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Lost In Translation


Angst Enabler



Where was it?

Something rattles, rises, and falls with a heavy thud; papers spray out wildly from the inside. They lay around the witch’s bare feet. He makes a sound of discontent and drops to his knees, picking up the mess he’s created with annoyance. Important documents are crumpled from the frustration of a single man, one whom huffs with every handful of paper.

It seemed a recipe book had just vanished. How? He still wasn’t sure. Nothing could just disappear like that, it had to be around here somewhere. Where was still a mystery, a hair pulling mystery. He tucks everything back where it belonged before rubbing his face irritable with his hands. This was utterly ridiculous. Sitting down, touches his temple where a migraine builds and glances out the window.

It was getting dark out. The sun was rapidly vanishing and the attic turned dimmer and dimmer with every dead end. A groan of frustration leaves Adric, his foot shoots out to kick the crate which of course topples over from the force.

“Oh—come on.” He starts, but the rest dies in his throat. His brows dip as he leans forward.

A thin piece of paper, folded and yellowed with age, lays near the lid. He moves over a little closer on the palms of his hands and reaches for the piece of paper; next to it is the recipe book.

Curious, he unfolds it and immediately reads what’s written inside. He’s been throw these boxes dozens of times. Things had been alphabetized with decades of moving, he was very familiar with his belongings. Yet, he couldn’t ever remember seeing this. It’s Latin, he examines with a thoughtful expression. He tries to make sense of its meaning, but the ink is smeared and when he lifts his thumb it’s to see a purple blotch on the bottom.

Pulling a disgusted look—he wipes his hand as he thinks. It’s a summoning. That much is clear by the label, but everything else is cryptic and makes little to no sense. Still, every work manages to make his hairs stand on end and stir something akin to excitement in his gut. It was something he didn’t know, a piece of writing that appeared ancient. The curiosity is too much and he feels himself giving into it, slowly.

Adric picks himself up off the floor along with the recipe book before making his retreat from the attic. He leaves behind dumped over crates and load of dust in the dark. The hatch closes with a slam; he doesn’t flinch on his way down the ladder. He’s thankful there’s no neighbors, this building had been long abandoned. The book in tucked under his arm is carried into the living room where he drops it on the coffee table.

Dinner could wait.

Dragging a chair into the middle of the room, he moves the table entirely. It’s feet whine with it’s pulled out of the way. It leaves a bare spot in the middle of the room. The only thing in place being Adric and the chair that sits patiently for use. He leaves it and goes into his room where he’ll look under his bed; in search of a box whittled by hand. Inside will be three silver crystals, buried in velvet and hardly scuffed.

He pulls them out delicately.

They are held close to his heart as he considers if he should really do this. A tiny pulse kicks against the witch’s finger tips and he finds himself venturing back out into the living room. His instincts, they were rejecting the idea entirely. A part he should listen to. It’s his rationality, the voice that could save him from a potential devastation. Yet, he carries out the paper’s wish and sets up something that makes his skin crawl. In spite of the hesitance, he could feel burning curiosity. The absolute need to find out what could come of this. 

Adric's seen things, he's done things with magic. 

This—this was different. 

Just a bit, he thinks. Stored away in a tiny clear vial is Adric's blood. Laid on the crystals set in formation—surrounding the chair—is only a droplet of blood. He's always had some bottled up, keeping from getting messy in times of need. His attention returns to the paper. Whatever this is, it isn't pure. He can tell by the lettering. The way the pen indentations are deep and ink seeps through with panic. It's far from innocent. 

"Venite, venite." Adric reads aloud, fingers crumpling the paper along the edges with his grip. "audite me. Post vocem meam"

Translation: "Come, come." "Hear me. Follow my voice." 
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It had been so very quiet, so very relaxing. There had been so much business that had to be done that Xander couldn't help but be grateful that things had finally settled. It had been a problem amongst some of the families, a feud of sorts, one that had escalated far too quickly and had been causing a lot of problems, and Xander had been delegated to fix them, as if it were his fault.

Xander wasn't pleased, just because people were fighting because Xander...hinted at some things that may or may not have been true, didn't mean it was his job to fix them. He didn't cause the fight, not really. He perhaps egged it on, but saying a few words and throwing a few stones didn't mean he caused the fight.

Stretching and letting out a loud yawn Xander had just been about to lay down for a nap when he heard someone calling to him...

His eyes flew open in surprise, then narrowed in suspicion. As long as he had been working with the in-fighting amongst his kind it had been even longer since he had been summoned by someone. He didn't have much time to think as he was physically pulled away from his plane of existence. He could feel his body reshaping of its own accord, bones breaking and regrowing, human skin covering him, hair beginning to fall down his face. Xander had to put effort into putting clothes on, concentrating on them as his body began to take shape where ever he had been called to.

And then he could see, what was once just smoke and darkness soon took shape. It took him a moment to adjust to his new surroundings, his new body, one he hadn't used in a long time. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to get it to sit comfortably on his head before finally looking around.

He was in a room. A chair, a table, a chest, a man, a-Ah! And Xander grinned, a wide grin, showing off pearly white teeth.

"Ohohoho... I haven't seen this in a long time." He said, walking over to the man, his long hair an odd color, pink, not something Xander saw often. He walked over to the parchment, bending down to read it, though he made no effort to touch or take it, his hand only moving to rest it on top of his summoner's head. Then his eyes wandered to the circle of crystals the man had formed.

"What a lovely arrangement, not nearly as erratic as I'm used to." He said, his grin even broader. What could this man want with him if, even in desperation, he was able to so calmly call upon him. "Your room is quite plain though, isn't it? How sad...how lonely..." He murmured, pushing himself away from the man.

Xander left the room he had been summoned to, moving to, instead, where the kitchen was "Let's see, let's see..." He said, pulling cabinets open, pulling things out, moving things to the side, stopping only rarely, as if something caught his eye, but it didn't last. Then he stopped rummaging through the cabinets, as if he suddenly realized something.

"Oh! Oh no! I completely forgot to introduce myself how rude of me." He said, dropping whatever was in his hand without any concern for what it was. "I'm Xander, it's a pleasure to be here." He said, lowering his torso into a sweeping bow.
“A demon?” Adric voiced, disappointment written on his face.

It had to be, that smell. He’s dealt with this kind before; under intense circumstances. The paper is re-read, ignoring the hand on his head in favor of going back over what’s written. Slowly, it starts to come together before it’s far too late. He’s not distraught though. Mostly annoyed. The paper flutters from between his fingers and unto the now bare inner circle where the demon once sat.

There were so many oddities that could’ve come, but this. A foul, wretched being that thrived off sin and the misfortune of others. Terrible, intolerable, creatures. He stands up and hurriedly follows after the demon; never taking his eyes off him. He watches with utter dismay as the creature goes through his cabinets, his things, without so much as a care.

Anger boils quickly. Adric wasn’t one to get worked up, but how he loathed these beings. It was as if Xander was trying to prove his point. At the introduction, Adric dives in for a glass cup which goes tumbling from his poor grip and is just barely saved. He exhales loudly, clutching the mug to his chest and narrowing his gaze on the other.

Adric.” Said man greets, scowling.

The cup is place back where it belongs and the cabinet doors are swung shut with a startling slam. He pushes himself away and crosses his arms over his chest. This was a mistake, and now he would deal with it. He still had the paper, and there had to be something on there that could reverse this. There usually always was, witches were cautious people; Adric was a damn disgrace.

Suddenly, Adric gasps under his breath. He remembers something his mother had told him when she was alive. A story about his grandmother, a woman who did a summoning herself. She called upon the darker entities and faced the consequences, heavily. Now, he stares at the onyx eyes of this demon. He remembers his grandmother’s wrinkled, broken hands, and he knows where that paper came from.

He also understands he’s made a fatal error.

Adric feels sick, he turns his attention to the kitchen counter and shake his head. This one didn’t seem deadly, not at first glance; they all were different though. Temperaments were different, reactions, and limits. He needed him gone, because in all honesty—he didn’t want to find out the other’s true colors.

“I don’t need anything from you.” Adric informs with a neutral tone. He locks eyes and speaks firmly. “I won’t ever need anything from you. That’s why I think it’s best you leave.”
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"Yes, a demon." Xander said, pouting slightly at the man's tone of voice. "Does that mean you weren't aware of what you were summoning? Tsk tsk..." He shook his head, his mouth turning up into a smirk. "Honestly, if you didn't even know what you were getting into... But I suppose since you did summon me there's nothing either of us can do about it!" He said brightly.

 Xander couldn't help but nod in appreciation at the man, Adric's, quick ability to grab the glass he had accidentally dropped. He watched the man with a curious gaze, if he really didn't summon him with purpose then...What?  Xander was quite sure no demon had ever been summoned without a reason, but this man didn't even know he was summoning a demon, how peculiar...  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Adric." He said, holding a hand out for the man to shake, though Xander highly doubted he wanted to something so... polite, given the circumstances.

Xander flinched as the sudden slam of the cabinet door, "Really now, you might break the door off if you treat it like that." He said, frowning slightly, the irony of his complaint completely lost on him.

He could see the other man thinking, practically see the gears in Adric's head turning as the situation he was in dawned on him properly. Did he realize something? Xander had to wonder what it was to make him gasp like that, the demon was quite sure he hadn't actually done something this time. "Something wrong, Adric?" He asked, his voice casual. He didn't bother much with niceties, never referred to someone as 'sir' or 'ma'am', he didn't really care if he came off as polite or not.

"You want me to leave?" Xander asked with a raised eyebrow, tilting his head off to the side as if to contemplate this request Truth be told Xander couldn't leave, not by being asked politely, that was for sure. I suppose I'll be able to eventually..." He said shrugging slightly, though he made no attempts to do so, instead going back to rummaging through Adric's kitchen.

Where would he keep it? Xander wondered, opening what Xander assumed was an ice box, perhaps he kept it cold so it wouldn't melt...
There was something he could do about it. There had to be. He was a witch, there must be a way to undo this. He didn’t know if it was written on the paper, or perhaps buried deeper in his mess of an attic. Adric just knew that somewhere—something had an answer to all of this and it sure wasn’t in here. 

“You’re still in my kitchen, that’s what’s wrong.” Adric says, crossing his arms in what felt like sinking defeat.

There was nothing more in this world he wanted than to get the demon out. He claps his hands as if he’s dealing with a mouse in the attic. Get lost! He’d shout with a broom in hand, but restrains himself. This was not a mouse. He placates the oncoming migraine while watching the other skip pleasantries and outright raid his kitchen. It’s as if his words go in one ear and out the other—annoying. 

“Do you hear me?” He asks, exasperated as he sees him eye up the fridge. “It’s time to leave—Hey!’ Adric snaps and before he can even pull it open, he marches up and presses his palm flat against it. He refuses to let it budge and glowers at the other. 

“What is your deal?” Adric finally snaps. His lips thin and he won’t ditch the scowl. “I’m not one for rudeness, or blatant disrespect for that matter. You almost broke one of my cups, and you haven’t stopped prying through my things since you’ve arrived.” 

Adric’s hand drops to grip the door and yanks it open. Inside is vegetables, soy milk, and bland leftovers that sit in containers; nothing that catches your eye. He gestures inside, throwing another hand up in confusion. He cannot for the life of him see the interest in it all. 

“Food, that’s what in there.” 

He closes that and opens the freezer. There’s nothing but frozen goods and ice. There’s no amusement on the witch’s increasingly weary face. He opens cabinets, sends them flying apart and points at plate upon plates. There’s nothing to see. 

“Plates, silverware, cups.” 

Reeling in his spite, he scrubs his mouth with the back of his hand in a small fit of anxiety. He’s never confronted a demon, but he never expected this. He’s really not sure what to make of it. Adric calms himself down with a deep breath and leans against the counter. Only shifting his gaze back on the taller being when he finds himself not glaring. 

“Sorry—sorry.” Adric apologizes. He’s not sure why, but he finds it better than shouting. “Just, please tell me what in God's name you are looking for?” 
"I suppose I can leave your kitchen... But I can't just leave, you summoned me, that's not how this works." he said, as little exasperated. There was only so much he could tell the other man, he was physically unable to tell the man how to get rid of him, it was the way demons operated. You summoned them and were stuck with them until you no longer needed them, whatever it was you wanted upon summoning them completed. Unfortunately Adric didn't seem to have a reason to have summoned him.

He was a little annoyed at being stopped from having access to the ice box, that Xander now realized was humming, as if it were singing a strange song, and now he was even more curious. "I don't have a 'deal'." He said, more than a little frustrated as his plans of rummaging through the humming ice box were thwarted.  "I'm terribly sorry for almost breaking your cup, truly am." he said, though his voice gave no indication that he was, indeed, actually sorry. Xander could probably have pried the ice box open with little effort, but he assumed it best he did not. Ah hah! He didn't have to! Adric kindly opened it for him,

There was nothing inside though, some vegetables, a strange carton of...something, and other containers. But then his brow furrowed in confusion. "How...do you keep things cold?" He asked, moving closer to peer inside the humming box, making no move to rummage through it as he had done before.  "There's no-" He flinched back as the ice box was closed, a second door opened, providing even colder air, this part of the ice box actually contained ice, but it wasn't where Xander had remembered one would put it, and it was obviously much colder inside the small box than some ice could manage, in fact Xander was quite sure it was cold all on its own.

"But how... how is it so cold in there, there's not nearly enough ice to keep it this cold. And why does it hum? Last time I was on Earth Ice boxes didn'" he asked, having completely forgotten about what he was looking for until Adric spoke again.

"Oh!" Ignoring the apology, Xander had not been even remotely offended by Adric's attitude, if one could call it that, to an outsider it would have been perfectly justified, but Xander just didn't care.  

"Right, I was looking for chocolate... Do...do humans still make chocolate? It's sort of brown, and it kind of melts when it gets warm, and it's really creamy." He said, his mouth practically watering at the thought. "Some people make cakes with it too! Truly amazing, really... But it doesn't look like you have any..." he said, genuinely worried that chocolate possibly no longer existed. Xander very much doubted he'd be able to find something as... perfect as chocolate to satiate him, if he could it would take a very long time.
“I don’t know that exact mechanics! Electricity, I guess.” Adric explains, deflating a little. “God—tell me you know what that is.” 

What did he mean he couldn’t just leave? Sure he could, couldn’t he? Adric steps out of the way and exits the kitchen full. Too stressed to even reprimand the demon, or keep him out of trouble. Hell, he could burn it down and that would be the least of his worries right now. Chocolate, Adric considers what he’s just said and still completely. He lights up with a single thought and leaves the room entirely. Walking swiftly down the hallway in search of something he kept in his closet. The witch hated chocolate, but his costumers sure didn’t. 

He hauls out a large basket that’s filled with tooth rotting treats; chocolate included. He carries it in his arms and returns to the living room, but won’t let the demon get so much as a finger on one. Adric covers most with his limbs and stares Xander down. He gestures to the couch, fingers slipping into the basket to withdraw a wrapped chocolate bar. He offers it to the other and pulls it away. 

“Sit down, answers my questions, and I will give you this and more.” 

Adric begins to pace in front of the couch, past the mess on his floor. He’ll clean that up at some point, but not now. Tucking the treat under his chin, he considers what the being’s told him so far. “There is absolutely no way for you to leave right now?” He asks. Trying to clarify what the witch already dreads. “Not a spell or even a reversal, nothing?”  

He carelessly tosses a piece to the demon before continuing. Another candy is plucked from the basket, but not thrown. 

“Where did you come from?” This is followed with another question. “I want to know the last thing you saw exactly, what you were doing, and where you were specifically.” 

Sitting down, he crosses his legs and holds the basket close. His cheek presses against the woven handle as he stares at the disaster he’s created in his living room; he messed up, badly. He sighed, exasperated with himself at this point. No good came from written Latin without context. He’d let his curiosity cloud up his rational thinking and now he would pay, he supposed. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try and unbury himself from the mess. 

Adric reaches into the basket and pulls out another candy, one for himself. He peels off the wrapper and pops it in his mouth. It’s too sweet, but his mood is just too diminished to even pull a face. He glances at Xander and works the candy to the side of his mouth so he can speak, looking at a loss. 

“Tell me, why can’t you leave?” 
"They finally got a handle on that did they?" Xander said, sounding rather astonished. "There was quite a lot of talk about its properties." He said.

Adric then left him, did that mean he did have chocolate, or was he just leaving? He narrowed his eyes, watching the man carefully, not quite trusting what he was up to. Xander didn't move from his spot until he came back carrying a large basket.  He grins as he catches a glimpse of what are clearly sweets nestled in the basket, but Adric seemed to have zero intention of giving him anything, at least yet. And then he pulled out a bar wrapped in foil, but Xander was well aware of what was hidden beneath its wrapping. His hand moves to grab it but he was too slow, his finger tips only barely grazing the bar before it was pulled away from him.

"Alright, alright." He said, sitting on the couch, his eyes completely glued to the chocolate bar Adric held. Xander was starting to wonder if he should have let the other man know that he liked chocolate, but it was the only way he would get any...

"No, there's no spells or tricks that will get rid of me. We're very good about loopholes, considering how we go about dealing with humans." Xander said, the demon grinning as the chocolate is thrown towards him. Grabbing the chocolate effortlessly from the air Xander peels the wrapping away from the chocolate and bites into it. His eyes closed, savoring th milky chocolate. "This is so good." he murmured, nodding a bit. "It seems sweeter than I remember." Xander said, though it was far from a complaint.

"Hell... Right, I mean I am a demon after all. We've established that." Xander said, finishing the chocolate he had been given. He sighed, thinking for a moment. "The last thing I saw before you summoned me was one of the walls in my home. I was getting ready to sleep, I was tired." He said, though he was no longer very tired. Instead he was curious as to what the man was trying to get at. There was only so much he'd be allowed to tell him, but his curiosity, and more importantly his love of chocolate, kept him from flat out refusing to answer his questions.

"Because I'm bound to you. The magic that summons us..." He said, his voice trailing off as he could already feel his tongue getting heavy. He put his arm out, palm up, clearly asking for more of the chocolate. "It's rather complicated." He added, knowing he wouldn't be able to say much more on the matter.

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