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Fandom Looking For Partners! Fandoms And Originals Inside [Closed]

One Last Dawn

Last Chance Knight
Please ignore the post and view count, I intend to continue using this thread for as long as is feasible!

Search Status
: Open

Last Updated: 28-June-2017

Partner Slots Remaining: 2 of 5

: If you fail to respond to me before we have confirmed our roleplay and someone else applies, you will lose your reserved slot. Too often do people approach me for partnership only to disappear in the planning stage after having read a message or been posed a question. My time is limited, and as such it is valuable to me.


Hello dearest readers of Roleplay Nation, I am the new guy around these parts. New as I may be to the locale, I am far from a neophyte writer and roleplayer! From what I have read in these other partner searching threads, It tends to work best to give some information about me and list my expectations and such after. So, here we go. What you can expect from me as a roleplaying partner:

  • Active - I will be present without nearly any interruption on weekdays from 8am-4pm EST. Outside of these times, I might only check RpN occasionaly. Weekends are tough for me given how busy I am, but at requested I will make an appearance if only to drop one post.

  • Friendship - OOC you and I may be as talkative as you want. I fully support friendship with my roleplay partners.

  • Quality - On average I post anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs. This can vary significantly based on the situation and that which I am provided in my partner's post.

  • Collaboration - Do you have ideas that are similar to what is listed below? Do you have a plot you'd like to run by me because I may be a good fit? Would you like to see certain canonical things bent or changed in your favorite fandom? Feel free to tell me! I greatly enjoy collaboration, and I love finding compromise. My foremost goal is that we both enjoy the RP we've built together.

  • Flexible - I can double (though I don't always enjoy it), and I can play most genders and orientations, so feel free to make a request. I prefer to play male characters and MxF pairings but please do not let this deter you. Good writing is made of all combinations and must always be considered.

  • Understanding - Life happens! I will always attempt to warn you of an impending disappearance or hiatus. If I lose interest or find our writing incompatible, you will be informed.

  • Mature - I have been roleplaying for fifteen years and I am well over eighteen years of age. No topic or content is taboo in my book. Good writing comes from variety and flavor; sometimes taboo is a good spice!

  • Versatile - I am available on many different mediums to roleplay if you'd like to roleplay off of RpN for any reason. Simply ask and we can most certainly work out an alternative method for your convenience.
Now that you know a bit about what to expect from me, allow me to list what I expect/prefer in my partners:

  • Activity - I don't expect you to be around as frequently as I am, but I would enjoy at least a post a day Monday through Friday.

  • Quality - I firmly believe that the length of a post is not indicative of it's quality. That said, I doubt one or two lines will provide the necessary amount of plot or detail I need to make my own quality post. I don't expect a Steven King novel in my inbox every day, but please exercise some creative strength!

  • Maturity - I would ask that all of my partners be seventeen years of age or older. Playing outside my age range can be difficult as it is, I've made it as open as I feel I reasonably can. Please respect this expectation.

  • Flexibility - I would appreciate a partner who is willing to play canon characters with original characters. In return I am willing to double.

  • Understanding - As mentioned above: life happens. If you need to take a leave of absence or simply do not enjoy our roleplay, let me know! There are no hard feelings, enjoyment for both people is important. If we can't work something out, we can go our separate ways.

  • Detail - As much as I hope you include detail in your writing, I also expect that you know how to pay attention to them. From what I have read, people often just skip to the bottom of these without reading through the expectations section. If you have actually gone through all of this, please put the underlined word from this section in your reply. Thank you.
Note: As of 17-Feb-2017 I require that potential roleplay partners provide a writing sample upon request. Writing incompatibility is problematic for me, and should we be incompatible as partners I would prefer to save us both time and effort.

Now that we have all of that out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff. My RP listings are split into three sections: fandom, original pairing, and plots. Please sift through at your leisure and let me know in a thread reply what you would be interested in.

Fandom -- Italics indicate a particularly craved item. Underline indicates the role I prefer.

  • Diablo III
    • Enchantress x M!Demon Hunter
    • F!Demon Hunter x M!Demon Hunter
    • F!Monk x M!Demon Hunter
    • Auriel x M!Demon Hunter
  • Warframe
    • M!Warframe x F!Warframe
  • Rainbow Six: Siege
    • IQ x OC
    • F!Rainbow Member x M!Rainbow Member
  • Warhammer 40K
    • Eldar x Human (IG or Marine)
    • Human x Tau
    • Imperial Guard x Sister of Battle
  • Titanfall 2
    • Pilot x Pilot
  • Star Wars
    • Former Sith x Rising Sith
  • Mass Effect
    • Human x Quarian
    • Turian x Human
    • Turian x Quarian
  • Bakemonogatari
    • Koyomi x Any Female Cast
    • Tsubasa x OC
    • OC x Karen
    • Koyomi x Shinobu
    • Suruga x OC
  • Destiny
    • Eris x M!Guardian
    • M!Guardian x F!Guardian
    • Queen of the Reef x M!Guardian
    • OC Guardian x Cayde-6
  • Final Fantasy X/X-2
    • Rikku x OC
    • Lulu x OC
    • Tidus x OC
  • League of Legends
    • Zed x OC
    • Zed x F!Champion
    • Shyvana x OC
    • Talon x F!Champion
    • OC x Riven
    • Syndra x Zed
    • Syndra x OC
  • Halo
    • Palmer x OC Spartan
    • Vale x OC Spartan
    • John x Linda
    • John x Kelly
  • Starcraft
    • Ghost x Marine
    • Spectre x Marine
  • Fallout 4
    • F!Player Character x OC
    • M!Player Character x OC
    • M!Player Character x Piper
  • Skyrim
    • Dragonborn x OC
  • Overwatch
    • Mercy x OC
    • OC x D.Va
    • Reaper x Widowmaker
    • Soldier 76 x OC
    • OC x Pharah
    • Soldier 76 x Ana
  • Naruto
    • Naruto x OC
    • OC x Hinata
    • Naturo x Sakura
    • OC x Sakura
    • Temari x OC
  • Resident Evil
    • Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
    • Rebecca Chambers x Chris Redfield
    • OC x Rebecca Chambers
    • OC x Jill Valentine
  • Dark Souls III
    • Firekeeper x Unknindled
    • Karla x Unkindled
    • Unkindled x Unkindled
    • M!Anri x Unkindled
    • Yuria x Unkindled
  • Bloodborne
    • Hunter x Hunter
    • Doll x Hunter
    • Bloody Crow of Cainhurst x Hunter
    • Queen Annalise x Hunter
    • Young Eileen the Crow x Hunter
    • Lady Maria x Hunter
  • Metal Gear Solid Series
    • Quiet x OC
    • Snake x Eva
    • Meryl x OC
    • Haven Trooper x OC Soldier
    • Any B&B Corps x Snake
    • Any B&B Corps x OC
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Asuka x OC
    • Mari x OC
    • OC x Misato
    • Shinji x Mari
  • Scott Pilgrim Versus The World
    • Kim Pine x OC
  • The Surge
    • Warren x Irana
    • Survivor x Survivor
Original Pairings

  • Science Fiction
    • Human x Alien
    • AI x Human
    • Soldier x Scientist
    • Pilot x Pilot
    • Cyborg/Android x Human
  • Modern
    • Super Star x Bodyguard (If selected, you must have an idea. This option is selected often, and tends to be oversaturated)
    • Private Investigator x Witch Doctor
    • Anthropomorph x Human
    • Soldier x Soldier
    • Soldier x Experiment
    • Soldier x Experiment
    • Witch Doctor x Private Investigator
  • Medieval
    • Knight x Knight
    • Shipwrecked Soldier x Native
    • Elf x Human
    • Dragon x Human
    • Scientist x Magical Creature
    • Dark Elf x Human
    • Monster x Monster Slayer

  • Anything You Can Do, I Can't Do At All - In the future there is war between mankind and aliens the scale of which we could scarcely imagine in the present. Advanced technology allows the realization of mechanical armored suits similar to mecha. The first generation of these suits (dubbed CORSAIR's) managed to halt the genocidal advance of the enemy and bring the war to a stalemate. As the years wore on, ace pilots rose to the top as humanity's last and best hope for survival. Behind the scenes the situation turns dire as resources dwindle. Able-bodied soldiers are depleted more quickly than they can come of age, and morale runs low. The second generation of mech suits are rolled out as the endwar strategy. Dubbed ARDATI, these suits interface directly with the neural network of the pilots and sport a whole host of new features. Disaster strikes when it is discovered that not all people are compatible with the interface. New pilots die trying to maneuver their suits in simple testing. Even those that can successfully manage to pilot the ARDATI suffer from the terrible load on their neural networks. In short, it still kills them... just in a more agonizingly slow manner. On the advent of a renowned ace pilot's test, the xeno menace mounts an attack on the host colony and the transport moving the ARDATI suit is shot down. The suit is discovered by a lowly infantry soldier who has on multiple occasions failed the CORSAIR Pilot Aptitudes Test. It turns out that he and the ARDATI suit are compatible. If only he had a capable mentor to make good use of it... (Infantry Soldier x Ace Pilot)

  • Oathkeeper - Elves are at the mercy of the Udain Empire, extinction closing in as they suffer a terrible genocide. Their human allies have been defeated or destroyed, ushering in the final dark days of the elven race. The Udainish Blood Hunters have ever and always been the tool of elven destruction. Capable of resisting elven magic and destroying the souls of their victims to keep them from entering the cycle of rebirth (the brand of immortality gifted to the elves by their creator-god, Iros) there is no more dangerous an enemy for elven kind. The doctrine of these monsters has been to kill the males and sell the females into slavery. One such Blood Hunter fell upon ill fortune in the Ezred forest. Mauled by the monstrous creatures of the ancient woods. This Udainish soldier was rescued… by elves. They healed him, and even as he espoused his hate for them and his distaste for their very touch, they nursed him back to health. The village Grandseer maintained with certainty that he would come to see the error of his ways through compassion and understanding. In time, he did. The Blood Hunter swore an oath to protect them in his gratitude. He failed, and in the ashes of his broken oath he instead swore vengeance. Now, he marauds across the land, assassinating Blood Hunters and attacking slave markets to free elves where he can. (Oathkeeper x Elf)

  • Hellbound - The soul of a recently deceased person manages to best the devil in challenge and earn freedom for his soul. The deal however did not provide an exit from hell. The soul is left to journey across hell in search of his own way back to the living word. Along the way he encounters other denizens of hell and proves that even those that are branded beings of evil and darkness are capable of choosing their own paths. (Soul x Denizen of Hell)
  • Witching Hour - A young man crosses the wrong woman and is quite literally cursed for his mistake. The woman is a witch, and she curses the young man to be her familiar. She chooses what animal he is stuck as with the following stipulation: to break the curse he must enrich his spoiled heart. He can briefly earn a reprieve of one day if he accepts a proposition he would otherwise not normally accept. Should he fail to follow through with the agreement, he will stay a familiar forever. (Cursed x Witch)

  • The Chance I Didn't Deserve - In the not-too-distant future, an alien race descends upon Earth with violent intent. The Sidocytes are horrific amalgamations of flesh and machine, fueled by biomass of those they vanquished. With superior technology, the Sidocytes pushed the human race to the brink of extinction with terrible haste. With morality and restriction thrown to the wind, the combined intellects of humanity's greatest minds, the TALON project was born. Combining captured Sidocyte technology with the cutting edge in neurokinetics, the TALON project birthed a series of powered armor suits that interacted with the nervous system of the pilot. At first believed to be the salvation of the human race, hopes were soon dashed when it was discovered that nearly all pilots were incompatible with the suit and suffered death by neural overload within moments. Those capable of withstanding the strain were few and far between, and not immune to the effects with prolonged use. With no other choice, those capable of piloting were equipped and attached to military units across the globe. Able to slow the Sidocytes, but unable to stop them, the end drew close for all... save one veteran TALON pilot. In a parallel universe, a benevolent race discovered Earth instead of the Sidocytes by virtue of a crash-landed dignitary. A new relationship formed between Earth and the visitors, and prosperity reined in place of ruin. What begins as an investigation of a quantum disturbance, ends with a high-strung TALON pilot dragged unexpectedly into a world oblivious to the horrors it so narrowly avoided. (TALON x To be discussed)
Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you.
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Oh lord... I was disappointed not to find The Witcher in your fandom list but Dark Souls AND Skyrim. (Not to mention Rainbow, never really occurred to me to do a fandom with the operators...)

ANYWAY...I'm rather open to any of your original pairings as I'm not really feeling any fandoms. Which are you craving at the moment? ^^
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Oh lord... I was disappointed not to find The Witcher in your fandom list but Dark Souls AND Skyrim. (Not to mention Rainbow, never really occurred to me to do a fandom with the operators...)

ANYWAY...I'm rather open to any of your original pairings as I'm not really feeling any fandoms. Which are you craving at the moment? ^^

In truth I am fairly agreeable to any of them, or none of them! I 'crave' all of that which is listed on some level, it would be impossible to disappoint if ordering off the menu. That said, I am more than willing to plot with you for something not listed should it tickle your fancy. Just send a PM and I am sure we can hammer something out.
Hey I know i am not the first person to offer my RPing XD. But I am really interested in playing the Naruto NarutoXOC and Skyrim DragonbronXOC.  I am really interested in doing all of this. I hope you are still looking for RP members. Now for the Skyrim one I can play the dragonborn like you would prefer but I of cores will have my own specialized dragonbron. I have a great idea for my OC in naruto. So We can go into greater detail if you are interested in doing these with me.   
Hey I know i am not the first person to offer my RPing XD. But I am really interested in playing the Naruto NarutoXOC and Skyrim DragonbronXOC.  I am really interested in doing all of this. I hope you are still looking for RP members. Now for the Skyrim one I can play the dragonborn like you would prefer but I of cores will have my own specialized dragonbron. I have a great idea for my OC in naruto. So We can go into greater detail if you are interested in doing these with me.   

If you'd like, send me a PM and we can chat about it.

Hiya, i'd love to do superstar x bodyguard or Vampire x Reaper with you

If you'd like to send me a PM, we can most certainly do one of those.

I'll be Mercy for you if you do Soldier for me?

Sounds like a deal! Would you be so kind as to PM me so we might plot?

Enter my trash ass. Do you know RWBY?

Indeed I do, very much so. I have not yet watched the newest season, however. It is on my to-do list.
Hello! I know this post is closed but pleeeease, once it is open again, consider me as a future rp partner :3 I would looooove to do a Star Wars RP with you :)
Whenever you're open for new partners again, I'm also very much interested. The ElfxOathbreaker and WitchxFamiliar plots have the wheels of my mind already turning. ♡
I approached you through pm directly I hope you dont mind... i m just currently re-reading everything :)
Search is now suspended while I process potential partners. Feel free to post your interests, and if I have space when I am done processing I will get right back to you.
Search is reopened. The list is updated with what is no longer available and how many partner slots remain. Please note that if you fail to respond to me before we have confirmed our roleplay and someone else does, you will lose your reserved slot. Too often do people approach me for partnership only to disappear in the planning stage after having read a message. My time is limited, and as such it is valuable to me.
Star Wars

  • Former Sith x Struggling Jedi
  • Bounty Hunter x Jedi
  • Former Sith x Rising Sith
  • Rebel Infiltrator x Imperial


Literally any of these! :D  

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