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Fantasy Living the Dream

YES! Food, I dream of yellow food shape like finger. In dream I ate round brown thing though. He was putting his large finger up to his helmet while trying to mime eating food. He wasn't sure why others called it fighting pits but he did make lots of money doing so. I get belt from this morning in the 'fighting pit'. It not fit me though, I too big. Also you just start feel better so we do official hi later when you up for it. Just not in store. He was shaking his foot while talking to show he had the belt and money in his foot just to prove he won. Seeing her starting to head outside made him eager to walk around again. He hadn't been in the forest of a few days.
"Wow, just like it was never broken in the first place!" Kurak exclaims in excitement after seeing the door knob fixed back onto the door; he has never seen someone use magic to fix an item before. He places his hands on Ty's shoulder and says "I hate to admit it, but this robot over here beat me in a fight, one tough little-" he stops himself at the inappropriate description for a 7' tall 'robot', as Ty described himself. "-one tough guy if you'd ask me." Kurak adds, laughing loudly afterwards, though his lower chest started to hurt a little when he did.

@marorda @Bolts
"Oh I feel rather good now, thank you," Elisa said, worried it would result in a "friendly" punch from the robot that would instantly knock her out and send her back to that strange other world. "Robot's dream of eating?" she asked with some surprise. She hadn't even expected a metal suit to be able to dream, let alone dream of something such as food. "It's just a simple mending spell," she explained to the Orc. "Quite useful on the road, much to the surprise of others. An easy way to fix ripped clothes, broken doorknobs, locks... Basically most small repairs can be done with this in a matter of seconds." She laughed as well upon hearing the broken-off description of the robot the Orc started with. Supposedly, the only ones to legitimately call the titan small were dragons or something else ridiculously large.

@Aine @Bolts
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The tribe alchemist, Delirak, approached Karilepi a minute or two after he sat down.

"Chief, the parsley farm is failing, and we need more in order to reach our weekly goal for health vials!" The worried faerie exclaimed. "Would it be okay if you sent someone into the nearby village to get some from the apothecary?" He asked meekly.

"Certainly, Delirak." Karilepi replied confidently. "I will get it myself. It has been a few weeks since I have ventured from the village." With that, he stood up.

"Thank you, chief." The nervous alchemist replied, before flying back towards the potion house.

Upon arrival of the village, Karilepi soon realized that the apothecary seemed to be closed, and a small group were standing outside of it.

He approached them and wondered what they'd think of his size, but curious as to why the place was closed.

@Bolts @marorda @ResonantStorm @Seraph Darkfire @Trombone Geek @The Sparrow @Aine @dorkling
Nynd was in the process of breaking the dried fish he had just purchased into chunks, his ears pricked and his head twitched up to face the sound he had heard, all he then saw was his cat darting past an Elvin girl holding open the apothecary's door for it. With a slight shake of his head Nynd finished breaking the fish and in turn placed these chunks into the pouch at his hip that was so recently emptied, then more out of curiosity, his head slightly tilted to the left he approached the group gathered.

His eyes flicked first over the Elvin girl, curiously she was short compared to most others he knew, perhaps she was still within human years but she was defiantly an elf.

Nynd's gaze then drifted to the tower of iron she seemed to be talking to, perhaps some sort of troll? it was hard to tell from the back however Nynd did not fancy looking up in order to speak to someone.

Although his companion... Nynds eyes flicked to the orc standing besides the armored being, this one was defiantly flesh and bone but he seemed to wear scars like Armour.. not that unusual for an orc, perhaps they are both of that race although it is not usual to wear so much Armour.

The last to be observed was a small creature, Nynd could tell what this new arrival was of a kind, although he was to far off to make out any precise detail.

Nynd's head straightened as he drew close to the group, but instead of directly greeting anyone or even speaking towards them he dropped to a knee and clicked his tongue, something his cat reacted to, more or less as it sauntered over towards Nynd, tail in the air and looking rather pleased with himself. "You like doing this don't you?"

@Bolts @marorda @Aine @DwlfTheDuck
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Vera was exhausted, trudging into her dwelling and shutting the door with a satisfactory slam. Dropping her various books and papers onto her desk, she fell face first onto her bed. Despite it being the middle of the day, she had been up all night preparing various things that had been due today. Yet with classes done for a few hours she could get bit of sleep before hand.

Blinking her eyes open, Feleana gave a groan before sitting up and run a hand along her face. The dreams she had been experiencing had been getting more and more vivid, stressful even. Beginning to remember a bit more each time she fell asleep. Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, she swung her legs to the edge of the small loft area in the back of her shop and dropped down. The dream already fading, Fel stoked the coals in her smithy before gathering a few bent swords that needed reshaping.
(Sorry, I forgot I had something tonight. I'm back now)

"Well, I'll agree with well travelled. Smart remains to be seen." Akakios smiled, and extended a hand. "I'm Akakios, and I work as a courier, or a guide. That's why I travel alot."

Elisa's attention turned from the Orc and the robot to the two new arrivals, one rather small pixie (or a fairy, she could never tell the difference) and the other elf boy, apparently the owner of the cat. "Your cat seems like a nice little guy. Or is it a girl?" she commented. "I almost locked it in just now though. Much like cats I didn't hear it darting by me." She turned her attention to the fairy/pixie and grinned lightly. "I suppose you're glad the cat didn't notice you? Last cats I met like to hunt smaller, flying beings. No offense intended, of course."

Then her attention turned to someone she had heard speaking before, but seemingly forgot about afterwards. "A guide huh? Guess that means you've seen a lot of Lumina as well, haven't you? I hope you're not planning on heading west... The roads there are rather dangerous. People are wary and distrustful, bandits have the free hand. Most tend to avoid it unless they really need to be around there. I'm a bard myself, and I tend to disregard danger for the sake of... well... fun and adventure. Although I do know when to stay away from places."

(As you see I switched to a slightly darker color. Because there's two others using the color I did xD )

@Jm Von Cat @Aine @Bolts @DwlfTheDuck @ResonantStorm
Switching his attention to the elven girl who had just spoken to him, Akakios replied. "Bandits on the whole aren't so bad. You just need to know the right route around their camps, and if they capture you they usually just want something. Sometimes it's gold, sometimes it's your weaponry, and sometimes it's your soul to sacrifice to the dark gods. You just have to figure out something they want that doesn't involve you, and work with that. Or, you can threaten them, or kill them, but it's much more satisfying to outwit them." He smiled pleasantly again. "A bard, you say? I thought most bards stayed away from adventure, and only repeated it in song. Are you an exception, then?"

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The word of adventure was uttered and Ty couldn't wait any longer. I explore lots! It been while since travel. Ty just sprang up in the air and coming back down made a small shake in the ground. He decided to bolt off towards the forest with more speed than a lumbering mass of iron should be able to. Nearing the forest a water source was near making the ground soggy and slippery. He slid on the wet ground, tumbling towards the water. With a grand splash he sunk to the bottom. It happened again. Just need to find edge. Feeling sleepy now though. His eyes dimmed till they couldn't be seen. @Chase
"You missed a couple of things on that list. Like your life, your purity as far as people might have it... Find the odd one out in this list," she dryly commented as the other elvish looking man named what the bandits could do. Then she grinned at him. "Telling stories and singing songs is one thing, and I do enjoy it too. But it is, in my opinion, so much better to experience actual adventures first hand. That way you actually have something to talk about instead of simply repeating the amazing feats and failures of others."

She watched the robot get excited and dart off towards the forest, not even waiting for any of them to follow. Silently she hoped his enthusiasm wouldn't wake up the fox man she had send into the same direction ealier.
Kurak tunes into the conversation of the many different people that has gatthered around the front of the store and trys his hardest to process all of the information being given out, but all he could pick out was something along the lines of 'There's some bandit somewhere in the west.', which was, quiet honestly, enough to pique his interest. "Bandits, you say?" He cuts into the conversation. "I may not look like it, but I'm actually a mercenary," Kurak says in a joking manner, and chuckled to himself a little.

Suddenly, Ty bolts off towards the distant forest which lies just out of town - mentioning something about exploring before he decided to run off.
"Ty! Where are you going?" He yells, but Ty was long gone before Kurak could even give chase, he turns around and makes a shrugging gesture towards the general direction of the group.

"Anyways, what's this about bandits? I'm rather low on money actually." Kurak asks the traveling elf.

@ResonantStorm @marorda @Jm Von Cat @DwlfTheDuck

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Akakios shrugged. "What I meant was that essentially, find something the bandits want, and negotiate with them. Or you could always just shoot them as they come near, or stab them, but its interesting to see how many bandits are just people forced into that role by circumstance. Of course you get people who love taking possessions and killing, and violence too, but they're generally not really a problem. It's the quiet killers you have to watch out for. Those, and the 'bandits' that overcharge in the marketplace." He grinned back. "You have me at a disadvantage; you know my name, but I don't know yours. And where is the behemoth going?"

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"I'm Elisa," she introduced herself to the guide and whoever else might be listening that hadn't caught her name yet. And to that introduction, she added her usual cheerful, polite, and charming smile. "I don't know an awful lot about those bandits," she said to the Orc. "It's a thing I picked up on the road. A warning 'stay away. Dangerous. People getting hurt and dying at the pointy end of bandit knives.' That sort if thing. And since I do still have some issues and a possible unsettled debt with an entire guild of those fellows, i decided to so the smart thing and actually stay away for a change."
As Kurak finds out the elvish bard's name was Elisa, he notices that he hasn't given his name neither - he turns towards Akakios then announces his name, "My bad as well, I'm Kurak." Offering him a handshake, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before." he adds, turning around and making an apologetic nod to Elisa before changing the the topic back towards the bandits, "Unsettled business?" he asks Elisa.

@marorda @ResonantStorm
"Well, nice to meet you both. To be honest, I'm a bit surprised you're working as a mercenary. I would have expected you to be more of a bodyguard. After all, most bandits and raiders would run at the site of an armed orc." He raised a curious eyebrow at Kurak. "And yes, it's usually a very good idea to stay away from bandits anyway. It's not too hard if you know the routes, and have a good enough knack for finding hiding places if need be. After all, getting captured is usually inconvenient, no?"

(I'm not ignoring you @DwlfTheDuck, Akakios just hasn't noticed Karilepi yet)

@Aine @marorda
Nynd lightly scratched around the cats ears before speaking softly "Its a he, Smokey... rather likes strange people" He glanced up at the elf girl "My thanks for not locking the silly thing inside" He smiled softly, Smokey in the mean time was watching the fairy keenly before Nynd lightly tapped his nose "That's not something you can catch and I don't care how careful you are", having said this Nynd slowly stood taking a closer look at the people around, his gaze lingering on the metallic figure... it was no creature that he knew of. More to his surprise another elf he had not spotted before, having been hidden behind the towering metal figure whom seemed to be running of to, explore? how odd.

Nynd stood in silence after this watching curiously, surprised at the conversations turn and the orks revelation as a mercenary, these people seemed to be of a good nature but how could he really tell. Nynd's cat darted around the assorted peoples legs, occasionally rubbing himself against one persons leg or the other.

@Bolts @marorda @Aine @ResonantStorm
Karilepi gave a mere nod at Elisa's remark, slightly offended, but trying to hide it.

"Well, I came for parsley." he said. "And quite frankly, I just want to know why the apothecary is closed." He stopped flying and sat on a windowsill.

"I'm Karilepi, leader of the Jeris tribe o' faeries, for your information."

@ResonantStorm @marorda @Aine @Bolts
Avisa, who'd been watching the strange interactions of the two-legged ones from afar, a part of her wishing to be able to join them, and a part of her being just fine over by the water where no one noticed her. Not many people knew of her, though some were sent by Olivier or on a quest of some sort.

At times, she wished she'd never told anyone of her dreams of being another girl in a different world. A world where everyone was human, and everything else was just a fairytale. With strange contraptions and devices that no one here would ever dream of. The banished life was a cursed one, even if she was standing by what she believed in, and having Mahi simply makes it worse. Now her child will grow up on her own, with no others to play with. It was a heavy burden on a mother's shoulders.

The mermaid is drawn out of her thoughts when, on the far side of the water, something large and shiny rolled into the water with a great splash. Avisa gives one last look at the gathering, settles Mahi into a sling, and dives into the water. It's mere seconds before she meets what looks like a suit of armor, sinking fast. The lights in the visor slowly flicker out as Avisa watches. It wasn't often that she got people in her waters. Most were scared of swimming in mermaid inhabited water, due to the hostility and drowning hobby of most of her kind. This thing, however, didn't seem to be a person. A gigantic, hollow, suit, Avisa finds, investigating further after it hit the bottom with a thunk. Was it perhaps the metallic, moving creature she had seen before? It did vanish while she was off in her own head, so perhaps. Just to be safe, Avisa moves Mahi to her back, and lugs the gigantic thing back to the bank near the apothecary and begins shouting at the group.

"Hey! Hello? I found this... thing! Is it yours??"

@ResonantStorm @marorda @Aine @Bolts @DwlfTheDuck @Jm Von Cat
"Yeah.... it's a long story," Elisa sheepishly scratched the back of her head under her hat, recalling the events that had caused her to avoid bandits and the like even more than usual. "But what it comes down to is that I almost accidentally handed over some key members of a certain guild in Rivers' Crossing to a local lord, resulting in me almost being married off to his thirteen year old son, and ending with me more or less being chased out of the town by some big bulky bodyguard who told me I was supposed to have left the day before. And said day I was told that 'accidents happen to people who do not know the rules'. So there's that... I highly doubt that after that it would not stay with merely capturing me."

Elisa dodged the cat rubbing himself between her legs as if it was his purpose to make her trip over him. She went down to her knees to scratch the cat behind his ears. "A fitting name," she said to the other elf with a smile. "He was lucky I heard him scratching the door. Otherwise he would have been locked inside, raiding the catnip until the Apothecary would wake up again." She looked at the fairy, who had just introduced himself as Karilepi, leader of a fairy tribe. It made her feel a little guilty. Although she hadn't had a lot to do with the war in which everyone fought everyone, and old friends turned into sworn enemies, she was well aware of the conflicts between the fairies and elves, both causing great casualties on either side. No, it was far from her responsibility, but she knew about her old family's involvement. Not against Karilepi's tribe in particular, but more so to his kin. "I might still have some parsley with me," she told him. "I like it both in my food and in my tea. You could have it, if you want?" Though the conflict was officially over, she would understand if the fairy would rather not accept help of an elf.

Her attention was then drawn to another voice, speaking up from... out of the water? She curiously turned her head, to see the mermaid peeking out of the water, looking in their direction, and the seemingly lifeless body of Ty on the shore. Would a robot such as himself rust due to the water? "I believe he's a friend," Elisa shouted back. "Thank you for getting him out of the water! He doesn't exactly look like he knows how to swim."

@Aine @Bolts @Jm Von Cat @DwlfTheDuck @ResonantStorm @Chase
Karilepi eyed the elf carefully. It was his choice. Either trust the elf, and ensure that everyone in the tribe had enough health vials, or don't, and have to search the marketplace for a good trade deal. He figured, that although she was an elf, he would trust her. His alchemist would notice any poison in the parsley immediately if there was any.

"My thanks," he replied. "I do need the parsley."

He looked over when the mermaid dragged the body of the robot onto the shore.
Elisa nodded and fished a bush of parsley out of a side pocket of her backpack. Although she liked parsley, having all her belongings smell like it was... not so nice. "How much do you need?" she asked. "And might I ask what you need it for? Although I would like to keep some for myself, I would be okay with giving all of it if your need is greater than mine. I know where to find it, so being without for a while is no problem."
"I just need a few leaves." he replied. "My alchemist is in need of expanding the failing parsley farm. We need parsley to ensure everyone in the tribe has enough health vials." he added. "Parsley is one of the few plants we can't grow with magic."

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"You can grow things using magic?" Akakios inquired curiously. "Last I heard only the high elves had that power, and they separate themselves from us "commoners" like we have the plague. I didn't know the fae had mastered that particular skill though, and I doubt the highborn elves know either. That's... interesting." Akakios mulled over some of the implications of this. "Maybe that'd be enough for another war. That would be unfortunate..."

A distant voice shouts from the direction of the shore and Kurak instinctively looks towards the source of the noise, there, he lays eyes upon a mermaid with a baby strapped on her back, trying her hardest to dragg Ty's massive body put of the water

Surprised by how a mermaid is able to carry a big object such as Ty, Kurak runs over to aid the mermaid's efforts.

"Stupid thing, he's all fight but can't even think properly!" He shouts to the mermaid running over, "I think you better rest now, that baby's having a rough ride wouldn't you say?" Kurak adds after getting to the shore, he then prepares to lift Ty, up back onto the main street though it is too hard, the water inside of Ty's body weighted him down even more, he turns around to the mermaid and triess to smile at her - trying to signal that everything was alright, but the scar on his face makes it hard for him to seem friendly.

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