opponent is hit with a stun ray, they are temporarily stunned, little waves of electricity coursing through their body. This disorients them, and little by little, when hit with enough rays, the opponent will fall to the ground, paralyzed, convulsing. Then, Kress finishes them off with a classic stab to the heart. And if her opponent is another Divergent meta-robot like her, the same electrical currents will stun them, and she finishes them off by ripping their head off. As a disadvantage, Kress knows no martial arts and is rather poor in hand-to-hand combat.

Additionally, Kress has a sort of sadistic, signature move. When finishing off a meta/regular human, she shoves her gun in their mouth and lets go of the trigger.
Sadistic, I know.

Cold, dead, emotionless. Her only drive is to see all humans, cyborgs and meta humans rotting their corpses out. She was programmed to hate them with all her artificial heart. She is dead loyal to those who programmed her, and to her own cause. She hates humans who talk too much and she will not stand mockery. She is sadistic and seeing others suffer pleases her greatly. She knows nothing of mercy, and prefers to see humans die slowly rather than grant them the blessing of a quick death.

She was built by scientists during the great wars that ravaged Earth, used as a military weapon. After the wars ended, she was reprogrammed to kill all abnormal humans, no matter what side they fought in war. She was sent to be part of the Divergent, working alongside other meta-machines in killing the irregular humans, the cyborgs and the droids. However, most of her colleagues were all human before, so they felt more than she did. She hates this fact, wanting to feel more too, but isn't able to. This is her secret desire. To be able to feel anything but the feelings she was programmed to feel.

To This Day, Kress Raeva works alongside Cle'mence Celine Remtaeze in finding and killing irregular humans, cyborgs, and droids.

Theme Song:


Metallic skin, computerized eyes.

Pets / Children / Relationships:
weird, friendish relationship with Cle'mence I guess?

What You Are Made Out Of:
Stainless Steel
Claymore-Chan Claymore-Chan
First & Last Name
Shijiro Shjikiko
Weight (Optional)
(dont wanna cant be bothered LOL)
Color, Length of Hair
Brown hair, wavy
More Listed Into Powers / Self Defense
Additionally (Optional)
Kind, Caring.
He got kicked out of his own house after scientist installed cyborg features into his eye, now he is travelling learning about the past how HUMANS made MACHINES Before machines started making humans.
To This Day (Optional)
He goes along the name = The Snicker because he grins everytime he is about to assault someone. Only if threatened though.
Theme Song (Optional)
Added (Optional)
Powers (Optional
His eye lets him shoot a lazer from his eye, and he isn't like the other outsiders, he wont abuse his powers. Also he can, just like machines, detect the plants and their names, life sources and etc.
Pets / Children / Relationships (Optional)
Betrayed by them all, except from him little pet monkey that is in his hood.
Added (Optional)
What You Are Made Out Of (Ex. Stone, Metal | Not Overpowered Rock |)
I am human, and outsider, with only my left eye made out of pure titanium (COVERED BY EYEPATCH)
What You Are Able To Do (Ex. Super Speed)
The eye +Intellegence as it allows me to scan the terrain, find human life and other/any life.
My legs have boosters and i can pop some wheels out from bottom of my shoes, adding well with boosters +Super Speed.
My team is the OUTSIDERS
More information? Here you go
He grew up in a secluded village where scientists ruled all. He decided to protest, after collecting an rebellion he started slaughtering some scienctist. The rebellion betrayed him and handed him over to the scientists where they experimented on him, eventually making me half machine. He killed them all with by dropping a bomb from his arm and speeding out the window using his boosters and wheels. Soon he noticed his eye was titanium. He decided to cover it up with an eyepatch and when he tried to come back home, instead he got a pitchfork in his back (HAS A SCAR OF IT) and kicked out. His steel spine helped him survive. Wow they even changed his spine, lol. Is that enough to start now?
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