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Multiple Settings m/m roleplay plot idea thing idk I'm not good at naming things I literally have a dog called Nugget dont @ me-


Look man, I'm not good at title ideas so square up if you got a problem jkjk. So, a m/m plot thing idea I had. It's kinda like older gruff/stern guy x younger flirty rebellious rat. A great description, I know-. In the parings I prefer to play the younger one. So bascially, ideas. Oh, also also. The younger will always be at least eighteen so none of that weird pedo stuff. No rules or anything, just be able to write more then ' he smiled ' and also in third person since thats what I do. Uhmm hmmmm. Oh I'm a minor too so theres that-

- guidance consular thats like super done with life x senior that gets sent to his office like all the time and flirts with him

- cop/detective/person of the law x my gang member oc/delinquent child who thinks its acceptable to rob candy stores bc he loves kit kats. Maybe the cop guy person has been on his tail for awhile and its like cat and mouse but a little just a tad lowkey fun. Or like the cop guy doesn't know the gang member is even a criminal. I did this one rp where the gang boi would keep popping up and flirting with the cop but one day he got hurt and the cop decided to be a good person and take him in his house and now the gang boi was like' ight my house now ig'

- like idk literally any older guy whose done with people but has a soft spot x some trouble causing rat whose really flirty and like idk dm me if you want. We can even mix in some omegaverse but minus all the sexual things. Just ya'know happy flirty rat keeps stealing the cops hoodies bc they smell great and omfg I liked that hoodie give it back and he's like lmao n o

We can even mix soulmate aus or supernatural elements into it if you want. Or like a zombie apoloypse and the older guy ended up saving this younger kid ( well not kid since their 18-) and the kid won't stop flirting with him bro theres a zombie right there plz stop using pick up lines-
Or their already together and we just have a slice of life thing going on. Idk, but I like oorp chattin too, sending memes and vibin on the side, its def fun-

idk, it doesn't even have to be like a gruff older guy. Just like idk a tsudere or something? Bc I just like the whole dynamic of that one flirty person x person who pretends to hate it but actually is bby and super flustered. Or someone who looks hella scary and stuff but is actually a huge softie and sweetie uwu bear hugs 24/7 tingz


Or or or ok listen. Like a really problematic character x the only person who knows how to deal with them. Idk, maybe the problematic one has alot of anger issues and are really aggressive and like the other one just starts speaking softly to them and they calm down instantly. I think I'd want to be the one who can deal with them, but like idk. Maybe the problematic has like anxiety or depression and struggles alot so the one who knows how to deal with it is with them when their sad. I don't know, maybe dark themes if we go that route? I'd be ok with it, since my only triggers are like animal abuse. But yeah I'd think a really soft care person x their bby going through stuff would be koot.

- I just had a issue concerning this, but omegaverse. But in a different content. No smutty things like boys going into heat. Just the fluff part ok? I'm not encouraging erotic content in any way, shape or form. I just want a nice cute family or a family that's expecting a kid and their new parents and it's exciting and cute. For this, I'd like the role of the alpha. Just don't make the omega a person who can't do anything without their alpha ❤

- a haikyuu roleplay. Maybe something like manager x player on the team. For fandoms I only do oc x oc. My oc would be the manager. This can really go alot of ways, like maybe one of the players on the team likes/wants to get to know person A better but their always hanging out with person B. But really person A and person B are just friends, nothing more. Something like that. I have a character sheet for this I can pull up pretty quickly. ❤

- A demon slayer roleplay, once again oc x oc. It's a demon x demon slayer dynamic. Basically Muse A is the demon slayer and they go to kill a demon. Muse B is the demon, however their not the right one. Muse B makes the offer where if Muse A doesn't kill them, they'll help Muse B kill the actual demon. And somehow they end up traveling together. Or like in the original anime how the main two have to go to that meeting with the master. My oc would be the demon and I already have a character sheet out for them. Your oc can also be a hasira, if you'd like

- a animal crossing based roleplay where Muse A has the game and one day they fall asleep and wake up to find themselves in the game. Their favorite villager/ Muse B is no longer a cute fluffy animal but a guy and he's leaning over them, asking if their ok. I have a character sheet for Muse B, so that's who I'd like to play.

- zombie apolozpse type roleplay. Muse A is a zombie, but the thing is he can talk and is as far as a human as you can get while being dead. Muse B is the survivor he runs into. Maybe Muse A saves Muse B from zombies or something, or they were already traveling together before Muse A was bitten. I'd like to play Muse A, and if you've ever seen the webtoon Zombie Boyfriend it's loosely based off that. ❤

- Imagine a zoo, but instead of animals there's supernatural beings. I wanna do something like a care taker x creature thing. I'd be ok with playing either role really, since I can make up a character sheet pretty fast.

-poke-human x trainer thing where pokemon have mysteriously been turning into humans. I imagine that perhaps there's gyms that allow poke-humans to fight, because they can still use their powers and what not. Or perhaps not. Maybe society shuns them or something, or still live peacefully with them as though nothing happened. My point is, a trainers pokemon has turned human. I'd like to play the poke-human.

Ok so don't even ask where I got this from but I wanna do a rp that's just chaotic. Like two friends and their just..exerting crackhead energy. Like if one gets detention,they all have detention. They sneak out at two in the morning on a school night to go to ihop or something. Cheat on tests and their just best friends. Their groupchat is chaotic and there's tons of inside jokes. Like even if they bully each other they still all love the other and if you insult one then the others are gonna murder you😔. Everyone kinda ships them but are low-key scared of them bc of how they roasted a teacher for like ten minutes,twas brutal. It can be romantic or just platonic dumbasses. Either way I need some chaos type stuff ❤

Muse A is a spiteful person ,who hates a lot of people for wronging him. He's nothing perfect ,except to Muse B,whose fallen in love with the other. He has pictures and writes about him every day ,swooning about how amazing he is,and is seriously obsessed. One day he tells Muse A how he feels ,only to get rejected . Determined to win him over ,Muse B says that he would do anything for him . " Anything ? Then kill someone " Muse A replied ,only joking. What he didn't expect was for Muse B to do exactly that,showing up on his doorstep covered in blood and smiling . Turns out Muse B is the solution to all of Muse A's problems . That asshole who bullied him when they were kids ? Stabbed in the neck . Abusive parent s? Gone. Bad grades? Wow,suddenly he's passing the class. At first Muse A tells Muse B fake lies to manipulate the other ,but suddenly he starts to fall in love with the other devotion to him. ❤I prefer to play Muse B

ok ok,but Muse A is a single father who ends up moving in with his best friend after the mother left. Their not super great tat at taking care of the kid,but do their best. It's literally a accident when the kid calls Must B their 'other dad'. Like their friends watch the two fall for each other more more as Muse B heals Muse A's broken heart and just slides right in. I prefer to play Muse B

Ok cute tingz are all the rage but like lets talk deep things. Like listening to sad music as two friends/lovers spill their deepest thoughts and feelings about everything. Maybe one has been through alot of relationships that never went well so they just don't want to be left sad anymore. Or maybe two people who find happiness in eachother because they can't find any in themselves You know the vibes. Late night 3am talks, and driving around during the dark talking about nothing and everything. Laying on the roof of the car and looking at the stars, talking about everything. ❤

Muse A is the school's smart kid. You know. The one who gets the best grades in the grade and every teacher has high hopes for them. A asshole to everyone...except one person. Muse B, the popular kid and the only guy who Muse A can talk to and not insult. Sadly, Muse B isn't the brightest when it comes to picking up signals. But it doesn;t stop Muse A from giving them all. Basically a cute nerd x popular kid with a twist. I'd play Muse B. ❤

Muse A is just the nobody in school. You know, the kinda guy who sinks in the background and no one really notices. Muse B is the very opposite Everyone notices him. He gets into fights often, skips class and gets detention at least once a week. Their decent looking and could have anyone they wanted. So why oh why are their eyes and heart set on Muse A? I'd prefer to be Muse A ❤

Some people make a deal with demons and lose their soul. Muse A made a deal with a vampire and loses some blood once every week. The deal? Muse B can drink some blood from Muse A, just so long as he does whatever Muse A wants. Some people have a maid, Muse A has a supernatural servant. Somewhere along the way these two fall in love. What a time huh? I'd like to be Muse B

Edit: Oh yeah I had this other idea thing with the older x younger. So like mix some omegaverse in right? So we get older omega x younger alpha. Idk it just hit me and I was like yes I need some soft moments. Maybe the omega never found a mate when they were younger the alphas looking for their pair and oop it turns out the older omega is their bby for life and cute tingz like happy cuddles and the alpha swooning when the omega nests with his stuff and he's really happy but is like ' whatever helps you sleep at night ' and literal fluff. Ok yey ty for watching sub to my yt ch-wait

Another edit sorry not sorry: Ok but like kingdom times. Idk with kings and queens. Anyways ! Younger thief/assassin x older guard person idk. Maybe the younger is a assassin and has to kill the king and the older one is the guard of them and they stop him and the youngers like ' lmao see you tomorrow ' so he comes back tomorrow but the guard stops him again duh and it keeps happening but some how it goes from ' killing the king ' to ' killing the vibe with really bad pick up lines ' and idk maybe the reason the guard doesn't tell anyone is bc the king wants to kill the assassin and that's like morally wrong bc the kids only 18 and bby-

Or ok ok ok supernatural but mmaaybbee the older one is like some kinda supernatural creature. Maybe like.. a werewolf or a dragon or vampire or-. Anyway uhm he's kinda old bc duh living for awhile. Maybe he lives in the forest or something, and everyone thinks it's haunted. Except this one dumbass just waltxes in bc he doesn't believe the rumors and meets the supernatural person and blinks and sees him in his human form and just goes 🥵😳🥴 and now he's coming as much as he can bc oh my sis got hella thirsty lmao.Maybe they fall in love but the fact that the older one will outlive the younger is like a obvious fact so then he's like ' ight chomp ' and turns him>? Idk how that works it just does don't @ me. basically the younger finds a hella hot supernatural guy and becomes a simp

Okokok uhm the younger is a barista in a cafe and everyday he writes cute notes to the older one, who comes in everyday for coffee ( and cute pickuplines) and idk maybe their like compliments and they make the older guy a little soft. oh for drama he could even be dating someone but tbh it isn't going super great and sis a golddigger so they break up but it still kinda sucks and then like the barista gives him his number that day and they talk alot and maybe he's catching feelings but the older one is nervous about getting into a relationship bc his last one suced and the younger is like actually really sweet. I mean sometimes he says too many puns but he also knows his fav coffee order by heart and can recite it perfectly and still writes him notes and their so sweet and meaningful. Basically a older guy with a not too great relationship falls in love with the younger barista guy at the coffee shop he frequents.​
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When I was younger my parents let me name one of our dogs and I named her Baby; I wasn’t the best either lol.

Anyway, quite a few of your plots caught my eye, so I can message you if you’re still accepting roleplays?
When I was younger my parents let me name one of our dogs and I named her Baby; I wasn’t the best either lol.

Anyway, quite a few of your plots caught my eye, so I can message you if you’re still accepting roleplays?

Baby is a super cute name 10/10
ofc, go right on ahead^^
idk but like

- update sounds -

updated with some new stuff

check out my merc- wait shoot

update/kinda a bump idk but like tons of ideas, just too lazy to expand on them

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