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Fantasy Living the Dream

Karma jumped, startled, and turned her chair towards her door. "C-coming!" she called out, getting up out of her chair quickly. Her door was unlocked, like normal, so all she did was twist the knob and pull it open.

"Man, they can't figure their stuff out, can they?" Karma said to Dan, smiling a bit nervously. "Sorry, it's probably a bunch of requests from those who realize how crowded my email is. Thanks for getting these for me!" she said cheerfully, but she suddenly tilted her head.

"Okay, so it'd be weird if I ask if I've seen you before, since you bring my letters like, every day.. but, umn, you seem really familiar, just on a different face? Ah, I-I don't know. Never mind. Th-thanks again, for getting the letters I mean." She reached a hand up to the back of her neck, scratching nervously.
uuuuhhh huh, well that is a strange thing to say. Look, I'm really not up for today so I'm gonna go sleep alright? Have fun with your.... drawing. He handed the stack of letters to her and walked off down the stairs. I'd be the weird one in that conversation... Isn't that right Ty. If you do exist that is. he said to himself. He got down the his door and unlocked it. It opened up to a very dark apartment but he didn't care. He walked right to bed and flopped onto the bed. Glad I don't work tonight, I could do anything I want... but there is no one to do stuff with. He just laid in bed for a while. His body was still active so it had to calm down before he could sleep again.

@Trombone Geek
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Vali grinned as he watched the apothecary become more and more busy. He'd actually been waiting for the elf girl to wake up as well. Frankly, speaking, he was just a little bored. His ears popped up noticing the girl from before talking to the elf, who was finally awake. He looked towards the Apothecary as he was asked a question "Well.." he scratched his head "Not really, unless you want me to pay for using your roof as a bed?" he asked cocking his head "I was much more interested in the elf girl passing out" he didn't really have an interest in plants beyond keeping the wildlife off of him.

He wasn't sure what this man was hiding, but he didn't seem like a bad guy, neither did the strange girl talking to the elf. He was generally a good judge of character.

@dorkling @The Sparrow @marorda
Oh my goodness... Olivier put a hand to his forehead as he glared in the direction of the shouting from outside his shop, and then the tea kettle was whistling from the kitchen in the back. It was all giving him a headache. He rushed to the kitchen, quickly got it off the fire and poured a cup of tea. Even though he was on the verge of passing out, Olivier had made his way out of the kitchen to the main room of the shop with the cup of hot tea.

"Everyone, the girl needs her space," he said gruffly as he went over to the elf girl. "Here, drink this. It will soothe that headache you probably have..." He said in a more gentler voice, handing her the tea. "Careful, it's quite hot."

He then turned to everyone else. "I am very sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you all to leave. The shop is closed for the day."

Accacia eyed the owner.

Something seemed off about him...

All these herbs were clouding her sense slightly.

But not entirely.

The short female nodded her head slightly, at his request for them to leave, but was quite annoyed when he claimed the newly awoken girl needed space.

Is a simple question really going to hurt her? Im not even that close..

She pushed the irritability away and got to her feet, before 'magically' whipping out a bottle of crushed herbs, concealing it in her robes.

Accacia leaned down to whisper to the female on the couch, hood nearly slipping off.

This should help you with your dreams and headaches.. " She stated truthfully and softly, slipping it to her before heading towards the door.

Most people didn't believe her, just dispose the bottle/vial in disgust, claiming it was poison.

Indeed it was not though.

Witches were hated enough, why would she worsen it by poisoning innocents?

If only they accepted the bottle..

She shook her head a bit at her thoughts and exited the Apothecary

Dreams? Elisa hadn't even mention her dreams yet. So how did this stranger seem to know? Maybe it was just coincidence... She accepted the cup of tea from the owner of the shop with a polite smile. "Thank you," she said to him before turning her head to the other girl. "I honestly wouldn't know what exactly happened... I just... I'm not sure. I got a pretty bad headache out of nowhere, and felt as if there was this annoying loud sound buzzing through my skull, like... an alarm or something. When I stopped by here to see if I could find something for this headache, everything just faded to black. But I did indeed have a bit of an odd dream. How did you know that?" She slipped the vial into a pocket, wondering if she was going to use it. In a strange way, she rather quite liked the dreams. Elisa watched her exit the apothecary and peeked outside, only to see two rather tall people looking over someone in armor who had apparently collapsed. And it was only then when she paid attention to the little foxman standing in the apothecary as well. It seemed rather fluffy and cute, but Elisa doubted he would want to hear that.
Noticing her looking at him, Vali walked up to her and looked into her face, his large ears twitching "You know, I am really good at guessing people's thoughts" it didn't help that every woman he had ever met had the same reaction to his fluffy body parts. It wasn't something he really cared about though, in truth, it even helped him get closer to his targets if they were women...though sometimes there was the occasional man.

"Yes, my fur is extremely soft to the touch, I take particularly good care of it" he chuckled as his tail flicked back and forth. He suddenly cocked his head "You said something about an odd dream? I'm an illusionist, so I love odd things, especially dreams" the things he dreamed of were rather boring, though some of the books in the dream were interesting.

Finding people to describe their strange dreams and then recreating them for an audience was extremely fun. The things people dreamed up were exceptional material.

He then frowned and stepped back "The Apothecary is right though, after passing out like that, it is best to give you your space" he said sighing and stretching "As much as I'm interested in your dream, your health is ultimately more important" he was a thief, but he wasn't a bad person.

He yawned slightly "I need to get back to my nap anyway" he said making a face at the idea of his own dreams, before grinning "My name is Vali" he said "I'm the greatest illusionist in Lumina, if you want to see your dreams in reality, I'm the guy you want to talk to" he chuckled before turning towards the door "If you want to talk about your dreams, please give me a call"

Opening the door, he looked up and frowned "The sun's moved, I'll have to find another roof to sleep on" he said sighing.

"I'm feeling a lot better now, but sure. You'd best listen to the Apothecary," Elisa smiled. "I guess it would be fun to have a chat later. As a bard, I'm always curious to hear about others as well. Though I feel no desire to see my dreams in reality. They already feel real enough as they are, and I think these dreams of mine will only end up frightening the locals..." Elisa frowned slightly upon hearing the fox man's name. She was certain she had heard his name somewhere before, on her travels. And if he was truly the best illusionist in Lumina, as he claimed, it would not be surprising. "My name is Elisa," she introduced herself as well. "I'm a wandering bard, and if I might say so about myself, the best in Lumina. Perhaps even beyond, though I haven't gone there very often... Anyway, if you want to take a nap, there's a rather nice clearing just outside this village. It should have the sun right now. Unless you prefer the roofs over grass. I'll look forward to talking to you later."
Nynd walked briskly down the towns streets, his hood long since pulled up over his head, hiding his ears but not his hair, its length spilling outside the hood and a short way down his shoulders which were pushed back, straightening his posture and bringing Nynd to his full height. He strode down narrow roads until he spotted what he sought... With a light grin on his lips he approached the stall, taking a knee just in front of it much to the confusion of the stall keeper. "Trust you to find fish Smokey, I suppose you want a treat now hmn?", to these words, quietly spoken by Nynd the kitten reacted letting out a mewl and pushing its form up against Nynd's leg in affection, in turn Nynd reached for the pouch at his hip flicking out the last chunk of dried fish. "There you silly cat", this was said with a smile in his voice as he slowly stood, the speed taken to stand was deliberate and Nynd flicked his eyes around cautiously, observing the Apothecary just across the road perhaps a building or two further up than him, his eyes also took in the apparent commotion..A man collapsed on the ground with another standing over him in what looked like aid, A woman in white and black leaving, A fox man shortly after standing in the door and something else, just out of plain sight.

Nynd shrugged softly, it did not seem overly out of place or harmful as he turned on his left heel to face the stall keeper
"How many coins for one of your fish, dried". Nynd engaged in a brief conversation with the man, he twisted one of his arms back beneath his cloak and in short order held it out before him dropping two coins to the man with the lightest of movements from his thumb, the man in turn nodded quickly in acceptance before pushing one of the fish across the stall. Nynd smiled lightly "Thank you honest sir", as he took hold of the dried fish another two coins were flicked onto the stall with a slight nod before he turned away, his heel once again digging into the ground as he did so.

Whist this was happening however Nynds cat decided to follow its nose, deciding that something pleasant was inside the Apothecary's store he quickly scampered inside, flicking his head around in quick twitching movements... its light blue eyes darting from object to object in what could be taken as fascination.

(With this I also go to sleep ;-; God damn time zones)
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As Olivier watched the people, the strangers, that exited the shop, he knew that this wasn't going to be the last time that he will encounter them. Granted he was the apothecary, people were always visiting him, however, this group was going to be a significant one it seems.

He suppressed a yawn, swaying a bit on the spot and trying to focus his vision that was going in and out. It was definitely time for bed for him. He turned to the elf girl, who's name he caught as Elisa. "You can stay here as long as you like until you feel better." It wouldn't have sit well with Olivier if he just casted the ill right out into the streets. "I'm going to catch a dream or two. I just ask you to lock the door when you leave." And hopefully not a dream of that careless man...

And with that, Olivier retreated upstairs. Once he reached his bed, he instantly passed out, wounds gone untreated.


Gareth woke up with a start, checking his arms and hands for any sign of injury and then at his surroundings. He didn't have any injuries and he was still in his dorm room. He had another dream of that world. I should lay off the Skyrim... He chuckled as he rubbed his face, sighing deeply. Sleep had been once again uneasy for him, and he couldn't remember a night when he could sleep without waking up once. Or with dreams that felt so real.

"God, those dreams are so boring. Maybe it's a sign that should change my major into pharmacology..." He mused before laying back down in his bed, wondering what time it was.
Kurak continues to knock on the door for a little while before getting turned around by Ty, there, he was greeted my an elvish looking person, Kurak couldn't really pin point if he was Elvish or human. He again, spends a little moment to think, but the thought was interupted by the clang of Ty's metallic body hitting the ground, flinging up dust around the area he has collapsed in. Kurak produces worrying look, his new companion has just fallen down; he knew that Ty's body wasn't that weak though - especially if Ty did beat him in a fight just before - this allows Kurak to calm down a little bit. He brushes it off, though seeing the elf poking Ty's body using his feet annoyed him a little bit.

"I left the house years ago! We aren't all bound to one region." Kurak says, looking at the elf, then slowly walks up to Ty and grunts as he picks his fallen body up and hoist him over his own shoulders. As he begins to walk towards the door and knock on it again, he hears the door of the shop creak open, "Thank you!" Kurak says before the door fully opened, "Erm - would you happen to have anything that would work for a machine like Ty here?"

@Bolts @ResonantStorm
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Dan just laid there for a while. If he slept Ty made progress in his life but he himself would never really get anywhere. It's not like it matters really. Ty I'm banking on you being the real us here. He stuffed his head in pillows, trying his best to fall unconscious. It wouldn't be for a little while more.

A small shake of the body from gears kicking in. Eyes lighting up to a yellow though the visor. Other me enjoy lady's art. He never tell though, it make him embarrassed. He said while being carried by the Orc friend. Sorry, I sleep and little man wake. I wanna say hello sometime! He said as the Orc asked loudly about herbs.

@Aine @ResonantStorm @marorda
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Karma looked through her letters, sorting requests and fanmail; she set the requests aside as she went back to her work.

She finished at about noon, stretching with a groan at such a long time spend hunched over a drawing. Now she had to scan it all in, and all that fancy tech-y stuff..

But first, maybe a nap would be nice. She walked to her room, yawning, and flopped on her bed, and would've been surprised at how fast she'd fallen asleep.. if she wasn't already asleep.

Nikki's eyes opened slowly, and the woman stretched, sitting up and turning her head to look at the path bustling with travelers and merchants and the like. She looked up, noting that it was still morning in this world, and stood, gathering her supplies up and deciding to find an inn for the night so she could sleep after she finished looking for jobs. She wandered, at first aimlessly, observing the town again; she eventually aimed her path to the inn. She walked inside, ignoring any strange looks, and dug some gold out of a pouch. She set it on the table, and requested a room; at a nod from the innkeeper, she trudged upstairs and set her stuff down in a room. Locking the room and pocketing the key, she exited the inn with nothing but a silver knife strapped at her waist.

She noticed that there was an arena, and that there were still a few battles listed, but she decided she'd try at a later date, maybe before she left; she didn't want to draw too much attention.

She continued to scan her surroundings as she hunted for work, and her eyes landed on a giant suit of armor and metal that appeared to be either magically bound or made by some genius mechanic. He seemed familiar to the woman, but she paid no mind.

Nikki eventually came across a wanted poster; she studied the face, the pay, and where the quarry would most likely be found. Revealing the confidence in her abilities to all around her, she tore the poster down and retreated to the inn where she grabbed her cloth-wrapped spear. Setting it against her shoulder as she walked, Nikki headed in the general direction she needed to go, only stopping once she left the village.

Her eyes became a single solid grey color, lacking in a pupil, and the area around her became gray as well. She saw a red dot in the distance that marked her target, and she left the road, traveling through the forest at a high speed as she raced towards her target. The grey in her vision left upon movement, and her eyes appeared normal again.
"Oh wow, she was right" Vali said chuckling as he stepped into the clearing. He ran his bare feet over the grass "Very soft" he mumbled as he began to look for the right spot to lay down "A bard huh?" he wondered as he moved around "Unusual for an illusionist and a bard to run into each other" he lifted up the watch he'd picked off of a man he'd passed in the street, popping open the case to see the time "Fascinating objects, these watches" he said softly. Of course, he'd seen more advanced things in his dreams and often wondered if the idea for the watch came from someone's dreams.

"Guess I still have some time to nap" he said finally sitting down and laying back, his body soaking up the sunshine. After a few minutes he was asleep.


Jason started awake at the sudden touch of someone's hands on his person. He blinked and fixed his glasses, observing a slightly angry woman and her child standing before him. It seemed she wanted to check out a book "Sorry" he mumbled and took the book, running it through the system to get it checked out. Once he was alone again, he sighed and made a face "I really shouldn't sleep during work" he said rubbing his face softly "Dreaming of pretty elf bards, what kind of guy am I?" he chuckled and sighed "I need to learn how to talk to girls, then maybe I could stop dreaming about so many different types of girls"

In his dreams, the Fox had met many girls and flirted with many of them, he was just so charismatic and easy going. Jason groaned "He got right in her face and everything" he said in embarrassment.
Akakios frowned. "Yeeeeees, but orcs very, very rarely come this far South..." He frowned, as the armoured behemoth flared back into life. Gears? Sure, clockwork was a thing, but how could clockwork be self-aware, much less inteligent? Quenching a tiny voice in the back of his head that spoke of a place where people couldn't go without clockwork, he frowned and turned to go. His hearing was good enough to hear someone mention that the shop was closed, and yet the orc and armouredfigure had gone in. Maybe there was still an interesting tale in this...

@Bolts @Aine
Looking behind him was the small person who was walking up to him before. We can say hello more outside since shops don't like it inside! We be friends after big friend get something. Ty had missed his chance to have proper manners while outside since Dan took over. He was okay with that though, the little human needed to work on his life to get friends just like himself. This person in front of him seemed curious just like himself. It made Ty even more sad that he might miss out on making a similar minded friend. His eyes turned a shade of blue.

"Waaaait, shops don't like people saying hello? What's wrong with greeting someone...?" Akakios frowned and scratched his neck. "But, uh, friends? Sure...

Pushing his fingers together making small rough noises looks at him with blue eyes. He is losing this ones interest fast. Last time I say hello in shops I broke counter and they got mad. So no say hello in shops anymore, only outside. He was on such a good friend streak now he had to fix this to keep it going. I say hello to big orc man here. He sleep and now we get plants to help head. You also need plants?

@ResonantStorm @Aine
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Alistair sat himself down in his comfortable office chair, thinking about his latest idea; a jacuzzi on a balcony! Surely nobody would be able to resist a nice warm bath overlooking beautiful views. Sure, it didn't sound logical, but he could make it logical, easily. He fantasized about how relaxing it would be, how he'd get the pipes up into the balcony and the ideal location for the jacuzzi, and he began to drift into a sleep...

Karilepi awoke in his bedroom, the biggest in the village, and yawned. He felt his other half's presence inside him, knew that he was back in his dreams...

or he had woken up.

He stood up and looked in the mirror, tying his hair into his trademark ponytail, and picked up his staff from beside the mirror. He grabbed his cloak, which was on a small peg at his door, and pulled it on. Opening his door, he realized it was morning. Time to go and make sure the tribe was in order. He stepped out onto the branch, and, flapping his wings he flew from his tree. The tribe leader's tree. He found it odd that he had managed to maintain his rank for so long. It wasn't like his tribe would demote him, nominate someone else - they loved him - but he was surprised he was still alive.

He was also grateful and didn't have the intention of dying anytime soon. He flew to the village's main street, to see faeries, all unique, flying around, doing their daily business. Many said "Good morning, Chief Karilepi!" as he flew past, to which he replied "Good morning."

He landed at the centre fountain, and sat on the bench overlooking it, on a thick tree branch. He smiled to himself. So far, another ordinary day.
"You're awake now!" says Kurak as he places Ty back onto the floor again. "My back was beginning to hurt," He adds while turning around to join the conversation, the elf whom Ty was talking to did not even flinch at all, even after seeing a gigantic orc and an equally sized, give or take, strange mechanical machine in the middle of the streets. This makes Kurak very interested in the elvish man; he even knows about the regions where orcs usually live, 'must be a well traveled guy.' Kurak thought to himself.

"You seem well traveled, clever too."
he says to the elf.

@Bolts @ResonantStorm
"Are you addressing me or the guy outside?" Elisa asked the rather large Orc. She tried not to seem too taken aback by the large machine accompanying him, but she could not deny never to have seen anything like this before. However, more than afraid, she was curious and intrigued. Was it someone inside the machine or a machine on its own? In that other, stranger world, it wouldn't surprise her, but here? Here it was still a little bit odd. "Anyways, this shop is closed, I'm afraid. The Apothecary just went upstairs. I'm just sitting here until I feel a little bit better."
Ty's eyes slide down the visor to see the one sitting down. His eyes turn yellow as he has a chance to have attention to someone again. Hurt? People greet too much? Ty know when to stop saying hello unlike some. Orc friend very good though. He said with clangs of metal enhanced by his magic life force. Since she was sitting down this rather large iron creature seemed to tower way more than usual. When feel better we greet outside. Ty will be soft greet till better. Holding the crushed brass knob in his had he started to twist and turn its form like he does with all his scavenged items he collects. Turning to his orc friend conversing with the one who lost interest in him. What do now? Plant man sleep.

@marorda @ResonantStorm @Aine
"Ah, no no, I didn't get hurt. Not really. I just passed out, so I'm taking it easy," Elisa smiled. Upon hearing the combination of greeting and hurting, but mostly the fact that the machine man mentioned his name, she seemed to look up more curiously. "So your name is Ty? I've heard about you. Rumors on the street claim you're the best pit fighter around these parts. Honestly I had expected someone more similar to your Orc friend, rather than... ehm... someone like you. Might I ask what you are? I've never seen the likes of you before."

She finished her cup of tea and left it on the counter, together with some gold coins for the kind Apothecary's efforts. Then she turned around and left the store, turning around to close and lock the door as he had asked of her. But she found the doorknob missing. "Ah, did it break?" she asked the metal titan as she spotted the remains of a doorknob in his hand. "Can I have it? I should be able to repair the door for... Oliver, I believe his name was."

A rather loud mewling and scratching sound at the door caught her attention. She reopened the door to see a gray cat looking up at her, affectionately darting between her legs. "Silly thing. Did I almost lock you up in there?" she asked the cat. "Gotta be careful with that."

@Aine @Bolts

@Jm Von Cat
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Orc friend call me machine, but other me say robot. I don't know what those are but I think it means buddy. He was twisting the knob in some strange shape fit for an art museum. Yes here you go. What is fighter pit? You mean greeting arena where I find orc friend. He hands her the mangled brass and stares at her for a few moments. I wish I get hungry, you remind me of yellow food. He said as he patted his hand on his body which made echos.

"I remind you of... food?" Elisa blinked slowly. "Well, I'm not edible, really." She took the doorknob and mumbled a spell, reverting the brass back to a more doorknob-ish form. "That's what I meant yes. Others call it fighting pits. They fight for money." She had already heard of the strange metal titan, barging through the pits happily saying hello to all who entered before breaking their bones in one single hit. She wondered how he planned on greeting her. Personally, to her, this chatting and a friendly handshake was greeting enough. But something told her this metal titan was most likely to break her hand if she shook his. She turned back to the door, put the knob in place, and mumbled the same spell again. Now, the knob was back in place, with no sign of it ever having broken off. Though it still looked a little bit strange.

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