Other Longest video game you've spent time on

God, looking at all these people who put 200+ hours into their games... I don't know.

I think the first would be Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. I spent days at a time on that game. LITERAL DAYS. I'd start at like six in the evening and the next time I looked at the clock, it'd be two the next day. I'd play the game until the afternoon and only noticed it when my stomach started eating itself. I've got multiple characters ranging from Mages, Thieves, Beserkers, Warriors. EVVEEERRRRYYYYTHHIIINNNNG.

The next... Hm. Well, Toribash, I guess. Although, I've only got 21 hours on it. I usually spend my time on an 'indie' platform that not's really worth mentioning because I doubt anyone would know what I'm talking about.
Eleven years on WoW.  Don't know how many hours that totals to, but I remember summers spent on hardcore ore farming and selling the bikes for profit.  So that's a few thousand hours put into Azeroth.  
Terraria: 3,500+ hours

Diablo 3: If I had to tak a gander, ~2,000 hours

Unturned: 1,238 hours

Kingdom Hearts 1: ~200 hours

Spyro: Enough to break the time thing and fill a ps2 memory card.

May the ps2 forever be in our hearts.
Dark Souls Series, 200+ Hours across all 3 titles 

And Minecraft, probably equal 

Edit: Dark Souls 3 total : 161 hours (Completed)

Dark Souls 2: 120+

Dark Souls 1 : 70 
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At first it was Persona 4 than Monster hunter 4 ultimate came along sitting at 500 hours on one file. Keep in mind that is only one file.
Garrys Motherfuckin' Mod! 600 hours!



All together I've spent 2187 hours on Civ 5 (tho most is probably it sitting opening cause I get distracted a lot.)

Second is Skyrim and Mass effect 1,2 with around 500 hours each
I think I would have to say FFVII, Skyrim, and Destiny. I also spent way too much time playing a game called Legend of Legaia, but no one seems to remember/know what that one is. xD
All together and throughout my life?

Well while i've played most of the rpgs mentioned in the prior list but Minesweeper has been on almost all of my laptops and phones and even now I play it during trips.

13 years where an average of 4 times played a week. Number of games are hard to quantify but maybe 20 minutes a day?

So discounting leap days, 13x365x(4/7)x(1/3) ~ 900 hours? And that's just a conservative estimate ._.
Definitely Skyrim. No-lifed that game so hard. My main character is about 1500 hours. Then I have several other characters ranging from 200-1000 hours... 

I'm just happy my Playstation hasn't killed itself yet.
For me, This is either Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii, as it's the most in-depth RPG I've ever played, or Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for GameCube, as I've played that one the most out of all my games by now - five plume playthroughs and I'm still in love with this game! But my favorite of the two would probably be Xenoblade, because of the deep story and the Monado. :D

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