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Fantasy Living the Dream

"Pleased to meet you, Feleana," Elisa smiled. "Ty almost got my name correct. The name's Elisa. Wandering bard and occasional adventurer."

She thought about Vali's words for a moment. "Judging from what I've heard as of now, all of us here are experiencing the same off kind of dreams. So I'd say Ty is right. We all have a different person of our own. Mine's named... Shanna? No wait... Shane. That's it. She keeps a journal of the things I'm doing here, because in this other world, we are the dream. At least, that's what I think..." Something really, really odd was going on. She held her head for a moment and sighed. someone had told her something, she knew it. And it had something to do with what was going on here. But her memories were... shadowy? Was that the right word? At least it came close.

(sorry guys! I was kinda busy... and I forgot to reply here. I'll continue my clean-up, since I heard nothing anymore of some. So... less characters left.)
"That was no clank sound, it was a mewl" Nynd tilts his head to smokey whom had put his head between his paws against the surprise cold, Nynd then glanced up towards Feleana nodding towards her slightly but not offering a reply. "My dream, or the reality... whatever it may be is named 'Johan', he is a craftsman of a kind.." Nynd turned his attention back to Smokey, whom was still nesting his head between his paws with his tail curled around himself. Nynd gently reached out a hand, tracing his fingers softly down the small kittens back in small gentle movements.
"The design would have to be shuffled around a bit, yeah. Do you have a blueprint somewhere? I can show you the changes I need to make." Studying the architect, Luke was glad he'd been able to dodge the question. Lying wasn't really his strong suit. Hopefully the architect-No, Alistair, wouldn't be annoyed about that. Some people were incredibly oversensitive when it came to their designs.

"Er...." Alistair fumbled a bit in his desk drawers, searching for it, and brushing a pencil sharpener and a health vial out of the way. Wait, what? He blinked. It was a souvenir dog figurine he'd got somewhere. Not a health vial. He picked up the blueprint and put in on the desk in front of Luke.
"Thanks." Luke studied the parchmen- parchment? Paper. Luke studied the paper, making the occasional "Hm" noise. "See, this part here," he started, pointing at the floor under the hot tub, "This part needs to either be thickened, or supported from below. Also, how were you thinking of running pipes to it? Through the floor?" Luke studied the diagram again, poring over it, trying to support anything else that needed changing.

Alistair studied it, and nodded.

"If you cast a shroud spell, it would be hidden and still look attractive." He noted to himself out loud. Then he realised what he'd said. A shroud spell?

"Sorry," he said quickly. "Seems like I'm getting odd ideas from my somewhat bizarre dreams." He chuckled.

"Just go ahead and thicken it."

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"Dan use long stick and other tools to get messes away. He work late into night but like it." Ty wasn't sure what the job was called but it kinda reminded him of his past where he scavenged around the ruins of the town he woke up in. "Dan be late for work if he no wake up. He get.... Greeted to hard before I wake up." He dwelled during the pause at the word greeting. He could have sworn there was another word people used for it but it was lost to him.
"Sure, I will do. and don't worry, you're not the only one with weird dreams. Personally, I think it's just sleep deprivation getting to me. Maybe trying to tell me to sleep more." Luke thickened the wall, talking a rubber (eraser) out of his pocket and erasing the light markings of the the one he'd drawn over.

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Nodding to those who greeted, Feleana continued. "Mines called....Veya.? No! Vera. That's it. I'm pretty sure she's a student or scholar of some kind though I don't know what she's studying. But...how could we possibly be the dream?" The concept baffled the Tigran, though before anything else could have been said, her vision dimmed a bit. Swaying upon her feet, Fel’s tail swung wide arcs, fighting to keep herself upright. Grasping into Ty, she hissed to no one in particular "Damn it....I think she's beginning to wake up."
Ty scooped up Fel as she was hanging on to him. "No worries. I carry you around. If see Dan in alley on ground say HI!" Ty then proceeded to rock Fel back and forth like he had seen mothers do to newborn children. Turning to the group now "anyone else want rocking?"

Alistair chuckled.

"It's not quite like normal, though." He said. "My dreams are really, and I mean really, vivid, as bizarre as they are. Earlier I dreamt I was a fairy who wanted parsley, and went to town to get some." He smiled. "Perhaps I should see a psychiatrist." he said, with another chuckle.

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"Now, why would a fairy want parsley?" Luke looked up from his work, grinning at him. "I seem to remember a fairy in my dream too. I just wanted to earn money in it though, heh. I can relate to that." Looking back down at the schematic, Luke grinned, silently trying to figure out why Alistair was telling him all this.

Alistair did a quick examination of the diagram, and nodded. "Seems a big coincidence, that we both had dreams about fairies." He said, with a laugh. Part of him was confused, but maybe Luke was just joking about the fairy. He remembered a few people who were looking to earn money in his dream, but he decided not to mention it.

"How could it be anything but a coincidence? Lately I have been more tired though- I guess what they say is true, vivid dreams do take alot out of you." Finishing up with his modifications to the diagram, Luke passed it over to Alistair. "All done, and with no shroud spell to boot. What do you think?" The diagram looked similar, but now pipes ran through a thickened wall and floor, add several new numbers were marked in to show how the balcony wound have to be modified.

"It looks great!" Alistair said, unfocused. "You said you were more tired recently?" He asked, a slightly confused curious expression forming on his face. He had been feeling the exact same thing. That made him wonder... What if it was actually possible to be in the same dream? Was reality a dream, and a dream reality?

Wait, that didn't make sense. Shut up, brain, he thought.

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