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Fantasy Living the Dream


Oddball and author

Is the world you live in the real world, or is it all just a dream? And wold that make the world in your dreams the real world? When that line grows thinner and thinner, slowly fading away, it might become hard to tell the truth from the lies, the reality from the dreams. Are you living your dreams, or dreaming your life? Earth and Terrea. Terrea and Earth. A dreamworld and a real world. But which one is which? Is there even an absolute truth? Reality and dreams. Dreams and reality. Again, which one is which?

Elisa gazed up at the seemingly endless abyss stretching everywhere she could look. An endless sky with a bright moon and thousands -if not many more- stars shining their light upon the world so very far below them. A cool night breeze blew softly in her face, letting her hair dance lightly in the wind. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she shifted her gaze from the stars to the torch-lit village down the hill. She remembered the war in the foothills, little over four decades now. It was a much smaller fraction of time for an elf like her. But yet.... she also remembered sleeping through her alarm clock and being late for her Sociology final. And that was only a few days ago. It were two entirely different worlds, entirely different lives. Yet both were so... vivid. Immense and realistic. She had memories of both that felt too real to be a dream. But one of these two worlds HAD to be a dream, right? In the past few years -or had it only been weeks to months?- she had started to question a lot; the things she saw, the people she knew and still met. Which one was the dream, and which one was real? It became harder and harder to tell the difference. Harder to see the truth. There was a distant memory, somewhere on the edge of her mind, slipping away from her just before she could grasp it, only to return just as she was about to forget entirely, and to slip away again as she tried to grasp it. What was that lingering thought, important enough to remain, but vague enough to keep on fading? Fading... just like the line between the worlds she knew.

Soon enough she'd wake up in that other world, hopefully not late for her exams this time. Or was the exam time already over?

Terrea and Earth. Earth and Terrea. A traveling elf bard collecting stories and myths, songs and legends, and a human sociology college student who was told to have too much fantasy. Lives with friends, with family, with memories. And the differences could impossibly be bigger. Magic and technology. Vast cities and small villages. Almost direct opposites, and yet with a strange kind of harmony.
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CLUNK. keys and a wallet fall on the bedside table. Dan flops onto his sheets. A long night of cleaning up after people who always leave stuff way to messy. He had to work all through the night but that was fine. His finals where done anyway. He looked at his phone that was extremely bright in the dark room. Meh, no one wants to talk like always. He turned his phone off and plugged it in to charge. Fixing the pillows and bring the sheets above his head to get away from this world. I could go for some Ty action right now. He muttered while closing his eyes. I'm glad I can be someone better.

Laying down on the ground in an alley of a city is a slump of iron armor. Yellow beads of light shone through the visor suddenly as this creature stands up. The creaks and screeches of metal on metal would annoy anyone, anyone but Ty. I gotta go say hi to people now! He bolted out of the alley way while kicking up dirt, dust, and other various mess. He caught word of a small pit where people greet each one another and the one that greets the best wins! I'm going to make so many friends this time! He yelled in a metallic and magical voice.
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The sunlight glowed through the windows of the small room of a tavern that Kurak has stayed in for the night, which signaled the beginning of a new day. Kurak turned and tumbled around in the bed, trying to get back to sleep again, but eventually gave in and sat up. He stretched and then wiped his weary face, his foot crashed upon the floor, making a thumping sound as he stood up and put on his armor, also picking up various axes and swords. He proceeded to exit the room and walk down the stairs that were obviously too small for someone of his stature.

After somehow squeezing through the small stairway, he walked towards the counter and handed his keys to the still frightened inn keeper, he sighed to himself and then picked the nearest empty seat within the tavern, he then ordered the cheapest meal, and then gulped it down in what seemed to be a single bite.

He leaves some money on the table then walks out of the tavern.
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She knew the drill, she knew it all too well. Fall asleep in one world, and wake up in the other. Every day, every night. One the dream, the other real. If she was being honest with herself, Shane was no longer so sure which one was which. Elisa was real to the point where, if she happened to hear the name mentioned around her, she'd actually respond, much to the surprise of the people around her. After all, she was Shane. And she had always been. Elisa was a made up dream, a figment of her too active imagination. But it all seemed so real... The sounds, the smells, the names, memories... everything. She loved the life as Shane, with her amazing family and plenty of social contacts. She loved the life of Elisa equally. Adventurous, never dull, knowing so many people, yet always being so lonely. Shane ran a hand over her face, tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear, and then in frustration re-adjusted the glasses she had just partially swiped off her nose by running her hand over her face. Sleep in one world, wake in the other... But she couldn't sleep here. Not in the middle of the lecture, even if it was dull. She quickly peeked at her watch. Only thirty minutes left... Then she could go home and take a well-deserved nap. Living two lives sure was tiring.

The moment her class ended, Shane couldn't suppress a rather loud yawn, resulting in her only hurrying out of the lecture room even faster. She had to get home and just rest her head. Even if it was only a few minutes. No, scrap that. Screw dinner, screw homework. She wanted to sleep and flee into that other world. Or was she returning? Shane shook her tired head and hurried to her own little place. There she slumped on the bed, rested her head, and closed her eyes...


And in Lumina, Elisa's eyes opened to the chirping of birds in the tree under which she had camped that night. She looked up at the clear blue sky and lazily stretched as warm rays of sunlight hit her face. She yelped as she tried to get up. "Ouch... Hair, hair, hair.... Bush..." She carefully freed the stuck strands of hair from the bush she had apparently partially rolled into whilst sleeping. "Mental note to self: Do not sleep next to bushes anymore. When will I learn?" she chuckled. She grabbed her tunic from her backpack and pulled it over her head, tied her hair together in a simple ponytail, picked up the rest of her stuff, and (still half dressed) hurried over to the nearby stream to wash herself. From the surface of the water, her cheerful reflection greeted her; curious and sparkling moss green eyes, a few stubborn loose strands of hair... and bags underneath her eyes. Both sleepy in her dreams and the waking world. Whichever one was which. Had Shane and that strange world spawned from her story-filled mind? Or was this entire world and her life the dream? Again she recalled that strange feeling from the night before, the feeling there was something she was supposed to remember, but every time slipping away from her as she paid attention to it. For now she just shrugged it off. Dream or reality, it was a beautiful day. Carpe Diem, Festina Lente. Elisa shook her body awake, packed her belongings, and cheerfully skipped off to the nearest town.
Ty knew his other half was feeling glum this morning or night. He really wanted to meet him so he could give him a great big punch. He would always have to wait till his magic needed to be replenished though. So in order to make him better Ty would enter the Fighting Pits or in his eyes the Greeting pits. Oh man, they said they would have the best people ever! I can't wait. Ty yelled running down the streets past merchants and inns alike. He even caught the eye of some guardsmen who couldn't keep up with this tank of a construct. Bursting through the doors to an arena like sand pit he saw the sign up clerk. He had done many things like this before so he knew not to break the table like last time. Sign up Ty for the greetings! He couldn't wait to meet so many nice people.
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"What the heck?" Kurak grumbled loudly to himself as he just saw a gigantic metallic creature running across the street. "Has forging become this advance after I left home?" Maybe it has something to do with that strange guy in my dreams, Kurak thought, he's always going on about this 'theory' thing and playing with some strange looking button contraption. He knew that he had important work to do, but out of curiosity, he followed the 'weapon', running after it.
After a few minutes the ring announcer declared the fighters for the first match one of which was Ty. His opponent was a short human in a basic leather getup. DING DING DING the bells rang indicating the start of the match. Hello, nice to meet you. Ty said as he brought up his fist and slammed it down on the poor lads shoulder. A large crack could be heard in the audiance as Ty had just broken the mans bones in one smack. DING DING DING, the bells rang to show the match was over with the human on the ground. Talk to again some time. Ty said waving goodbye to the man getting carried off by others. Now he had to wait for the next match. He sat down on the ground to await but shut down all of the sudden.

THUMP THUMP. The pounding of the front door was loud. Dan raised his head with weary eyes. Oh what now? He grunted while pulling the pillow over his head. The knocking only got more repetitive till he was forced to get up. What do you want? He muttered sleepily. "You have to pay rent now kid." The land lord yelled. Dan let out a huge sigh. Yeah, hold on... I got it. Just fell asleep is all. He went back to his bedroom and fished out the money in his wallet. Slipping it under the door and heading back to bed for more action.
Kurak stared in awe. Only one strike and it broke that guy's bones - almost as if a human was made out of metal, or if a machine could think. Kurak scratched his head in confusion.

"I wonder how strong it can be..." He muttered. "Let me fight him," he said, turnig around to the clerk, which then sneaked a glance at Kurak, scanning him top to bottom.

"We won't be responsible for any breakage mind you" he said, pointing to the guy whom was just in the arena with the machine human.

"Yeah, I'll be alright"

"Go to the very bottom, that's where the pit is at."
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Oh come on, Ty was doing so good! I need to go back. Dan said in an exhausted and hurried voice. He shut his eyes, wanting his mind to drift off so he can be Ty again.

Cogs and Gears start shaking into motion again. Yellow eyes appear once more as it seems he is being called to the sand for his next friend. Standing in the ring was a large creature, even bigger than him. OOO, big friend! He said as the small gears in his voice box clicked. With each step it created massive thuds as though he weighed tons. Ty greet lots for other self! He waited for the bell to ring.

Kurak jumped a bit, the strange glow in his eyes appeared like it was magic, yet there was something mechanical about it. The strange clicking also sets him on edge.

"I don't know what you are but you got me real excited!" Kurak yelled before launching at it with his father's two handed sword.

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With a resounding clang of metal hitting metal a hollow sound echoed within. It is nice to meet you too! He said as he took the hit. He brought up his arm balling his hand into a fist to bring down on the large orc. Lovely day today, especially for greetings like now The Orc shifted out of the area of the hit and the fist came down on the ground making sand fly in the air. Ty looked back up at the orc seeing he will have a good greeting match. His eyes changed from a yellow to a bright green. large friend says hello well He got back up for the next round of blows to one another.
Kurak lunges back to regather himself, utilising the sand to aid his escape.

"Friends? Ha! You do speak well for a machine!"

Kurak tries the same attack again, aiming at the machine's right arm this time.

As the fighter used the large sword in his grasp, Ty stood there to see how his attack would amaze those who are watching. With great accuracy the sword went right into the area that connects the shoulder to the arm pieces only to exit the other side. Ty looks down at his arm and tries to move it around but the sword is jamming the movement. Thank you, I learn from meeting people. They call me monster which must be nickname for friend. So hello monster. He lunges is other arm out and grabs the orcs arm holding the sword and pulls him closer in. Ty hug He says as he reaches around his fighters back and squeezes. For normal fighters like the man before they would normally have fainted by the squeeze but with a lousy one armed grapple and the large orc's muscles this is not the case. You very nice to talk long! Most people sleep now
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"Argh..." The monsterous strenght of this machine's grasps restricted Kurak's movement. It is as if an iron coffin surrounded him, not allowing him to escape it's grasps.

"You..." Kurak voice trailed off, and before he blacks out he looked down on the machine's metallic shoulders - seeing the letters 'TY'.

"Ty huh, is that your name?"
He managed to cough up. "You're one interesting bastar..." Kurak passed out before being able to finish his sentence.

The soft glow of the sun hitting Sean's eyes jolted him awake, and without hesitation, he begins to write down exactly what happened in his dream.

"What was that Kur... Damn it, what was it..." He talked to himself frantically. He flicks back and forward through his dream diary, occasionally mumbling to himself. "Kur...ak? Yes! That's it!" He quickly writes it down into his journal, soon noticing how he is able to remember more of this strange reoccurring dream.

After a few more moments of going through notes, Sean glances up at the clock which displayed '9:15am'.

"Crap, I'm late again..."
Seeing the large orc slump from the hug, Ty released him. You good, very smart too. The men came out and grabbed his newly found friend and dragged him out of the ring. Ty looked down at his arm again and his eyes turned purple. Oh, friend forgot stick. He ran after them to the resting area for losing parties. He stood next to the bed side of the orc and then suddenly collapsed against the wall making it crack with the raw force.

An alarm was going off on his phone. Ugh, why now? I don't want to go to class. A smile crept up his face which doesn't happen often. Nice job Ty. Looks like you found yourself a nice buddy. Guess I should try to do the same for you. Dan got out of bed sluggishly. He knew he wouldn't get back to sleep now and he should let his other half sleep for a while. Not sure if one side or the other is real. They both might as well be. It makes it less lonely that way. He grabs his needs like a bus pass and keys and heads out to campus. Walking past the buildings for art and literature, Physics and Mathematics, he enters the Chemistry department for his next class. Looking down at the lecutre hall there were many others seated. Just like always, just another small part of a bigger system. He took a seat towards the back.
Olivier wiped the sweat off from his brow with his forearm. He had worked well off through the night once again and hadn't really stopped for breaks after a long day of looking after the apothecary shop and filling of the villagers' prescriptions and helping with their ailments. He was so close to a breakthrough, it seemed to him, that he couldn't stop. It would be a miracle if he found a cure to the curse that was such a pain to live with.

"D-damn the Gods!" He bellowed after a coughing fit as he waved the smoke caused from the small explosion. Olivier knew that he shouldn't have added those two plants he had long forgotten the names of; he just added it in, not thinking too much of it for he was a more than a bit tired to care. He banged his fists on the work table, hissing slightly at the sting from slamming his flesh down on the pieces of broken glass. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from getting too worked up. It was best if he kept his calm.

And just to think I was getting somewhere. I should bandage these up...
He thought as he examined the wounds on his hands and the scratches from flying shattered glass on his forearms from protecting his face from injury. He sighed, grabbed the lantern, and walked over to the stairs, stopping to take a look at the calendar before heading up to exit the dimly lit basement he was in.

He turned off the lantern as he walked up the stairs and into the shop. It was a quaint shop, cluttered with medicines, herbs, and the like. The first floor was the shop, the second was his home, and the basement was where he did his experiments. He locked the door to the basement, pocketing his key. Olivier looked around with squinted eyes, it was brighter than he remembered leaving it. It was day once again, and once more he pulled an all-nighter. It didn't bother him that he didn't sleep much. Aside from nightmares of his past, he also had rather unpleasant dreams of a man, who was unproductive and who Olivier found very annoying, in a world far more advanced than the world Olivier lived in. Staying up all night was better than watching a man who was throwing his life away instead of living for the future.

Placing the closed lantern on the counter, Olivier made his way up the stairs. Hopefully his nap would be a quiet one.

Sunlight peeked through the windows, filling the room and landing on a small figure sitting in the middle of the room.

The dark haired female muttered words under her breath, eyes closed as she chanted.

It was a protection spell, to keep her 'scent' hid away.

She's had some...not so friendly people on her trail, searching for her, ripping through towns.

I guess some people aren't big fan of witches...

A small sigh escaped her lips, icy-silver gaze flicking open.

" Angelica! Thats what I need! " She mused to herself, climbing to her feet.

Who ever said you can't get enough protection?

Angelica is a type of herb that can help with protection, which was needed for that current situation.

There's an Apothecary near the inn right..?

She hummed slightly and went to the wardrobe, pulling on a black cloak over her silver dress, pulling the hood up.

While I'm there, I might as well get more herbs..

Accacia quietly left her room, gliding down the stairs, making way for the Inn exit.

She pressed a hand to the door and shouldered it open, the light outside nearly blinding her.

Accacia winced slightly, reeling back slightly.

After a few quick moments of recovering, she blinked, her gaze sweeping across the area, searching for the Apothecary.


Accacia found the building she was seeking, heading towards it with her wicker basket swinging from her arm.

Hopefully its open..

The young witch entered the Apothecary, oblivious to the man climbing up the stairs.

" Hello..? " She said, peeking at all the medicines and herbs.

A soft groan left Olivier as he almost reached the top landing of the stairs when he heard the bell above the door ring and a woman's voice. The Gods must hate me for I have forgotten to lock the most important of doors... He thought disgruntledly, the thought of a nap seemed more appealing by the second. It would just have to wait since the villagers come first and then sleep. The joys of being the town apothecary!

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he ran a hand through his mess of black hair and looked at who entered the shop. It was a young woman, he assumed from the sound of her voice, he couldn't really see her with her hood up, and she was looking at the collection of medicines and herbs.

"Hello there, are you looking for anything in particular?" He asked as he walked out from behind the counter and took a few steps closer to the lady. His blue eyes slightly narrowed, focusing on her a bit. There was something about her, something off, it seemed. He couldn't tell right off the bat, but she was masking something. There were some mythical beings that tried to mask their scent or appearance, even. He just hoped she wasn't a vampire since he didn't take kindly to vampires. If there was anything worse than the disease of lycanthropy, it was vampirism in his eyes.
(whoa, look at how active you guys got while I was sleeping! Haha)

Elisa sniffed the air and smiled. A coastal village, how lovely. And rather quaint too. She made her way down the streets, looking around at the buildings, the flowers, the people. The entire town was waking up, and now that she was awake too the dreams of that other distant world seemed nearly forgotten. She curiously tried peeking through some windows, to see how the people here lived. In her wandering life she had stayed in places so shortly that she hardly knew how the life of those who settled down somewhere was. Maybe all these impressions in the small village were getting too much for her, because she felt an odd sudden dizziness overcame her. A loud, annoying noise she could not place seemed to buzz through her head, thumping to the inside of her skull. The dizziness and the headache became worse and worse, blurring her vision. From the corner of her eye she spotted an apothecary. Just what she needed! She hurried over to it and walked inside, the small bell tingling.

"Excuse me, do you happen to have something against headaches?" she asked, not spotting the other woman in the room. "I feel as though I am about to pa-..." Her vision faded to black, and she slumped down on the floor.



Shane sleepily opened her eyes to the sound of her alarm. With only ten minutes left to catch her bus if she wanted to arrive at college in time, she jumped out of her bed, pulled a sweater over her head and a beanie over her messy hair. She put on her glasses and quickly grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on her table. She'd have proper breakfast at school. Again. She rushed out of her apartment and ran to the bus to see it arriving moments before she had crossed the street between herself and the bus stop. She ran across the street, and jumped on the bus, taking her usual spot near the left-side window in the far back. She reached her stop fifteen minutes later and walked the usual route. Under the bridge, towards the traffic light that always seemed to be red much longer than necessary, and only green for just long enough for one person to cross the street if they weren't running. One person, or the usual pack of students waiting and crossing at the same time. Every day it was the same routine. Some people crossed when the light was still red and there was no traffic to be seen. Others, like her, waited for the tiny man to turn green and start flashing just as they were halfway across the second part of the street. Shane walked without even thinking, the sound of her hard soles ticking on the street and on the flight of stairs towards the lecture room. Psychology. Not a dull class, but a bother when one still felt so incredibly tired. She slumped down on one of the seats and pulled a pen and notebook out of her backpack, as well as her book. She flipped to the page where they and left off last time and put it down in front of her, starting to sleepily doodle in her notebook. Strange doodles of the things she thought to have seen in her dreams.
Jason mumbled to himself as he stood in front of the rows of books, running his fingers over the many spines of the books. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with digitized books, however, he preferred the smell of paper and the feeling of actually turning the pages. There was something comforting about it.

He found the spot he was looking for and pulled the books aside to slot the one he was holding into the space. He'd been using his free time to study up on dreams, though he hadn't found anything concrete though. He did find that Demon's, such as the one he dreamed of, were a symbol of repressed emotions. Supposedly, it meant wanting to change one's personality.

Frankly, the way the Fox acted in his dreams was embarrassing. He was always in the center of things. He tapped the books and headed back to the front desk. It was a slow day today. He yawned slightly and rested his head on his arms. A few minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt.


"What a boring kid" Vali yawned as he slowly came awake, trying to figure out what was the point of his dreams. Staying inside a place full of books, how boring. He sighed and looked around, something had awoken him, some sort of commotion near by. He grinned and hopped down from the roof he'd been sleeping on and headed into the store. An Apothecary. Due to the medicinal smells, it kept other creatures away from him while he slept, birds and other small creatures tended to flock to him. It was due to his animal spirit, a kind of kindred brotherhood between animals made them feel safe around him.

He sniffed the air and frowned slightly. Someone was using a particularly powerful magic to block off their scent. Most animals wouldn't notice, but he was a trickster demon, illusions and hiding were his forte. Besides, most people tried to erase how they smelled or looked, yet they forgot to replace what they are erasing. Sure, people couldn't find what they were looking for, but if you knew to look for what wasn't there, you'd be able to find anyone.

Vali noticed what had woken up. Some elf girl had passed out "Might want to find a way to cut back on the heavy smelling herbs" he said chuckling "Making people pass out is bad for business" his face was split into a grin 'Unless you are a thief of course' he thought, his tail flicking back and forth with amusement. He stepped over to the elf and looked her over. You could find out a lot about people by just observing how they dressed.

The two other people in the room where obvious enough. Both seemed to have secrets, the girl was certainly dressed for it, and the guy? Well, he worked at an Apothecary, it was almost guaranteed he had something to hide. One didn't know how to use herbs, magical or otherwise, without some sort of interesting background.

Underneath the smell of herbs and other such strong smelling objects, he could have sworn he could smell a dog. He shrugged and turned back towards the elf, touching her forehead. She didn't feel or smell sick. Frowning, he remembered something from one of his dreams. Not all illnesses were immediately known. Maybe the elf had been in battle and had taken a strong blow to the head.

This was certainly a job for those who practiced the medicinal arts.

@marorda @The Sparrow @dorkling

Accacia heard a barely audible groan, then footsteps making way downstairs.

Accacia pretended she didn't acknowledge his presence yet, running a finger along a herb before sniffing it, sneezing slightly.

The young women could hear a mans voice ring throughout the room, turning towards it.

Indeed a man. A young man to be exact, dark (( or is it dirty blonde..?)) curly hair framing his face, grey-blue eyes piercing her. He sure was taller than her, nearly everyone one was taller than her..

Another thing she was sure about, was, he wasn't a bad looking guy. Quite attractive actually

She wouldn't comment anything about it though, she's not really a flirty person.

" Do you have any Angelica? " She asked in response to his question, eyeing his feet as he moved closer.

And, possibly Anise, Bay Laurel, Bay Leaves, Beton- " She was cut off when another female burst through the room, requesting something for a headache before passing out.

Well then..

Accacia tapped her chin and neared the girl a bit, kneeling beside her.

Maybe I can wake her up somehow..

And then, another figure stepped in, cracking a joke about the herbs.

A....fox demon?

@marorda @The Sparrow @Seraph Darkfire
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A small smirk ran across Olivier's lips for a brief moment as he watched the woman pick up a piece of asafoetida, which in turn caused her to sneeze. Though he kept his distance from her, when she turned to look at him, he saw that she was also beautiful with her eyes of icy silver and long lashes. She also probably had black hair from the looks of it underneath that hood of hers, probably not a mess like Olivier's black curls.

He listened to her request and nodded at the ones he did have. Olivier was paying such close attention to the list the dark-haired woman needed, he didn't even notice the other woman entering the shop and had suddenly dropped. Then there was another person that entered as well.

The exciting life of a being the town apothecary! He thought bitterly and then remembered of his cuts on his forearms and the stinging light lacerations on the sides of his hands from earlier. He pulled down the sleeves of his black dress shirt to make him look more presentable. Olivier turned his attention to the man who just entered. Interesting... There wasn't anything interesting about beings of different races entering his apothecary shop, this was a mythical world after all, but the man wasn't your normal everyday mythical being, which could be a good or bad thing.

Olivier smiled slightly at the man's remark. "You've got a point..." He mumbled before he went to kneel on the other side of the passed out elf with chestnut brown hair. Olivier took her wrist in his hand and put his index and middle fingers to her wrist to check for a pulse, which was steady. Olivier was no doctor, but from the looks of it, the girl must have passed out from exhaustion, which Olivier was about to do from all the sudden influx of customers.

Olivier picked the elf girl up from off the hard wooden floor and into his arms and walked over to the couch, placing her gently on it. He walked over to the two other people in the shop. "I'm going to make her some tea, she's probably going to want some for her headache when she wakes up. I'll only be a moment." He said, looking at the two with a slight wary look before walking over to a shelf to grab some butterbur and heading off to the back room.

@dorkling @Seraph Darkfire @marorda
Dan just sat there in his chemistry class. It was taught by a dull teacher in a monotone voice which he was sure anyone would hate. As much as he tried, he could not just sleep in the lecture hall this time. Great, now what am I going to do for an hour? It's not like I'm passing this class anyway. He debated whether to leave early and just take a walk on campus. Go to the library or just find a tree to sit at till his next class if he decided it was worth it. He got up quickly and briskly left the building. Not like anyone is going to stop me. He muttered under his breath.

It was a reasonable day outside. The sun was shining and there were people walking to and from classes. Eh, guess it doesn't really matter where I chill. I'll do the Ty thing and stay outside. He found a nice tree in between the Psychology and Physics buildings and just sat down staring at the sky. He was in no way tired this morning. That fight Ty had was pretty neat and it had set Dan up with the ability to deal with the day a little more than he usually likes. Meh, I got about 2 hours before my next class. I did forget to do the homework though. Whatever, not like I was going to do it anyway. He wasn't sure what to do right now. The bars are closed right now and he had no friends to hang out with at the current time. Why couldn't I be born in another world? Things would have been better.
Nikki had somehow found her way to a village in her random travels, looking around and observing the people there.

"Interesting people, here." She looked around, wondering if she should get supplies or find a job first, seeing as she was serving as a wandering mercenary during her time here, outside of the Realm. She had forgone that legendary cloak of hers for that very reason, since there were some angels and demons hiding among the normal people, maybe even some undead. Then again, that last bit was unlikely; the Underworld was currently hostile to everybody, and Nikki wanted to guess that was the cause behind the weird zombie shows she saw in her dream.

As Nikki walked along, she felt the gradual sluggishness that signaled her dream self's awakening. With a sigh, she continued on her trek and fought off the drowsiness until she reached a small bunch of trees just outside the village; setting down her pack and her spear--which was covered by a brown cloth as she hauled it around, balanced on her shoulder-- and rolling out a cot. She laid down and closed her eyes, and felt herself immediately drifting into the dream world.

Karma slowly opened her eyes--thankfully not to the blaring of an alarm--and looked around her cluttered mess of a room.
"Urgh, morning already? But I was dreaming.." With a groan of protest, Karma sat up, knowing that she had a lot of drawing to do today. She slowly got out of bed, sadly leaving the warm and comfy mass of blankets, and shuffled into her kitchen to start her coffee. While that was going on, she continued her zombie-walk into the bathroom to take her shower.

After her morning routine, Karma was feeling much more awake and as she ate scrambled eggs she sketched lightly on a sheet of paper, planning that day's page. When she finished her food, she sat the plate and fork in the sink and migrated to her computer, and got on with that day's work, hoping that if she got it all done she'd be able to sleep and return to that other world that she had come to love. She was still sure that
this was the real world, but she found herself wishing it wasn't.
Rushing out of his front door, with a flask of hot coffee in hand, slamming the door shit behind him. Sean frantically unlocks the door of his rather beaten and worn down car, putting it in reverse gear before realising that he did not lock his front door, due to the rush. He hurries back to the door to lock it, grumbling every step of his small walk back to his door, then does a half walk, half run back to his car.

Unfortunately, the creaks and squeaks that the engine meagerly made signaled Sean that his age-old car has finally give in to it's various battle wounds, like that one time he bumped into the back of another car while trying to park, and when he accidentally went to far into a parking spot, scratching his bumper on the railing that separates the parking lot and the main road.

Sean immediately gets out of the car and runs to the nearest bus stop, then proceeded to take the 25 minute ride down close to the campus. He sprinted out of the bus' doors and then bolted towards the campus towards the psychology department, as that was the first lecture that he had to do. Thankfully, his first lecture starts at 10:00 that day, leaving him a little bit of time to prepare the class. He noticed a particular girl with red-ish purple-ish hair, her eyes glowed blue and brilliant, so clear that you could mistake it for a gem if you stared into them for too long, he paid no mind though - he was too much in a hurry to worry about such things.

As he approached the building he was looking for, he noticed a rather quaint looking man laying underneath the shade of an old oak tree; no, rather, Sean felt a very strange nostalgic feeling when seeing him, as though they've actually met somewhere before, the scar on his cheek gave him a frightening look. Even though Sean began to approach the him on instinct, Sean decides to let the man be - he was close to being late himself anyways. He begins to walk towards the door of the psychology building.

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