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Fantasy Lost Vampire girl (always open)

Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot raised a hand from beneath the blankets, and shushed them both with a placating gesture. He rolled over and disentangled himself from the bedding. Finally standing at his full height, his surprisingly long black hair wild and unkempt falling over his bare shoulders - his white skin looking like it either never or very seldom sees the sun. The only thing he had on was his pajama pants - which were a deep red that contrasted well with his skin tone. He frowned at them both. "I guess there is nothing for it." He sighed and walked over to his dresser - were a series of pill bottles were spaced out. He started opening them from one side, collecting almost twenty unique pills, before starting to swallow them one after another with practiced ease. With his free hand he grabbed a fresh dress shirt, tie and pants before walking into his bathroom and closing the door. Suppressing the nausea that threatened by the sixteenth pill - he quickly started getting dressed - and began combing his hair. 


Nyx Hazlett

He licked his lips and sighed before frowning at how many pills the man was taking. He stood up and walked over to him while looking down at the bottles "Why so many....?" he asked quietly while glancing at the male with a concerned expression before Greyson walked over and tugged on Talbot's pant leg lightly "I sowwy" he said innocently while gazing up at him with a sad puppy look on his face. Nyx found his sons actions rather cute though was still annoyed by him leaving the room on his own, worried that if he broke anything they'd be back out on the street again.



Nyx Hazlett

He licked his lips and sighed before frowning at how many pills the man was taking. He stood up and walked over to him while looking down at the bottles "Why so many....?" he asked quietly while glancing at the male with a concerned expression before Greyson walked over and tugged on Talbot's pant leg lightly "I sowwy" he said innocently while gazing up at him with a sad puppy look on his face. Nyx found his sons actions rather cute though was still annoyed by him leaving the room on his own, worried that if he broke anything they'd be back out on the street again.


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

[SIZE= 16px]After he re-entered the room, Looking perfectly presentable. He peered at the small child next to him - before he patted his head in a placating manner before starting to walk out of the room into the hallway. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]"As to the latter [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]- (he looked at the child) [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]No harm, no foul. As to the former -[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] (he looked to the man)[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Most people, I counting myself among them - are averse to dying. The pills aid me in that endeavor."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He turned around and walked out of the room. He got out a very large coffee cup and started filling the coffee machine. [/SIZE]
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Eve picked out her phone from her pocket. She checked her texts. There was one from Wolfe, indicating the adress and number of the case she was about to inspect. It wasn't necessarily her job to do so-but she felt up to it. 

Blanche tapped the number and held up the cell phone. The dial tone rung in her ear, and she waited patiently for an answer. 

Eve picked out her phone from her pocket. She checked her texts. There was one from Wolfe, indicating the adress and number of the case she was about to inspect. It wasn't necessarily her job to do so-but she felt up to it. 

Blanche tapped the number and held up the cell phone. The dial tone rung in her ear, and she waited patiently for an answer. 

(Don't force yourself!!)

Dr Wyrmwood - @Xena

the Doctor had been walking down one one of the ally-ways - one never knows when one might spot a stray - when his phone rang. He casually took out a thin device and tapped the screen - moving it to his ear. "Dr Scott - If this an emergency, please state your coordinates, if not -How might I be of assistance?" He continued walking, smirking as he saw a few rats eat the corpse of a cat.
(Don't force yourself!!)

Dr Wyrmwood - @Xena

the Doctor had been walking down one one of the ally-ways - one never knows when one might spot a stray - when his phone rang. He casually took out a thin device and tapped the screen - moving it to his ear. "Dr Scott - If this an emergency, please state your coordinates, if not -How might I be of assistance?" He continued walking, smirking as he saw a few rats eat the corpse of a cat.

((My replies just be a bit shorter! :3 <3

Eve cleared her throat. "Oh, Dr. Scott? Uhm, I'm Mrs.Blanche, and I've heard that you were looking for aid in a rather... supernatural police report, is that correct?"
((My replies just be a bit shorter! :3 <3

Eve cleared her throat. "Oh, Dr. Scott? Uhm, I'm Mrs.Blanche, and I've heard that you were looking for aid in a rather... supernatural police report, is that correct?"

Dr Wyrmwood - @Xena

The Doctor smiled - "No, Not exactly - As you know I do freelance consultations for the government when they are unsure of... parentage. As it is, I am not allowed to do this work un-overseen in any official capacity because I am not officially directly employed by your office. They sent me your number as the contact to do the consultation with me." He recalled the address and started walking towards it. the house was only a few blocks away. 
Talbot Reeves @Finnick

[SIZE= 16px]After he re-entered the room, Looking perfectly presentable. He peered at the small child next to him - before he patted his head in a placating manner before starting to walk out of the room into the hallway. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]"As to the latter [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]- (he looked at the child) [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]No harm, no foul. As to the former -[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] (he looked to the man)[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Most people, I counting myself among them - are averse to dying. The pills aid me in that endeavor."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He turned around and walked out of the room. He got out a very large coffee cup and started filling the coffee machine. [/SIZE]

Nyx Hazlett

He scrunched his nose a little before picking the boy up and following him out "I made pancakes... and toast and eggs" he said quietly as he gestured to the plates on the counter for the three of them before setting Greyson down in a chair and handing him his plate "Try not to make a mess" he groaned quietly before leaning on the counter and looking at Talbot "Doesn't explain what they are for, though" he added to the previous question

Nyx Hazlett

He scrunched his nose a little before picking the boy up and following him out "I made pancakes... and toast and eggs" he said quietly as he gestured to the plates on the counter for the three of them before setting Greyson down in a chair and handing him his plate "Try not to make a mess" he groaned quietly before leaning on the counter and looking at Talbot "Doesn't explain what they are for, though" he added to the previous question

Talbot Reeves @Finnick

[SIZE= 16px]Talbot raises an eyebrow and walks over to the table - and takes just a single egg - lightly salts it, and drinks his coffee - black without sugar. After a few seconds he looks at the man - [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]"A rather unfortunate semi-violent reaction between a some of my human genes and that which my brain creates to facilitate my Supernatural abilities. Normally not a problem with my... kind. My my prodigious skill - having my powers arrive before puberty, well... my body did not have the means to adapt. I have been slowly dying since I was fourteen. Medicine helps."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He nodded his head to the side slightly... before starting to eat the egg with a knife and fork,[/SIZE]
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Nyx Hazlett

He blinked a few times as he spoke, while getting himself a piece of toast with butter and nibbling it "What do you mean you've been... dying?" he asked in a bit of shock though he really shouldn't be at this point. Greyson frowned a little bit as he looked at the man while eating his pancakes, getting syrup all over his little face. "Noooo!" he whined as he swallowed the bite he'd put in his mouth and hopped off the chair, running over and hugging Talbot's leg while he whimpered



Nyx Hazlett

He blinked a few times as he spoke, while getting himself a piece of toast with butter and nibbling it "What do you mean you've been... dying?" he asked in a bit of shock though he really shouldn't be at this point. Greyson frowned a little bit as he looked at the man while eating his pancakes, getting syrup all over his little face. "Noooo!" he whined as he swallowed the bite he'd put in his mouth and hopped off the chair, running over and hugging Talbot's leg while he whimpered


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

[SIZE= 16px]Talbot looked at the child at his leg - slightly alarmed at the show of emotion.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] "My brain requires far more energy than a normal human one does... when my kind develop our abilities, during puberty - the [/SIZE]heightened[SIZE= 16px] adaptable nature of the body in this stage allows for the body to [/SIZE]acclimatize[SIZE= 16px] to this, and simply provide the needed resources. My powers developed too early - before my body was ready - and in an effort to sustain itself - my brain began to shut down other parts of the body to feed itself. By the time I did go through puberty the system was too weak to adapt. At this moment my brain is killing me, while trying to keep itself alive. I use medicine to provide it with the needed [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]nutrients[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] - but it still produces the destructive properties. I am simply managing them till I can't... best guess... about ten more years."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He patted the boy's head, while staring at the father. He took another sip of his coffee. [/SIZE]

Nyx Hazlett

He fell silent while continuing to nibble his toast before hopping up and sitting on the counter while gazing out the window, trying to ignore his sons whining because honestly- he was upset about this too. Greyson continued whining at him before climbing into the mans lap and squeezing him tightly as if he knew what he'd said "No" he said stubbornly while glaring up at the man with quite possibly the cutest pouty face ever. His tiny hands continued to squeeze the mans dress shirt desperately before tiny tears started welling up in his little blue eyes



Nyx Hazlett

He fell silent while continuing to nibble his toast before hopping up and sitting on the counter while gazing out the window, trying to ignore his sons whining because honestly- he was upset about this too. Greyson continued whining at him before climbing into the mans lap and squeezing him tightly as if he knew what he'd said "No" he said stubbornly while glaring up at the man with quite possibly the cutest pouty face ever. His tiny hands continued to squeeze the mans dress shirt desperately before tiny tears started welling up in his little blue eyes


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot moved back slightly - the tears alarming him. "Please, don't feel any sort of alarm. It is happening to me, and I have made peace with it a long time ago. There is no need for you to worry yourself... Yourselves." He looked over at the man on the counter. He patted the boy's head lightly. "After breakfast, you two need to get yourself presentable - before the Doctor will arrive. I need you to be happy or content at least - so that we might make the best impression possible." He reached behind the child and picked up his coffee again, taking another sip.
Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot moved back slightly - the tears alarming him. "Please, don't feel any sort of alarm. It is happening to me, and I have made peace with it a long time ago. There is no need for you to worry yourself... Yourselves." He looked over at the man on the counter. He patted the boy's head lightly. "After breakfast, you two need to get yourself presentable - before the Doctor will arrive. I need you to be happy or content at least - so that we might make the best impression possible." He reached behind the child and picked up his coffee again, taking another sip.

Nyx Hazlett

He sighed quietly and shook his head "He's like that because-" he cut himself off and bit his lip at the look the boy gave him which broke his heart. He quickly turned away as to not look at him any more "Because of his mother" he said quietly while crumpling a bit of paper towel in his hand while tensing his arms against the counter. Greyson just sniffled and leaned forward to rest his head against the mans shoulder while reaching up and wrapping his arms around his shoulders innocently. "Although I'm a little surprised... He's usually very cautious of people he doesn't know that well- which is anyone other than me" he added while finally turning to face the two again, his heart melting a little bit at the sight



Nyx Hazlett

He sighed quietly and shook his head "He's like that because-" he cut himself off and bit his lip at the look the boy gave him which broke his heart. He quickly turned away as to not look at him any more "Because of his mother" he said quietly while crumpling a bit of paper towel in his hand while tensing his arms against the counter. Greyson just sniffled and leaned forward to rest his head against the mans shoulder while reaching up and wrapping his arms around his shoulders innocently. "Although I'm a little surprised... He's usually very cautious of people he doesn't know that well- which is anyone other than me" he added while finally turning to face the two again, his heart melting a little bit at the sight


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot sighed, tapping the child on his back for a few for moments, before he placed down his empty cup. He frowned at the man for a moment - seeing the affectionate gaze. "Can you please take him. I have some things to go take care of in the store. You can meet me downstairs in a bit... so we can go over a few things." He motioned for the man to take the child... clearly becoming uncomfortable with the contact. 

Nyx Hazlett

He nodded "Yeah, I should probably give him a bath anyway" he said before walking over and prying the boy off of him who whined a little bit "He really does like you" he said quietly while giving the man a strangely serious look before walking away and down the hall towards the bathroom. Greyson just stared at the man over Nyx's shoulder with sad eyes as he was carried away



Nyx Hazlett

He nodded "Yeah, I should probably give him a bath anyway" he said before walking over and prying the boy off of him who whined a little bit "He really does like you" he said quietly while giving the man a strangely serious look before walking away and down the hall towards the bathroom. Greyson just stared at the man over Nyx's shoulder with sad eyes as he was carried away


Talbot Reeves @Finnick

Talbot sat still for a few more minutes, staring at the sport where the child had been. He got up, gathered the plates - put the leftovers in the fridge and quickly washed the dishes. When done he grabbed his keys and walked out of the house. Below he opened the store and went to the storage area near the back. He carried a few boxes of unopened books into the main area, where there was a space open on one of the book cases - and began arranging the books on the shelf - leaving the boxes open and making it look like work was being done there. Furthermore, he went over to the computer system - and updated the files from his cloud server - which now looked like Nyx had been working here for a few weeks.

When this was done, he walked over to one of the empty rooms at the back, near a small kitchen - which had been filled the previous day with toys, a TV, a Crib and some other child friendly paraphernalia. He picked up a few of the toys and while walking through the store - absentmindedly placed them around the rooms - as if they had been forgotten there. When done, he went to the kitchen, and checked that some child milk products and other necessities where there.

He took out two of the sweet milk bottles, and a yogurt cup. Emptying the milk into the drain, he placed the used cups in the trash - clearly visible. When done, he walked into the main room with the yogurt - and sat down, before eating it with a child sized spoon - Reading a bit while he waited for the other to join him.

(I just lol'd at the fact that this is called the lost Vampire Girl and there are no vampire girls who are lost in the story at this time. How strange...)

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