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Fantasy Lore (OOC - Whispers of Myth)



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome to the Lore page!

Boy, oh, boy, is there a lot to cover here. But I'll try to streamline it as much as I can for ya...

And, yes... What you are about to see IS the streamlined version... 😅



The Calendar

The Calendar - 12 Months, 3 Moons, 4 months per moon, 7 days per week, 385 Days per year, 4 Seasons

Ertal Moon

- 1st Ertal Moon = 32 Days
- 2nd Ertal Moon = 31 Days
- 3rd Ertal Moon = 32 Dyas
- 4th Ertal Moon = 33 Days

Laetal Moon

- 1st Laetal Moon = 32 Days
- 2nd Laetal Moon = 31 Days
- 3rd Laetal Moon = 32 Dyas
- 4th Laetal Moon = 33 Days

Sohtal Moon

- 1st Sohtal Moon = 33 Days
- 2nd Sohtal Moon = 31 Days
- 3rd Sohtal Moon = 32 Dyas
- 4th Sohtal Moon = 33 Days

The Days

Reilas (Sunday)
Mundas (Monday)
Coldas (Tuesday)
Thunlas (Wednesday)
Xedras (Thursday)
Olas (Friday)
Ledras (Saturday)

All days in the calendar year have 25 hours. The sun rises at approximately 8am and sets at around 6pm. This means that there are around 10 hours of daylight per day, and 15 hours of night time per day.

The 4 seasons each take up exactly 3 months of the calendar.

1st Ertal Moon - 3rd Ertal Moon = Spring
4th Ertal Moon - 2nd Laetal Moon = Summer
3rd Ertal Moon - 1st Sohtal Moon = Fall
2nd Sohtal Moon - 4th Sohtal Moon = Winter

Shared Cultural Elements


Traveling is mostly done via horseback or on foot if you can't afford one. If you can't afford a horse, there are relatively cheap horse drawn carriages (with a designated rider) who will take you to your destination.

Currency - Gold is the heart of the currency of all nations save Shaharan which doesn't use "money" of any kind.

Copper is the base unit of currency, and is basically the equivalent of $1.
1 Silver Coin = 10 Copper
1 Gold Coin = 50 Silver (500 Copper)

Name Suffixes

You may notice below that there are several short two letter bits between names, such as "Harmon Va' Cre' Est." These are identifiers for certain aspects relating to the circumstances of one's birth, and they are shared between all nations except Shaharan which doesn't really give a damn about the "circumstances" of your birth.

These suffixes are always followed by an apostrophe to separate them from the family name, and they are as follows:

Order of Birth

* Xa/Xe - male and female form for "first born" (pronounced "za" and "sheh" respectively)

* Va/Ve - male and female form for "second born"

* Ja/Je - male and female form for "third born"

Positive Circumstance

* Csa/Cse - male and female form for "copy of father/mother" (basically a mini me) (pronounced with a hard "K" vocalization as if you're starting to say the name "Kevin" then followed by the "sa" and "se," so K-sa and K-se)

* Tya/Tye - male and female form for "born at noon/midnight" (this is huge for many because the sun and moon are believed to be the right and left eyes of the primary God/Goddess of the nation from which you're born as they watch over the world, and the hours of noon and midnight are when those eyes are considered to be their most open and observant)

Negative Circumstance

* Jua/Jie - male and female form for "born with a bodily defect" (like a gimpy hand or missing a toe (or a few))

* Lua/Lie - male and female form for "mother died in childbirth" (it's an "ill omen" for a child to be born at the expense of the mother's life and often leads to the child being orphaned by a resentful father or other guardian)

* Dja/Dje - male and female from for "born dumb" (what we know as "down syndrome")

** (Note: I do not condone or tolerate the bullying of mentally handicapped people in real life. But in this RP world, people born with down syndrome or other similar mental disabilities are labeled "dumb" by the rest of society due to their limited capacity to function "normally." Hence the "Dja/Dje" indicator that some cruel parents forever mark their "dumb" children with.)

1) Weapons Tech

Weapons are only as advanced as the fairly recent discovery of black powder has made them. In short, single shot flintlock rifles and pistols are the best and most dangerous in the business.

Load the powder, load the bullet, stuff it all down, pull the hammer, aim, fire, and start the entire process over. In that order.

Other weapons include the crossbow, bow and arrow, spears, swords, knives, throwing things, smoke bombs, primitive black powder bombs, poisons, maces, sickles, ball and chain, axes, etc.

Also, the human body is a weapon unto itself when trained properly. So if you're a martial artist, you're in luck because you count!

** Orichalcum - This is an exceedingly rare metal which is nigh indestructible when properly forged and folded (similar to the blade of a katana). The secret is the sheer density of the metal. But with great density comes great weight. For example, a hunting knife with a 6 inch blade made of orichalcum would weigh about the same as a broadsword. And a blade longer than about 14-15 inches would start coming close to the weight of a greatsword. The most common use for what few Orichalcum specimens which have been found are for decorative beads and or small pieces of jewelry like bracelet inlays.

2) Transportation

Horse drawn carriages are the most luxurious way to travel in this RP world.

Having a horse of your own for travel is also very common, but is less convenient than the carriage due to the limits of what one horse can carry versus several. And that's not even talking about the space on the back and top of the carriage. Or the inside.

Traveling by ship on rivers and along the coastline is also a reliable and fairly affordable method of transport.

Ships are primarily simple canoes on rivers. But on larger rivers they can be wider and sometimes even have an upper level for storage of goods. On the open ocean, large Galleys are about as big a ship as we'll find for long distance voyages.

3) Food Production and Irrigation

Growing crops is a simple affair, and it's unchanged since it first began long, long ago. Crops are planted by hand, often times watered by hand at various intervals throughout the day from a well on the farm, and harvested once the crops are ripe and ready for consumption.

It's a very laborious effort and often requires many hands to complete in a timely fashion. However there are sometimes, though it's very rare, single farmers who can work through the process on their own and produce results rivaling those with many more people.

Irrigation is a relatively new technology, and is localized in Cre' Est only at present as it's unrefined and often unreliable.

Due to the proximity to the mountains, Cre' Est's most populous cities make use of long-running stone/metal pipes to collect water from high in the mountains and funnel it down to a lower elevation where it's gathered in larger stone containers before being sent down to the farms in the lowlands which each have numerous branches of piping to spread the water throughout the crop fields.

The reason this is currently unreliable is due to the nature of stone as a primary material in the piping. It's notoriously difficult to create stone pipes due to the limitations of other technologies of the time. As such there are structural weaknesses in many of the pipes which, after transporting so much water, break down and create leaks and/or obstructions in the piping.

For this reason, irrigation is not being adopted by the other nations until it's become more refined and reliable.

4) Lights and Fire

Light in the streets and sometimes in the home are powered by oil candles with wicks.

In the fireplace, fresh slices of firewood are the order of the day.

5) Stone Cutting

The cutting of stone is done primarily through specially made carving tools.

One example is what's called the Chipper. This is a small, one-handed piece of metal with a thick handle that tapers down into a flattened edge which is sharpened at an angle. This is used in combination with a hammer to cut into the stone one chip at a time, hence the name Chipper. Once the stone has a deep enough cut, a larger sledge hammer is typically used to smash the remainder of it off before it's sanded down into a smooth surface afterwards.

In this way, stone can be cut into large, thick blocks or columns. Or it can be cut into thin, fine slabs for use in roads and decorative walk ways.

6) Glass

Glass is a thing.

Sand, largely supplied by Shaharan in trade, is melted down into glass and shaped by Glass Shapers who often work hand in hand with Blacksmith partners to save resources and space. Once shaped, the glass is then sold on the market for use in windows, glass doors, etc.

7) Poisons

Poisons were mentioned briefly in the "weapons" section. However, they are an entire beast all their own to actually concoct.

So here's how it's done!

First, the properties of various herbs, plant roots, seeds, insect venom, snake venom, etc all need to be collected and tested to see what they do to the human body. A lot of these things have been tested already, and the vast majority of these various sources are harmless to humans beyond the initial pain and discomfort that comes with a toxin of any kind entering the body.

So, if they're largely harmless, how do we make poisons?

Very... Very carefully...

Like, seriously... Very carefully.

So let's get cooking! Literally!!

The reason that poison making must be approached with extreme caution is because every source of toxin within this RP world, when treated (aka "cooked") the right way, will produce toxic fumes that can cause extremely harmful side effects to the one making the poison. As protection, glass face masks are worn in conjunction with cloth face masks to protect the mouth and nose from breathing in any of the harmful fumes that are produced. As well, poisons are typically made outside so that it's harder for any fumes to isolate around the poison maker. If it can't be done outdoors, it needs to be done in a structure with numerous windows to give the maker as much chance to release the fumes and create as safe a work environment as possible.

With the fumes no longer a problem, the maker can focus on specific combinations at various amounts to accomplish different effects.

For example:

1 - One teaspoon of Relter Snake venom
2 - Two 2" long roots from a Illum Flower ground to powder
3 - Two cups of water

Mix well, and you have a poison that will completely paralyze the target's nervous system for a total of about 5 minutes. More than enough time to do whatever you want with them.

The catch?... It must be ingested. So if you don't have the social skills to make the target think it's safe and drink the damn thing, it's useless.

Now, for why it is that "amounts" can make such a difference...

1 - Two teaspoons of Relter Snake venom
2 - Two 3" long roots from a Illum Flower ground to powder
3 - Two cups of water

Mix well, and you have a poison that will kill the target in less than 2 minutes providing it enters at least one orifice like the mouth, nose, ears, or eyes. So it doesn't have to be ingested in this more powerful form. And it's only 1 extra teaspoon of venom and two slightly longer roots.

That's the power of "amounts" when it comes with poison in this RP world. The same recipe with differing amounts creates an almost infinite number of possible effects we can all toy with providing the use of poisons are attractive to you and your character as part of their arsenal.

8) Communication

Arguably, this should have been #1 on the list.

However, it's further down because given the time period it's fairly obvious what the primary methods of communication might be.

So here they are:

* Verbal - Not much need be said about this one. NEXT!!

* On-Foot Courier - Can carry either a single message, or a bag full of them from point A to point B. Reliable, but not terribly fast. Depending on the distance between one destination and the next, it may take weeks before you get a response to your sent message. This is still fairly quick for this time period. But not nearly as quick as the next few options.

* Horseback Courier - Far faster than an On-Foot Courier, but less reliable due to how much the courier bounces around on horseback. It's not uncommon for some letters in their possession to be lost from the rigors of traveling in this fashion. However, it's better than nothing!

* Carrier Pidgeon - Arguably the second most reliable and second safest method of sending communications. The asterisks for this come in the form of whether or not the Pidgeon is well trained and knows where the frig it's supposed to be heading.

* Falcon/Hawk - By far the safest and most reliable method of communication (again with the asterisk that they are trained and know where the hell they're going). They have no natural predators, have incredible stamina, and are very, very fast. And it's for these reasons why it's the communication method of choice for nobles and Royals everywhere, as well as military officials.

9) Time Keeping

Time is kept primarily by large clock towers in the city which are large enough to be seen throughout individual city districts. Smaller clocks have yet to be invented due to the complexity of the smaller gears and the fuel needed to power them. But these larger clock towers help everyone keep time so long as they remember to look for it every now and then.

10) Medicine and Surgery

Medicine is largely the same as poison making, except it's done using (mostly) non-toxic resources which are rigorously tested to find positive effects on the human body.

But when we get into surgery is where things get juicy. Pardon the expression.

Scalpels and other cutting tools like bone saws exist in this RP world. But stethoscopes, microscopes, and other complex machines which modern day surgeons have are not present. Light is provided by lamps instead of electric lights, making it more difficult to see which is why surgeries are almost always scheduled during the day when the sun can lend a hand.

There aren't any kinds of surgical precision clamps, but there are pastes and other natural remedies which can act as natural adhesives to bind rent flesh and muscles during surgical procedures. These are, however, temporary and unreliable as it depends on whether or not the application was done in such a way that the damaged flesh/muscle doesn't stretch or flex in ways that cause it to break down prematurely. If it does, then the flesh/muscles remain damaged and the adhesive must be reapplied.

Some of the more adventurous and daring surgeons have developed their own unique methods for dealing with things like severed arteries, damaged organs, torn muscles and tendons, etc. But due to the limits of technology many of them are what we affectionately refer to in the real world as "Mickey Moused," and often are janky af. When using more experimental treatment methods like these, the patients often have to be strapped down even long after the procedure is over so the methods have time to properly help the flesh/muscles heal enough to be safely removed without risking re-damaging the afflicted area.

So, the mantra for surgeons?... Better safe than sorry, but better sorry than dead!

The Underworld

The "underworld" is ominous talk for the darker side of society. Thief guilds. Pirates. Bounty Hunters. Mercenaries. Rogues. Assassins. Organized Crime Rings. Professional Snitches. And more.

So let's start at the top and work our way down the list!!


Thieves in this world come in one of two forms: "Natural" Thieves, and "Professional" Thieves

Natural Thieves are those who simply grow up on the streets and operate on their own when it comes to thieving. They may form a group with other survivors as well for mutual benefit. But they are not an "organized" group and therefore they're known as "Natural" Thieves because they're just part of basic society.

Professional Thieves are those who operate out of Guilds, and who work for a paycheck and have a clientele which govern their personal agenda. These Thieves train almost exclusively in stealth and more often than not forego any and all forms of combat in favor of never getting caught and forced to fight in the first place. Stealth, agility, dexterity, and patience are their primary weapons of choice. And they use them to devastating effect.


Pirates roam the seas preying on both cargo and passenger vessels alike for various reasons which can include searching for good "company" (wink, wink), stealing good alcohol (as it's a hot commodity on the seas), stealing the ship itself if they can manage, gathering more members for their crew from the survivors of a raid/ambush, etc.

Pirates aren't particularly "organized," but they do know each other and there's a sort of "respect" among the thieves of the seas.

Keep to your own, and your own will you keep.

Bounty Hunters

They work alone.

They work fast.

And they never forget a debt.

Bounty Hunters can be honorable people at times. It depends on how they were raised before committing to this life style.

Honorable - Typically they'll choose their bounties based not on price, but by the "reason" behind the bounty.

Non-Honorable - Typically choose their bounties based on highest price.

While neither side is set in stone, and they can alternate from time to time, most Bounty Hunters who are honorable have stronger social skills and can integrate with regular society whereas their counterparts usually have a difficult time of it.

Still, at the end of the day Bounty Hunters are something of a "clean up crew" for society which is why so many people, regardless of faith, give them space and don't complain when they bring their bounty in.


Mercenaries are hired swords who will work for the highest bidder on any job with no questions asked.

In fact, that's their only real creed: The highest bidder receives no questions, only results.

What separates Mercenaries from Bounty Hunters is that Mercenaries do not do what they do for just themselves. They do what they do for the good of the Guild they belong to.

There are no "rogue" mercenaries or "solo" mercenaries. They always operate out of a Guild because that's just the life style. Some of them don't like it and would prefer to be loners. But the problem is that they'll become instant targets by every Guild in the area if they try.

Rogue Mercenaries are considered no better than Rogues, period. And they'll be hunted by the Guilds on principle alone.

Speaking of Rogues...


Rogues are any kind of person who seeks a life of violence for personal benefit. Often times they don't even do it for money. They'll hunt their food and water in the wilds and wait for any victim they can take down for their lives, their money, their women, or whatever else they damn well feel like.

Rogues have no creed. They have no Guild. They have no allegiance. They have no morals.

They exist solely to do whatever the fuck they want, and nobody's going to tell them otherwise.

They are hunted on principle by Mercenary Guilds if discovered, so whenever they're in a Guild area they usually keep a low profile as much as possible.

Despite their attitude towards life, they're usually just crazy enough to know how to blend with society and go unnoticed (at least for a while).


Assassins, like Mercenaries, operate solely out of either a Guild or an "Organization."

The difference is that Guilds operate on their own power and in smaller numbers whereas an "Organization" is far larger and is usually funded and given supplies for their duties by at least one major benefactor (typically upper echelon nobility).

Guild Assassins have a creed: Death must be swift.

These Assassins always kill their target as swiftly as possible to spare them any pain. Most of the time the Guild Assassins have no issue with their target, so they seek no "retribution" for whatever wrongs put them in the Guild's crosshairs. The faster the death, the better for everyone.

Organization Assassins, by contrast, have the following creed: Results matter more than method.

So long as the job is done, it doesn't matter how you accomplish it. If you have to chase the target while they run naked through the streets screaming like maniacs the entire way until you catch them and end their misery, do it.

There is no glamor. There is no hesitation. There is no restraint.

The job gets done, or you don't come back.

End of story.

Organized Crime Rings

Organized Crime Rings are put together primarily by corrupt politicians and/or nobility. They are done so very carefully, with great diligence, and with efficiency at the core. They have to be, or they won't last very long.

In most Organized Crime Rings, there is a common structure at play:

1 - The 'Heart' - The primary architect of the Ring, usually a single upper echelon noble with a bone to pick with society.

2 - The 'Brain' - Usually consists of four members, each one presiding over a specific part of the operation divided into "intelligence," "scouting," "preparation," and "execution."

3 - The 'Pump' - Typically comprised of two members, both of whom help interpret and refine the information provided by the 'Brain' group before passing them on to the next group.

4 - The 'Blood' - The bulk of the membership who are split into the four "sections" named in the 'Brain' segment for intelligence, scouting, preparation, and execution.

5 - The 'Insurance' - Typically a maximum of five people, all of whom are the most highly trained from the "Blood" group who watch from a distance and only intervene if things start to go wrong.

Within this structure are opportunities for customization by whoever's organizing the entire operation at the "Heart" level. Very often these customizations are based more on need than desire, and serve a larger function in the chances for success and proper maintenance of the organization as a whole.

Organized Crime Rings typically arrange political conspiracies, falsifying crimes to get their enemies or associates of enemies removed from the equation, etc.

Professional Snitches

A Professional Snitch is someone who will take a paycheck from their client first, infiltrate some sort of situation to learn information beneficial to their client, and then rat out whoever they got the information from to authorities or to their client directly so they can take further advantageous action against the target.

Professional Snitches, despite their name, are not cowardly or weak by any stretch of the imagination. It takes a lot of balls to do what they do when so many of their "targets" are people of power and social/political importance.

So never bash a Professional Snitch. Especially if you have one in your employ.

Cause they'll fuck you up!

The World

- The Map



Cre' Est

Government - Democratic Constitutional Monarchy

King - Harmon Va' Cre' Est
Queen - Cecelia Xe' Cre' Est
Prince - Kerll Xa' Cre' Est

The Senate - A governing body of 20 elected officials (of venerable noble birth) who serve as a bridge between the commonwealth and the Royal Family, and who have the power to veto a decision made by the Royal Family should they jointly believe it to be to the detriment of the nation

Constitution - 6 Tenets

1 - No Cre' Itian citizen shall be tried, judged, or convicted of crimes based on any other measure than the law (The law of Equivalent Judicial Process)
2 - No Cre' Itian citizen shall be taxed higher than their neighbors on the basis of income, social status, or criminal background (Equal Tax Law)
3 - No Cre' Itian citizen shall suffer the abuses of others on the basis of sex, faith, or birthplace (Equal Rights Law)
4 - Cre' Itian citizens shall be afforded due protections under the law, firearms shall be limited to military use (Public Protection Against Firearms Law)
5 - Fealty to the Crown and to one's neighbors shall not be distorted (The Treason Law)
6 - Crimes against the Crown or one's neighbors shall be punished in accordance with the severity of the offense (Eye For An Eye Law)

Voting - Cre' Itian citizens have the right to vote for new Senators once per year, and the right to vote for a new Ruler once every 6 years

* Voting for a new ruler is a bit of a misnomer in that the next Ruler whom the citizenry can vote for is almost always a relative of the current ruler, or the highest (socially) ranked member of the Senate. Lower tier noble families and everyday citizens are never allowed to run for the rulership, though they may run for the Senate providing they can prove they are fit for the position.

Faith - Monotheistic, worshipping the Mother Eternal known as Peur'Tia who is viewed as a benevolent and all-loving being who despises violence in all its forms and encourages self improvement and readiness to surrender one's own desires for the sake of the greater good.

* As a result, many who are of faith are growing more and more uncomfortable with the Cre' Itian government due to how violent the Crime and Punishment system is. Common thievery, for instance, can lose you a finger or your entire hand if you're caught and convicted in court. A harsh punishment for such a small offense.

One positive thing which has helped guard against, though unfortunately hasn't completely stopped, sexual harassment, rape, etc, is the fact that a woman's body is considered sacred. This is partially due to the fact that their central figure of worship is female, and because women bear children which makes them essential to the continuation of the human race and society as a whole. As such, their bodies and existence are given their due respect on a religious and social level.

Marriage - Marriage in Cre' Est is a formal affair wherein which the prospective husband-to-be will gift his beloved with a ring before a crowd of public onlookers. In order to be officially recognized at least one non-familial witness must be present in the church before the Priest will pronounce them as husband and wife.

Virginity, also known as "virtue," is very important in Cre' Itian culture. To lose it before marriage is both a religious sin and a social offense. If you are caught and/or convicted of having lost your virginity in open court, both the male and female perpetrators will be medically/chemically castrated using the extract of an herb known as Scelte which will render both male and female alike unable to produce the cells (aka sperm and eggs) needed for reproduction, as well as prevent either from experiencing sexual arousal.

Public Behavior

In Cre' Est, there are certain behaviors which simply are not done or tolerated in a public setting.

1) Harassment/Abuse of women

Despite the fact that it happens from time to time, harassing or in any way abusing women in a public setting is strictly forbidden due to the religious and social viewings of their bodies as sacred. Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, the harassment/abuse of women is seen as a Mild Crime and, if caught and convicted in court, will land the offender in a lot of trouble.

- Sadly there's little can be done to protect women in private settings

2) Public denouncement of the Crown

In Cre' Est, the King and Queen, even if they aren't always doing things that everyone agrees with, are both benevolent rulers who the people know make an honest effort to do right by everyone they preside over in the nation. As such, you do not talk poorly of them in public. If you want to rant at home, fine. But in public, you respect their efforts and their sacrifices and bite your tongue. Otherwise, you may be driven out of the area by an angry mob.

3) Duels

Duels are not allowed within the boundaries of any village, town, or city. Period. End of story.

4) Faith disputes

Though it's not illegal, to challenge and/or dispute the nation's Faith in Peur'tia is not done in public and is not tolerated. Anyone doing so could and likely will immediately face an angry mob that chases them out of the area. Or, if they're really unlucky, they'll be apprehended by the City Guard who will drag them to prison for the night. And if they continue to anger the guards, they'll be kept in prison until they shut up or offer a public apology for their disturbance of the peace.


- Absolute Monarchy

King - Orphon Xa' Triveila
Queen - Shemara Triveila

The King and Queen command absolute legal and political authority within this nation. And as such they are responsible for coming up with, passing, and enforcing the laws of the land.

Faith - Polytheistic

The central figure of Triveilan faith is Auxereilla, the "Queen" of the Gods (also known as the All Mother), who observes the work of the others and makes corrections where needed. She is viewed as wholly benevolent and a force for "true balance" when the other Gods fail in their duties.

Beneath Auxereilla are 8 Gods who preside over the 8 "Key" areas of life, and they are as follows:

1) Health and Happiness - Tharia

- The Goddess Tharia is viewed as a benevolent being who preserves and maintains balance between the health and happiness of every living creature on the planet. According to ancient texts, Tharia is believed to have had a confrontation with another of the Gods which resulted in the balance being thrown off for a 200-year time span known as the "Dystopian Era" in Triveilan history. During that period, before Tharia and her opponent finally ceased their conflict, health and happiness were thrown so far out of balance that some people would seemingly die for no reason at all. One moment they'd be fine, the next they'd be dead before their body hit the floor. Once Thaira and her opponent resolved their conflict, things seemed to return to normal and there hasn't been a time like that since.

2) Fortune and Misfortune - Ki'teko

Ki'teko is a neutral deity whom engaged with the Goddess Tharia in a conflict which lasted 200 years and resulted in the "Dystopian Era" of Triveilan history. When the conflict was resolved, he seemed to resume his typical behavior of maintaining balance between his respective aspects of life. However, being neutral, it's believed that his efforts are lackadaisical and that whenever the balance is thrown off in people's lives it's not so much him picking on them so much as it is him neglecting his duty. As such, and very appropriately for his "neutral" position, he is both loved and loathed by the populace depending on which side of the spectrum they fall on as far as fortune/misfortune.

3) The Heavens - Palla

The Goddess Palla presides over the heavens which include the sun, moon, stars, and skies. When it rains, it's believed that Palla is weeping. The exact reason for her sorrow is highly debated to this day among the general populace. But because of what she presides over it's believed that on calm rainy days she's weeping out of joy of the beauty of the world. To the contrary, on violently stormy days it's believed that she weeps in rage over a misdeed of humanity. Though it's also the subject of debate, her basic nature is believed to be benevolent. Though many argue that she's "neutral."

4) The Earth - Dahf'o

The God Dahf'o presides over the Earth beneath everyone's feet. The dirt, stone, clay, metals, and gems are all believed to be the product of his own sense for "art." As such, he's believed to be another "neutral" God due to the fact that there doesn't seem to be a true rhyme or reason to where these elements fall within the world. He neither favors nor tries to deny them to any. And within Triveilan faith he's also believed to work in tandem with his sister, Re'ekta, Goddess of Nature, to produce viable harvests and help raise healthy cattle.

5) Nature - Re'ekta

Re'ekta is the Goddess of Nature, and the sister to Dahf'o, God of the Earth. She is wholly benevolent and is believed to have brought life to all forms of nature on Earth with a single touch of her finger to the heart of the world. Every blade of grass, bush, tree, and animal is under her watchful eye and believed to be one of her children. During times of great famine, it's believed that Re'ekta is punishing humanity for its sins and challenging them to make due with what they have. However, such times never last which is why she's not seen as "neutral" compared to Ki'teko who would more likely cause such things out of neglect or indifference to the consequences of his actions.

6) Love - Taubel

The God of Love, Taubel, is a neutral God with an asexual image which confirms neither a male or female gender but contains visual cues of both such as a slender and shapely frame indicative of being female, yet having the strong facial features and a flat, firm chest similar to a man. Taubel is believed to be the one responsible for the feeling one gets whenever they experience love at first sight, or those first butterflies in your stomach when you realize you've fallen in love over time. These feelings are supposedly a test of your ability to gauge whom you've become smitten with, and should the romance fail it's usually believed to be due to Taubel deliberately pairing you with someone you're incompatible with as he's found a perfect match but is waiting to see if you're ready to find them.

7) Death - Sa'kte

Sa'kte is the only "wicked" God in Triveilan faith. And you can guess why by looking at what he presides over. Sa'kte is believed to take pleasure in welcoming new souls to the realm of the dead, and sometimes will drag those not yet ready for death before their time (such as via sudden and severe illness or murder). The wickedness of humanity is believed to be born from his frustrations, anger, and contempt for humanity. And those who commit crimes like murder, rape, and other severe offenses are believed to have given into his temptations of power, revenge, hatred, and isolation.

8) Balance - Kyero

Kyero is another "neutral" God whose purpose is to maintain balance of all the world's known forces. To that end, he often acts as an arbiter of the disputes of the other Gods and will settle a dispute for them if no conclusion can be amicably reached. It's said that before humanity existed that Re'ekta and Sa'kte came into dispute due to Sa'kte taking the lives of several of her creations before their time had come. Re'ekta sought Kyero's counsel, to which he responded by forcing Sa'kte to return the life energy of those creatures to Re'ekta which allowed her to create new beings in their place, one of which became the ancestor of humanity. In this way it's believed that without Kyero human life would not exist.

The Arts

Art in Triveila is far less of a staple of the culture than it is in Cre' Est.

In Triveila, a life of simplicity and harmony is the ideal everyone strives for. And the arts, while respectable and beautiful, are seen as extraneous and unnecessary. You won't find many homes with artistic flare, musical instruments, or ornate carvings and/or paintings as you can find elsewhere.

However, there is a single art form in Triveila which is integral to the culture. And that is the art of song.

Singing in Triveila is considered sacred as the human voice is believed to be a gift of the All Mother. When someone sings in Triveila, people will stop everything to listen and show their respects to the power and beauty of the human voice before resuming their activities once the song ends.

Marriage - Marriage in Triveila is a simpler affair than in Cre' Est. Most commonly a man will carve a ring out of coral and present it to his would-be bride. If she accepts, they can simply visit the nearest Church and the priest will observe and sanctify their union by allowing the pair to drink from a vial of Holy Water. Once they have both drunk of the sacred liquid, their bond is forever cemented and they are proclaimed as "husband" and "wife." To nullify a marriage requires returning to the church where your marriage took place and requesting of the priest to de-sanctify their bond by allowing them to remove their rings in his presence before the rings are then destroyed. Once this is complete, the marriage is nullified.

Age of consent in Triveila is 16, one year older than in Cre' Est. As well, contrary to its neighbor, Triveila does not sanctify the body of a woman or impose significant restrictions on her ability to be sexually active and exploratory. The one caveat to this relaxed view on sexual activity is that it's considered bad form, though not illegal, to advertise your desires in public spaces. I.E. You can, but probably shouldn't, engage in prostitution or public displays of nudity or scantily clad clothing styles to advertise your assets in overt ways.

One bad thing about Triveila... it's one of only two nations to look down on and actively take action against homosexuality. Whether it's between males or females, homosexuality is considered a disgusting and reprehensible stain on humanity and as such it's heavily discouraged and in some cities it's even criminalized. The reason for this anti-homosexual stance in the culture is due to a former ruler, King Fahrento Triveila, who died some 70 years prior to the RP's starting point, was severely homophobic and made his personal views on the subject into law. And unfortunately all subsequent rulers after him have either held the same beliefs, or were indifferent and never considered it a worthy enough subject to look into changing.

Crime and Punishment

Triveilan law enforcement is strict, but not extreme.

Lower crimes like petty theft, harassment, burglary, etc are all punished by ten days in prison and sometimes a sentence of community service.

More severe crimes like assault, murder, rape, etc are dealt with via up to five years in prison with the chance of also enduring 20 public lashings before imprisonment.

Rarely are more significant punishments given out as these are believed to be more than enough to discourage crimes in the nation. However, due to the lack of variance and severity, it's unfortunately had the opposite effect as initially intended. Sadly, the current King and Queen don't believe in severe punishment so it's not likely that this will change any time soon.

Social Behavior

Triveila is incredibly relaxed when it comes to social behavior. But there are still some things to be aware of that aren't tolerated.

1) Conflict

Conflict of any kind in public is heavily frowned upon. Even simply arguing a little too loudly with someone can turn heads and get you driven out of the area by the locals.

2) Debauchery

Any kind of lewd public behavior is looked upon as an act of indecency which is considered a minor crime worthy of prison time.

3) Public consumption of alcohol

This could be lumped in with debauchery, however it's often looked at as its own act in this nation. Alcohol, despite being necessary to some recipes and being a beverage of choice in pubs and taverns for patrons with woes that need drowning, is considered a drug and is treated and looked upon as such. One of the only reasons most pub and tavern owners even have it is because it brings in money. But if it were ever outlawed, they would lose no sleep over it.

4) Disrespecting the Ocean

The ocean is a central and all-important aspect of Triveilan life. Most of their food comes from the ocean, as does a lot of their personal wealth and trade resources. Without the ocean, Triveila would be lost and struggling to survive. To disrespect the ocean is among the highest public offenses you could ever commit. And it could, if the wrong person hears you doing it, result in an instant 5-year prison sentence.


- Dictatorship

Dictator - Egruus To' Veilbrand

Egruus is among the most cruel and vile human beings to ever live. He takes a sadistic pleasure from having systematically destroyed the previous systems which existed in Veilbrand surrounding the economy, faith, marriage, etc. And he takes even more pleasure in the fact that there is now a Revolution currently taking place against him.

This Revolution has been around for almost 12 years now. And he has deliberately avoided ending the conflict despite how easy it would be to do so thanks to the size and power of his military against the tiny Revolution's few hundred members.

Every time he engages the Revolution in battle, he sits on his horse and watches the chaos. If the Revolution can't repel his soldiers, he burns the nearest town to the ground with all of its inhabitants in it as a message to those who may attempt to support the Revolution against him in the future. And, if he's feeling particularly sadistic, he'll not burn the place down. But he will torture the citizens to death until it's a ghost town with no living inhabitants. And he'll leave the bodies behind to rot so the memory of the Revolution's failure to protect these people linger on and on.

Egruus has 4 children, and they are:

* Eldest Son - Eurdegahn Veilbrand

Eurdegahn is perhaps even more vile and sadistic than his father. And an example of his cruelty and sadism can be viewed below:

** Caution... This is pretty graphic and implies a lot of incredibly sensitive behaviors. So if you're sensitive to them, please skip this little story about Eurdegahn. Thanks!

During the Battle of Fort Khano, he captured two female Revolutionaries rather than killing them. After personally stripping them bare while they attempted to fight him off, he had their hands bound behind their backs and encircled by all of his men. He then gave them an offer. Fight to the death, and the winner will be set free. Both women refused to play his game so he unleashed all of his men on the pair. After four hours he finally called his men off. Both women, thoroughly violated and exhausted, lay in crumpled heaps face down in the dirt with Eurdegahn standing over them repeating his offer to them. One of the women was on the verge of passing out and couldn't reply, but the other spat at his feet. For her courage, he released one of his personal attack dogs on her. And the results were... horrific. Calling off the dog before it could attack the other woman, he knelt down beside her and lifted her chin while offering her the chance to live if she became his personal "entertainment." She spat onto his sleeve, he stood up and wiped himself off, and once again gave his men leave to do whatever they wanted with her.

One hour later she passed away from a combination of exhaustion, shock, and pain. And even then they didn't stop until they'd all had their fill of her body before tossing her to the dirt to rot beside the grisly carcass of her former comrade.

So yeah. He's a sick fuck of the highest level.

* Second Son - Ty Veilbrand

Ty is the snake of the family. Not so much against the family itself, but in general. He's got a slippery tongue, loves to scheme and play people against each other, and is incredibly cowardly. If his schemes even look like they're falling apart, he takes his leave as swiftly as possible so as not to face the consequences.

* Third Son - Xeres Veilbrand

Xeres is the brawn of the family and is unreasonably large. His father, Egruus, is 6' 6" and weighs over 240 pounds of raw muscle as he was a former General in the Veilbrand military before his ascension to power. And he keeps himself in fantastic shape. Xeres, on the other hand, is 7' 2" and 280 pounds of raw muscle. Basically he's a larger and even stronger version of his father. However, unlike his father and brother, he's not a sadist. He will kill any who oppose him and his family, yes. But he does so in silence and without any sort of sense of entertainment about the affair. If anything, he's indifferent to death.

* Youngest Child - Lucerina Veilbrand

Xeres is the brawn, and Lucerina is the brains of the family. Her intellect is off the charts to the point that she frightens even her father with how far into the future she's able to plan and predict the behavior of the Revolution. She's accurately predicted over 90% of their movements and attempted strategies, and has helped bring her father victory after victory. As such, she's earned very high praise from him despite being a woman and the youngest child of the family.

However... Something about Lucerina has Egruus on edge. He can't put his finger on it. But he senses that something lurks beneath her beauty and intellect that's dangerous to him.


Marriage in Veilbrand is still the same as it is in Cre' Est. But it comes with a caveat:

Should a woman lose her virtue, no matter the means, before marriage, she loses her left ring finger and has the back of her left hand branded with the symbol for "unfaithful."

This ensures she can never marry as marriages in Veilbrand are only recognized and respected by the presence of a ring on the left ring finger. No finger, no marriage. Period.

And this ruling came from Egruus... Figures.

Social Behavior

There are basically no rules about social behavior in Veilbrand. You survive however you have to. Make whatever bonds you can. But it's always about survival first.


- No Central Government

Shaharan operates in a Clan-based society with each Clan setting its own societal rules and its own version of a legal system.

Rather than coin based currency, Shaharan only deals in trade of goods of "equivalent value."

If someone doesn't think what you're offering is equal to the value of what they have, no deal.

Faith - Atheistic

Shaharan does not believe in Gods. Instead, it believes very strongly in the ideals of honor, glory, personal betterment, and being part of the Clan.

The Arts

Shaharan's primary art form is dance combined with music. Tribal dances with cultural significance are incredibly common, and almost a nightly occurrence. Shaharan people take these dances very seriously, and to speak, stand, or otherwise disrupt such dances is considered highly offensive and you may find yourself getting a beat down from the entire Clan before they resume the dance afterwards. Shaharan also enjoys sculpture and pottery which are two of their most valuable trade assets with the other four nations.

Other than those, Shaharan doesn't practice many of the other art forms due to the fact that the desert region limits their resources.


In Shaharan, there is no such thing as marriage. There is, however, an age of consent. And that age is 16.

Two consenting adults may copulate at any time for pleasure or to attempt the birth of a child. The latter is commonly arranged between families within a Clan, but mostly it comes down to the participants. If two families want to arrange a birthing, but one of the two isn't interested, then it's off. Period.

Despite the "barbaric" nature of Shaharan culture, they adamantly refuse to force things upon one another as it's considered dishonorable and against the core principles of which they live.

Social Behavior

In Shaharan, public behavior is pretty simple.

You treat your Clan with respect, you'll get respect. If you argue loudly with someone, you'll attract a lot of attention but nobody will interfere because it's a private affair. If you start fighting with someone, the onlookers will encircle the combatants until a winner is decided.

How you behave determines how the Clan reacts to you.


Clothing in Shaharan is all about function. If it fits, wear it. If it helps protect from the heat and sand, wear it. If it makes you feel good, wear it. If you don't feel like wearing anything, don't wear anything.


- Absolute Monarchy

King - Aahron Di'iptoh
Queen - Seleana Di'iptoh

As I'm certain you just noticed, Gweynura is the only nation out of itself, Cre' Est, Triveila, and Veilbrand where the ruling family does not take the name of the nation.

The reason being is because Gwenyura values the self more than the "external," and one's name is as good as sacred without actually being sacred. Nobody may take your name from you, and you shall not take anyone else's name from them (marriage being the sole exception as it's a holy bond).


Polytheistic - The central figure in Gweynuran faith is Rok'tan, also known as the "Holy Father."

Beneath Rok'tan, there are 3 other Gods who preside over the key areas of life:

* Keelah - Goddess of Life

Keelah is a benevolent Goddess who presides over life in all of its forms. Humans, animals, birds, insects, fish, etc. All life in the world is born from her divine will and as such it's believed that all life is sacred. Due to this, it's customary in Gweynuran culture to give thanks to your meals as the Earth provided the fruit and veggies while animals provided the meats.

* Gurnh - God of Death

The God of Death is not wicked in Gweynuran culture, but rather he is neutral. When it's your time, he will escort you to the afterlife. He does not seek to make death premature, and takes no visible pleasure in any scripture of welcoming those whose time has come into the afterlife. If anything, he is visibly saddened by it but does so because he knows it's his duty.

* Hretil'ka - God of Time

The God of Time is 100% neutral. The passing of the sun and moon in an endless dance in the heavens is his doing. The process of aging, his doing. Everything that happens that has to do with time is by his command, and he does so without thought as it's simply his mere existence which makes the passage of time, and all that come of it, possible.


In Gweynura, marriage is a casual affair.

There isn't even an exchange of rings. Rather, there is simply the exchange of a promise in the presence of both families. The soon-to-be spouses announce their intent to marry to their families, gather with them, and exchange vows of love and fealty to one another until death forces them apart. Once this is complete, the two are seen to be married and need no further proof or markings of their union. Rings can be carved and exchanged if desired. But it's entirely aesthetic and does nothing to or for the marriage other than serve as a trinket for personal satisfaction about the union.

When it comes to the age of consent, it's 15, same as Cre' Est.

Women in Gweynura are free to explore their sexuality and the loss of one's virtue before marriage is not seen as a crime or sin. However, sexual crimes like rape or incest are still observed and severely punished.

Social Behavior

In Gweynura, social behavior is almost always civil by default due to the fact that the nation is just so relaxed (and the fear of punishment lurking in the background).

However, there are still some things that Gweynura doesn't appreciate and doesn't stand for.

1) Conflict

Much like Triveila, conflict of any form is frowned upon and will likely end up with the offending parties getting reprimanded and/or taken away by the City Guards once they find the conflict in question.

2) Arson

To burn any of the forest is considered a severe crime which carries the death penalty. If found guilty of it being an accident, you still may face up to 5 years in prison for the damage you've caused alone to say nothing of whatever else happened that you may be held accountable for.
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Te'i Sai


Te'i Sai is the preeminent assassin organization on the continent of Cre' Est.

Operating out of Roda Valley, which is a nigh impregnable fortress of a natural structure on its own against the outside world, Te'i Sai's operation, exact manpower, training methods, and manner of accessing equipment are all major question marks which the rest of the world has yet to find an answer for.

Because the organization is so much of a question mark, very few exist who know enough about them to even hazard a guess as to how they do what they do, or why.

But for those who want a bit of the truth, allow me to spin you a yarn.

Te'i Sai was founded approximately 300 years after the continent was first settled. Initially it was a group of monks who wished for nothing more than peace and solitude in the valley. But as time passed and the outside world became more and more war-torn and violent, the monks took to wandering and preaching peace and harmony only to be met by the same violence they were hoping to quell. After losing several of their ranks, they slowly began evolving from monks to peace-keeping warriors. And over time, as even that failed to be enough to keep the peace, more extreme measures were taken and the organization shifted focus into the realm of assassin operations to put the flame out of the war efforts on all sides by taking out their key leaders and those who sparked and fanned said flames.

And thus, we come to the present day.

Training for the assassins of Te'i Sai is an extremely brutal affair. And if anyone every says they know how to "push the limits" like Te'i Sai, they're lying.

Here is the full-day training routine for a Scout class Assassin which is, for all intents and purposes, the "weakest" class in the organization:

1) Pre-Warmup - Wake up 1 hour before dawn and run a 10K through the extremely uneven mountain terrain and come back before sunrise (Any leftover time you get to use to rest)

2) Warmup - 100 push ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges (on both legs), 120 seconds (each) of holding plank position and bridge position

3) Stretch - 10 minutes, full body

4) Cardio - 50 laps around the outdoor course (Course's full distance is 1/4 mile, for a total of 12.5 miles or ~20km)

(This entire opening section should take no more than 2 hours)

5) Rest - 30 minutes

6) Acrobatic Static Holds - 5 minutes of dead hangs, 5 minutes Seated L Hold, 5 minutes of ledge hang, 2 minutes holding a handstand, 2 minutes T-Hold, 2 minutes Maltese Hold, 2 minutes Victorian Hold

7) Rest - 30 Minutes

8) Acrobatics Active Motion - Handstand walk for 100 steps, reverse handstand walk for 100 steps, 50 front flips, 50 side flips (both sides), 50 back flips, 25 forward swing into back flips from a bar, 25 backward swings into front flip, 10 full rope climbs (rope is 40 feet high)

9) Free Running - 50 long jumps, 25 off-wall backflips, 25 off-wall side flips, 20 leap to ledge hang, 20 ledge hang leap to standing position, 20 sprint-leap-roll-sprints (SLRS for short during which you run and jump into forward roll, come out of the roll and sprint again), 50 wall runs for 5-8 steps each rep (failure to meet the 5-step minimum results in it not counting)

10) Rest - 30 minutes

11) Combat Training - Total of 2 hours in preferred weapon with a Master Assassin including footwork, basic attack angles, defensive angles and strategies against various weapon types, etc.

12) Stealth Training - 1 hour against a Master Assassin as the "target" across several different recreated environments and situational conditions (such as in a room, out in the forest, on rocky terrain, etc)


And that, my friends, is a day in the life of the "weakest" class of Assassins in the organization. All other Assassin classes only add onto what you see above with extra strength, conditioning, and longer combat training periods which includes sparring with other Assassins of their class and level.

No other Guild, Organization, or military force in the world pushes their people to such physical extremes.

On the plus side, this is obviously not an everyday thing for Te'i Sai. No human being could withstand this kind of physical stress every single day without pause. The organization allows all of the Assassins 2 rest days to give their bodies time to recover. And when they do so they get to spend time in the hot springs near the top of the mountain, get massages, eat and sleep well, etc. So while they're inarguably the most fit human beings alive, they're still human through and through and they need their beauty sleep like anyone else.

But all of this physical training is topped off by a steadfast and borderline cult-like dedication to the organization and each other as brothers under the same roof. They never abandon their own. They never turn their backs on the enemy. They never flee even if a mission goes wrong. And they never falter in their loyalty to the organization. They cannot be corrupted or bought. Nor can they be turned against each other.

Te'i Sai Assassins are the most dangerous killers on the continent.


And I know what you're thinking. Why am I telling you this? Right?

It's because Te'i Sai is one of the main antagonistic forces in this RP!

Scared yet?

You should be.

Alone, you won't be able to face a standard 3-man team of Te'i Sai Assassins and expect to live through the encounter.

You're going to need help, and a lot of it.

So buckle up boys and girls. This RP is going to be a brutally long and gruesome ride.

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Lingual Quirks

** Disclaimer: Some nations have more sayings than others because I'm not terribly imaginative with these things. So if you guys have suggestions which you think fit based on the culture information and such, feel free to send them to me in a private message here or on Discord and we can discuss adding them to this page!

All Nations

- (except Shaharan) "Gods above."

This phrase is basically "oh my god," and is a respectful way to acknowledge that even if your faith is monotheistic there are other faiths out there. So this is something of a more accessible and universal "oh my god" as opposed to "Mother Eternal" or "Holy Father" which excludes other faiths from the statement and potentially the conversation.


- "Tempest, take me (you)."

This phrase has three meanings.

The first is the rough equivalent of saying "for fuck's sake," and is used when things go horribly wrong or something incredibly embarrassing takes place.

The second meaning is very, very sexual and most commonly heard during foreplay or just before foreplay begins. Most commonly used by women, though more submissive men can and do use it as well, the phrase can imply that their lover is the raging sea and they wish to be lost within the maelstrom of passion that the act of sex represents. Basically, it's an incredibly sultry and still sort of polite way of saying "I'm ready to fuck."

The final meaning is only observed when "you" is the subject instead of "me." "Tempest, take you" is basically a nice way of saying either a solid "fuck you," or "you're on your own."

- "Tip of the spear/trident."

This is the same thing as "tip of the iceberg," indicating that whatever the subject is has only just scratched the surface of something.

- "What a pearl."

This phrase means the same as "what a babe" or "what a hunk," depending on which gender is doing the speaking as it's used freely by either one.

- "(May you) bathe with Sa'kte."

This phrase is a (relatively) polite but still venomous way of wishing death upon someone else. And in most civilized conversation this phrase will never be uttered. But behind closed doors, or in the case of those who live within the underworld of society, this phrase can and often is commonplace between enemies.

- "May you dance with Palla."

This phrase is used almost exclusively in times of mourning for beloved figures of great social importance such as the passing of current or former rulers, or amazing and one-of-a-kind artists who brought fame and attention to the nation through their artwork. To dance with Palla, Goddess of the Heavens, is to imply the departed was worthy of touching the hand of a Goddess and sharing the space of her dominion for the duration of the dance (which some argue lasts hundreds of years since the Gods and the dead have no stamina limits). Such an honor is rarely bestowed or gifted to the departed. But if this phrase is heard, it truly speaks to the depths of love and respect the person saying it had for whomever passed from this world.

- "Drown in it."

This phrase has multiple meanings.

The first meaning is basically telling someone "fuck you."

The second, which is far more polite, is usually a joking way of saying "sucks to be you" and is most commonly used when someone has become the butt end of a joke or was just successfully pranked.

The third meaning is basically "tough shit."

The fourth and final meaning is "enjoy it," and is used almost exclusively by close friends or family when someone they know has just been bestowed a great gift.

Cre' Est

- "Blessed Mother Eternal."

This is the equivalent of saying "oh my god!" And its emotional impact depends on the context of the conversation.

- "May you soar with the sun."

This phrase essentially means "may your day be blessed."


- "Sand in your pants."

This can mean a number of things based on context, but the most common meaning is basically the same as "don't get your panties in a twist."

- "Your ass is in your chest."

This is a nasty way of telling someone to "man up" or "grow a backbone."

- "Stuck on a stick."

Someone is not accomplishing anything despite an obvious effort.

- "You're scorpion bait."

Basically saying "I'm going to kill you."

- "Kiss the sand."

This is one of the nastiest insults you can throw at another human being in Shaharanian culture. Despite the desert and the sand being such a big part of the world in which they live, it's quite literally "beneath" humanity as nothing more than what you walk on. To kiss the sand (or any ground that you walk on) is akin to abandoning your place with humanity and becoming less than human.


- "As cold as stone."

Whoever the subject of conversation is has no empathy and is colder than the stone the nation is famous for.

- "Golden smile."

A smile that's so fake you'd have to be a fool to believe whatever the person opposite you is saying.

- "Sit with a snake."

You're about to sit with someone whom you can't trust, and need to watch your back around.

- "... Take a knife in the chest."

Whoever says they expect you to "take a knife to the chest" is openly stating they think you're so stupid that you don't need to be taken by surprise to be taken advantage of by someone else.

- "Glimpse Eurugon."

To suggest a glimpse of Eurugon is almost always reserved for instances when you know you're about to die (or believe you're going to die so much that you've abandoned all sense of caution and whatever happens is going to happen). It means to "die with honor and greet our one true God."


- "Breathe with the forest."

This is a suggestion (or an order) to calm down and refocus yourself

- "The air is (suddenly) sweet as honey."

Almost comically it has nothing to do with the air. When "the air is (suddenly) sweet as honey," it means that whoever says this phrase is actually suddenly smitten by a beautiful/handsome passerby. Basically it's a polite way of admitting you're being distracted from whatever other conversation or interaction you were previously engaged in.

- "Kissed by the Earth."

To be kissed by the Earth means you are blessed (or very, very lucky).

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