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Love is Love (1x1 between SkyFilms and Lucas Fowler)


Sir Sky, A Knight of RpNations Kingdom
It was Different, but A Good Kind of Different.

It's odd isn't it? The type of world we live in, one which forces others to fit such terrible images although they where seen as the best way to look. A society which is built from judgement and opinion, something that each person is entitled to but can easily be over powered by.

But there are those chosen few who are unable to fit the mold which they where born to take on. We are given the image at an early age that we are meant to care about our weight and how we look, our attire, our personality, our slang, and our love. Such things that one should not have to be so concerned over. But if you meet the right person they can make your life and outlook on it different, but a good kind of different.

This is a 1x1 between myself(SkyFilms) and the Lovely Lucas Fowler.
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It was only the second week of school, but Anthea Fowler was already ready for summer again. She missed falling asleep late, waking up late, and spending the entire day on Skype with friends and Netflix marathons. Instead of her warm, comfy bed, she was stuck in the halls and classrooms of Crystal Falls High, with almost no friends to speak of. Of course, there was Mary, a girl who shared the same interests as her, but was even quieter than Anthea. Trying to talk to her was like pulling teeth.

As she sauntered into science, she realized that Mr. Matthews was already talking. She hurried to her seat, not wanting to get written up for being late. "Actually, Anthea, you'll be switching seats. We've had some issues with lab partners and we're going to be reassigning you with..." He paused, reading a piece of paper he held out in front of him, "Lacelyn. Is Lacelyn here?" He searched for her in the class, which was roughly 18 kids.

Lacelyn? Lacelyn Chandlor? AKA Ms. Popular? From what Anthea had heard, Lacelyn's other title was Ms. Bitch. Either way, she felt a sense of unease along with a thrill go through her. Lacelyn was no doubt a very pretty girl. Beyond pretty. Stunning was a more accurate term. Anthea looked for her as well, to see if she was in class yet.

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