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Fandom Looking for a (literate) Reylo rp!


New Member
I've really been craving some sort of Star Wars-Reylo RP for awhile now, and have some ideas to start us off with. I'm open to other ideas, of course, and modifications of these below; AU's are included, as well as canons.
Preferably, I'll be writing for Rey (or an OC, if you prefer) and you'll be writing for Kylo Ren. PM me if you're interested :)
Also, the amount of stars (*) next to a post refers to how much I want to pick up that storyline.


|| Set during TFA - When Rey has left a scar on Kylo's face at the end of their fight, she falls down the crack before it can separate them. Even after being horribly wounded, Kylo reaches down quickly enough to grab her hand, only for her to smack her head off one of the rocks in the cliffside. He's stuck between either letting her go and finishing their rivalry once and for all, but he can't bring himself to do so. Instead, he lifts her into his arms and stumbles to his own ship, either taking her back to his base, or a remote location on an isolated planet where they can settle things once and for all.

|| Set after TFA or after TLJ - In order to find out what the First Order and Kylo Ren are planning to do to the Resistance, Rey believes she must take matters into her own hands. The situation in itself would be extremely difficult to pursue, especially considering how it went before, but she has enough faith in herself to get through it. Disguising herself in First Order gear, Rey decides to sneak into the First Order base, mostly doing specific jobs that wouldn't consist of her being made to harm anyone. However, when she runs into Kylo Ren multiple times since her entrance, she starts to feel a familiar tug where she wants nothing more than to open up her bond and allow him to see what she feels, but she can't, not when she can't be promised his trust, and not after the damage that's been done between them.

|| Set after TFA or after TLJ - When Rey finds herself in a difficult situation where she's either stranded, badly injured, or close to death and can't get in touch with the Resistance, she finds herself accidentally exposing her condition to Kylo Ren who instantly goes searching for her. He does not reveal his desperation, the only telltale hints are from the sudden aggressive orders he's making to get to specific places. When he finally does find Rey, he knows he can't let her die, that even though it would help him take over the Universe, there's something about how bright she can be that almost melts away his darkest emotions whenever he's near. He either takes her back as a prisoner to the First Order, or takes her somewhere no one will find out about her.

|| Set after TLJ. Based on some of the reveal from the new trailer, Rey finds herself back at Jakku, the only type of place she's not suspected to go. The First Order believes that due to everything that's happened, she wouldn't dare return there. But Kylo knows her better, he knows that even with the truth, she's still just as lost, possibly more so than before. He visits to aid her, but when events procure, they find themselves both trapped there together.


|| University Plot - Rey is studying at a University and attempting to get her qualifications for a job there. She works as hard as she can, but when her new teacher gives her a mark lower than what she's capable of she decides to confront him. Something about her catches his intrigue, and more often than not he finds his attention drawn to her during their classes, accidentally in awe of how determined she is. But he also knows that there's no point in considering something that could never be. Not when he's teaching her most days of the week.

|| University Plot/High School Plot - Rey is different than what's expected of the girls at her school. She likes to be feminine sometimes, curling her hair and wearing cute wear. But there are times where she shows just how much she cares about people's opinions of her by just wearing what she wants. She runs into the schools trouble-maker Kylo Ren, finding him arrogant and irritating. But what can she do when her most respected teacher asks him to tutor her for a certain subject she's not doing so well in?

*******|| Victorian/Fantasy Style AU - Rey and Kylo are both from two different kingdoms, allied by their parents' strong friendships' with one another. They were friends for years as children, but when a sickness broke out in Kylo's kingdom-- Ordinis-- that left his mother dying and incoherent, he was forced to break off his connections with the outside world in order to be with her during her last months alive. Years later, Rey is expected to marry a prince from another kingdom as a means of ending a decades-long tension and near-war, but Kylo needs a suitor and his father has turned cold by his wife's demise. He wants Rey to marry his son, and they plan to visit for the first time in years, unbeknownst to anyone in her kingdom--Resistencia-- in an attempt to persuade her father.
Meanwhile, both Rey and Kylo have their own ideas of what they want, and find that, despite their odd, emotionally-uninvolved relationship as children, they can't help but be intrigued by one another once they see what they've grown to become.
(This is the most involved idea I have so far; there are other things involved, such as a sort of council a lot like the First Order that pretty much runs Kylo's kingdom. It's also the idea I most like, so if we end up picking it up I'll have a lot to add in and we can do so together :) )

|| The Trojan War - Rey is a princess, daughter to King Priam of Troy. In her spare time, she can't help but find herself training alongside her younger and older brother. She may have grace, beauty and poise, but there are times where she could be mistaken for one of their nights. When her brother brings home a Greek King's wife, she knows it will end in doom. On the day of the invasion, she sees that her brothers need her help, disguising herself as a Knight. However, even with her skill in fighting and battle, she ends up being knocked unconscious and just as they are about to kill her, they realise her gender and decide to give her to their strongers warrior; Kylo Ren.

|| Mermaid - Kylo Ren is one of the fiercest and most brutal Pirate Captains to have ever roamed the sea. And yet, when fate causes him to meet with a startled and fragile mermaid who's been brought upon his ship during a storm, he not only can't allow his men to do what they wish for her, but he also can't throw her overboard to face what may follow of the weather. Instead, his brutal ways are softened as he decides to care for her. But even as the storm passes, he can't find himself letting her go.

! These are NOT all my ideas, some are ones I've picked up from fanfiction or from friends on other RP sites before. !

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