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Fantasy Looking for another person for a very small private group RP with a really weird non-serious fantasy setting (again)


ur lite fades awey
Roleplay Availability
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Okay, so I'm doing another search.

I'm looking for one more person for a small, private group RP consisting of just 3-4 people. Requirements are that you must write well, post at least a paragraph each time, post fairly frequently, you know, usual stuff you always see in these search threads.

Anyway, let's get to the setting.

This RP is pretty much a sequel spinoff to an ongoing isekai 1x1. The premise is a tad bit unique, to say the least.

The setting largely takes place in a world known as Aeria, which is pretty much your generic anime high fantasy world, with adventurers and magic and dragons and other stuff you'd expect.

However, it's completely intentional, as the twist is that after the events of the 1x1, the main protagonist opens a portal back to his world, and by his world I mean a bizarre alternate version of Earth as seen by the internet. Oh, and the whole place runs on video game logic and is basically an MMORPG (not the VR kind though). So basically a world where memes run the place known as Badassia. The planet is home to its version of adventurer, known as Gamers. They're pretty much your average FPS protagonist, with regenerating health and whatnot.

Anyway, with the portal open, Gamers have entered Aeria and have basically replaced adventurers there, given how single Gamers can pretty much do the job of an entire party of adventurers, twice as fast. The portal has also allowed the areas closest to the portal to mordenise and grow.

The RP starts several months after the opening of the portal, in the closest town to the portal and pretty much the main social hub for Gamers in Aeria. You play as a rookie adventurer who has decided to join the best (adventurer) guild in town, drawn by the promises of adventure and loot, along with the need to prove that adventurers are still relevant. Given how the party will all be made up of rookies, they'll be paired up with a more experienced member, a veteran Gamer played by me.

This RP is fairly character-driven and has a fair bit of freedom to it. It's also completely non-serious, which is to say write whatever comes to mind.

It's a pretty weird concept, so feel free to DM me if you're interested. I'll explain more there.

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