• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐‹๐ˆ๐„๐’ โ€” the applications



falling for youโ„ข
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
โ€œYou win some, you lose some. Except for me. I always win.โ€

Full Name //
Nicknames //
Age // 20+
Birthday //
Gender //
Pronouns //
Sexuality //
Year //
Major //
Tennis Type // Singles, Doubles, or Both

Face Claim //
Height //
Hair //
Eyes //
Modifications //
Scars //
Distinguishing Features //

Fears //
Likes // 4+
Dislikes // 4+
Habits //

Vices // 3+ with description
Virtues // 3+ with description

Personality // 2+ paragraphs (you can do this instead of vices/virtues if you choose)

Reputation // Optional. What is your character's reputation on the team?
Rumors or Scandals // If your character has any rumors/scandals that were previously released, list them here

Background // 2+ paragraphs
Other // Any additional information you would like to add

Questions // Please answer these as your character
"What is your opinion of Miss Roulette?"
"Do you like tennis?"
"Are you worried about Miss Roulette exposing you?"
"Do you have any secrets that could get you off the team?"
"How do you feel about your team?'
"How long have you been playing?"
coded by social

Full Name //
Nicknames //
Age // 20+
Birthday //
Gender //
Pronouns //
Sexuality //
Year //
Major //
Tennis Type // Singles, Doubles, or Both

Face Claim //
Height //
Hair //
Eyes //
Modifications //
Scars //
Distinguishing Features //

Fears //
Likes // 4+
Dislikes // 4+
Habits //

Vices // 3+ with description
Virtues // 3+ with description

Personality // 2+ paragraphs (you can do this instead of vices/virtues if you choose)

Reputation // Optional. What is your character's reputation on the team?
Rumors or Scandals // If your character has any rumors/scandals that were previously released, list them here

Background // 2+ paragraphs
Other // Any additional information you would like to add

Questions // Please answer these as your character
"What is your opinion of Miss Roulette?"
"Do you like tennis?"
"Are you worried about Miss Roulette exposing you?"
"Do you have any secrets that could get you off the team?"
"How do you feel about your team?"
"How long have you been playing?"
  • @aslynn.phillips
    โ€ข online

    aslynn phillips โˆ™ 24 โˆ™ role
    heterosexual โˆ™ senior โˆ™ 09/01
    art history โˆ™ classics
    โ˜… โ€” about me!
    Full Name: Aslynn Laura Phillips
    Nicknames: Ash or Lynn
    Age: 24 years old
    Birthday: September 1st
    Gender: Cis. Female. She/her
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Year: Senior
    Major: Art history
    Tennis Type: Singles

    Height: 5'10"
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Modifications: Standard ear piercings
    Scars: TBD
    Distinguishing Features: High cheekbones, full eyebrows, sharp jawline, RBF
    Face Claim: Zendaya Coleman

    Likes: Coffee, early mornings, practice, winning, working out, customizing gear, reading, running on the beach, surfing, musicals, watching movies, her iPod (refuses to throw it out), cooking, collecting shells, stationary, writing in her journals

    Dislikes: Crying, people who whine, people who aren't committed, poor sports, getting dragged down by others, animal documentaries (she cries), audiobooks, injuries, going to the hospital, playing doubles, rivals, bland coffee, forgetting to brush her teeth, sand in her shoes

    Fears: Retiring right before her peak, car accidents, people screwing her over

    Habits: Spins racket two times before serving, restrings her rackets when stressed out, usually wears the favorite color of whoever she's dating, deliberately eats crunchy foods when she's mad at someone, will fuck up a backboard if she's pissed, yells a lot when she plays to hype herself up

    Vices: List form.
    Extremely competitive | There's competitive and then there's Aslynn's version of competitive. The girl finds everything to be a competition when it involves tennis. Whether it's in practice, training, or matches, she rarely views her teammates as teammates and simply as competition. This can be extremely frustrating for people as she never seems to ease up on this.

    Perfectionist | An incredible perfectionist, she often restrings her own rackets and needs customized gear so that everything is the way she wants it. If a hair is out of place and she loses, it can cause some crazy inner turmoil. She doesn't push this level of perfectionism onto anyone other than her so some people just don't get it.

    Overly critical | Even though she won't push her perfectionism on people, it doesn't mean that she won't be critical of others. She judges and voices her opinions and critiques often, usually letting these observations form the opinions she has of others. This can sour relationships before they even have a chance to form.

    Jealous | It is rare to see her jealous, but it really comes out when she is dating. She doesn't exactly cope well when someone she likes/dates is paying attention to other people, meaning this is the one area in her life where she is genuinely insecure. She tries not to show this, but it can cause her to get anxious and closed off if she just lets it fester.

    Virtues: List form.
    Dedicated | Aslynn is extremely dedicated to her passions and loved ones. She is never late, always early, and always puts 110% into what she's doing. This can be reflected in every romantic or platonic relationship she holds with someone.

    Loyal | Despite finding her team to be her direct competition, she is still a loyal player and friend. She will stand up for those she's close with if they have her trust and loyalty and haven't done anything to betray her.

    Supportive | As a friend and teammate (most of the time) she is very supportive of people as long as they aren't doing anything illegal or stupid. She will vocally support people and emotionally as well. She is the type to really put effort into helping someone achieve what they want.

    Confident | Extremely confident, she does not allow this to be affected by losses or ties. She is comfortable in her own skin and knows that she is going to be a successful tennis player and person so she really doesn't waste time with being intimidated by others. Her security in herself can cause people to view her as arrogant, but she simply understands herself and knows how to play according to her strengths.

    Social Life
    Relationship Status: TBD

    Reputation: Feared and admired. Her determination and intense competitive nature have put her in a position where she can either be loved by her team or hated as they don't like dealing with her level of competitiveness. She rarely holds back her opinions of people, which can cause tension, especially when she calls people out. However, she is known to help newer players if they need it and is always happy to have a training partner.

    Rumors/Scandals: Last year the only rumor that made it to Miss Roulette was the locker room fight she had. This was due to some derogatory remarks that a student made towards her. Nothing came out of this as it was before the season started. There were some sightings posted about her, mostly as arguments on the court with teammates but this did not make it to Miss Roulette as she had other fish to fry.


    Her name is pronounced 'Az-lin'. Got the nickname Ash because nobody would pronounce her name right (while she lets people use it, it lowkey annoys her LOL). Previously was a cross-country runner, but she changed over to tennis in the summer before starting high school.

    "What is your opinion of Miss Roulette?"
    โ€” "I mean it was kinda funny at first, just students spreading rumors on some random site, but then she started targeting the team. Getting people cut, causing us to bench for a season, it's fucked up. I don't read her stuff anymore. Out of sight, out of mind."

    "Do you like tennis?"
    โ€” "Of course. I love tennis. Why would you play if you don't like it?"

    "Are you worried about Miss Roulette exposing you?"
    โ€” "No. I haven't done anything that would get me cut."

    "Do you have any secrets that could get you off the team?"
    โ€” "Never."

    "How do you feel about your team?"
    โ€” "I think, most of the time, I can handle them, but some are real assholes and shouldn't even be here. But what do I know."

    "How long have you been playing?"
    โ€” "I've been playing since my freshman year of high school. Impressive how far I've come right?"
    coded by social
    currently a wip
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  • scroll


    I am the imposter
    And I've already lost her

    Pearl Charles

    hazel bell


    full name

    Hazel Mae Bell




    Cis Female











    Tennis Type



    Pearl Charles






    Deep brown, near black




    Various minor scars from childhood mishaps/falls


    Ear piercings, a few small tattoos

    dist. feats.

    Birthmark next to her right eye, full lips, dimples


    Taylor Russell




    โœฟ Competitive: Hazel loves to compete and loves winning even more. Even when something isnโ€™t a competition, she makes one up in her head.
    โœฟ Tactless: She doesnโ€™t sugarcoat, nor does she consider how she comes across when she speaks.
    โœฟ Emotional: She feels very deeply, and her emotions rule her. It is relatively easy to hurt her feelings or make her angry.


    โœฟ Ambitious: Hazel is driven and hardworking, determined to reach whatever goals she sets for herself.
    โœฟ Reliable: Hazel can be trusted to do what she says and that she will be there for you when you need her.
    โœฟ Empathetic: Hazel is quite understanding of the feelings of others and is quite compassionate. She's there for people who need her.


    Early mornings, yoga, fashion, iced coffee, pilates, phone calls/facetiming, orange juice, flowers, sushi, driving


    Not being able to move freely, rain, failure, bland foods, horror movies, silence, birds, the cold, velvety fabrics, broken fingernails


    Twists hair around her finger (especially when she is tired), taps racket against her leg, cracks any joint she can, always listens to the same playlist before a game


    Letting her mother down, being a failure, claustrophobic



    Hazel was born in San Diego, California to Timothy Bell, a successful entrepreneur, and Penelope Bell, a professional tennis player. In her prime, she had won several Olympic medals. Since then, she has retired from playing and now coaches tennis. Two years after Hazel was born, the family welcomed her younger sister, Andie. From the time that the girls could hold rackets, Penelope was coaching them in tennis.

    Hazel's talent was clear from the beginning. She took to the sport naturally, taking after her mother. Andie, on the other hand, did not share the same natural talents. Hopeless when it came to tennis, she was encouraged to explore other passions. Meanwhile, Penelope worked hard to make sure Hazel followed her path of success. She trained daily and worked with several prestigious coaches as she was growing up in addition to her mother.

    As she got older, her life became more entwined with the sport. All of her time outside of school and sleep was dedicated to the sport, so naturally, all of her friends were fellow tennis players. Tennis took priority over everything else. She did well enough in school, making the honor roll, but she wasn't a top student.

    Competitions dragged her all over and each and every win boosted her relationship with her mother. Losses often ended in arguments between the pair.

    When it came time for college, Stanford was it. It was the only choice. She did apply to safety schools, of course, but there were no other schools she wanted to go to. It was where Penelope went and where some of the top tennis players in the country. Hazel was going to be one of them. To both Hazel and Penelope's relief, she was accepted to both the school and made it on the tennis team.

    It was funny really, to be so dedicated to something she didn't love.

    Hazel has never spoken a word about it, but it sat deep inside of her. It wasn't that she hated it, but she didn't feel like she cared about it the same way the others felt about it. She loves the competition. Nothing is better than winning a tough match, but she can't tell if it's more than the winning she loves. It's been part of her life for as long as she can remember, and with no opportunity to explore other interests, she genuinely has no idea if she likes it or if she only continues it because it is all she knows.

    Her entire relationship with her mother is based on their shared bond with the sport, so she has no intention of ever speaking a word about it.





    Samuel Bell

    Samuel and Hazel have a good relationship, but they aren't the closest. Of course, Sam supports his daughter and has cheered her on at every match he's been able to attend, but with his busy work schedule, he doesn't get the opportunity to make it to all of them. Though, he tries. They share a similar taste in movies and often call each other to discuss the movies they enjoy.

    Penelope Bell

    Hazel and Penelope are very close. They spent a considerable amount of time together while Penelope trained her in tennis and took her to each tournament. However, the pair tend to butt heads over losses. Penelope can be quite critical and Hazel doesn't take the criticism well. They often get into arguments about her technique and what she can do better. However, they always make up.

    Andie Bell

    Hazel loves her sister but does occasionally resent the fact that she was able to explore whatever interests she wanted. This can cause tension, especially because Hazel won't verbalize those feelings. However, at the end of the day, Hazel would do anything for her younger sister.



    Rep and Rumors

    โœฟ Reputation: Hazel can be difficult when it comes to her competitive nature and her blunt honesty. Occasionally she can be a sore loser, but her frustration is directed at herself rather than those around her. However, above all else, she does care about the team. She works hard and does her best at each and every tournament. She is always there for her teammates when they need her.

    โœฟ Rumors/Scandals: None of note as of yet.


    "What is your opinion of Miss Roulette?"
    โ€œNosy ass bitch. I mean, I canโ€™t deny Iโ€™ve read her blog, everybody has, but something has to be wrong with you to go out of your way to share other peopleโ€™s secrets.โ€

    "Do you like tennis?"
    She hesitates just a moment, caught off guard by the question. โ€œOf course I do. Itโ€™s my whole life.โ€

    "Are you worried about Miss Roulette exposing you?"
    She laughs. โ€œFor what?โ€

    "Do you have any secrets that could get you off the team?"
    โ€œClean as a whistle!โ€

    "How do you feel about your team?"
    โ€œIndividually? Depends on who you are talking about. As a whole, we are some of the top players in the nation, so Iโ€™m glad to be on the team.โ€

    "How long have you been playing?"
    โ€œSince I could hold a racket.โ€

    โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • eva valdรฉs

    # doubles & singles

    # camila mendes

    โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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What a serve, baby!

Ace Rally Serve

]Ace Rally Serve

i'ma take her bougie ass to Rodeo and
then let her pick up whatever she want

#anna sawai

Gordon Allen Whitaker
Gordon Allen Whitaker
Gordie, Al
December 15th
Male (He/Him)
Year / Major
Senior / Chemistry
Tennis Type

193 lbs.

Soft and wavy caramel brunette locks, Gordon takes emaculate care to make sure a stray strand is not out of place. He keeps it slicked back for more formal events, and a hair band pushes it out of his face during matches. He refuses to even think about shaving his hair or cutting it shorter than below his ears.

Light blue

Surgical scar on his right forearm, broken bone that needed a pin when he was four years old.

None at the moment

Distinguishing Features
A cafe au lait birthmark on his lower back, about the size of quarter, that has grown darker over time. He's also got a mole on his left wrist. He's got a small bit of a sourthern accent when pronouncing certain words.

face claim
Lucas Till
โ Itโ€™s how you handle things that will make or break you. โž

Logical - Careful and calculated, Gordon views everything with a critical eye. He likes to analyze his opponents and predict their next move using objective thinking. Outside of the tennis court, he thinks about the consequences and benefits of every action. He doesnโ€™t make rash decisions, and often requires time to think. He likes logic and things to make sense, and when they donโ€™t, he tries to make them make sense.

Diligent - Gordon doesnโ€™t like to give up, and he doesnโ€™t like to take no for an answer. He pushes himself to his limits to get to his goals. There is always a path forward in his mind, he just has to make it for himself. He often trains extra hard, and tries to push through physical pain to get his desired results.

Independent - Gordon has always been self-sufficient. Even when he was younger and under the supervision of caregivers, Gordon liked to do everything himself. Heโ€™s willing to take any tasks and work on them with little supervision and motivation. He doesnโ€™t like to depend on others.

Active - Gordon is a take action individual. Heโ€™s not one to sit passively by when something needs done. He detests messes and uncleanliness, and often takes the dirty work that nobody wants to mess with, and it gives him some time to think.

Loyal - The few people that Gordon trusts, heโ€™s devoutly loyal towards. He will defend the few that he believes he can trust to the grave. He grants those few people the honor of seeing into the exposed soul. Heโ€™s not easy to trust, but when he is, he will be a friend for life.


Manipulative - Gordon gets what he wants, when he wants it. He is not below using manipulation tactics such as gaslighting, blackmail, shaming, or just being passive aggressive.

Blunt - Gordon issues harsh truths, but isnโ€™t that the only way for everyone to learn? Gordon doesnโ€™t believe in sugar coating words. Either someone is good at something, or they are horribly bad at something in his eyes, and the only way they can improve is if he tells them how awful they are. Heโ€™s honestly doing them a favor.

Vindictive - Grudges galore. Gordon doesnโ€™t let minor offenses slide. Anything said to belittle him or embarrass him ends up getting marked on his mental shit list, and if he canโ€™t, he wonโ€™t let it slide. An apology might soften the blow, but he still wonโ€™t forget.

Callous - Gordon doesnโ€™t have empathy for the people who arenโ€™t willing to help themselves. He believes in the Golden Rule, and people should get treated how they expect. Itโ€™s not his fault if someone acted like an idiot, and now they are suffering. Is he supposed to feel bad for everyone who is suffering in the world? He doesnโ€™t have time for that. Itโ€™s a dog eat dog world.

Egotistical - In his eyes, Gordon thinks he deserves the best. He has the money, the future, and basically the world is at his fingertips. He flaunts his wealth, walking around with the fanciest suits, the luxury cars, and heโ€™s always bragging about buying the top of the line tennis equipment. He thinks money can buy him everything, and heโ€™s simply better for it.

chess, stargazing, expensive cars, logic puzzles, dark humor, stylish dress, cleanliness, competition

bad table manners, camping, loud noises, history, tea, napping, snow

losing his father, needles, enclosed spaces, becoming a parent, rejection.

He taps his racket against the side of his thigh, in always the same order. Left, right, left, right. Left left, right. He will tug at his hair band and snap it against the back of his head if he's losing. He constantly bounces his leg when sitting down. He occasionally mumbles chess moves between serves, and mumbles 'checkmate' when he feels like he's close to winning a match. If he has a strand of hair in his face, he blows it out of the way instead of tucking it behind his ear. He grabs longer pieces of his hair and twists it between his fingers when he's feeling nervous.


Sophomore Year -

He was caught right at the beginning of the fall semester attending a kegger party. Photos were taken of him drinking straight from the tap and posted online. He was suspended the rest of the semester, but he tried to turn the situation more in his favor. He complained to his father, and both came to a mutual decision that if he publicly attended and promoted courses for SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), it might look favorable. Gordon took the accusation in light and tried to put a somewhat positive spin on it.

Junior Year -

Allegations arose around Gordon after a fire broke out in the science lab, leaving a student burned. After an investigation, it was determined to be an accident, but several people say they witnessed Gordon arguing with the student prior to the fire, with the student accusing Gordon of not understanding basic chemical equations and embarrassing him. No charges were ever filed against the Gordon, but another person heard that Gordon's father might have slipped a few thousand dollars to keep it quiet.


Scandals and rumors are nothing new to Gordon Allen Whitaker

Gordon is the definition of a spoiled rotten rich kid. Born in the heart of Waco, Texas, Gordon Allen Whitaker was born into a very prominent family. Whitaker Family Pharmaceuticals was a booming nationwide business, primarily investing in the manufacture and research of cancer vaccines and prevention. Whitaker Family Pharmaceutical had originally started as a small start up from Gordonโ€™s grandfather, who took the very little savings he had from World War II, and invested in trying to improve the lives of soldiers. The veteranโ€™s efforts werenโ€™t in vain, and the company went from a small research lab to a massive multi-floored research facility in Texas, to multiple labs across the United States. Whitaker Pharmaceuticals grew on par to rival other household names. The tagline of WFP was Family First, and of course, it had to be a family business. Gordonโ€™s grandfather passed on the family business to Gordonโ€™s father, Lucas, and when Lucas found out that his wife was going to have a son, he couldnโ€™t have been more proud and excited, even before Gordon was born.

Gordon immediately grew up in the lap of luxury. His mother, who quickly became pregnant again shortly after his birth, handed off his care to a series of caregivers anytime he would cry. Gordon has very few vague memories of his mother, and most of them involve her proclaiming that she was too busy to hear his incessant crying, or that she had somewhere else she had to be, and of course children werenโ€™t allowed to be there. Gordon loved his caregivers. He was never told he couldnโ€™t have something. His younger brother, Jason, was his crib-mate, although nearly a year younger. The two of them were inseparable.

His father wasnโ€™t as entirely absent as his mother. His father occasionally played games with Jason and him, and allowed him to sit in his lap in his office while he did accounting and signed paperwork. Gordon was obsessed with his office, loving the high back chair, and how everyone seemed to respect him, no matter who they were. Gordon was becoming obsessed with power. His favorite memories involved playing chess games with his father, listening to him explain how the king and queen were the most powerful pieces in the game, but it was up to everyone to contribute. Gordon liked to listen to strategy. He liked to memorize the way the pieces moved. He liked to envision that he was leading the pieces into battle.

At the age of four, Gordonโ€™s mother disappeared from his life. His mother and father filed for divorce, his father offering her a minor settlement of a few million dollar and no custody rights. His mother had quickly agreed, and within days, she was packing her bags. One of his only memories of his mother was watching her walk down the steps of their small manor, giving him a small wave, and telling him to be good. There was no hug. There was no kiss. It was as if she was just a familiar friend.

Without a motherly figure in his life, Gordon returned back to being taken care of by nannies and butlers. When he was five years old, his father was set to have a huge investor meeting at a local tennis court. Gordon was settling in for a long day of creating his own massive roller coaster down the halls of the mansion when his elderly nanny, cleverly nicknamed Nana, passed out. With no other caregivers on duty, and the rest of the mansion staff busy with EMS, Gordonโ€™s father had no choice but to drag his son along. Gordon was quickly bored as his father started to play a match with his business partner, and grabbed Jason, demanding that he entertain him. Gordon picked up a racket and started to bounce a ball, when he suddenly started to hear laughter from the other side of the court. His fatherโ€™s business partner was laughing and getting a kick out of Gordonโ€™s stance, saying that he would have a knack for tennis if he kept that up, and he would go places.

โ€œYou know, tennis is a business game. He might go places if you push him along.โ€

His father listened, and invested in teaching Gordon the game of tennis. Gordon originally hated the game. It was boring, and he hated running back and forth, feeling like he was constantly out of breath and missing. It felt pointless, and it took away from his valuable precious playtime. His tennis instructor laughed at him at first, and told him to think of it like a chess match. That immediately brought Gordon to attention. He could think of tennis as a chess match, watch his opponent, and match them. He could block their moves with his own pieces. He could sneak an attack in when they least expected, and when they were dead-even, he could play a game of stale-mate until they made a fatal move.

Tennis became a breath of fresh air. School went on the backburner, and tennis quickly became the only thing that Gordon could think about. Tennis was a power high for him, and it was something that earned him his fatherโ€™s praise.

When Gordon reached middle school, he was met with his bit of negative publicity. Gordonโ€™s father began to date a very young supermodel, and his biological mother was furious. Angry allegations flew about the way she was treated, about how he treated his children, about how awful of a human being his father was. Gordon tried not to think too hard about it. It was just a rumor, but he began to see how dejected his father felt, and it burned at him. None of it was true. How dare someone do that? His father sat him and his brother down one day, telling them both not to talk to the press, and whatever happens, happens.

โ€˜Itโ€™s how you handle things that will make or break you.โ€™

Allegations aside, a few suspected blackmail letters, and a huge under the table check, Gordon focused away from his family life and focused more and more on the one that made him happy. His future had always been set in stone to take over the company for his father. Justin and him could co-own the million dollar industry, but they would both have to take business and educational courses. It would look bad if they had no idea what they were getting into. Gordon focused on the science part of things. Science was way more logical than business sometimes, and reactionary and chemical science produced results, but Justin was his brother. His younger brother and surely. His father didnโ€™t need both of them to rule the world. It would be nice, but nothing said money and power like a chance to be a tennis pro. He didnโ€™t have many high hopes though for using his degree. One of the best college teams was Stanford. He quickly applied, and had his father write a nice check so he could quickly get accepted. Justin applied as well, and got into Standfordโ€™s business courses.

His time at Stanford has been a wild one. His freshmen year was dedicated. He swore he would never fall off the track and drink and lose his chance at what would be feeling like he was the one true king of the world. Then, sophomore year hit, and a pretty rich boy got hit with an invite to a kegger. He shouldnโ€™t have gone, but there was aโ€ฆman. Another student, and something about him stirred at Gordonโ€™s heart. How was he supposed to know there would be what felt like a thousand pictures being taken all over campus? A few angry conversations later and Gordon was kicked off the team for a semester. Without tennis, Gordon grew angry and aggravated, and called his father to beg him to get him back onto the team. Gordon was massively angry when his father told him he couldnโ€™t do anything, and all he could do was maybe turn his reputation around so he might be able to play next semester. A few publicity stunts later, and he was back and pissier than ever.

He will find whoever it is who has tarnished his reputation. He will ruin theirs, but heโ€™s not going to let it be the end of him. Oh, he will find a way to rise through the ashes, like a fucking Phoenix.

"What is your opinion of Miss Roulette?"
"Everyone hates her. Everyone. Hell, I hate her, but I have to give her mad props. Lots of these idiots on this team have their head so far up their ass, they need a reality check. Negative publicity is still publicity. It's just the way you accept it."

"Do you like tennis?"
Gordon gives an awkward laugh, "It's alright. I don't like sleep with my tennis racket in my bed every night, but I enjoy it. Falling in love with something is a quick way to instantly hate it. Moderation." He snaps his fingers a little, "Love it in moderation. Hate it just as much."

"Are you worried about Miss Roulette exposing you?"
"Bring it on, bitch. No, I'm not scared. Two can play her game."

"Do you have any secrets that could get you off the team?""
Gordon brings his finger to his lips and smirks, "Shh. Of course. Anybody who says otherwise is an absolute liar."

"How do you feel about your team?"
Gordon whistles a little and looks up at the ceiling, "Half of them take this game too seriously. The other half don't take it seriously enough. Some of them think they are the living reincarnation of a tennis God. They honestly suck and I'll tell it to their faces that they suck. You need a little truth with your morning coffee, what can I say?"

"How long have you been playing?"
"I remember being about five years old, and my nanny got suddenly sick. My father was pissed, and had to drag my brother and me to the tennis court, where he was meeting his business partner for lunch. That was the first time I picked up a racket, all because I was bored. My dad's business partner thought it was the funniest thing, and I remember him telling my dad, 'If he learns the game, he'll go places.'. My dad got me started with lessons, and I've played ever since."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
coded by natasha.
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Daisy Collins


Full Name

Daisy Rose Collins


Daze, Zee or Z


24 years old


August 10th


Female (She/Her)






Computer Science

Tennis Type

Singles and Doubles

  • Height

    6'0 ft (1.82 m)


    Vibrant blonde


    Greenish brown


    Two tattoos, one of her mother's name on her left wrist and another of her father's name on her right one (her serving hand)



    Distinguinshing Features

    Vibrant and striking blonde hair; bright greenish brown eyes; heart-shaped face, with high cheekbones and a defined jawline; warm and engaging smile


    Katherine McNamara

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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jacob lim.

full name

Jacob Sungjae Lim

age and dob

21 - September 29th

gender and sexuality

Cisgender - Pansexual


2nd Year Business And Marketing Student - Singles Tennis Player - Model


He stands at five foot ten inches however he often lies about his height and says he's six foot. He often wears lifts in his shoes which helps with his side gig as a model.


His hair is dyed from dark brown to black often styled swept away from his eyes or pushed up with a sweatband.


His eyes are dark brown almost black and he often wears his contact lenses instead of his glasses.


Jacob doesn't have any tattoos but he does have pierced ears


He recently gained a new scar. It's along the side of his torso. He's been telling everyone it was from a simple appendix surgery instead of his accident.

Distinguishing Features

He has a really strong jawline and a few beauty spots on his face neck and legs from being caught in the sun.

the real




vanity, fear, desire, competition!

- Jacob genuinely believes he's one of the most handsome people around and he is definite about that being true about the tennis team. He is a bit of a dick in this regard but he's unlikely to fight too hard on being the most handsome. He's more likely to brush the negativity off
- Despite his friendly and sociable disposition, he still puts himself before anyone. He claims that everything he does is for his benefit not for others but this wasn't always the case. If someone could truly under.
- Jacob isn't the type to talk truly about most things. He hates sharing information about himself and hates those who try and get information out of him that he doesn't want to share. He's incredibly rigid in this and it would take a very special friend or partner to break these walls down.
Obsessive and Addictive
- He easily gets obsessed with hobbies and interests. When he's fixated on something it's all he cares about and it's hard for him to shake the things he likes or is addicted to. He gains sudden perfectionist tendencies and starts to suddenly see lots of flaws in himself.
- Anger issues. Jacob's recently been snapping at people more and others don't seem to understand why. He never used to be this irritable but something has changed in him over the last few months. Hopefully, this is just a phase and he can stop being such a pain soon.

- Jacob is very good-looking and he knows it. His charisma is very strong and he can charm the pants off of anyone and has done previously. This charm also allows him to gain lots of support as a tennis player, plenty of gigs as a model, and do well with his business presentations.
- Jacob is very passionate about his interests and puts his everything into the things he loves however he has lots of interests. In the last few months, he has been more dedicated towards tennis. With the right balance of his energy and hobbies, he could be one of the best tennis players on the squad. Perhaps the stars will align and this could be the case this year.
- He will take secrets to the grave and is willing to drop everything to help the people he really and truly cares about. The people he is loyal to are few and far between but if you are on his good side for long enough, you see a kinder version of Jacob and how true a friend he can be.
- Even though he's a sports student, Jacob is quite smart both academically and socially. He's great at analyzing situations and people as expected of a business student and uses his brain to his advantage often.
- For a rich kid who gets an allowance he's surprisingly good at taking care of himself. He enjoys cooking and learned how to clean before moving out for college. He also works his modeling side hustle not only because he's a good model but also to ensure he has emergency cash if need be.


- Korean and Japanese Food, Bubble Tea and Iced Coffee, Tropical Fruits, Spring and Summer, Fencing, Lavender,
- Cold Temperatures, Lazy Sundays, Berries, Coconut, Badly Seasoned Food, Chocolate, Football, Annoying People
- Tennis, Cycling, Cooking, Drawing


Physical Habits
- Biting his nails and picking at his skin, Rolling his eyes, Cracks his knuckles
Other Quirks
- Only wears designer clothes, Overplans for social occasions but overschedules himself professionally, Only speaks Korean with his mother
Rational and Irrational Fears
- Loud Noises, Jumpscares, Lacking control in life, Snakes, Fast Cars


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis.




- Born to Korean Olympic Gymnast Bora Yang and Korean American Tennis Player Daniel Lim. His sister Hana who was 5 years older than him followed in their mothers' footsteps and became a gymnast so it was only clear that Jacob would do the same with their Dad. They both trained crazy hard under their parents and whilst she was berated by trainers he was heavily praised for his natural skill by coaches and players.
- This praise made Jacob develop narcissistic traits such as vanity and his tendency to compulsively lie.
- His childhood was pretty uneventful however he didn't have many friends due to his narcissistic qualities and his own sister began to hate him.
- Jacob got scholarships to elite high schools and colleges due to his natural tennis skills and intelligence but because of this, he began to get complacent. Training less, following other passions like amateur modeling, and sleeping around a lot.
- On his 18th birthday, his sister cut him off completely and didn't go to his high school graduation. She wouldn't speak to him again until his accident.

part. 2

- The first year of college was as you could have expected. Sleeping around, trying every club and hobby under the sun and barely passing his classes.
- However, the summer leading into his second year would change everything
- Jacob got into an accident. A pretty serious one.
- When cycling late at night, something he usually did, he was hit by a 4x4 and went into kidney failure as well as almost fucking up his spine.
- He was in serious pain and had to go into surgery to fix his kidney.
- The pain from the accident was long-lasting leading to him being prescribed opiods. He quickly got addicted as the pain wouldn't go away.
- His mother, forever his sister's worst critic, started to pressure him into getting moving quickly, to get over the pain, and to get back into training. He gave in to the pressure and suddenly his commitment to training was stronger than ever.
- This addiction to pain medication was his little secret not even his parents knew so when he comes back for school this September, knowing Miss Roulette is back at it again. What will he do to hide his secret?



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

What're your thoughts on the team? What do you think of them and they think of you?

"They're all okay for the most part. I don't really care too much for anyone. I'm often busy with modelling and school so I don't do a whole lot of extra training with them which probably pisses them off. They don't need to like me tho. I'm too busy to be close with them."
Last year he had a bad reputation, your simple fresher who shows up does half decent but isn't overly committed to anything. He was more interested in dating and sleeping around, nothing unusual for a dumb teen. This year, however, a switch has flipped in him and he's not the same person he was. He's super committed to training and despite his usual sore loser nature he's improving slowly as a tennis player. He hopes to be able to compete properly. What has happened to Jacob in these last 3 months?

I heard that you've been dating less since the end of last year and a few different people have been giving me different stories. What's been happening?

"Ah you know, I can't keep giving my gorgeous self to everyone anymore. I'm too busy and too pretty to keep stretching myself so thin. Just been getting better modelling contracts and college does kick my ass. I hate math classes and I have 3 of them this semester alone. Forgive me for wanting to actually play tennis to unwind and not just train for Team USA."
Everyone's aware that something has happened to Jacob over the summer. He's barely spoken about what he's been up to and he even looks a little different physically being a bit thinner than he used to be. Despite his usual vanity and stubbornness, he's like a different person altogether. People have been gossiping as they do. Perhaps a rough breakup, a family tragedy, or something more sinister; Either way, he's performing better and committed to both school tennis and his side hustle, completely leaving his playboy ways behind. Hopefully, Coach doesn't start to question or listen to these rumors as they grow. In reality something serious has been happening. Here's to hoping Jacob can keep this secret of his private.

"So Miss Roulette is back on the prowl. You scared? The sports students at this college seem to have so many secrets."

"Hah! Sure I sleep around a lot. There's really nothing she could get on me if she tried. The people I've dated haven't complained about my performance."
In reality there is a scandal that could rear its head if Jacob doesn't keep his mouth shut. He's been through hell over the summer and he only hopes that no one tried to dig into why he's had a sudden change in motivation anger and passion. (Feel free to read the bio to see what this scandal could possibly be.... or DM me directly if the Bio isn't finished yet hahahaha)




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  • requisite.

    full name

    Leilani Marielle Fleming


    jan. 18, 2002
    22 yrs old


    cisgender female




    paralegal intern


    pre-law; senior





    hair color


    eye colour


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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