• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Love You Once, Love You Still~ couples rp~

  • -Be nice, don't exclude anyone, and if someone needs a recap, please give them one.
    -No god-modding/powerplaying.
    -No Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
    -Don't date/crush on your own characters. They may be ex's, friends, family, etc. - just not currently dating/crushing on each other.
    -Straight characters only, please. I have nothing against other sexualities, but it would kind of mess with the girl:boy ratio for this RP and whatnot.
    -Have your characters interact with more people than just their lovers! ^.^ They can have friends and enemies (there's a reason I added that to the form I have below). Just PM people and ask if your characters can be friends or enemies, honestly I think it would make things a lot more fun. c:
    -Please be active if you join, inactivity is what kills the roleplays (and that's never fun, is it? ;-;). Please let me know if you will be absent for some reason - if you're inactive for a week without notice, you'll have to be kicked out so that someone else may join. However, if, for some reason, you couldn't let me know and were absent for a while, I will let you back in, given the spot isn't taken by someone else (if it is and you really want back in, PM me and I'll try to work something out, such as adding an extra of the same couple or creating a new one that you want to do).

    -Reservations last 24 hours, unless you need more time for a good, legitimate reason.
    -I'll provide a form. But, if you would rather use your own, go ahead, it's up to you.
    Just be sure to include the basics, at least, as well as the couple(s) your character(s) are in. Also, feel free to change the color coding, if you do so wish to. c:
    -Please try to write at least 4 or 5 sentences minimum per post. I understand WB can plague us, at times, and that's fine, but don't make 1-liners in practically every post, please! "She laughed," or "He sighed," aren't sentences.
    -PM me reservations, please!
    -pm to be a mod
    -Have fun, of course!