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Fantasy Long Live the Night {18+ Only}


Dumpster fire at best
HELLO! Welcome back to my desperate plea into the endless void of partner searching.

As my title said, I’m searching for a good vampire. Because listen, I’m a slut for those supernatural creatures, but like, who isn’t? I have a bit of a plot that I have in mind, but I’m totally willing to listen to others ideas as well! So if you don’t like it, no problem! I’m rather flexible. Buuuut before we get into that, let’s get into some nitty gritty business.

*Disclaimer: These are not actual rules, just a guideline to see if we are compatible and to get to know me a tad bit!!*

I am an 26 year old, romance starved— judging by the number of pillows and blankets I sleep with, probably touch starved—lonely female!
That being said, I do not feel comfortable playing with anyone under my age range. The lowest I’m willing to go is 18 and even then that is pushing it!

I work a lot and other daily activities that might keep me from immediately responding. With that said I only send messages via phone since it’s easier to access and I always have it on me. I don’t think that hinders my post however! And I can quickly read and form ideas while I’m out and about.

I love characters with dominating/assholeish personalities. I rather have someone that my characters can fight/bicker with then them. Tension at the start of a relationship or throughout it can also be fun! Let’s face it, I’m a sucker for mean/overprotective/dominant partners. Want me to melt in your hands like putty, freaking throw that personality type my way!

I love romance in an Rp, it’s my favorite part honestly and one of the main reasons I do Rp!

I typically only play female characters, just because that is something I’m more comfortable with. I tend to only do F/M pairings as well. HOWEVER, I am more the happy playing any type of npcs. My main however will always be female.

I typically can write anywhere between 2- 6 paragraphs per post. Though if I’m really feeling an Rp, I can do 6+. Or I will try to match your post length as well! I hate even making this a request, but at the minimum I would prefer my partner to at least give me 2 paragraphs. Now sometimes only one paragraph might be called for, then so be it. But if you are only handing me one while I’m giving you five or six paragraphs I’ll quickly lose interest.

I also enjoy hearing other people’s ideas for plots, so don’t feel shy about asking to do something or even offering more to my own plot!

If you don’t respond after a week or so I’ll figure you might have dropped the Rp and I’ll leave it at that. I might give you a poke to see if we are still good. If not I’ll cut my loswith no hard feelings! That goes both ways as well! If you don’t hear back from me please give a nudge sometimes I just forget! Buuut in turn please don’t spam me through out the day if I don’t respond to your message!
I would also prefer to get a post at least once a day or every day.

Jolly jeez wasn’t that just swell!! Alright hooligans if you are still here let’s spill into that plot portion of this thread.

Vampire X Human* (* is the role I want to play)

*i will be adding more later or as they come!*
(Vampire x Human*)

A thousand years ago a war broke out between supernatural creatures and human society. While it seemed like the human population would win, there was a suddenly and drastic shift in the war. Supernatural beings got the upper hand—striking down all those whom stood in their way. A new era was born, one where vampires ruled the world while humans became the subspecies. Those whom didn’t succumb to their new life were killed on spot. Some even humans being used as examples of what would happen if the others did not learn to obey and follow rules. The ones that willingly followed into their new roles, (though considered cowards and weak among bitter peers) were kept in livable conditions—they were stored and sold off as if they were no better then pets or cattle. Of course that’s how vampires and other creatures did see them—nothing but pets and something to live off of.

Of course that was 1000 years ago. Vampiric rule is now a social norm, bitter feelings succumbing to the new way of the world. Most people now fight amongst themselves to make it to the top of the bloodletting chain. To live among the royal vampires as their pets or dinner is the ultimate goal for most, believing they would be pampered unconditionally—or gain a title that says “I’m important/better then you all”. To be high class and to go to all the fancy parties only certain members of society can get into. Others are just trying to make it day by day. Doing as they must to survive.

Im awfully curious to explore this world and what kind of society it can be! Not so much as a revaluation type thing, maybe just kind of slice of life? Of course we can add all kinds of elements to make it interesting. Surly there are some black market and sketchy ass things that can go on as well!
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