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Fantasy Lost Vampire girl (always open)

Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot sat still for a few more minutes, staring at the sport where the child had been. He got up, gathered the plates - put the leftovers in the fridge and quickly washed the dishes. When done he grabbed his keys and walked out of the house. Below he opened the store and went to the storage area near the back. He carried a few boxes of unopened books into the main area, where there was a space open on one of the book cases - and began arranging the books on the shelf - leaving the boxes open and making it look like work was being done there. Furthermore, he went over to the computer system - and updated the files from his cloud server - which now looked like Nyx had been working here for a few weeks.

When this was done, he walked over to one of the empty rooms at the back, near a small kitchen - which had been filled the previous day with toys, a TV, a Crib and some other child friendly paraphernalia. He picked up a few of the toys and while walking through the store - absentmindedly placed them around the rooms - as if they had been forgotten there. When done, he went to the kitchen, and checked that some child milk products and other necessities where there.

He took out two of the sweet milk bottles, and a yogurt cup. Emptying the milk into the drain, he placed the used cups in the trash - clearly visible. When done, he walked into the main room with the yogurt - and sat down, before eating it with a child sized spoon - Reading a bit while he waited for the other to join him.

(I just lol'd at the fact that this is called the lost Vampire Girl and there are no vampire girls who are lost in the story at this time. How strange...)

Nyx Hazlett

Once he left the room he shut the bathroom door and began getting the child ready for the bath, and running it at the same time. Greyson continued looking sad until he was in the warm bath. The man washed him quickly and got him out, wrapping him in a towel. He unplugged the drain and carried him back to their room, noticing Talbot must've gone downstairs to the shop in the process. He set the towel boy on the bed before digging through their bags and pulling out a dark pair of jeans, a grey button up top and some boots he may or may not have stolen, he finished drying the boy off before getting him dressed despite the struggle.


Greyson got up when he was done being dressed and pulled his dinosaur plush out of the bag and stuck the pacifier in his mouth before running out of the room, his boots making quiet clacking against the floor. Nyx sighed a little bit before getting dressed himself in a matching grey dress shirt, untucked from his white jeans that he'd had for who knows how long that he never wore for fear of getting  them dirty, he quickly left the room to find Greyson who'd already been making his way downstairs and stopped at the base while holding onto the railing and staring at Talbot innocently "Weady" he mumbled through the pacifier



Nyx Hazlett

Once he left the room he shut the bathroom door and began getting the child ready for the bath, and running it at the same time. Greyson continued looking sad until he was in the warm bath. The man washed him quickly and got him out, wrapping him in a towel. He unplugged the drain and carried him back to their room, noticing Talbot must've gone downstairs to the shop in the process. He set the towel boy on the bed before digging through their bags and pulling out a dark pair of jeans, a grey button up top and some boots he may or may not have stolen, he finished drying the boy off before getting him dressed despite the struggle.


Greyson got up when he was done being dressed and pulled his dinosaur plush out of the bag and stuck the pacifier in his mouth before running out of the room, his boots making quiet clacking against the floor. Nyx sighed a little bit before getting dressed himself in a matching grey dress shirt, untucked from his white jeans that he'd had for who knows how long that he never wore for fear of getting  them dirty, he quickly left the room to find Greyson who'd already been making his way downstairs and stopped at the base while holding onto the railing and staring at Talbot innocently "Weady" he mumbled through the pacifier


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot looked at the child, before smiling lightly. It was a bit of a problematic situation. He placed the now empty cup on the table next to him, and asked "Do you want a yogurt?" He tilted his head to the side and rose an eyebrow. When Nyx arrived he moved his eyes to the man and asked with another eyebrow raise if it was okay... should the boy say yes. 

Nyx Hazlett

The boy nodded and walked over to him while holding the blue dinosaur in his hand, removing the binky from his mouth with a pop. His little boots clopped against the floor before he was standing in front of him and opening his mouth in a rather funny, and cute way. Nyx nodded "Yeah he can have some" he said before unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt and rubbing at his neck in annoyance "How do you wear these all the time?" he asked before gathering his long black hair at the back of his head and tying it up with the hair tie that was around his wrist



Nyx Hazlett

The boy nodded and walked over to him while holding the blue dinosaur in his hand, removing the binky from his mouth with a pop. His little boots clopped against the floor before he was standing in front of him and opening his mouth in a rather funny, and cute way. Nyx nodded "Yeah he can have some" he said before unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt and rubbing at his neck in annoyance "How do you wear these all the time?" he asked before gathering his long black hair at the back of his head and tying it up with the hair tie that was around his wrist


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot gave a slight smile before standing up and 'forgetting the cup with the spoon inside' on the table. His plan to make it look like the shop had been housing a small child and another employee seemed to be going well enough. As he walked to the kitchen he spoke. "I did not always wear this... when I was sixteen and I was given the deat... the news. It helped me cope - I chose to add structure to my life. My work was always perfect, my room was always perfect, my schedule was always perfect. My clothing - while uncomfortable provided a symbolic form - structure even - while I felt like the rest of my world was falling apart. Now... it is more of a habit."

He stopped at the fridge and took out a strawberry yogurt and a spoon - giving it to the boy. "There is a room there which he can stay in, sleep - watch films and listen to music etc. The Bathroom is down the hallway. There is a box in the first room, with books that need to be stacked. I also printed out a schedule for the rest of the day - you only have to follow it until the doctor and the the Official shows up. I doubt that they would want to see the house, but if they do - it should not pose a problem. Are you ready?"

( @Xena - are you ready as well?)

Nyx Hazlett

He nodded before continuing to fidget with his shirt uncomfortably "I guess that makes sense" he said while Greyson took the yogurt and the spoon, He looked at the spoon before setting it on a coffee table and beginning to spoon it into his mouth happily. He turned his head and looked up at the man who gave it to him before smiling a little bit "Thank yews" he said before going back to eating. Nyx smiled a little and shook his head at his son before looking to  Talbot for instructions


Right...let's get this done. Enough procrastination.

After hosting yet another of his spectacles in his alleyway where he set up his wagon of wonders, this time specializing in illusion magic over prestidigitation, and receiving the donations like usual Kilthor goes to refill his stock of magical items, ingredients and supplies. As a result, he wanders from shop to shop to get what he needs.

Nyx Hazlett

He nodded before continuing to fidget with his shirt uncomfortably "I guess that makes sense" he said while Greyson took the yogurt and the spoon, He looked at the spoon before setting it on a coffee table and beginning to spoon it into his mouth happily. He turned his head and looked up at the man who gave it to him before smiling a little bit "Thank yews" he said before going back to eating. Nyx smiled a little and shook his head at his son before looking to  Talbot for instructions


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot nodded at the boy - "yes... we should. Highly dependable wood that is." He smiled at his joke, not expecting the boy to get it. He looked at the father. "just follow the plans I printed out - starting with the books at the front. We are working on a free shift basis - you can take as much time as you want, looking after your son - taking care of him and such - as long as the work set out is done before the end of the day. If you finish it earlier, you can leave earlier. Is that understood?"

Nyx Hazlett

The boy just looked confused but went back to eating happily. Nyx raised an eyebrow at the mans smile "Was that a... smile just now?" he teased with a cute grin before nodding "Yes sir- I mean... er..." he stuttered awkwardly and looked at the man before biting his lip, not sure what he should refer to him as. "Anyway I should probably... go do that... then?" he asked while starting to get that same vulnerable look as before.


Nyx Hazlett

The boy just looked confused but went back to eating happily. Nyx raised an eyebrow at the mans smile "Was that a... smile just now?" he teased with a cute grin before nodding "Yes sir- I mean... er..." he stuttered awkwardly and looked at the man before biting his lip, not sure what he should refer to him as. "Anyway I should probably... go do that... then?" he asked while starting to get that same vulnerable look as before.

Right...let's get this done. Enough procrastination.

After hosting yet another of his spectacles in his alleyway where he set up his wagon of wonders, this time specializing in illusion magic over prestidigitation, and receiving the donations like usual Kilthor goes to refill his stock of magical items, ingredients and supplies. As a result, he wanders from shop to shop to get what he needs.

Talbot Reeves @Finnick  @The Fabulous Emerald 

Talbot nodded at the man, frowning when he started being all flustered once more. "Sir, or Talbot. Preferably Sir with guests present. To maintain and reinforce the idea of an Employee employer relationship." He walked out of the store - the sound of the wooden wind chime making a pretty sound as he left. He took a deep breath of the late morning air - and looked around - before spotting an elaborately dressed and rather intriguing man walking closer. "Morning. I have not seen you around town before..." He said it as the man neared. "Clearly you are a magician yes? While I don't advertise - I have some books of the arcane, should you be interested." He made sure to look as professional as possible.  

(he is speaking to Kilthor)
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Nyx Hazlett

He bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck with a nod before going over to the box that Talbot had mentioned and started reading the names and trying to stock them in alphabetical order while also keeping an eye on Greyson who was trying to scoop every last bit of the yogurt out of the cup with a good amount of determination, his eyes kept  flicking to the door Talbot left from though and narrowing them as if he were listening to their conversation, which Nyx seemed to be completely oblivious to, He just continued placing books in the shelf and rearranging them to go along with how he'd decided to do it.

Kilthor looks at the new man who approached him, with a slight hint of annoyance from the weight of his shopping, but he answers friendly enough. He is currently carrying several bags of shopping, one of which seems to have come from a pharmacy or something of the likes. 

"What books do you have?"

He asks simply, like he wants to get to the point.


Nyx Hazlett

He bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck with a nod before going over to the box that Talbot had mentioned and started reading the names and trying to stock them in alphabetical order while also keeping an eye on Greyson who was trying to scoop every last bit of the yogurt out of the cup with a good amount of determination, his eyes kept  flicking to the door Talbot left from though and narrowing them as if he were listening to their conversation, which Nyx seemed to be completely oblivious to, He just continued placing books in the shelf and rearranging them to go along with how he'd decided to do it.

Kilthor looks at the new man who approached him, with a slight hint of annoyance from the weight of his shopping, but he answers friendly enough. He is currently carrying several bags of shopping, one of which seems to have come from a pharmacy or something of the likes. 

"What books do you have?"

He asks simply, like he wants to get to the point.


Talbot Reeves @Finnick  @The Fabulous Emerald 

Talbot nodded, noting the man's slight irritation. "I specialize mostly in illusory magics. It scales from small un-moving images, to vibrant large scale interactive ones. Then I have some enchanting manuals - focusing on physical augmentation - walking on water, strength, speed etc. Then a few basic transfiguration or poly-morph - if you will. I think there is a tome of druidry as well... We also find rare tomes, for the right prices - of course." He gave an amiable smile. He peered through the window, to see if Nyx is coping - before he looked back at the potential client.
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Nyx Hazlett

He glanced out the window where Talbot stood before going back to sorting books, once he was done he stood up and peeked out the door "Where are the rest of the boxes, I finished that one" he said with a small smile towards the man he was talking to, trying his best to seem.. presentable. Greyson finished his yogurt and started wandering around the shop and then tugged on Nyx's leg "Dadaaa" he whined before the man blinked and blushed a little as he looked down "Yes?" he asked and Greyson just looked at the two men talking warily before looking back at his father "I finish it" he said while holding up the empty cup that once held yogurt. The man sighed and smiled a little bit "Good job, can you go put it in the trash over there?" he asked as he pointed and the boy nodded before running over to do it.


"I do not need any of these spells. I already surpass the needs for them."

He says with a simple chuckle. Also, he isn't lying. He turns to leave, as he is still wanting to get home to sort out his shopping and stuff.

"I do not need any of these spells. I already surpass the needs for them."

He says with a simple chuckle. Also, he isn't lying. He turns to leave, as he is still wanting to get home to sort out his shopping and stuff.


Nyx Hazlett

He glanced out the window where Talbot stood before going back to sorting books, once he was done he stood up and peeked out the door "Where are the rest of the boxes, I finished that one" he said with a small smile towards the man he was talking to, trying his best to seem.. presentable. Greyson finished his yogurt and started wandering around the shop and then tugged on Nyx's leg "Dadaaa" he whined before the man blinked and blushed a little as he looked down "Yes?" he asked and Greyson just looked at the two men talking warily before looking back at his father "I finish it" he said while holding up the empty cup that once held yogurt. The man sighed and smiled a little bit "Good job, can you go put it in the trash over there?" he asked as he pointed and the boy nodded before running over to do it.


Talbot Reeves @Finnick  @The Fabulous Emerald 

Talbot held out a hand to Nyx - the universal sign for 'wait a minute' - before he spoke to the mage "Sure - please remember the store - and when you are interested in anything - I will put out feelers into my network, to see if I can find it for you." He turned around and looked to Nyx. "There are no boxes that need packing out now. Use the boxes that you just emptied, and place the books from the bottom three shelves of the yellow book case near the from in them - they are to be donated." He turned back to the Mage and smiled again in an amiable manner. 
He nods back, and in order to make up for lost time engulfs his body in swirling wind and floats upwards gently. He is about to fly off towards him house at 7mph, if nothing else happens.

Nyx Hazlett @Almosegosum

He nodded "Alright, thanks-" he said though was cut off when he heard a thump and then a whine which quickly turned into full on sobs of the little blonde who tripped and fell on his face while running to the trash. His head snapped in the direction and he quickly went over and scooped him up, cuddling him tight against his chest "Hey hey hey, shh it's okay little man" he said quietly though there was some obvious anxiety in his voice as the boy sniffled and his nose started bleeding, as well as a little cut on his forehead. He kept whining and crying as he was held and Nyx sat down while looking at Talbot "Do you have a uh, rag or a napkin or something?" he asked before licking his lips and keeping Greyson from rubbing at his nose, not wanting him to smear blood on his shirt.
He nods back, and in order to make up for lost time engulfs his body in swirling wind and floats upwards gently. He is about to fly off towards him house at 7mph, if nothing else happens.


Nyx Hazlett @Almosegosum

He nodded "Alright, thanks-" he said though was cut off when he heard a thump and then a whine which quickly turned into full on sobs of the little blonde who tripped and fell on his face while running to the trash. His head snapped in the direction and he quickly went over and scooped him up, cuddling him tight against his chest "Hey hey hey, shh it's okay little man" he said quietly though there was some obvious anxiety in his voice as the boy sniffled and his nose started bleeding, as well as a little cut on his forehead. He kept whining and crying as he was held and Nyx sat down while looking at Talbot "Do you have a uh, rag or a napkin or something?" he asked before licking his lips and keeping Greyson from rubbing at his nose, not wanting him to smear blood on his shirt.

Talbot Reeves @Finnick  @The Fabulous Emerald 

Talbot nodded at the man - Clearly he was on his way somewhere and hastily at that. He turned and entered the shop, pulling a napkin from his pocket - covered in red, blue, black and white paisley- and handed it to the man. "There are some medical supplies and bandages in the bathroom cupboard." Talbot frowned at the blood - shit, they did not need to have this now. The inspector and Doctor would be here within a few hours. They can not afford this...

( @Xena - we are now in Talbot's Book shop. You would have received a message from your administration that you and the doctor were to meet there. You called him, and he is currently on the phone with your character if I remember correctly. You two will check the boy out - you need to observe the Doctor, since he can not do official government work without observation since he  does not work for you directly. This is part of an longer term investigation that will decide if Nyx will be able to get governmental funding and training.... or if you will take his son away. Hope this helps)
Nyx Hazlett @Almosegosum

He took the cloth and gently dabbed Greysons nose with it while the boy continued whimpering pathetically in his lap while his little blue eyes stared at Talbot for a minute "I fell down" he sniffled cutely while Nyx continued cleaning him up and then picked him up and took him to the bathroom, placing the boy on the sink as he dug out some bandaids and put one over the cut on his head "You okay bud?" he asked and Greyson nodded while rubbing his eyes which were now pretty red from crying "Mhmmm" he hummed quietly as he swung his legs and let his little  feed thud against the sink
Nyx Hazlett @Almosegosum

He took the cloth and gently dabbed Greysons nose with it while the boy continued whimpering pathetically in his lap while his little blue eyes stared at Talbot for a minute "I fell down" he sniffled cutely while Nyx continued cleaning him up and then picked him up and took him to the bathroom, placing the boy on the sink as he dug out some bandaids and put one over the cut on his head "You okay bud?" he asked and Greyson nodded while rubbing his eyes which were now pretty red from crying "Mhmmm" he hummed quietly as he swung his legs and let his little  feed thud against the sink

(I think we should wait for Xena just to be sure. I will do some work for now. Be back later)
Talbot Reeves @Finnick  @The Fabulous Emerald 

Talbot nodded at the man - Clearly he was on his way somewhere and hastily at that. He turned and entered the shop, pulling a napkin from his pocket - covered in red, blue, black and white paisley- and handed it to the man. "There are some medical supplies and bandages in the bathroom cupboard." Talbot frowned at the blood - shit, they did not need to have this now. The inspector and Doctor would be here within a few hours. They can not afford this...

( @Xena - we are now in Talbot's Book shop. You would have received a message from your administration that you and the doctor were to meet there. You called him, and he is currently on the phone with your character if I remember correctly. You two will check the boy out - you need to observe the Doctor, since he can not do official government work without observation since he  does not work for you directly. This is part of an longer term investigation that will decide if Nyx will be able to get governmental funding and training.... or if you will take his son away. Hope this helps)

((Thank you! hopefully if i feel better I'll reply soon <3
Eve frowned. "Alrighty. Regardless-" She pulled out the notebook she had on her out of her bag, and opened it to her last page, which had practically unreadable scribbles on it. "Talbot's Bookshop, correct? I was told we were going to meet there by Mas- I mean, Sheriff Wolfe." She cleared her throat. "Anywho, I'll be there shortly and promptly, is that alright?" @Almosegosum @Finnick

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