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Realistic or Modern LOVE TALK OOC

lowkey spoilers but jisoo at the start just cutting chaeyeon off while she's trying 2 talk about her issues and going for the older girl
i rly thought my man jinyoung was finally gonna get the girl after treating them right forEVER but i knew...,,. deep down in my heart i KNEW as second male lead there was no chance n when i tell u i grieved-
same though like ??? HES PERFECT FOR HER COME ON NOW - i love jisoo's character but come on now smh
if y'all wanna talk about minkyung's relationships with the other members my pms are open ^^
Probably should've mentioned this before, but I'll allow them too have pets. Max two, (like a dog or cat, something easily portable). Kyung has a golden retriever and a maine coon, so there's already a few animals.
I think I’ll make the discord now, it’s a lot easier for me too keep things organized. I’ll pm you all in a bit ^^

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