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Looking for constructive long-term rp-partner


Just quirky
Hello there!

I'm looking for something possibly a little different from most rp requests. I'm currently an English Literature and Creative Writing student with quite a few nice plot ideas, and looking for someone who wants to start a long-term RP to help build my skills and, of course, make one hell of a story. :3

What I really need:

- At least a good solid paragraph to reply to. I like some detail and insight in plot and characters do develop through the rp ^^

- Good grammar etc.

- Mutual contribution to the plot

- Frequent replies would make me very happy, I normally reply at least daily, but I'm fine with weekly :)

- Someone above the age of 18 preferably, 16 definitely. I personally prefer detail in gore/romance as well, I could leave it out but prefer not to.

- Romance in the rp. It shouldn't be the main focus, but I personally like having some romantic development along the way.

- Playing multiple characters. I prefer to have at least two main characters each because it provides more opportunities plot-wise.

Topics/genres I like:

- Supernatural

- Dystopian

- Fantasy (although I tend to keep it human-related too)

- Slice of life/modern (really needs a very good plot though)

- Crime/investigation related

Honestly, I'm open to quite a bit! As long as there's a nice plot to build upon together, I'm happy. I have a few plot ideas in the topics I mentioned, though I love to combine with plot ideas of my rp partners to keep it suprising.

What I won't do:

- Anime

- Animals

- Pure fandoms (I'm okay if something is set in a fandom world, I simply refuse to use any fandom characters and plots because it's too predictable for me ;) )

Last but not least, I don't bite! So leave a reply if you'd like to rp with me :D
SydneySage said:
Hello there!

Well now, isn't this a treat for the wandering roleplayer! Hi, my name is Rachael! I'm new here, as of late I've become desperate to find a long term roleplay partner who isn't just interested in short "eck, borderling cybering" roleplays. I want some adventure, fantasy, plot and character development! You seem very well written, and share many common interests with me. Particularly the dystopian and supernatural/fantasy genres. I am hoping to find someone who provides quality writing on a frequent basis (I won't hound you if you haven't replied in a while, I'm just so active with my imagination that I get excited about writing when I'm home! hehe) So if you have any interest, I do hope you shall consider making me a long term roleplay partner so we may create a plot and help each other improve on our story telling. If you need me I can be reached on here (I will be checking it) and at GaiaOnline if you use that, under the name MadameCriesAlot! Best wishes, and I hope to hear from you~
I would be very interested in working on a story with you if you are still looking. I actually really enjoy lengthy posts and I love exhausting all aspects of plots so that the story is concise with no holes. I would be interested in a dystopia style Rp if you are still looking for a long term partner. I am pretty flexible playing both males and females. I am pretty active as well especially after the 19th (college student) send me a message if you would like to work together.

You as well @Rachael Whitaker if you want to write together. I think we could come up with something.
YoshiAnkoTay said:
I would be very interested in working on a story with you if you are still looking. I actually really enjoy lengthy posts and I love exhausting all aspects of plots so that the story is concise with no holes. I would be interested in a dystopia style Rp if you are still looking for a long term partner. I am pretty flexible playing both males and females. I am pretty active as well especially after the 19th (college student) send me a message if you would like to work together.
You as well @Rachael Whitaker if you want to write together. I think we could come up with something.
I would certainly be interested in plotting with you to see if we're compatible ^^ I have no idea how to create a conversation yet...I am terribly new here haha. Maybe shoot me one first ( I know how to reply to a convo sent to me at least heh)
You won't be able to START a convo yet - not until you have a certain number of posts. I forget how many. It is a site rule to prevent spammers. Posts via convo do not count toward that number.
Hi! You grabbed my interest~

I'm a writer by trade and would love to collaborate on rps with you. I'm pretty much interested in all the genres you mentioned and I do post multiple times a day (at least four times on a slow day, a single post on busy ones). I'm huge on character development and character personal plot within the general plot of the rp.

If interested, please do send me a PM.

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