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Fantasy Looking for Group or 1x1 - Plots Within

Which plot would you like to participate in?

  • Stone Heart of the Sand Ocean

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blank Pages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Treaty of Blackrock Keep

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Home Again

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Original plot submitted later

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Enemy Stand User
Hey, thanks for stopping by! I have a few plots I've been kicking around after going through the boards. Simply put, I want to do something that I haven't before. This could mean any of the below plots--which I have yet to fully play around in--or anything you want to bring to the table. If anyone is interested, I would be glad to begin any of the following as either a group rp here on the boards or as a 1x1 over PM or something.

Here's what I've been looking at starting:

Stone Heart of the Sand Ocean

The only rule of this facility is that one gets what one earns. The guards are only there as a shield between the prisoners and the outside world, for when things become rough. They don’t protect the prisoners; they’re far too much to handle. And they certainly don’t maintain a schedule; the Stone Heart Prison is like a small, functioning town in the middle of the desert. They don’t even have to try to prevent escape; it’d be pure hell to try to cross the desert to get back to civilization.

It is supposedly a “new solution” to the broken prison system of America, and the media more than welcomes an attempt at something new. However, what they don’t tell the public is that it acts as more of a storage container than a prison. People with strange powers are sent here, rather than be left in the public to cause havoc. Sometimes they’re dangerous, and those people are sent to the truly secure facilities deeper under the desert. But for those that won’t simply decimate the prison, there is a town of stone in the middle of the vast desert, and it will be their home until some sort of “cure” is worked out for their innate power. Life there isn’t so rough, when you get used to it. Just stay out of the way of the more violent inmates. Oh, and make the right friends fast. Do that and you’ll be just fine.

Possible 1x1 pairings:

Prisoner x Guard

Prisoner x Prisoner

Guard x Guard


Blank Pages

At the dawn of the final days, I had a dream. This dream told me that the world was ending, that no group of heroes was to rise up and save us all. The great and mighty visitor told me that it was time to start anew, to wipe clean the slate. But he would not tell me why.

At the dawn of final days, I had a book. Within its pages I was to scribe everything worth taking to this new world. The voice told me, in its wisdom, that the book belonged to whomever wanted it most, that there was no right and no wrong. And so I must find all there is worth keeping in this world, and I must document it so that it may travel.

At the dawn of final days, I had a hope. We had a hope. All that was good and right could survive. I am not sure what will make this trip yet, but I will make the right choices. If only there was some way to keep this from happening…

Possible 1x1 pairings:

Book Keeper x Regular Person

Book Keeper x Diety


The Treaty of Blackrock Keep

After years of war, they’re finally trying something. That is to say, a court to discuss the relations between the human and monster kingdoms. Of course, elves and dwarves and all manner of non-furry, non-clawed peaceful creatures reached relative cooperation long ago. It is only their mortal foe, the nation of beings who had not previously desired peace, that had resisted this talk for so long. Finally, however, the monstrous people have accepted a group of emissaries and warriors from the other nations to talk of a truce.

There are many reasons why the common folk speculate they started this. Perhaps, they say, the king of their people is growing weak and fears an attack. Others say that they are hoping to spring a trap and take out as many important figures as possible. And then, as many of the diplomatic party would have it, they’re simply tired of losing sons and daughters in the many pointless wars that develop.

Regardless of the case, the king of monsters has called a court and many nobles and their chosen guardians have responded. What remains now is to see how long these talks continue before someone breaks the calm.

Possible 1x1 Pairings:

Monster x Visitor

Guardian x Noble


Home Again

The long journey is over, its heroes victorious against the Dark Lord and his legion of followers. The land is scarred by their epic battle, but all are looking forward to a new age of recovery. The races of beastkind have been liberated by our intrepid heroes, and the great plague He unleashed has been quelled. With the Goddess herself returned to a seat of power at the Marble Throne, light once again shines on the land.

Now, it is time to drink and time to revel. It has been no more than a week's time since the victory of our heroes. Now, they must deal with all the promises made during their journey, all the people they met and the bonds they formed. They share a drink at The Dwarf's Medicine, a bar in a small village full of peaceful folk once displaced by the Dark Lord. They talk over their adventures and prepare to get on with life as normal. How many can really stand that, though, and what happens when that person wants another round?

Life-long promises of love have been made, bets must be settled by the parties that both surprisingly survived. And somehow that poor healer is going to get her due. Anything can happen when vast treasure hoards and monster-brewed liquors collide. One must only pray that the legendary hero's stamina isn't as great as they say.

Possible 1x1 Pairings:

Legendary Hero x Legendary Hero

Liberated Monster x Hero

Childhood Love x Hero

Hero x His Own Reflection


Feel free to post and send me your own ideas, or to contribute to the existing plots. I would love to hear from you, as you are the one that I can't wait to role play with.
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Hello there. I'm interested to know a little more about the Treaty of Blackrock Keep story. Do you have a set plotline? What types of 'monsters' exist?
The idea is something free-form involving anyone who joins up as a major player. Any number of guards, diplomats, nobles, and whatnot could join. From there, we'd have a chance to sort of play out extended negotiations as other parties drag them on and cause difficulty--potentially even in the violent sense. Monsters would range from classic vampires to gargoyles to any manner of folkloric beast; they're all meant to have a part in this strange peace talk.
Yeah, I'd be willing to allow everything through the stranger reaches of the Monster Manual, all to make trouble for the kind human hosts that will be providing their manor for the peace talks.
I'd like at least six involved total minimum, but I'd be willing to start with four characters created. No upper cap on the size though, because I'd like to see dozens of varieties of monsters and humanoid races in play.

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